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Old Literature

These are some of the works that I’ve written many years ago. Some of this
stuff haven’t been revealed in public before until now. I’ve could of gotten
rid of these things, but it’s time to reveal the truth.

-I wrote these words in February 17, 1998. Back in those days, I had a keen awareness of
the world around me. I have shown these words to outline my evolution of my thoughts on
issues. That was over 12 years ago. I was 14 years old back then. This time was when I was
a Freshman in High School. I was going to be 15 in the same year of 1998:

“…When I look at America, I look at people. This country is made up

by the people and ruled by the people. This country has many
peoples that are equally important to this country. They have equal
gifts which are useful in making this country what it is. Maybe,
without one group of people, this country may not be its full
potential. We give our talents to the people of this nation, because it
is our duty. We live and prosper in this country, so we need to at
least give back to this country. I believe that one of the plans meant
for America is diversity…”
Back in February 7, 1998, (My words were in response to then President Bill Clinton’s immoral
bombings in Iraq for the accusation of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. The wild thing
is that these words are relevant today in 2010), I wrote these words:

“…I think the United States should not go to war with Iraq so
quickly. Before we need war, we can discuss solutions to slow down
or stop the problems in their country. We need not to get into war so
soon, because if we get into war soon, other countries might in to get
us. The only time that the United States should get into war, if Iraq
bombs our supplies or something has gone too far. In the end, the
answer is peace not violence…”

On February 25, 1998, I wrote these words:

“…Life is a cycle of events. When we have our life born, man can
change on whether having a righteous or evil life. We have the power
to accept things in our life or not. In our life, I think man is given
certain fits that may led us to our purpose in life. All of our deeds in
life control whether we may led a life of happiness or not. I think we
have a chance of leading a good life by doing good deeds. Life is
valuable to the people and the world, because he or she have
qualities which no one can ever have. Taking life not just taking a
person from the world, but is also taking special gift from the

Later on in February 27, 1998, I wrote that:

“…The world is a valuable thing. It’s a sphere that moves. It was

created for humans to be heirs of it. Since we own it, it is our
responsibility to keep it in shape. Sometimes we may improve things
in the Earth like inventing ways to clean up the Earth. Sometimes, we
may damage the Earth, like polluting it or wasting the Earth’s
resources. In the years coming, man is getting knowledge about the
Earth. In the future, we may improve the Earth and return certain
places desolate to a beautiful garden. The earth is a beautiful gift
given to us, and we need to preserve our gift…”

On March 11, 1998, I wrote the following:

“..I believe in improvement. If a man becomes rich and gives his

wealth to people less fortunate, it will be a good thing. If a person
doesn’t improve in life or in business, he or she will go no where. It
doesn’t matter if your fit is in sports or science. If you improve
yourself, you create even more knowledge that may help you in the
future. If you believe in a plan ahead of time, and use action that plan
might be fulfilled…”

On March 12, 1998, I wrote these comments:

“…Music is everywhere. People enjoy it or hate it. We created it from

early times. We used tools to create sounds and rhythm. Later, it
spread into America. Music can cool people down if they are angry.
There are many different kinds of music created by different races.
Each music was first small and for the people near them. Now, music
spreads all over the country and every person in this country knows
at least what a type of music sounds like. Music doesn’t necessarily
comes from a person’s mind, but it might comes from their soul…”


-I wrote of this back in September 4, 2002:

The Bible was written. The teachings of the apostles were spoken orally sometimes, but
the apostolic church (from 33-100 A.D.) had the OT Scriptures in hand and those
scriptures prophesized the same grace that involved their spiritual life (1 Peter 1:10-12).
Also, later many of the epistles were written as early as 45 A.D. Evidence that the early
church was a reading church also is found in:

-1 Cor. 14:27
-1 Thes. 5:27
-Col. 4:16
-Romans 16:25
-John 20:30-31
-2 Timothy 2:14
-1 Peter 1:23-25

I can name more but this is sufficient. So, the early church did had access to some of the
epistles and scriptures. Now later by 100 A.D. all of the NT books were created and the
Bible began to spread around of the world. You are mistaken to say that the Bible existed
only in the 5th century because of the following reasons:

1). The patriachs had so much access to the Scriptures that even Oregon in the 200s could
name all of the scriptures from the OT and the NT.
2). The many versions of the Bible already existed before the 400’s like the Peshitta
(147), Old Latin (157 ), Ethiopic (300), Sahidic (250), Gothic (330), etc. One of the earliest
copies of the Biel go back as early as 125 A.D. just 25 years after the last book of the NT
was created.
3). There were canons that confirmed and put a seal on the already accepted canon of
scripture like Synod of Ladocea of 363 A.D., the Synod of Rome in 383 A.D. or the Council
of Hippo in 393 A.D.

Later by 500 A.D., all scripture began spread worldwide in numerous languages.

It is tue that during the Dark Ages, scripture access was limited, but many independent
groups like Waldensians or Lollards translated their own scripture in their own language
anyway. Some were killed by Catholic inquisitors for translating the Bibe I ntheir own
language. What event propelled the access scripture to all of the common people in an
increase ? You know the event.

After the Reformation and after the invention of the printing press, tons of scriptrues
started to pour into the common masses giving them the opportunity to hear God’s word.
The Bible is always meant to be important and a treatise on goldly living. How can
scriptrue be raised above God’s name, called Truth praised by patriachs I can quote at a
moment notice, etc. if it wasn’t an inclusive treatise. Protestanism just reformed the
error of Catholic doctrine.



I wrote these words in January 11, 2007:

What Finan said is true about the alternative media. I will admit to that. Don’t forget that
Jones’ ally Pat Buchannan is a Knight of Malta. John Conner is interesting. I read his book,
but in his book he blames the Protestants for the Skulls and Bones and the Illuminati. The
truth is the Jesuits helped form the Illuminati and the French Revolution. Also, the Skulls
and Bones makes their initiates to kiss the feet of a Pope figure. One title of the Skulls
and Bones is the Knight of Eugolia, which has Catholic origins. You have already shown the
Papal influences in the Bohemian Grove. In my mind, Jones is a flaming Ecumenical
seeking us to unite with Rome. I will never unite with Rome in no circumstance.


I wrote these words in August 28, 2002:

First, I will give a background on the history on the Mithras religion then reasons why
it isn’t similar to Christianity.

