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Writing Across the Curriculum Rubric (WXC)

Exceeds Standards

Meets Standards

Approaching Standards

Below Standards

The work meets basic

instructor expectations and
guidelines set out in the

The student's work meets

most of the guidelines set
out in the assignment
and/or approaches but
does not meet instructor

The student's work does

not meet instructor
expectations and/or does
not fulfill the
requirements of the


Meets assignment

The work exceeds instructor

expectations, exceeds basic
guidelines set out in the

Much of the work's tone,

Some elements of tone,
Tone, diction, and content
diction, and/or content
Tone, diction, and content are diction, and/or content are are not appropriate for
reflect a sophisticated
Demonstrates a
appropriate to the
not appropriate for the
understanding of the
the assignment's
thorough understanding assignment's intended
assignment's intended
assignment's intended
intended readers,
of context, audience,
readers, context, and reason readers, context, and reason readers, context, and
context, and reason for
and purpose.
for writing.
reason for writing.
for writing.

Demonstrates mastery
of the subject.
Content Overall

The student's work

demonstrates a sophisticated The student's work
understanding of the subject demonstrates understanding
of the subject material.

The student's work

demonstrates some
understanding of the
subject material.

The student's work

demonstrates little
understanding of the
subject material.


Demonstrates mastery
of paragraph structure
and order

Each paragraph makes one

distinct point, expressed
clearly; the parts of each
paragraph are logically
connected with smooth
internal transitions.

Paragraphs generally make

one distinct point, though
some paragraphs may
Each paragraph makes one contain more than one
distinct point and, generally, main idea and/or parts of
the parts of each paragraph paragraphs are not logically
are logically and smoothly
and/or smoothly

Many paragraphs
contain more than one
main idea and/or parts of
paragraphs are not
logically and/or smoothly

Transitions between
paragraphs are generally
present but often
ineffective and/or do not Transitions between
provide a logical connection paragraphs are generally
between ideas.
missing or ineffective.

Transitions between
paragraphs are smooth and
Links ideas with logical, demonstrate a logical
effective transitions
connection between ideas.

Transitions between
paragraphs are purposeful
and demonstrate a logical
connection between ideas.

The progression of ideas in

the work is explores and
develops the main idea of the
Logically and
essay in an orderly and
consistently orders ideas effective manner.
Organization Overall

The progression of ideas in

the work is clear, purposeful, The order of ideas in the
and develops the main idea of work is purposeful but may
the essay in an orderly
not effectively develop the
essay's main idea.

The work's order of ideas

does not help to develop
the main idea of the

Much of the work's tone,
Tone, diction, and authorial Tone, diction, and authorial Some elements of tone,
diction, and/or authorial
voice reflect a sophisticated voice reflect an
diction, and/or authorial
voice are not appropriate
understanding of the
understanding of the
voice are not appropriate for the assignment's
Style of prose indicates assignment's intended
assignment's intended
for the assignment's
intended readers,
awareness of purpose readers, context, and reason readers, context, and reason intended readers, context, context, and reason for
and audience
for writing.
for writing.
and reason for writing.

Writing Across the Curriculum Rubric (WXC)

Sentence structure is varied
so that prose is smooth and
pleasant to read; sentences
vary from complex to simple
Sophisticated and varied and long to short throughout
sentence structure
the essay.

Sentence structure is varied

so that prose is generally
smooth and pleasant to read;
Most sentences are
sentences vary from complex Many sentences in the
to simple and long to short essay are either choppy and either choppy and short
short or overly complex.
or overly complex.
throughout the essay.

Word choice often reflects

an understanding of the
assignment's intended
Word choice reflects a
Word choice reflects an
readers, context, and
sophisticated understanding understanding of the
reason for writing, but
of the assignment's intended assignment's intended
some vocabulary is
Vocabulary appropriate readers, context, and reason readers, context, and reason improper to intended
to audience
for writing.
for writing.
Style Overall

Word choice does not

reflect an understanding
of the assignment's
intended readers,
context, and reason for
writing; some vocabulary
is improper to intended


Prose is virtually free of Prose is virtually free of

grammar, punctuation, grammar, punctuation, and
and spelling errors
spelling errors

Use of References
Mechanics Overall

Generally, prose is free of

grammar, punctuation, and
spelling errors. Mistakes do
not interfere with

Prose contains some

grammar, punctuation,
and/or spelling errors
which, in some cases,
interfere with

Prose contains many

errors which interfere
with the reader's
understanding of the

Utilizes a sufficient number of Utilizes an insufficient

Utilizes an appropriate
relevant sources in a
number of relevant
Does not use relevant
number of relevant sources in generally smooth and logical sources, sometimes in a
smooth and logical manner, sources and does not
a smooth and logical manner manner and generally
and sometimes correctly document references
and correctly documents
documents references
documents references.

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