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Septic Tank Treatment

The following information covers septic tank treatments since the

original inception of the septic tank, cesspool and drain field or leach
field dating back to the mid 1800’s.

Septic tanks and their treatments have been a topic of discussion throughout the sanitary
industry since the early 1800’s when they were believed to have been invented by the
French home owner John Mouras. Mouras is believed to have designed a septic tank and
built a prototype fabricated from concrete and stone which functioned properly for its
intended use. The lateral piping connecting the home to the system was crafted from clay
and mud since these were the only materials that were readily available at the time. Several
years later when John Mouras dismantled the unit, he and other local villagers were
astounded by the fact that the tank was for the most part clear – with very little solid waste
collected inside the chamber. Mouras then approached a scientist of the day with his new
invention and submitted an application for patent which was granted in the late 1800’s. The
septic tank system then made its way to the United States of America in 1883. Septic
systems have been a mandatory home amenity ever since.

The matter in which the solids had dissipated was not completely clear to Mouras and his
fellow scientist. What was very clear was that his system for the treatment of solid organic
household waste was very effective. The fact of the matter is that Mr. Mouras had stumbled
across the process we commonly refer to today as digestation or the anaerobic digestion
process. The human body produces a natural occurring coli form type of bacteria that
creates an action within a septic tank that helps to break down the solids in the wastewater
creating a byproduct of carbon dioxide and effluent or water. The gradual process that the
organic solid waste undergoes is an anaerobic digestion.

With modern technology encompassing practically all facets of our lives, some of our early
inventions are feeling the paid associated with heavy duty cleaners and anti-bacterial
products. Since septic tank systems are designed to function provided bacterial colonies
remain high, bleaches and other detergents are causing incomplete digestation which
eventually leads to drain field failure in many cases. Since inflation has also progresses
since the invent of the septic tank, drain field replacement can cost as much as today’s high
priced sports cars.
Anaerobic digestion is a natural and fairly basic process in which microorganisms break
down biodegradable solid organic material in an environment where oxygen is not present.
The process is also widely used in community waste water treatment plants in treating
house hold wastewater sludge’s and organic wastes that would otherwise be destined to be
deposited in landfills or incinerator. With out the anaerobic digestion process, waste water
would also find its way into our freshwater lakes, streams, rivers and water sheds causing
disease and contamination.

The introduction of anti bacterial products such as hand soaps, household cleaners and
bleaches has been blamed for having a negative impact in the way our septic tanks and
cesspit digest organic solids. The anaerobic digestion process has been compromised by the
influx of these products. Antibacterial products appear to be weakening or killing our
systems bacteria causing a lack of digestion of solids, sludge and scum in the septic
systems - requiring most systems to utilize a septic tank treatment to supplement the

natural strains. Solids, fats, oils and greases are not being broken down at a rate sufficient
to prevent their movement into the drain field. Without digestion, the septic tank will over
fill. The solids, sludge and scum will make their way past the septic tank into the drain field.
The solids will typically convert into a black tar like substance clogging soil pores, resulting
in a septic system failure. This black tar like substance is referred to as (bio-mat). Without
the presents of a strong bacterial presents, the systems must be pumped out periodically
due to the lack of digestion.

High bacterial count shock treatments (a common septic tank treatment process) are often

successfully employed into the failing septic system. This will cause the digestion process to
reactivate breaking down solid sludge and bio-mat restoring the system and drain field
lateral lines to original condition. The process of bacterial shock treatment is becoming a
common inexpensive treatment of failing septic systems as an alternative to replacing the
septic tank and drain field at a cost of several thousands of dollars. Chemical treatments
such as toxic acids and additives are typically a short term alternative treatment that will
render the systems bacteria dead, killing-off the needed septic tank bacteria. You may
receive a temporary reduction of clogs, solids, sludge and scum. This will only be a short
lived and last as long as the treatment is concentrated and activated. Bacterial septic tank
treatment on the other hand, will continue to grow and multiply creating a healthy septic

system environment.

Some chemical septic tank treatments or harsh chemical additives can actually damage the
septic system. Yeast can cause frothing and excessive activity resulting in coagulation of
greases. This agitation forces solid waste into the drain field, clogging the soil or drain field.
Other septic chemicals additives intended to kill tree roots or unclog clogged leach field soils
can contaminate the environment. If using a root killer in your drain field, it is important to
use a bacterial environmentally friendly product that will be safe for your septic system.

Watch what goes down the drain. Controlling what goes into the water that enters the septic
system is just as important as the amount of water that flows into the system. We have
listed just a few items below that will give you some insight into the (Do’s and Don'ts) of
septic systems.

• Use water saving shower heads and faucet aerators.

• Install water saving low flow toilets.
• Repair leaking toilets, drains and faucets (ad food coloring to the bowl or drain to
detect leaks).
• Make sure floor and roof drains are not connected to the sewage system.
• Make sure floor and roof drains are not connected to the sewage system.
• Use water saving washers and space out the time between washings. This will limit
the flow of gray water to the drain field.
• Never dispose of toxic waste or hazardous chemicals such as paint, household
cleansers and oils. Dumping these items down your drain can contaminate
• Never put plastic, cloth, or unnecessary paper products down the septic system.
• Avoid using house hold cleaning products that contain anti bacteria properties. These
products will kill the live bacteria that are essential to the digestion of the septic
• Avoid using garbage disposals - they will accelerate the accumulation of solids in the
system causing clogs or damage.
• Always maintain your septic system to prevent costly repairs with a potent septic
tank treatment that is capable of breaking down sludge while simultaneously battling
today’s common household detergents.
• In the event you do experience a build up of sludge’s and organic wastes or
blockage, always consider all natural methods for septic tank treatments as opposed
to a chemical solution.

The most common, practical and proven method of unclogging a septic system is to shock
the system with a high count bacteria product such as NT-Max Septic Tank Treatment.
Follow up with a monthly bacterial maintenance program to assure that maximum
breakdown of all organics occurs. A good bacterial septic tank shock treatment loaded
directly into the system will normally open and restore a drain field - digesting bio-mat in 1
to 5 weeks. Introduce a monthly maintenance program and you will avoid repairs and
excessive pump outs now and down the road.

Brad Skierkowski
NewTechBio, editor

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