History of Mithraism:
The first remaining record of a god named Mithra appeared as a deity in a treaty
being dated in ca. 1400 B.C. (Minn.MS.ix). It was one of the many abstractions and
personifications of virtues invoked in the ancient East like Bhaga, the god of sharing,
and Aryaman, the god of hospitality. Mithra according to the religion, went around
and displayed punished to those who broke treaties. He became involved in
vegetation, protection, etc. Later in Aryan history, he became more of a warrior then
switched to pacifism. As Zoroastrianism, a Persian religion, he was changed as a
mediator between Ohramazid and Ahriman, the good and bad gods of Zoroastrian
dualism. Later, Roman Mithraism existed and competed against Christianity.

Why Christianity is not related nor similar to Mithraism:

1). The Roman Mithras scarified bulls, yet there is no evidence that the Indian
Mithras ever had the same ceremony. Christianity has the only and only sacrifice of
Jesus Christ on the cross for all time. There were no bulls, etc. involved. Look no
further than the entire book of Hebrews to back that up.

2). Mithras was born out of solid rock not of a virgin. Mithras was born a ground up.
Most of the famous Mithraic concepts also existed at least a century after the time of
the New Testament. Christianity has something different. It believes that Jesus (God
the Son) was never created nor destroyed. He pre existed all life and came into the
flesh (or begotten) by Mary, who was a virgin. In the Iranian Mithras, he was
conceived by Ahura-Mazda and his mother (not by a virgin).

3). There is no evidence that Mithras taught people, called himself master , or
preached in various locations. Christ on the other hand, fulfilled all 3 actions.

4). Iranian Mithras had a companion called Vauna and the Roman Mithras had 2
companions/helpers. They were the tiny torch bearing likenesses of himself called
Cautes and Cautopartres (They represented sunrise, sunset, spring, autumn, life,
death, and the stars of Albederan and Antares). Mithras also had a number of
animals companions. They include: snake, a lion, and a scorpion. But none of these
concepts show the 12 apostles as Christianity shows.

5). Mithras’ promise of immorality is not in a Christian sense (involving salvation and
freedom from sin). Mithras used the blood of a bull, but not Mithras’ own blood to try
to “save people” to ascent into levels of “initiation of immortality.” The blood of the
bull is mentioned in a piece of graffiti found in Santa Prisca Mithraeum dated from
ca. 200 A.D. saying: “And us too, you saved by spilling the eternal blood…” (Spie.
MO, 45: Gor. IV, 114n: Verm. MSG, 172).

6). Mithras sacrificed a bull, but not himself nor was a “great bull of the Sun.” He just
killed the bull. Jesus Christ sacrificed himself for an one time event and never to
repeat on the cross.

7). Mithras was never called the Way, the Truth, and Light, Logos, Redeemer, Savior,
Messiah, etc. He called mediator but not in a Christian sense (Jesus Christ is the
mediator between God the father and man because of sin). Mithras is the mediator
between Zoroaster’s good and bad “gods.” Logos is only mentioned for Mithras
significantly after the establishment of Christianity. Logos means “Word” and it goes
back earlier to Judaism, Philo, and the general background of the whole ancient
world not Mithraism.

8). Sunday worship is used as sacred day in Mithraism, but again it only exists in
Roman Mithraism. The fact is that the Bible says that Christians can worship God on
anyday they want to (as found in Romans 14:5-6, Col. 2:16, 17, etc.). God doesn’t
restrict worship to a specific day. Also, the Iranian Mithraic ceremonies include a
festival on October 8, September 12-16, and a cattle pairing festival on October 12-
16. They celebrate it on the spring equinox as well.

9). Mithras was born on December 25in legend and that’s accepted by secular and
religious scholar alike. That doesn’t prove anything. Why? There is no biblical
evidence on what date Christ was born in the flesh. It is most probable that he was
born in the last summer early fall because of the census, time span, etc. Even if he
was born on the date, Christians (except the Orthodox), Christians have the right to
celebrate Jesus Christ on any day of the week. We shouldn’t do pagan actions on that
day though. It’s not a big deal, except to realize that Christmas has pagan origins

Hashev and all of the Christ-mythos types are refuted by these proofs.

12:28 pm.


By Timothy

Miami and the WTO

Note by me: Peaceful protestors were tried to be violently and forcefully arrested by
Gestapo agents of the New World Order. They protestors opposed the oppressive WTO in
Miami yesterday. The WTO is nothing more than a globalist international organization
bent on creating the N.W.O. by exploiting the Third World Nations and being bounded to
them economically while they're collecting their wealth and never doing major steps to
help the Third World.

Don't be deceived. Globalization is a code word for the New World Order forcing all
nations on Earth if necessary to have central banks bounded to the Illuminati.

By Timothy


-November 21, 2003

The Militarization and Federalization
of the Police and other
Agencies in America

There are good police officers and evil police individuals, but these internationalists’
new plan for the One World Police is completely destructive. Adolf Hitler had the
same procedure from 1933-1939 when he federalized his police resulting into a
militarized, national police force. Now (2004) inside America, this is all playing out
completely by letting the police and S.W.A.T. Teams gain federal powers that violate
our rights and unify all of the police into one, military-like unit. The Clinton
Administration was genius in this circumstance. During this time we have Ruby
Ridge and the genocide of Waco, Texas where M-1 Abrams U.S. army tanks and
military equipment with military tactics were used to butcher men, women, and
children with C-S gas even used. (This is totally illegal) Even at 1997, there were 60,000
federal agents with confrontational tactics and military tactics.

(Consisting of sting operations, entrapment, hidden-camera surveillance and dynamic

entry forces [knocking down your door without a warrant and using military forces to
execute an end] Many examples manifest of military force-like tactics displayed unto
American citizens like the Malibu millionaire Donald Scott.

Federal agents gunned him down with no evidence of marijuana found. This raid was
to acquire his 6,5000 acre ranch (private property) basically. People die everyday from
militarized SWAT team raids. That’s a violation of our Constitutional rights and it
continues on with George W. Bush. Bush is acting on things that Clinton can only
dream of carrying out Clinton’s Federalization. A news source presented more facets of
the police state in America with increased powers to the Department of Interior with
extra subpoena, warrant, and arrest powers. Also, it maintained that

“They could be woed hither and yon across the country in response to emergencies.
This capability to merge Federal agencies is most important, as we reported in the
paragraph, above entitled Bottom Line: A Federalization of all Law Enforcement.”
(News Brief: “Police State USA: Power Grab At Interior Department” by Sarah Foster,
World Net Daily, December 26, 2001)

Bush and John Ashcroft took advantage of the lost at 9/11 for the federalization of all
agencies letting from roam from state to state obviously. They want these provisions
executed without delay regardless of any citizen or Congressperson may do.

