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My war philosophy

. I do not speak against the government for it is not needed. If the government

infringes upon our unalienable rights and if it does it is the people’s responsibility and

right to alter or replace it. While it is corrupt it has not yet done this, yet I aim to make

my contribution to alter it. What is needed for that is this.

War and the military should be coexistent because one was made for the other. There

is no excuse for poverty and waste of life in this country when there is conflict. Direct

or indirect one should be striving to help their land instead of sucking off the better

like parasites. They should strive to be part of the military and see it as honor like in

the days of old. Sparta was the ideal civilization that lived and thrived on the idea of

war. If it were to have been a democracy it would have remained a superpower.

Imprisoned should not be put to death but sent away or made to work. Feed them to

the dogs or use them as cannon fodder. Everything exists for a purpose and is part of a

balance. Just as war if not to keep our own population in check as I believe then it

should be a more glorious prospect. If death is unavoidable is it not better to die with

a purpose or for a cause, then to die alone, in pain, and with worry. This country is

filled with taint and soiled with corruption. I do not preach the cleansing but that the

only way to save humanity is to destroy what we know. To adopt a new way of

thinking is to show advancement. Erase the assumption that service is for the lowest

bidder and to take up arms for a cause. War is not wrong if it is done for the sake of

preserving live though to remember that life is not ours to take is when entering it.

War is morally wrong but scientifically and theologically necessary to humans. When

families are killed and children slaughtered. Women raped, hospitals, burned, places

of worship destroyed war is the most horrific sin imaginable. When one religion fights

another and blood is spilt is it not a sin for any religious scripture says that blood must
be spilt but an understanding must be made. The fear of difference is belligerence at

best for we all bleed the same blood and all pray to the same thing or nothing at all.

We know not which one of us is right so we should tolerate everything. Communism

must be embraced at arms length in order for a peace to be made because in this world

structure its work together or genocide. The essential change and adaption of every

time requires the death of the present. That the tree of liberty must be watered with

the blood of patriots is a time of change. However the tree only grows when watered

with the blood of tyrants. It has been watered to the point of drowning so now we

have to wait. Liberty has not grown so we should change to tyrant blood. The blood of

dictators and terrorist should be saved and used to keep our patriots and families safe.

Fertilize it with degenerates, the corrupted, the fascist and racist anywhere on the

globe. This is how civilizations grow corrupt by sacrificing the patriot, the Quaker,

the child to the fires of tyrannical rule. We have formed a society where the poor and

the average will stay there and the rich will remain feeding on our suffering. At some

point in history civilizations changed from honor and courage to corruptions and caste

systems. When a country becomes unworthy of its military it becomes the military’s

decision to separate or take control. Even with its greatness I believe our military

should not be in control for long because in the end it is a radical thinking machine. It

is its own being that should remain with a separate head because of the multiple parts

it is made of. Each one would make sure to have their own branch dominate or

become precedence over the others. Unless run by a tribunal made of all the branches

it would quickly turn into a self-destructive force. Our place is not to support the weak

and lazy, the ones who leech off of our taxes because they are not looking hard

enough for work. While some are unqualified by military standards and have no

options, others will not attempt to pursue the honor of service simply because of
conflicting beliefs. Militarism is the final solution of today’s troubles but of

tomorrows may be the cause of it. War is made to serve an end goal and to bring

unification eventually but not forever. War is built into human nature and utopia is

unrealistic, for it is also human nature to be completely evil and create a dystopia. The

balance isn’t black and white as we may hope. There will always be an imbalance to

us as we perceive a balance but to time and space it is a balance. In all philosophies of

war and categories it is usually towards a goal. The goal I see war as achieving is

population control in its purest form and a secondary purpose decided by man. In Von

Clausewitz’s theory war is a tool of the state. In religion it is seen as a tool for the

second coming of Christ or messiah. Cataclysmic is the last of the common three

ideas it is seen as a bane on humanity. My idea is of war as multifunctional and

needed. We as humans should cast away some of which makes us human and become

analytical and see the usefulness of war. Humans are destructive and we should be

contained. I’ am not agreeing with murder of killing but this is what I see as the

natural need for war. We confront each other and conflict is raised. We are meant to

expand and evolve war is there to drive us to evolve so that we may survive. War

should not be glorified or romanticized but respected and the ones who engage in it

honored and treated with gratefulness. Service members are today’s warriors and like

in the old days of Sparta and the Roman Empire should be respected. War is a

tradeshow of evolutionary advancement and will eventually lead to one world

unification by the victor. That is the outcome of an imbalanced system with

unification comes a more fragile balance. As a balanced system the opposing forces

are continuing to evolve for existence. Always evolving and always expanding in an

imbalanced system there is no need to evolve the units become complacent and rusty.

If there is no evolution a small ripple will distract from maintaining the system and it
will fall. The military is a perfect machine its own society and culture always

evolving yet constantly in imbalance and balance symbiosis. War is the military’s

game and it is like a child that plays a lot. War inevitably is a way to evolve in leaps

for human as a whole but for nations and the people who fight in them it is a way of

life. It consumes some of its players because it is like a drug to them and they can not

get enough. To meld oneself into the collective of the military is to join a separate

nation from that military’s country. It is its own country its own being its own system.

Within the seams it is a micro system that allows us to see what we might be doing in

our own slot of the bigger system of nature. But to be one of those that go into the

battle and fight against their own kind is to be among the few that wish to be more

advanced then the regular cogs of a nation. There is a special bond between those who

fight on another’s soil and pour the blood of another. They grow closer with their

comrades and begin to understand their prey. Until eventually it is like they will read

each other’s mind and it will become a somber but mutual entertainment. However

the rush of battle will always flow through them but it will dull and they will require

more and more until it destroys them in some way. The feeling will always stay with

them in their fingers. Soldiers who have held a rifle or a sword and seen the atrocities

and felt the rush of war it separate us from the ones who protest war blindly, and send

us in without hesitation or the lowest bidders who make our tools.

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