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The Four Levels

of the Heart
by Lakar
We wanted to, as we mentioned in the last class, begin to lead you thru the
different levels or areas of the heart center. And we have asked for the
candles to be provided: We would like to ask for one thing,
We would like for all of you to take your candles, put them a bit before you so
it forms pretty much of a circle. It doesn’t have to be exact but it is ok if it’s a
bit away from you, but follow where your candle is so that when you are
doing the meditation you can observe your particular flame amongst the
group of flames.
Alright, first of all, before we really lead you more directly in to the heart
center, we want to talk very briefly about the heart center. When you’re
trying to make any of the ideas or the information in a course such as like
this – applicable in your life, you’re going to always have to begin with the
heart center. If you want to access your true personal will, for example: it’s a
very very significant area, we believe, to begin for example by working into
the solar plexus or down in to the area around the naval and so on, which has
become more fashionable. That is very appropriate in a sense, but the key to
really accessing your personal will is to access it thru the heart center to get
to that area even if you are working with the solar plexus.
We have a very strong feeling that you’ll need to access any of your energy
centers thru the heart to be able to truly work with them in more than just a
superficial manner. Alright. Now we have basically four levels to the heart
center that we talk about. We’re going to begin by leading you into a sense, or
hopefully a bit of an experience, as far as the first level.
What we want to ask for you all to do is to be sitting where you are right now
and just have your gaze at this point to the candle that you’ve put into the
circle before you. Alright. Make sure that you are comfortable, you don’t want
to worry to much about is this aligned with that, or am I sitting appropriately
in the chair, just get yourselves comfortable, whether you’re on a chair or on
the floor, and
Begin to draw a line of connection between yourself and the candle. If you
remember in last week’s class we had talked about the Light. Now the light
that we’re speaking about is discovered within the third level of the heart
center, or is made manifest within the third level of the heart center.
So in a sense what you want to think of in terms of an imaging process is that
the Light that you’re going to be working with is going to be a light that is
illuminating from within and deeper within than the level that you are
initially beginning with. So it’s sort of the Light, or the Flame in a sense
behind what the Light of Clarity that you are able to work with. Now what
you want to do is you want to be able to look at the flame, draw a line of
connection between yourself ad the flame and then very gently, and at your
own pace, close your eyes and try to maintain the image of the flame, or the
light within yourself. And what you want to do is this. You are trying to
image the flame, very much, within what you might think of as the chest area
of the heart center. And, anytime, in this beginning portion, if you begin to
loose sight of the flame, or the light, you simply open your eyes, re-image the
light, and
then gently draw your eyes closed again. So it’s a way that you can always
have a sort of reference to bring you back to the Light that we’re trying to
then work with within. Alright. So we do want to suggest however, that for
real benefit of any type of meditation like this, it is far far better or most
recommended, that you do have your eyes closed during most of the
mediation, because it’s a meditation taking you within. If your eyes are open,
its not just energies moving thru your eyes to be able to see, its that your
energy actually is moving towards that which you are perceiving, even if its
not your intention. When you close your eyes, that energy of the seeing, and it
is a vision, it’s a visionary energy, that energy you can then utilize inside.
Its not that you’re trying to worry about any ounce of energy leaving, it’s the
quality, it’s the nature, of the energy that you’re trying to then direct within.
Alright. So we want you all to sort of just gaze for a moment into the flame,
until you feel comfortable and try to draw a true line of connection, where you
can begin to feel the resonance between that flame, and the within yourself.
You’re investing something of yourself into the flame, and the flame is
investing its life within you. So it’s not to be taken as a one way sort of a
movement. It’s both ways. And that’s important.