Even recently, there is P2OG. P2OG stands for Proactive Pre-emptive Operation
Group and is a fusion of the military and the CIA. Their budget is estimated at $3.3
billion according to the Asia Times. It will launch actions among terrorists to provoke
them to attack innocent people.

This is a redux of the Northwood Project where the government planned to create terror
attack so wars could develop. The militarized infrastructure is definitely here.


Northcom or Northern Command is a military beast organism. This is part of the

Pentagon’s Homeland Defense Agency. Northcom came into affect as of October 1,
2002, which is headed by General Ralph Eberhard. Ralph Eberhard was the leader of
NORAD on 9/11 that let his planes stood down on that day; therefore blood is on his
hands. That’s why NORAD now refuses to release the documents demanded by the
Kean Commission. Northcom divided Canada, the United States, and Mexico into 3
regions of military command, so Eberhard is the head of all United States armed forced
within North America. That’s incredible and it’s the first time since America’s founding
that all military personnel in North America is centralized into one single officer.
American Sovereignty is definitely out of the window and get this: “Any U.S. troops in
Canada are now under the command of a Canadian officer and any Canadian tr oops
operating south of the border are under U.S. command."

This is liable for foreign troops to arrest Americans even if they aren’t bound to do so
infringing on the Constitution. Foreign troops can be under domestic law enforcement
and they can also be used (to arrest, send to concentration camps, abuse power) under
the guise of maintaining order in a terrorist attack in the U.S. or Canada. Now,
military flying patrols swarm around from them and NATO routinely watching
American citizens in total violation of Posse Comitatus. The U.S. Army even has
365,000+ troops to patrol over our highways (from Northcom). General Ralph E.
Eberhart also publicly called for he military to be let loose on American streets:

“Gen. Ralph Now Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, the officer charged with defending the
continental U.S., has gone on record that he’s all for it and would endorse changes in the
law if that translated into a better-defended country…Eberhart has said that he is
anxious to use new technology, including unmanned surveillance blimps cruising at
70,000 feet and Predator drones scanning American coastlines” (“Northern Command
General Endorses Posse Comitatus Review” in Newsmax on July 22, 2002 from
www.newsmax.com/archives/...1218.shtml )

I’ve never imaged in my lifetime that a combined North American military force will
arise. Now, I know that I was wrong and that truth is much stranger than fiction indeed.

Police Treating Children like Prisoners in South Carolina

Stratfield High School at Charleston, S.C. is the location of this occurrence. This school
has 2,700 students. The situation is that a police raid transpired and was videotaped
with officers with guns drawn at students, while they’re on the floor posing no threat.
The Goose Creek police attempted to search for drugs and none were found. This was
televised nationwide and this raid was obviously inappropriate. They violated the
students’ constitutional protections against unlawful search and seizure. In December
2003, Reverend Jesse Jackson led a protest in nearby North Charleston.
17 students file a federal lawsuit against the school drug raid in violation of the 4th and
14th Amendment. The suit also claimed that the principal George McCrackin
“planned, ordered, and orchestrated, and executed the November 5th raid on
Stratford campus.” The Berkeley County school board will try to make changes
immediately by being limited in scope, use trained and reliable dogs from avoiding
contacting students, and have reasonable searches.

Even a February 2004, the police still claim that they did everything correctly in
response to the student’s federal lawsuit, which is an utter LIE.

By TruthSeeker24




March 2004


I wrote these words in February of 2004:

The total truth is that the Bush oligarchy had strong ties to the bin Laden family
including Osama bin Laden. Even if Osama did commit 9/11 [which he didn’t], Bush
should still be indicted for working with him and advancing Osama’s terror network for
decades. Where must you begin? You must first go to 1957.

That was the year Osama bin Laden was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. There is a
photograph from 1971 printed in English papers shown Osama (then 14 years old) and
Salem bin Laden (his brother and then 19) having a summer holiday at the Astoria Hotel
in Falon, Sweden.

According to the article “Bin Laden’s family link to Bush” at December 17, 2001 by
Daily Mail, in the 1970’s George W. Bush would meet with Osama bin Laden and his
elder brother vacationing as well. Sheik Muhammad bin Laden was Osama’s father
and patriarch of the bin Laden family. Shiek was the founder of its construction
empire. He died in 1968 and left 57 sons and daughters with 12 wives in Saudi
Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan.

His 12 sons would manage Bin Laden Brothers Construction making it one of the largest
construction firms in the Middle East and Saudi Arabia’s wealthiest construction magnet.
It later became the Saudi Bin Laden Group.

In the early 1970’s, when George W. Bush left Harvard Business School, he returned to
Midland, Texas to try to be in the oil business like his father. In June 1977, George W.
Bush formed Arbusto Energy [an oil drilling company and Arbusto means shrub in
Spanish but the Bush family equate it as “Bush”].

One of the earliest financial backers was James Bath (a Houston aircraft broker and
served with Bush in the Texas National Guard). Bush after 9/11 lied saying he had no
dealing with Bath in business then admitted it later. By 1977, Bath invested $15,0 00 into
George W. Bush’s Arbusto Energy Company in return for 5% of the company. Bath was
the only U.S. business representative for Salem bin Laden.

In 1978, Bath purchased Houston Gulf Airport on behalf of Salem Bin Laden. Now it’s
time to fast forward to 1979. In 1979, Osama bin Laden was a proud member of the
mujaheddin [Arabic for holy warriors] supported and funded by George H. W. Bush who
was the director of the CIA and head of the Council of Foreign Relations during that time.

Osama was about to graduate from his University with a degree in Civil Engineering in
1979. The Soviet Union was amassing forces to have an all-out invasion of Afghanistan
and Osama was just recruited by the CIA to fight the Soviets.

The CIA also helped to create bin Laden’s “The Islamic Salvation Front” or ISF [a small
group of volunteer Arabic nationals] to fight with the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan. CFR
news anchor Dan Rather was there covering it on television back then.

