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March 21st, 2010 SUNDAY SCHOOL

Worship Service ***********************************************

Welcome and Prayer News & Notes

Chairperson Ÿ Today, Family Curling
Randy Nepinak at Bowsman Curling Rink, 1:30p.m.
Potluck supper to follow curling.

Happy Birthday to….
Kelsey Friesen (Mar.23)
& Offering
Church Cleaning
Kid’s Korner Alvin & Diane
Crystal Nepinak
(next-Marilyn Reimer) Spring Quotes
It was one of those March days when
Special Number the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold:
(Mar.28-Kelsey Friesen) when it is summer in the light,
and winter in the shade.
~Charles Dickens~
Scripture Reading
Matt. 3:13-17 & Luke 4:1-15
Randy Nepinak
(next-Wayne Reimer)

Tammi Thiessen
“A Guide to Wilderness Survival” Attention Ladies
Keep April 12th open for the salad supper.
Further details will follow.

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______________________________________________ Christian Fellowship Church
______________________________________________ Dealing with Temptation
______________________________________________ If you’re struggling with temptation in your life,
______________________________________________ take some encouragement from these verses
______________________________________________ and pray the prayer below,
asking the Lord to help you deal with the
temptations you face each day.
______________________________________________ “No temptation has seized you except what
______________________________________________ is common to man. And God is faithful;
______________________________________________ he will not let you be tempted beyond
______________________________________________ what you can bear.
But when you are tempted, he will also provide
a way out so that you can stand up under it.”
______________________________________________ ~I Cor.10:13 (NIV)
______________________________________________ Dear Lord,
______________________________________________ You know the temptations that I am facing today.
______________________________________________ But your Word promises that I will not be tempted
beyond what I can bear. I ask for your strength
to stand up under the temptation whenever I encounter it.
______________________________________________ Your Word also tells me you will
______________________________________________ provide a way out of the temptation.
______________________________________________ Please, Lord, give me the wisdom to walk away
______________________________________________ when I am tempted, and the clarity to see
______________________________________________ the way out that you will provide.
Thank you, God, that you are a faithful deliverer
and that I can count on your help in my time of need. Amen.
~Mary Fairchild~

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