Alright. When you’re working with the first level of the heart center, we’re
hoping that all of your eyes are closed. This is the level that we call the level
of Feeling and Affectation. Now there are some of you that have heard these
terms before but we’re going to attempt to illuminate this is in a more
significant way. Feeling and affectation as we have mentioned in the past,
this is probably the level of the heart center that is most frequently accessed
and experienced and actually becomes much more of a wresting match during
the course of ones years than a source of strength and direction, and of course
it shouldn’t be that way but that is what is usually the case in your culture at
this time. When you have an understanding that in the age that you’re
working into now, that you’re really already in Even though it may seem
more officially it’s approaching. It is really a time in which the energies in the
world around you, the immediate world around you and beyond that are
directly hitting and resonating with the heart center. This is going to cause
quite a lot of activity and sort of flux, not just in your own life, but also in the
human community on your planet as a whole. Because its not a situation that
throughout history that the heart center has never been activated or sent into
a really full and beautiful motion, its rather that at this time that the heart
center is being directly worked on in terms of the energy and is being evolved
to another stage of operation. That is something that in order to really be
able to experience gracefully and in a very beautiful way, you have to work in
this time right now in your lives on clearing opening more fully and being
able to gain strength and enjoyment out of your heart center. If it doesn’t
happen that way what you will probably find is that the change in terms of
the energy working on the heart center will probably give people ill health,
rather than good health. You see. Because you’re working in a situation
where if m ore and more energy is being focused in terms of the functioning of
this as an energy center and it’s a very blocked energy center, it actually can
increase the level of tension, rather than let it go. So when you begin, and all
you have to do, its not as if you have to do this wonderful full clearing, all you
have to do is reverse the direction that your moving in your life so that
you’re moving towards that opening, towards that clearing. When that’s the
case, the energy that’s coming in will further the process, you see, so its not a
situation in which you all have to become fully evolved and enlightened
beings with a transmutation in the heart center, in order to get through this
age. What’s most important is the focus, the direction that your energies are
moving in terms of the heart center.
Now, In terms of the Feeling and Affectation You actually, on an individual
basis, determine the level and the type of feeling that you will be capable, or
that you are in any moment capable of experiencing. Let alone expressing
outwardly to others. And you determine this level of feeling through the heart
center. The first level of feeling and affectation is a level in which you feel all
those different feelings that are very close to you. The feelings of the heart.
Whether they be feelings of immense love, or feelings of immense sorrow. It’s
the feelings that are very very close to you. Even thought its understood that
the solar plexus becomes the seat of emotions very much tied to the mental
plane, the emotions that the solar plexus is capable of harnessing or
registering are actually determined by the heart center. So if you have a
situation in your culture, where you’re trying to remove blockages lets say for
example in the solar plexus, and you’re releasing all of this very difficult
emotional struggle that you’re dealing with. What you’ll find is that it will
return, if that’s all the main focus is on is clearing that tenseness and that
anxiety in the solar plexus. Because where the emotion is drawn from and
where the spark of resonance to draw it into the solar plexus is taken from
has to originate from the heart. Because it’s through the Heart Center that
all of your senses are created and can be guided. That includes your senses of
touch. That includes your senses of hearing and taste and regardless of what
you might hear in terms of your scientific understanding of the way the
various sense operate through the system. We want to at least give you our
perception that their potential, their quality, and their power, is always
going... and their nature, is always going to be determined through the heart
center. And we’ll try to lead you to and understanding of really why that
would be the case. Now, what’s important to understand about the first level
of the heart center is that when you’re going through a life experience and
you’re really dealing with all these pent up emotions that in terms of dealing
with the way that others are treating you or that their not treating you. The
way that you cannot make things work in your life, all those feelings are
created through the heart center, initially, through a level of resonance. You
have a very clear understanding that even though you might have an idea
that an infant comes into this life expression with very much of what you
might want to think of as a clean slate. No two infants really have the same
personality, and the feelings that they move through can be clearly
distinguished between one or the other. Now what you’re going to understand
is this. Initially in your life experience, you begin to register feeling through
resonance. When something comes your way, when you have an experience of
an energy, your mental processes begin to access through the heart center to
a level of resonance with previous times, either in, usually its in some way
aligned into this lineage of your soul root. Although it can go beyond to other
lineages of the soul root. Now what that means in simple terms is this. From
a very early age, if someone is trying to show you love because they believe
very strongly
That that is their role and their function and the love is not truly felt, what it
begins to resonate with is that deception within the child even if the child is
not aware of it. It will begin to pull those emotions, pull those feelings forth
because what happens is this. When you are a child you’re going to resonate
only with what is most authentic because the mental processes haven’t taken
over to such a strong degree.