The U.S. government can’t be blatant in its role in funding the mujaheddin in Afghanistan
so they according to Michael Bunker, sent AWACS surveillance to the Saudi Arabian
military. In exchange, the Saudi government would agree to smuggle U.S. stinger
Missiles and large U.S. cash to the mujaheddin using Osama as a middleman (in
Afghanistan) since Osama had ties with the mujaheddin, the Saudi royal family, and
the CIA. The U.S. also rewarded Bin Laden in U.S. Middle East construction
contracts to the Saudi Bin laden Group (SGB). The USA assisted the SGB in
rebuilding Medina and Mecca plus Osama and his family received over $5 billion in the
Afghan war years of 1980-1989.

Back to Bath. Bath found investors for Arbusto and made his fortune by investing the
money of 2-BCCI (or Bank Credit and Commerce International) contacted Saudi sheiks
of Khalid bin Mahfouz and Salem bin Laden. Arab and Asian financiers staffed by mainly
Pakistani managers set up the BCCI in 1972. Mahfouz was a shareholder in BCCI and
was one of the richest men in the world. Arbusto (Bush’s early company from the
1970’s) became Bush Exploration and George W. Bush became Vice President of it
in the beginning. Arbusto was soon put on hard times and nearly Bush’s whole business
was nearly ruined until he went to a new company.

Bush Exploration neared financial collapse so in September 1984, Spectrum 7 merged

with Bush’s Energy Corporation to stay his company afloat.

There were millions of dollars ($4.7-$6 million) and 50 investors were used to keep
profits running. William De mitt and Mercer Reynolds owned Spectrum 7 (both men
were staunch Reagan and Bush supporters). George W. Bush became President of
Spectrum 7 and was given 13.6% of the parent stock. Spectrum 7 lost $400,000 and had
problems so they merged with Harken Energy in 1986.

Spectrum 7 Energy Corporation (The merged company) had debts of $3million and
Harken paid George W. Bush $2 million for his stock to merge with Harken. Harken was
used to explore for oil and gas and traded with BCCI and UBS (Union Bank of
Switzerland) with Saudi real estate tycoon and financier Sheikh Adbullah Bakhsh.

Now, a discussion must be presented about Osama bin Laden in the 1980’s. Osama bin
Laden created MAK or Maktab al-Khidamar which was supported by the CIA and
the rest of the U.S. government in 1984 nurtured by Pakistani’s ISI (Interservices
Intelligence Agency). MAK evolved into al-Qaeda by 1989 fully.

In March 1985, President Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 166
authorized stepping up military aid to the Afghani mujaheddin to defeat the Soviets.
George H. W. Bush also gave Afghanistan in the 1980’s $3 billion in finance for weapons
with the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and Osama bin Laden in power. Salem bin Laden died in an
airplane crash in 1988 and the Houston Gulf Airport was passed on to bin Mahfouz.

The BCCI scandal reached full view at the 1980’s-early 1990’s proving that the BCCI
was into drug running leading to its end in 1991 of their fortune. The BCCI was a
channel to having money through enterprises in Iran/Contra, Iran arms trading,
CIA money-laundering operation, and the Vatican owned part of the BNL (or
Banca Nazionale de Lavoro, the Italian bank into drug trading and banking

John Kerry [a Skulls and Bones member] rightfully exposed the BCCI scandal but
didn’t finish the job. Two month before the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, George W.
Bush sold 2/3 of his Harken stock or $212,410 shares at $4 a share for $848,560 total.

This was an insider stock sale; therefore this transaction George W. Bush was in broke
the law. The Bin Laden Group was used to build airfields in Operation Desert Storm. The
Bin Laden Group was a great network with over 40,000 employees in cities of Saudi
Arabia, Beirut, Cairo, Amman, and Dubai building highways, housing units, factories,
hangers, and military bases.

You can easily see how this all geels together being very complex to understand at times,
but apparent of the Bush/Bin Laden relationship. The newest tie is the Carlyle Group.
The Carlyle Group is one of the largest defense contractors on Egypt headed by a
CFR member and a Knight of Malta by the name of Frank Calcucci.

The Carlyle Group does advise financially to Saudi Arabia and Carlucci has directorships
on General Dynamics, the Rand Corporation and sits on the board of directors of ov er 12
other companies. Even fake Leftist George Soros (Bilderberger Group) and Saudi Prince
Almaleed Sin Talal bin Abdulaziz Alsaud are part of the Carlyle Group having $13.5
billion in capital. Many of the bin Laden family are directors of this Groups and more
folks part of it include James Baker, George H. W. Bush, Richard Darman, John Major,

This group worked with Saudi businesses even meeting with the bin Ladens in January
2000 according to the Nation article by David Corn and Paul Lashnar. Meetings go
back in 1998 and 1999 involving James Baker, bin Ladens, and Frank Carlucci.

In 2004 and beyond, the Carlyle Group is exploiting the war in Afghanistan and Iraq to
rake in millions of dollar. Even the conservative Judicial Watch (a judicial watchdog
group and law firm) exposed the folly of the Carlyle Group and called for George H. W.
Bush to resign while his son is President. This is the 21st century version of I.G. Farben
during WWII.
The connection is real and the Bush Crime family and the United States government
directly crated Osama bin Laden to be a terrorist and created him a scapegoat after 9/11 as

Also, the bin Laden family was conveniently escorted out of the United States when
9/11 occurred, although all planes were grounded during that time. “The Outlaw
Bank: A Wild Ride Into the Secret Heart of the BCCI” by Jonathan Beaty and “Fortunate
Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President” by J. H. Hartfield
exposed this Bush/Bin Laden connection some more as well.

By Timothy


False Patriotism
A new era is upon us. Fake Philosophies develop constantly. Patriotism is simply a basic
love and respect for one’s country. The neo-cons completely distorted that definition to
something sick.

Their Nazi interpretation is that if you dissent with any of the policies of King George
(whether good or bad), we will instill a classification of abiding a lack of patriotism
towards you. This is utter nonsense, but many folks lost jobs and are fear-ridden by
not strongly standing up opposing the government committing wrong operations.
Jeremy Glick, ex-Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Max Cleland, writers, actors,
musicians, politicians from their Left and the Right, and others have suffered under
these fraudulent attacks. Waving a flag, following the President regardless, singing some
songs doesn’t make a human a patriot.

A patriot is a state of mind and someone who hold high regard for liberty and the Bill of
Rights (these are laws God gave to us directly).

That’s what ought to be cherished not unlimited submission or compromise. We need not
fear or intimidation, but strength for the individual, honor for the country to improve
itself, preserve equality, and sustain our prosperity and rights.

