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Project Expo Release Notes

Version 0.6.0
This version of Project Expo introduces some new features and many bug fixes. It also provides early
access to a mobile version of Project Expo, that can run on your iPad or Google Tango tablet.
Important notes:

Once this version is released, we will be updating our Data Preparation cloud service. This
means that you will need to download and install the new version of Expo and the Revit add-in
to continue processing your Revit models in the cloud.
Expo projects that have been created with the previous Data Preparation cloud service (0.5.0 or
earlier) will not be compatible with this update, and will need to be re-processed. Make sure
that you delete the existing projects from the Expo main page by clicking the X (delete) icon
beside the name before re-processing the Revit file.
If you want to try the Google Tango or iPad versions of Expo, you will need to install our
distribution software (HockeyApp) onto your device, and register with us separately. Please see
the notes below for full details.

Signing up for the Google Tango/iPad version

We now have (very early) versions of Expo that run on the Google Tango tablet, and on newer model
iPads (specifically, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 2, and iPad Mini 3).
The iPad version has very limited functionality. Right now the only thing you can do with it is orbit
around your model, and go to any of the saved Points of View in your Revit scene.
The Google Tango version supports immersive virtual window navigation, where you can move around
your 3d model by physically moving the device around in space, plus full on-screen touch navigation
controls. We are still working to align Expo on the Desktop, Tango, and iOS.
To try out Project Expo for Google Tango or iPad, please fill out the Expo Mobile Sign-up survey on the
Project Expo feedback page. You will find a link to the survey on the left side of the project home page.
Once you are registered (you will receive an email), you will need to install HockeyApp onto your Google
Tango tablet or iPad. You only need to do this one time afterwards, newer versions of Expo can be
downloaded directly onto your device.
To install HockeyApp, go to this link on your device: http://hockeyapp.net/apps/
Once you have installed and signed into HockeyApp, you can download the latest version of Expo onto
your tablet. To process scenes from Revit for the device, you must make a selection when you are
uploading the scene from Revit. In the Revit add-in, select Expo (Android) (for the Google Tango
tablet) and Expo (iOS) for the iPad. (Note that Android devices other than the Tango are not yet

Please see also the document How to copy Expo files to your mobile device for further instructions.

Whats New

You can now edit your list of preset views in a scene, adding new ones, deleting existing ones,
re-naming and re-arranging them.
You can prepare a Revit model for Google Tango or iPad, and run it on a mobile device. This is
good for portability, or for showing a client your design when you are on-site.
A new present mode lets you hide unneeded editing controls and focus just on presenting.
Revit Linked files are now supported.
You can display your model in White mode, hiding all the materials, if you want your clients to
focus on the form instead of the details. There is also a hybrid white mode that keeps the
environment realistic, but makes your model white.
A new Help overlay explains the controls and shows you whats new in the latest version.
Improved Tap&Go interaction (we are continuing to work on this)
You can turn the visibility of your Points of View markers on and off in the Settings.
You can step sequentially through all your Points of View when in Present mode.
Multiple topologies are now supported (if you split your topo to show roads, etc, the automatic
terrain extension will now work.)
In the Revit Add-in, missing texture files are now easier to find because we list the material
name instead of just the texture name.

Bug Fixes

Expo will no longer crash if you install more than 10 projects

Tap&Go would sometimes take you to the wrong location (e.g. under a staircase) - fixed
Tap&Go allowed you to go to the mountains in the distance - fixed
Point of Interest icons now scale correctly
The ESC key no longer closes the open scene. (But it will take you out of Present mode!)
Controls now position themselves correctly no matter what the aspect ratio or size of your
screen is.
Behaviour of Zoom is improved.
Fixed the problem where sometimes the interior but not the exterior of objects would be
Previously unsupported jpeg file formats are now supported.
Problem were cameras imported from Revit were duplicated is now fixed.
Cases where texture names are duplicated in the Revit file are now handled better.
Cases where the Revit Add-in would become extemely slow are now fixed.
Many other small fixes


The scroll wheel does not (yet) scroll the list of Points of View. You can scroll by clicking and
dragging on the list.

Terrain boundary extension wont work on topography in linked files.

