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It was a universal belief among ancient civilizations that life came originally

from the cosmos, and ultimately would return there after death. The shamanic jou
rney was always to this sky-world - and it appears that it was always located in
the direction of the stars of Cygnus - also known as the Northern Cross - acces
sed either via the Milky Way or an imagined cosmic axis. Andrew Collins demonstr
ates that this belief is based on an ancient astronomy - around 17,000 years old
. All over the world, standing stones, temples and monuments are orientated towa
rds the rising and setting of the stars of the Cygnus constellation or the "entr
y point" of the Milky Way. Collins has discovered that the use of deep caves by
palaeolithic man was essential to the rise of religious thought and the belief i
n life's stellar origins. Science has now confirmed the existence of high-energy
particles in the caves - particles that come from a binary star known as Cygnus
It would seem that these ancient people were aware of what science is now tellin
g us - that the DNA of life came originally from deep space.
--------------------------------------------The moon has confounded scientists for many years. It does not obey the known ru
les of astrophysics and there is no theory of its origin that explains the known
facts - in fact it should not really be there. When researching the ancient sys
tem of geometry and measurement used in the Stone Age that they discovered in th
eir previous book, Civilization One, the authors discovered to their great surpr
ise that the system also works perfectly on the Moon! On further investigation,
they found a consistent sequence of beautiful integer numbers when looking at ev
ery major aspect of the Moon - no pattern emerges for any other planet or moon i
n the solar system. For example, the Moon revolves at exactly one hundredth of t
he speed that the Earth turns on its axis; the Moon is exactly 400 times smaller
than the Sun and is precisely 400 times closer to the Earth. They also discover
ed that the Moon possesses little or no heavy metals and has no core, in fact ma
ny specialists suspect that the Moon is hollow. If our Moon did not exist - nor
would we. Experts are now agreed that higher life only developed on Earth becaus
e the Moon is exactly what it is and where it is!
When all of the facts are dispassionately reviewed,
ling to the idea that the Moon is a natural object.
ns is who built it?
----------------------------------...one of the biggest breakthroughs of all times...
that civilisation is thousands of years older than

it becomes unreasonable to c
The only question that remai
this is the definitive proof
historians believe' -Colin W

'A breakthrough book. The last four thousand years are never going to be the sam
e again' - Graham Hancock
This is the amazing story of how a quest to try to crack the mystery of the Mega
lithic Yard - an ancient unit of linear measurement - led to the discovery of co
mpelling evidence pointing to the existence of an unknown, highly advanced cultu
re which was the precursor to the earliest known civilizations such as the Sumer
ians and the Egyptians. There must have been a Civilization One. Knight and Butl
er reveal the secrets of an extraordinary integrated measuring system which migh
t have been lost to the world for ever. It was a system, far more advanced than
anything used today, which forms the basis of both the Imperial and Metric measu
re systems!
These ancient scientists understood the dimensions, motions and relationships of
the Earth, Moon and Sun - they measured the solar system and even understood ho
w the speed of light was integrated into the movements of our planet. Their conc
lusions fly in the face of everything that we thought we knew about the origins
of the modern world - but the evidence is incontrovertible. And the implications
of these revelations go far beyond the fascination of the discovery of a 'super

-science' of prehistory; they indicate a grand plan which will have far reaching
theological ramifications!
Topics: Ancient Times, Essays, Mythology, Mathematics, Aliens, and Popular Scien

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