To be a patriot, you must really learn what is a patriot, not through phony
impersonations, but stable connections to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
To criticize our government is patriotic. To go out and call for legitimate, radical
changes are patriotic. To oppose neo-conservative madmen like Wolofwitz, Firth, Perle,
Kristol, Rumsfeld, Bush, etc. is definitely patriotic.

Years pass now and I’m wiser to acknowledge the sacrifice of our veterans, but at the
same time, it inspires me to focus on the challenges ahead. It’s never easy being in
constant struggle through all of the lies, stereotypes, and adversity.

Let adversity transform into persistence compelling dreams of a better freedom to

fruition. The same folks who wear a flag (solely a symbol) almost like a god would be
scared to death when confronted with the real truth of President George W. Bush’s real
globalist agenda.

Bush is not a patriot in disregarding our Constitution, instilling a false sense of

suspicion for this fake war on terrorism, squeezing our middle class jobs by the
incessant sponsoring of NAFTA and the WTO, tackling the illegal and immoral war
inside Iraq, and other cases.

Battling against this police state, to speak your mind publicly, to resist illegal
government policy, to remind ourselves of the rights of our forefathers died for of
every race, to maintain a spirit of honor and love is the highest form of patriotism to

By TruthSeeker24




March 16, 2004 A.D.

8:59 am. EST


This was one of the first time I wrote about Rush Limbaugh back in October 15,

Limbaugh is a famous radio commentator for the "conservative" movement. He is

right on some issues (i.e. abortion, gun rights, U.N. ,etc.) and wrong on others
(support of the CFR, Bohemian Grove admiration, Patriot Act supporter, civil rights,
etc.) He had also said blatantly racist comments for 20+ years which I've recorded a
sufficient amount of quotes to prove it. Now, he has a drug problem of prescription

He hid it in the beginning, but now at least he admitted it and wants help. I
wouldn't criticized a man involving his drug problem when he wants real help in
treatment [that criticism would be cowardly], but I will criticize his pro-NWO neo-
conservative propaganda policies. No one should exploit his drug problem since he
legitimately wants to seek help and everyone would hope that him and anyone with
a strong drug problem will get better even though I don't agree with him all of the

It's interesting to note that he said "that drug addicts should go to prison" and it will
be interesting to see how he responds when he return to radio spouting off. The real
conservatives, liberals, and independent's agenda are not being shown in the
controlled media. The fake Left (Al Franken, Noam Chomsky, Bill Clinton) and the
Fake Right (George W. Bush, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter) are working for the
Illuminati's New World Order plan. The media is exclusively pro-illegal war, pro-
Patriot Act, pro-censorship, pro-abortion, anti-gun, etc.

Also, the media is Council of Foreign Relations/Secret Societies controlled with the
Left [CFR Robin Wright, CFR Fareed Zakaria, CFR Bill Clinton's propagandist
George Stephanopoulos] and Right [CFR Pornographer Rupert Murdoch, Trilateral
Commission George Will, etc.] so it isn't too surprising to witness the propaganda
today on TV.

Soon ,I will write a hardcore, new, edgy yet truthful explanation on the truth on the
Iraq situation and the crying Bush administration with their spin PR campaign to
attempt to validate their Godless Crusade in Iraq.



By Timothy


These are my short views on Racial profiling back in August 4, 2005:

Racial profiling is a canard and unConstitutional. Since in this Republic, you protect all
human’s rights, but racial profiling singles out people because of their races depriving
their equal Constitutional rights as citizens of America. Racial profiling is unnecessary
and wrong.

By Timothy


I wrote these words in September 8, 2003:

From critics of the movement and others I keep hearing about this issue everyday.
Questions jump at me like what do you do about the government and what is the
Christian role in government?

Well to answer that you have look at government and the Bible. The Bible perfectly says
that your real citizenship is in heaven yet the government isn't infallible and can be
imperfect all of that time. Government is distinct from the religious realms of people of

People should honor and respect the government, as long it doesn't intrude on your
religious and moral rights as citizens of a specific country. If the government compels
anyone to do anything contrary to their conscience and religious beliefs, you have a moral
right to rebel against the government through all legitimate means.

Many figures throughout the Bible resisted government. One site that refutes the non-
resistance lie is from:

1). Jesus Christ refused to speak when sentenced to execution

2). Paul escaped from jail in risk of death

3). Peter escaped from prison after an angel broke his bars.

4). Many of the apostles were sentenced to death and the OT patriarchs weren’t always on
the good side of the law (because of the existence of unjust law).

The truth is that government following is conditional not unconditional. For

unconditional government allegiance would mean to follow the government at any
circumstance even biochips, the government forcing people to kill people or do abortions,
fake worship, or restriction of help or preaching to people, which aren’t morally right.
Government is fallible and should be followed and treated and followed as a fallible
institution. Its not about being anti-government, but pro-truth.


By Timothy


The 2006 State of the Union Address

I've watched most of the President's State of the Union address yesterday. A little over
a hour was the length of his speech. Many folks from Congress attended. President
George W. Bush started by saying condolences of the passing of Coretta Scott King. I
see no problem with that. George Bush had a long road ahead of him, because his
approval rating is in the 40's% according to many polls. One of the first issues he talked
about was about "isolationalism" and "protectionism." The truth is that I don't want to be
isolated at all, but I also don't agree with imperialism as well. The President's words seem
similar to imperialism, because he believes that we must use war if necessary to spread
our values across the globe. The truth is that war is a last resort and there is nothing wrong
with showing liberty to other nations, but it is wrong to force nations to accept freedom
even if you have sincere motives. Nations must accept true liberty on their own and war
must be only for a legitimate reason, but the Iraq War wasn't by being no direct threat to
America and having no massive weapons of mass destruction. Iraq never attacked us during
9/11 and Bush desired to invade Iraq before 2001. For example, according to author and
journalist Mickey Herskowitz, Bush desired to invade Iraq as early as 1999 in hoping to have
a successful Presidency. The Founding Fathers like James Madison and the Constitution
clearly states that Congress declares war, not by the United Nations' approval or a
Resolution fiat. Even George Washington was against entangling alliances and imperialism
for our country. Bush's dream is internationalism, globalism, and empire building, a New
World Order (like his father said over a decade ago) not sovereignty and preserving
America's foreign interests at the forefront in executing our own policies. I support