And as such you might even be smiling and be very happy in terms of what’s
happening but you’ll find other states of feeling creeping in, and this is of
course as a child. And that is because they’re being drawn in through this
resonance. In a more simple and direct way also to mention this is in your life
expression and your older in your life and you’re moving through lets say a
very difficult emotional relationship with someone that you love very much,
and there’s a great deal of sorrow and pain. You will feel that pain often
times far greater than it really deserves, in your mind. And the reason that
you’ll feel that pain or that emotion so strongly and so intensely is it will
resonate with the other times in your different life expressions in which you
had the similar experience of energy or that interaction of energy with
another person and then what you experience in this life expression becomes
almost then the culmination, sort of the building of all of them together. And
you say to yourself, you understand that in no way should this be happening
to you. You should absolutely not be so affected by such a simple act, or
action on another person’s part, and yet the feeling that you have to move
through, the experience is very profound, and is very deep.
And you begin to be at odds with yourself because you cannot shake the
emotions as if they function separate from your mental processes, and in that
degree they actually do.
So what you want to do is this: As you are sitting, and you’re now beginning
to hopefully, relax back a bit. The eyes closed, you want to take the eyes, even
though your eyes are closed, and begin to pear down. As if you’re trying to
look right into the heart center, and you don’t have to worry, you might
envision the heart center right before you, rather than right where the organ
of the heart is. But move your energy through the point of the eyes until you
feel that you’re beginning to focus in the area, or the space, that feels as
though it’s resonating with the heart center. And in particular with the
feeling that you are holding through the course of this day, in the heart
center. Alright. One moment, we would want to have everybody’s focusing
within. First of all, now that you’re moving into that space, one of the first
things that you want to begin to understand, is that one of the reasons that
you feel these feelings so intensely is that the energy of the heart center, is by
its very nature, going to be projecting forward. So the deeper levels from
which the flame actually then would be emanating its light from, are really
pushing, in a sense, for those energies in the upper levels to be moving, to
move through. Because its not just the light of the third level that’s
attempting to make its way into the, into the outside world, its what’s behind
the light also.
So you want to begin to sense within your heart center, that it isn’t static.
You’re not working with a program of feeling that you just have to walk with,
and somehow deal with. You’re dealing with a living being. That is
yourselves. And the very processes of your being do not rest, in terms of
static, or stagnation. There’s a motion, and the primary motion of the
heart center is outward.
Please take note of that line. It really is the case. The primary motion of the
heart center is outward. 18:45 You cannot take into the heart center before
you can move the four levels forward.
You can never really take anything in, not very deeply. Alright, the next
thing about this space, which hopefully you’re beginning to feel yourself
within a given space that’s within your system and then within the heart.
The next observation that we would like to bring to your awareness is that
actually there is a motion in the heart center, which is a spiraling. And the
spiraling motion, in terms of where you’re looking in terms of the first level in
the heart center, is a motion of spiraling downward. As it spirals downward,
it actually moves in on itself, as if a spiraling that is moving to a more of a
finer point of reference.
So you want to be able to get a sense that the actual motion that is coming
through to this level of the heart center is actually a motion that travels not
in a straight line, but through a spiraling process. Now that’s really going to
be important. If you really, any of you decide to pursue working in healing or
working with energy in more of any particular way.
The next thing you might want to notice about this level of the heart center is
that it lacks clarity in terms of image.
