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WHC is a registered United Kingdom Charity No. 232409

Web site:- www.world-healing-crusade.org.uk
Webcam: http://andrew.camstreams.com
Email: Andrew@world-healing-crusade.org.uk

Dearest Crusader friend,

It is great to have this opportunity to get in touch

with you and share our latest news! In this edition
of the ‘Messenger’ you will read about God’s loving
embrace that make us whole! I will also share
some inspiration through articles and uplifting

At times we all experience serious problems and I am positive that with

continued prayer support you will see dramatic improvements. I have
absolute faith in God’s ability to overcome all problems and that involves
us letting go of the issues that have beset us and trusting to the Father.

Be of good cheer and know that the creator of the Universe is with you.
His healing power is working within you and through you that you may
be blessed and those around you are enfolded in love! Divine Healing is
taking place on every possible level!

God be with you and your loved ones this day and always. Be about the
Father’s business and be the true disciple of Christ. You are God’s
ambassador of love, His representative on Earth. Bless and heal in His
name and celebrate health and healing manifesting in all within God’s
Kingdom. God bless you.

Yours sincerely,

Your Testimonies
My youth has been renewed!

“Dear Brother Andrew,

This is in appreciation for your prayer support which has helped me to

grow in faith as well as those that I share the word with. The impact that
it has had on my life cannot be described now. My youth has been
renewed and I feel some joy within me.

Bye from Ghana,

S.” – Email received 15/03/10

Praise The Lord!!!!!

“My Aunt Mickey had her c-scan Friday afternoon. The results showed
she is still in remission. Praise The Lord!!!!! My Aunt said to thank
all the wonderful prayer warriors for all' their loving prayers. I say
"ditto"!!!!!!! Thank You, my darling charge.

Beverly” – Email received 15/03/10

I’m over the moon!

Great news, I passed my exams and I’m over them moon, I’m grateful to
the lord without him none of this would have been possible. Blessings to
you all for 2010.

J. - Email received 11/01/2010
A Nice Slice of Cake
Brother Andrew

It was a wonderful summer day and the sun was shining brightly from a
light blue sky. There was hardly a cloud to obscure the warming light as
we sipped tea beneath a parasol. We each had a cake that seemed to
ooze with cream and other marvellous fillings. It was just great to be with
friends and to be able to relax with simple pleasures and allow the world
to almost pass us by.

Fond memories of a summer afternoon spent in harmonious

conversation about topics of the day. Shared feelings and happiness
were order of the day that were mutually enjoyed. How good it was to sit
and watch as other people hurried passed us with determined
expressions on their faces, people with purpose and a mission in life! I
accept that we cannot enjoy tea and cakes at a café every day yet this
simple pleasure is available to most of us.

We continued to sip tea and talk, and the cakes were simply irresistible.
I took the first mouthful and of course the contents squeezed out and
were about to drop on my clean white shirt. I carefully caught the large
blob of cream before it fell and popped it in my mouth. My friends
followed in 'hot pursuit' yet they were not so lucky, as pieces of cake and
contents started to drip from their hands and onto their clean shirts.
What a mess! It seemed that the more they wiped, the more they were
covered. We all laughed, and it didn't really seem to matter that much.
Time passed so quickly that afternoon, yet I will remember it for many
years to come.

Time to stand back from the world and watch rather than participate. An
opportunity to relax and enjoy conversations with loved ones. Creating
the time for one another and sharing food and thoughts and just being
together! Enjoying a special time without cares or worries. Being happy
and peaceful in harmony with each other. I thank God for our friends and
family and I pray that you will enjoy some more happy times with your
loved ones so that you too will continue to enjoy wonderful memories to
cherish forever.


It is the truth that sets you free. It is the secret of prayer, the secret of life, a
the sacred way to heal all causes of every human ill, and thank You, Fath
that through Jesus Christ our Lord, it is so.

JESUS CHRIST eternally holds before us the joyful privilege and opportunity

This world can indeed become a Garden of Eden in the love of God, when
all know the truth that leads us into it.

We are all called together to take our part in God's plan and purpose.

In Him let us see the Christ vision of a world set free from sin, warfare,
disease and disaster — and give our all to Him to this end.