If Bush really want peace and fight against all tyranny worldwide, why hasn't he apologized
for the Pentagon program called P2OG provoking terrorism to earn an acquired result.
Bush also talked about immigration and how this nation needs immigrants for the country to
be economically stable. I agree with him that we don't need unfair bashing of any immigrant
(whether illegal or legal), but the illegal immigrants are exploited by big corporations in
paying them low-wages. Unlike anti-immigration extremists, I support legal
immigration (I don't agree with illegal immigration). I don't believe in some
"overpopulation crisis" since population growth has decreased in decades worldwide.
Many racists want eugenics as a tactic in trying to curb even legal immigration
populations of Hispanics, Indians, Chinese, those from the West Indies, Africans, etc. I
don't support that route since legal immigration is the way to go and we must encourage the
poor and the suffering people globally to come here legally and not risked their lives
illegally in trying to come into America. The reason why Americans won't do jobs
illegal immigrants won't do is not because of the jobs, but because of the corrupt
benefits and pay that given to the workers, who are victims of this crisis indeed. As for
his plan, I have no problem with showing compassion to illegal immigrants, but we
must have some of the military to back up the border patrol [Note by me in 2010: I
don‘t believe in militarizing the border anymore. I believe in protecting the border with
border patrol agents and other actions alone]. The border patrol can't do everything by
themselves. As for me, white supremacist racist groups against Hispanics and
immigrants are just as evil as racist Hispanic supremacist organizations as well. One of
the things that I did agree with the President was his call for using alternative energy. Bush
talked about how the American public was addicted to foreign sources of oil from Saudi
Arabia and other places. He called for ethanol, hydrogen fuel cells, and nuclear energy
(though some disagree with that approach) to replace the need to rely on foreign sources
of oil.

I agree his call for radical changes. The spy scandal is a matter for the FISA court to
give him the power to have surveillance and the President omitted that. Even tons of
people have been detained of suspicion of terrorist, but they aren't given a chance of
trial plus they are American citizens. I think that our civil liberties are important to
preserve not a law like the Patriot Act with an ambiguous definition of a terrorist found
in Section 802 or allowing the federal government to look at library records without
telling the citizen being monitored about it. Even Bush is quoted as him wanting to be a
dictator in a dictatorship. Bush called on Iran to not develop nuclear weapons and for
Hamas to discontinue its call for the destruction of Israel. I agree with WINGTV on this
point that the Elite are using this War on terror to form a controlled Mid East Union
(similar to Europe) and fulfilling this agenda through their puppets of the pro-CFR

It's interesting to note that the Congress rose and sat down almost divided by party
affiliation. There were only a few times when people stood and appalled which went
against their party's core agenda. The President talked about the need to reduce health
care cost and a bipartisan Commission to find a solution to solve the Social Security
crisis in America. Tim Kaine, the new governor of my home state of Virginia, said a
Democratic response to the State of the Union Address. His common theme was that
they can go into a different way in terms of the war, health care, education, etc. My
opinion of his speech is that the energy part was his best part and the rest of it has some truth
and errors in it. Cindy Sheehan got arrested for refusal to turn over her T-shirt with a
message protesting against the Bush administration. She got charged with a misdemeanor
and the charge was dropped.

I saw Rudy Giuliani talk with Sean Hannity and Allen Colmes past 11:00 pm. EST praising
Bush's speech. I even heard Hannity say in a laughing tone that Guiliani might for President
in 2008. Rudy Guiliani was not only Knighted by Queen Elizabeth (the head of the St.
John of Jerusalem and the patroness of Freemasonry) , but Rudy was involved in
allowing New York authorities to ship the steel into China and India (without an
investigation of them first. An additional seventy thousand tons of WTC steel was sold
to Metals Management , a New York company with a President named Alan Ratner).
Not to mention that Rudy is also pro-abortion and anti-Second Amendment. George W.
Bush talked about unity, but what type of unity does he want? Is it the type of unity that
makes lapdogs out of the Congress in expanding the power of the executive by creating
surveillance against American citizens? Or is it the type of unity that welcomes debate, but
won't unfairly bash the other side? The later is the type of unity that I conceive of. Out of
the whole speech, I heard nothing from Bush about Hurricane Katrina, except from one

I wanted to say this as well. Daryl Bardford Smith rightfully expose evils involving
some people claiming to represent all of Zionism, but this isn’t so (i.e. some of the
Rothschilds‘s deeds, the USS Liberty, the Holocaust, etc.), but he doesn't equally expose
the Knights of Malta, Jesuits, Opus Dei, Order of Garter, Pilgrims Society, Bilderberg
Group, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, who possess more power than the Zionists. For
example, when the Rothschild money empire was just starting in the late 1700's, the
high level Freemason King Frederick of Germany was having tons of influence in
Europe. The Federal Reserve and the CFR was invented with tons of high level 33rd
Degree Freemasons like 33rd degree English Grand Lodge Mason “Colonel” Edward
Mandell House, 33rd Degree Scottish Tire Mason Christian Herter, Scottish Rite
Mason Averell Harriman, 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason Bernard Baruch, and
Grand Orient Lodge Mason Paul Warburg plus Jacob Schiff. The Round Table created
the IPR (Institute of Pacific Relations) in 1925. As for the Holocaust, the Knights of
Malta like Reinhard Gehlen, Franz von Papen, Joseph Kennedy, and other either
worked with the Nazis or sympathized with their cause. Joseph J. Larkin was a
supporter of General Franco. SMOM According to Freemasonry Watch.org, the Old
Prussian Lodges of Masonry united with the Nazis which are all more concrete and numerous
than the Zionists ever do. These Knights (SMOM) had more power than the Zionists,
they head many intelligence agencies, the military industrial complex, and many big
corporations. The CIA itself was invented by Reinhard Gehlen and William Donovan,
both Knights. The evil Vatican Ratline and Operation Paperclip involved the SMOM
and the Vatican as well after World War II. The Mossad was trained by Reinhard Gehlen
as well. Even Fritz Springmeier wrote that The Mossad is not even more powerful than MI6.
It's a historical fact that the Knights of Malta have links to the Vatican, Nazis, and the
CIA. The Carlyle Group is headed by Knight of Malta Frank C. Carlucci.