Feeling in this regard, in our perception, precedes the thought. And precedes
therefore, the image created by the thought. There’s a dual aspect of the
imaging process that we can go into another time, but for where you are right
now, you want to begin to understand that this is a level of feeling. Whatever
images you receive in terms of these feelings will initially be triggered by
your mental processes. What you can relate to in terms of your experiences in
this life. Not in terms of past lives, and not in terms of future vision and or
personal vision. It is going to be very much dictated in terms of image, how
the mind can associate that feeling with.
Another observation you want to make. As your moving through this center,
we want to begin to suggest that you begin to move around it. As if you’re
moving around the outskirts or the outer part of this region, because the next
thing we want you to begin to observe is that the space has a certain degree
of stillness underneath the feeling.
22:10 So that if you’re beginning to sense or to be able to feel that which is
within. You want to see if you can reach the stillness that’s below that, and
its still within that same level of the heart center.
When you’re trying to work with clearing of the heart center and you’re
trying to clear the first level, you must approach the actual point of stillness
within the first level, to be able to work a clearing. Otherwise what you’re
going to do is you’re going to create different combinations in a sense of the
energies within that first level. So that you juggle up you’re feelings a bit, but
you don’t get rid of them or you don’t transform them into really what you’re
trying to do or make happen.
23:20 The Next level of the heart center, we’ll call the level of the light and
dark In our perception, it’s a level of the heart center, which has been quite a
mystery for your people for quite a long time. The level of the light and dark
is the level where you work on a balancing.
Whether it’s a balancing of your various feelings, various energies that you
come into this life with. There’s a part of your nature, and that you draw to
yourself within this life expression and from beyond. So that what you’re
doing is you’re trying to not just create a balance within this level of the light
and dark, but you’re also trying to see what you align your energies with.
With as much clarity as possible. And take it actually closer to you. You see
usually within the human nature, when you’re working within the second
level of the heart center and you begin to sense this sort of “balancing
mechanism’. It feels more like a wrestling or a battle, than an actual
harmonious system of balancing. And as such there’s an inclination in the
human nature, in our perception, to move that energy away from you. So, in
terms of this second level that we’re talking about, of the heart center. The
level of the light and dark. It’s the level in which you Stop imaging and
feeling yourself as good and bad, in one instance within the other. As
competent in some areas and not competent in others. As loving towards
some people, and quite the opposite towards others. It’s the level of the heart
center that actually enables you to begin to put an end to the very rapid
shifting of states of mind, of consciousness. When you handle it effectively.
26:05 When you’re in this center there is probably going to be a sense that it’s
a place that you really don’t want to stay in very long. When you get the
balancing in place, its not just an even out balancing of all the different
elements within your being, you actually integrate. When the heart center is
brought towards an experience of this integration, it actually is able then, to
let go, of so much of the tensions which prevent you from fully experiencing
and realizing the greater power that comes through potentially through the
heart center.
When you’re trying to be loving, and you cannot discover the capacity or
you’re trying to feel something you know you should feel, but you can’t. The
place that you go to is this level. The second level. It is not just something
that functions in sort of this overview. It’s an area that you can utilize. So
that when you’re experiencing something that you don’t want to be. Or when
you’re not experiencing what you really know in your heart, for lack of
another word,
that you should be, or that you desire to be. You can go to this space to begin
to make it work.
The way you make it work is by embracing all that is within this space.
Bringing it to the center. There is a characteristic about the second level, in
which these energies like to stay on the outskirts. Remember the spiraling
that we mentioned. And what you want to do is purposefully, or willfully
bring those energies, those feelings together to the center.
This is how in a monastic tradition, in our perception, You would truly begin
to center within. The centering process does not begin in the first level; it
begins in the second level. And you need to embrace this full spectrum, bring
it together, into a sort of a flowering, and then let that center you deep. It is
through the centering process when it all is coming together as if you’re
moving through. You want to begin to sense a flower. And the petals of the
flower are just touching the very bottom of the second level of the heart
center. And you’re using the energy of your vision, or your seeing, even
though your eyes are closed. To peer right down into the center of this flower.