Previous versions
Version 0.5.0
With this version, we are pushing both a Data Preparation service update and an Expo Present installer
update. These updates have the following impacts:

A new Expo installer needs to be installed.

Support for Data Preparation to Android Google Tango mobile tablet has been added. See
complete release notes for details.

For Expo users:

o Expo projects that have been created with the previous Data Preparation service
(v.0.4.x) will not be compatible with this update and will need to be reprocessed.
o A new App for Android Tango is available. In order to try it out, you need to have the
Tango device, which is a prototype tablet from Google. We have a few to lend to some
beta users. Note that support for standard iOS and Android tablet is coming soon.

For Stingray users:

o The Data Preparation service is now compatible with Stingray v1.0 and therefore, users
need to get the latest Stingray version: 1.0. There are 2 options available in order to get
the latest Stingray version:
Use the Stingray v1.0.110.0 build from the Stingray beta for Stingray beta users.
Use the official Stingray v1.0 for Stingray customers (available for purchase on
Aug 19th).
o Stingray projects created with the previous Data Preparation service (v0.4.x) should be
reprocessed for use in Stingray v1.0.

Whats new

Support for Data Preparation to Android Tango mobile devices:

o With version 0.5, we are making a first step toward tablet support for Expo Present.
o We now have an Expo Present app that runs on the Google Android Tango prototype
device. We got a few devices from Google that we will be distributing among our beta
users. For beta users that have been handed the Tango device, it will be possible to
experiment with the first Expo Present app on mobile. Note that support for more
standard mobile tablets is coming.
Revit Add-in UI and workflow improvements.
Updated icons and images for Revit Add-in and Expo App.
Cancelling a Data Preparation job reacts faster.
Model is now at the correct longitude/latitude and orientation if a sun path is defined in the
Revit view.
Add-in Preferences are now persistent between sessions.
Missing custom textures are listed in pre-flight check window.
Expo installer now installs Direct X missing libraries.
Support double-clicking of Expo Present files (.expo) to launch in Expo Present.
Support for Stingray v1.0.

A second pass of improvements was done to the vegetation RPC model scaling.
New camera and navigation markers in Expo Present.
It is now possible to launch your model directly in Expo Present from the Data Preparation Addin window when processing is complete.
Cursor changes when hovering over a Point of Interest in Expo Present.
Main menu in Expo Present has been redesigned.
Expo Present now detects older incompatible expo file versions.
Added camera terrain collision in orbit mode.
Camera names are now imported from Revit.

Bug Fixes

Fixed Data Preparation failure when processing Revit model with only topographies.
Fixed email links when space were found in project names.
Fixed crashes when trying to save settings in the Revit Add-in.
Sunlight properly affects mountains.
Deleting scenes from Expo Present properly removes all files.
When mouse is placed over the UI, scene interaction is deactivated.
Walking through doors when navigating around with mouse and keyboard (WASD mode) has
been improved.
Pan speed is now proportional to distance to the building.
Auto-look in Tap&Go mode is fixed.

Version 0.4.1

For Stingray users: compatibility with Stingray Beta 3

For all users: vegetation scaling has been improved

Whats new
This new version of the Data Preparation service on our server does not require a new install, but it will
have compatibility impacts since this update is synchronizing our service with Stingray beta 3. Here are
the potential impacts on your work:
You now need to upgrade your Stingray version to beta 3 (as opposed to beta 2) if you are using
the Data Preparation service to go to Stingray.
Stingray projects that you might have generated with the Data Preparation service prior to
today's update will not be compatible with Stingray beta 3. You would therefore need to reprocess them if you update your Stingray version.

Bug Fixes

Vegetation scaling issue fixed: where some trees were smaller than the Revit source.

Version 0.4
This new version 0.4 gives you three new capabilities:

Support for custom materials images

Automatic animation of doors in your model
Improved vegetation replacement

Please note that we have updated the Expo data preparation cloud service to work with this new
version. As a result, your current Revit add-in and Expo app will no longer work with the web service. To
process any new models, you will have to download this new version and install it.
Please read the very short Autodesk Project Expo Overview document in order to get a refresher of
the different Expo pieces and instructions on how to proceed for installation of the software.

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