Frank Carlucci is a CFR member, a former Deputy Director in the CIA, former Director
B.D.M., and Secretary of Defense under Honorary 33rd Degree Freemason President Ronald
Reagan. He’s a member of the Middle East Policy Council. His daughter, Kristin, is the
research assistant for the RAND Institute for Middle Eastern Youth. Carlucci was the
wrestling partner of Roman Catholic Donald Rumsfeld. The Carlyle Group funds much of
the defense in the War on Terror plus the Bin Ladens families are in the Carlyle
Group, so the Knight of Malta Carlyle Group/Bin Laden nexus is real in this “war on
terrorism.” Knight of Malta Dr.John J. De Gioia is a Georgetown/Jesuit trained person
who’s part of the Elite by being a member of the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO,
Chair of its Education Committee, according to a webpage he "represents Georgetown"
being a member of the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Today, Knight of Malta Juan Carlos of Spain is a big player in the Middle East
negotiations and he actively promotes an unified Europe [aka the European Union or
the Revived Roman Empire]. He’s under the present Superior Grand Master of the
Sovereign Military Order of Malta Andrew Cardinal Bertie, who was elected in May 8,
1988. Therefore, To believe that the SMOM have no great global power is a lie period. I will
elaborate on this when I show my new long expose. The truth is that the Masonic Jewish
pro-Labor Zionists (since Zionists never had global power in a high level until the
1800's. Before the 1700's, the Zionists had almost no global power. Not to mention that
Zionism's influences from the Kabbala and the occult are originated from the Gentile
Babylonian and Egyptian Mystery schools like most occult Secret Societies, not from
the Jewish people in general by themselves. Zionism isn‘t monolithic since some Zionists
are peaceful and others claim to be Zionists and desire nefarious agendas) play a
significant, secondary role in world affairs, but the Zionists don't run the whole show.

Numerically, there are more Gentile bankers than Jewish ones. Not to mention that Europe
and America have more dirt and sin than Israel will ever have. Daryl Bardford Smith has this
obsession with the Jesuits as being a shill tactic, but he omitted to his followers that Thomas
M. Harris, Late Brigadier General U.S.V. (and a presiding judge over the trial of the
conspirators). wrote a book about the Jesuit involvement in the assassination of Abraham
Lincoln. Roman Catholic Otto Strasser [one of the founders of the Nazi Party] wrote in
his book “Hitler and I” that baptized Roman Catholic Hitler told Roman Catholic
Himmler that the SS was modeled after the Jesuit Order. The canon to Munich
Archbishop Michael von Faulhaber was Wilhelm August Patin. According to Eric Jon
Phelps, Patin was a Dominican priest, S.S. officer, and Himmler’s cousin. SS General
Baron Frederick von Eberstein admitted on questioning at Nuremberg that
Archbishops Michael von Faulhaber and Brunswick were high ranking officers in
Himmler’s S.S. Heinrich Himmler’s uncle was a Bavarian Catholic priest. DeMolay
Freemason William Jefferson Clinton was trained by the Jesuits for years in
Washington D.C.’s Georgetown University in the late 1960’s. Clinton’s friend was
Jesuit Richard McSorley. Bill Clinton and McSorley even went with Jesuit Richard
McSorley on a trip to Olso, Norway (during the 1960’s) since both opposed the Vietnam
War. I trust Barry Chamish's research in that Israel is run by foreign interests like the
CFR and pro-Sabbeatean Labor Zionism, not all Israelis in general. Even Cutting Edge
Ministries have exposed the great influence of Freemasonry in Britain. Not to mention that
Jewish people were suffering in persecutions and forced into ghettos centuries ago. Bradford
doesn't expose who had the most global power before the late 1700's. That answer is the
Vatican. I'm not denying the Rothschilds' power, but there don't have the history, power, and
strength as other groups. Many of the Zionists have connections with Freemasonry like Paul
Warburg is a Mason and funded the Communists in Russia. Many Freemasons participated
in the Communist Revolution of Russia. Even anti-Semites know that evil, occult
Zionism (as opposed to the peaceful version of Zionism) have influences from
Freemasonry. In the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, Knight of Malta Joseph Grace of W.R.
Grace & Co. funded Russia. Many blame the Jews for the Revolution, but most of the
people involved in it were controlled by Grand Orient Freemasonry and the Jesuits.
For example, Gentile 32nd Degree Freemason Alexander Kerensky led the non-
Communist government first in his Revolution in the early 20th century before the
Communist Revolution. Smith denies any anti-Semitism and claims that he doesn't
blame all Jewish people in general.

Now, Daryl is in a spat with WINGTV. I can list more examples of this. I'm not afraid
of Daryl Bradford Smith and unlike some people I will bring it. Why doesn't Daryl
Bardford Smith at least mention this information? Why does Daryl Bradford rightfully
expose evil pro-Labor/Likud Zionists, but won't expose nothing on Freemasonry being
involved in Revolutions, occult rituals, influence in many parts of governments,
involvement in creating the Round Table and CFR, and other things? The vast majority
of the people running the world are Gentiles, not Jewish people at all. Like always,
many of the eugencists and other enemies could care less about Jews in general and
hate conservative religious principles. We should anyone period whether they are
Jewish or Gentile. The Eugenics Movement have been anti-mankind. I will edit this work
and add more information as well. Let's not forget that these Elite globalists have an
obsession with the occult.

By Timothy


To use any violence on any human is morally wrong and against the commandment of
God to “do no violence unto no man.” Therefore, I am now and forever oppose to any
form of torture against any human being at any circumstance. There have been American
laws preventing cruel and unusual punishment unto American citizens in the 5th
Amendment. The Bush Administration, on the other hand, advocate torture and try to use
it unto foreign citizens as well, which is also never justified at all. One of the men who is
an architect of the torture spreading culture is Alberto Gonzales.

Memos proves that Gonzales endorse the idea the President Bush is above U.S. and
international law. In an August 2002 memo, Gonzales allowed it to come through and it
supported torture almost to death as a good idea to do. How sick. Newsweek reported on
May 24, 2004 that Gonzales wrote a January 25, 2002 memo about how certain parts of
the Geneva Convention were quaint and obsolete on enemy prisoners. The Bush teams’
strategy is to use the “enemy combatant” designation when no declaration of war has
been declared. All prisoners, even if they aren’t related to an army unit are deserved a
tribunal to determine their status.