You begin to feel how the energy then is allowing you to move through that
space, and then deep within the heart of that flower. And this is going to
bring you down on a very steady basis, down, into the third level.
30:00 Now the third level of the heart center needs to always be understood
as a sacred space. It is where you in a sense are making your sanctuary for
the Holy Spirit, for the light of the heavens or the Godhead and the Angelic
Realm. And for the very energy of the Christ to touch deeply into your being.
One thing that you want to begin to notice about the third level is that it
doesn’t seem to be as directly tied to your ego structure. Its seems very
distant from the level of feeling and affectation, and it really is beyond all
that wrestling of the level of the light and dark. The third level to coin one of
your phrases just is. And in its actual being, if you want to touch into the
eternal plane, you touch it through the third level of the heart center. It’s the
level of timelessness. And you might even have a sense that the flame, is in
many ways suspended into this sort of dark space. And the flame, as you
bring the spirit in and let it nurture that space, begins to get stronger, more
bold, and the light begins to reflect off the walls and you begin to perceive a
vast illuminated space. If you want to go to a sanctuary, you’re not going to
find one more pure, than the third level of your heart center. And you should
respect it as such. When you bring the spirit into this third level and you are
cultivating the flame, you actually in so doing, open up the passage to the
fourth level.
The spirit will always always resonate with your creative energy. That’s your
creative and it be understood as including your procreative energy. And
because of that
resonance, it is able to draw forth into the third level, from the fourth, what
we call the vital essence. You cannot live. You cannot function without the
vital essence. It is that which is used to project to bring your being into
expression. Any attempt to heal, to regenerate, to evolve, must utilize this
vital essence.
You have a phrase an understanding of “life’s blood”. Well this you might
want to equate as the blood of your being. From its spiritual dimension.
When you’re able to then let this guide you into the fourth level.
You begin to realize that the fourth level is not this vast reservoir of the vital
essence, it is a springboard, and you spring forth from the fourth level on the
wings, to be figurative, of your personal will. It moves through and with all of
your previous life expressions. From this lineage of your soul root.
To connect through your soul root. This is the path to connecting with,
touching your higher self. It is not going deeper within the ego structure, it is
moving through the heart center to discover the real origin of this life
expression, which is your soul root. And the higher self then is the
consciousness projecting from it.
When you are utilizing the fourth level as a springboard, you can move
forward from it, and you will find your body, or your system, almost taken on
a sort of conveyor belt. Or a steady motion that will be leading you towards
the higher self. And in the path of getting to the higher self you should begin
to see and images, sounds, color, light, all these experiences can really begin
to come your way, into your perception when you’re moving through that
lineage to the higher self.
If you have followed this you’re already in motion towards the higher self.
And you want to be able to begin to feel the innate strength, the innate
wisdom, and the innate holiness of the higher self. The Higher Self, the soul
root, is of God. It is not touched by Evil.
Or any conception of it. It is pure. And it is the source of your strength. When
you begin to slowly move back. You want to focus on trying to take with you
some of the essence, the very sparks of energy that you can touch from the
higher self or the soul root. Try to take that into your resonance and carry it
with you as you move back slowly to the fourth level. You move up through
the fourth level into the light for purification. Your sanctuary of the third
level. Let that light encircle your being, fill all of your space, lift you into the
second level, let you see with a little bit more of a distance. And then bring
yourself from the second level, very slowly, then up into the first.
Alright, now regardless of how much or how little you may feel you
experienced on such a talk and meditational practice. You want to realize
that the potential for what you can experience from this is way beyond your
imagination. Alright, we have provided for your friend an impulse for the
second portion and we are hoping that if he acts on the impulse that you’ll be
guided to work experientially then with this path through the heart center.
And we hope that you’ll all be able to gain a greater sense of recognition of
who you are. Normally we would have asked you to ask questions but we
want to respect the timeframe that your friend has asked us to. Therefore
we’re going to let this be the close of the channeling portion and ask that you
take a brief break to begin the second portion. And we want thank you all
very much.

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