These are wonderful days of infinite possibilities. In Him, through a united l
and faith, the world can be filled with blessings.

The wonder of God's creation is the infinite variety of beauty which He
bestows upon the whole universe.

Healing Recordings for You
A 2 – Your Christ/Inheritance Through Release – Brother Conrad

A 3 – Love God/ The Holy Spirit – Brother Conrad

GS 2 – The Plan Divine / Simplicity, Faith & Love – Brother Mandus

GS 4 – Pray Without Ceasing / The Bread of Life – Brother Mandus

E 12 – The Right Route – Brother Andrew

E 13 – In God’s Presence – Brother Andrew

E 14 – Make It Happen – Brother Andrew

HC 3 – Healing Help / Healing Prayer – Brother Mandus

HC 4 – If You are Sick/Healing Prayer – Brother Mandus

All are recordings are priced at £6. They are available on CD and
audio tape. When you make your order please specify if you require
tape or CD, thank you.

WHC Healing DVDs

GN1 - Good News – Brother Andrew - (Special price £5)
HPS1 - Healing Prayer Service - (Special price £5)

Postal charges:- UK .50p; Europe £1.00, International £1.50

My Vision
Brother Mandus

HOWEVER much we fail or deviate from the

eternal pathway to God, we must someday walk
along that Christ-way before we can find our real
home, where all is GOOD.

We NEED God more than anything else in the whole of our experience;
yet we resist HIM, consciously or unconsciously. He draws us like a
magnet; yet we pull against His love with our doubts and worldliness. Let
us see how we can let go and be lifted into the peace for which our souls
yearn. Let us find this kingdom now, together.

So many good friends who seek the Kingdom of God proclaim their
failure to enter the wonderful peace which is so tantalisingly held before
them by the Lord and the saints, mystics and countless others throughout
recorded history. It is a paramount human need that we MUST seriously
try to eliminate the difficulties and simplify the process by which ordinary
God-seeking folk can FIND the Kingdom.

Perhaps the only way to help anyone else is to try to reduce this
Heavenly experience to words which relate personal adventures in this
seeking and finding. I trust you will forgive me if I share with you my own
secret thoughts, but I yearn for everyone to share these healing blessings
of the great peace. I do so with deep humility, fully conscious of many
short-comings, and only because I KNOW mankind can only be saved
through Christ.

In the first place of course, I accept completely the truth of the indwelling
Spirit of God. I remember now (and am always recalling it), the greatest
experience in my life; that one vital moment when I was baptised by the
Holy Spirit within. For one perfect second; unexpected, unheralded and
while I was doing a trivial task, my personal mind and body was
FUSED in LIGHT! A breathless, unbearable LIGHT- PERFECTION, as
intense as the explosion of a flash of lightning within me. - Excerpt taken
from ‘Your Eternal Mission.’ FREE when you write in & ask for it.

Book Reviews
The Divine Awakening

“Brother Mandus has given us a courageous and truthful book which is

well worth reading. On the basis of what he says in ‘The Divine
Awakening’ we wish him well with his work in Blackpool.” – Methodist

“It is impossible not to be fascinated and intrigued by what has

happened to Brother Mandus. In spite of the amazing happenings
Brother Mandus has witnessed, he is duly humble. To authenticate the
records of his adventures in faith, Brother Mandus gives the authority
and the medical men who have certified the cases of Divine Healing he
has witnessed.” – Sunday Companion.

For Women Only with Mankind in Mind

“To read these pages in quick succession, through a chapter at a time is

the better method for women, it is a humbling experience. Brother
Mandus believes with deep sincerity – and give sound reasons for his
belief – that woman is the queen of the Earth, if only she will aspire to
the God-given role that is her…. The book may be called devotional in
the highest sense of the meaning of that word.” - Jane Sheldon in the
Methodist Recorder.

Call Unto Me….

Brother Mandus was a practical man with an enormous drive and an

unshakable belief in the power of prayer. In this book he briefly
describes the most vital moments of his life when he came to realise the
power of prayer when undertaken with great love and faith.

He has prepared a series of powerful and practical prayers all based on

short passages from Scripture that can be used at random or to meet
some special need or occasion. - All books are priced at £6 + p. & p.

Postal charges:- UK £1; Europe £2, International £3.50


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