That’s in the Geneva Convention, yet many of the prisoners in Camp X-Ray and Gitmo
are incommunicado with no legitimate due process procedure. All men are to be treated
with dignity and respect and torture in occurring not only in Iraq but inside Cuba as well.
Prisoner testimonies, human rights groups, lawyers, and even FBI agents expose the
torture occurring in Cuba. The LA Times in August 2002 even said that no high-level al-
Qaeda members are there. Most of these people are goat herders caught in the crosshairs
of war, plus even children.
Brigadier-General Rick Baccus, former head of military police at Guantanamo Bay, was
fired since he refused to torture a person. Copper Green was a project, approved by
Donald Rumsfeld, or torture acts in Iraq and Cuba. This is a fact and the government with
the media is trying to hide this, so we can accept torture. Never accept torture at all. Rush
Limbaugh recently went to a whole other level of Neo-Con pro-torture propaganda. His
racist T-shirt mocks those suffering in Gitmo and use phrases like “My Mullah went to
Club Gitmo and All I Got was this lousy T-Shirt.” Imagine if I had a hateful-Shirt about a
white man, a Mexican, or an Asian.

That would be just as racist as Rush is doing. He doesn’t care about real conservative or
liberty based concepts like family, no use of drugs for recreational purposes, the right to
life, anti-torture, pro-freedom, pro-gun, but a racist, Neo-Con agenda. This is the same
man that called Abu Ghraib as people just “blowing off some steam” when folks were
sodomized, abused, and tortured almost to death with brutal violence. That’s a war crime
plain and simple for you never ought to use violence and torture unto any non-
threatening, detained human being at all. Reuters on June 17, 2005 have a Halliburton
unit to use $30 million to build another detention center in Guantamano Bay with a fence.
Why do we need another building when this concentration camp and gulag have led to the
suffering of so many people? Even Joseph Biden from Delaware wanted it closed down.
This concentration camp is not equivalent to Hitler’s, Pol Pot’s, or Stalin’s centers, but
Guamtanamo Bay is a concentration camp and torture gulag since people are forcibly sent
to a detention facilitate with no coherent habeas corpus and torture exists. Even the
corrupt United Nations in an Associated Press article from June 23 2005 recorded they
had evidence of torture in Guantanamo. Al-Jazeera on July 23, 2005 reported that a
soldier is suing the Pentagon for $15 million for soldiers for torturing him in a drill
impersonating a detainee. I can't believe people would write memos supporting torture in
our face and many Neo Cons like Limbaugh want it.

By Timothy

From June 25, 2005


I guess you want to find out my views on the new Health care law that was signed
President Barack Obama in 2010. Here are my views on this issue:

Health Care is a very important issue in American society. It was a historic

moment since the House passed the health care reform bill possibly to be
signed by President Barack Obama in the first time in American history. Health
care reform should exist in America. America has serious problem in terms of
quality of life, people are dying, and premiums are massively expensive. The
neo cons say that most Americans are satisfied with their insurance. I wonder if
they would say that to those that are suffering to pay their bills. Even my
health care insurance is increasing greatly and my insurance was once not that
expensive. Some have to pay $500 a month for their insurance, which is hugely
expensive. Some neo cons are right that we should have the right kind of
health care reform though. The extremes of allowing the government have
control over every aspect of health care is wrong and the other extreme of
doing nothing (or let private Big Pharma control or HMOs to rule all of our
health care without any type of oversight. We know the wicked history of some
of the acts of Big Pharma) is wrong as well. The truth from a fair perspective
is that Obama's health care bill has legitimate provisions in it, but it isn't
perfect either. Other reforms are needed in our health care system. The bill
passed in a 219-212 vote after more than a year of bitter partisan debate. All
178 Republicans opposed it, along with 34 Democrats. The plan will cost about
$950 billion dollars for 10 years (the revenue to pay for it will be Medicare
taxes going up on high income people according to CNN). Most of it will effect
small businesses in 2014. The bill wants small businesses to offer its workers
health care or be in risk of paying a fine. The bill will not make cancel health
care benefits unto its workers. The proponents of this bill claim that it will
extend health care insurance to 32 million Americans, protect people with
preexisting conditions from being discriminated against to not receive
adequate health care, decrease the deficit, and allow choices. The critics of
the bill believe that this bill will increase the deficit, covertly fund abortions,
some of it is unconstitutional, and it's one step towards a government takeover
of all health care. A lot of the Democrats like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi,
James Clyburn, and other were joyful and celebrating this result. The reality is
that this bill isn't a government takeover per se, but the bill isn't perfect
either. Regardless of what happen, health care reform should exist in this
country. That is what people from across the political spectrum subscribe to
indeed. People from across the political spectrum can agree to oversight in the
insurance industry, getting health care from across state lines easily, and
fighting against fraud plus waste in our health care system. The health care
debate last night was intense with Stupak being called a baby killer and
Congress people called slurs, because of their views. That was wrong of course.
The health care bill mentions that it bans publicly funded abortions and Obama
signed an executive order forbidding public funding of abortion too. You can
make up your mind if you agree with this health care bill or not. I will mention
that the Republicans should offer more than just limited reforms. Many
Republicans won’t offer a rebuilding of our nation’s hospitals, a nutrition
education agenda, and even an unique health care option to help those who
can’t afford health care without HMOs. Radical problems here in America
desire revolutionary solutions. Health care isn't a whim that should be
possessed solely by the few. Health care certainly has the right to be made
available among the whole human race not only in America, but throughout
the world. Health is never some privilege that should be granted in a quaint
fashion unto a limited number of people. HEALTH CARE IS A HUMAN RIGHT.
We have the human right to religious freedom, self defense, to be secured
in our persons, and the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. A lot
of folks from the Internet, TV, family, and others certainly made me more
aware of this fact. Yet, I will mention the fact that some of the legitimate
parts of the new health care law was utilized as a means to cover up the
many illegitimate parts of this law (which include the forcing of people to
get health insurance if they don‘t want to even using the force of IRS
agents, the many taxes excessively placed on many avenues, and how this
law was funded and advanced by the insurance companies. These facts
aren‘t shown by many in the mainstream media). So, we should be
compassionate and reasoned, but not deceived by anyone not even the
President. A lot of the provisions in the health care won‘t be in effect until
2014, so the errors in the law can be reformed. I‘m not some Malthusian
though that doesn‘t care about health care desiring all services to be gone
and allow citizens to die in the street (as some in the Austrian Economic
camp readily admit. I see their Internet comments, so this isn‘t some lie.
This isn‘t made up. These extremists don‘t see the complexity of issues).
Other extremists desire no debate on issues and no debate. As JFK said, to
have no debate or criticism on issues equals to a country that can‘t
succeed. Sometimes criticism is necessary to correct errors and establish a
more perfect Union. I feel more liberated in my thinking. A civilized society
truly should have a better health care system than what we have in the USA

By Timothy

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