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Overview – Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis), also known as yellow root, is a potent

herb with anti-inflammatory, anticatarrhal, antiseptic, antimicrobal, oxytocic, hepatic
properties. It also has astringent properties which halt mucus production. It is one of the
best herbal immune system stimulants and works especially well when it is alternated
with Echinacea.

What Goldenseal Can Treat – Inflammation, HIV, Canker Sores, Fungus, Opthalmia,
Infection, Digestive Problems, Diarrhea, Irregular Menstruation, Prostrate Disorders,
Allergies, Uterine Bleeding, Ulcers, Periodontal Disease, Inflamed Gums, Irritable
Bladder Syndrome, Bladder Disorders, Vaginal Disorders, Ear Infections, Common Cold,
Flu, and Sore Throats.

How it Works – Two alkaloids are responsible for goldenseal’s effectiveness:

Hydrastine – This is a pesticide, sedative, and an antimicrobial. It is responsible for

treating chronic diarrhea and pesticides.

Berberine – This is the component that is responsible for Goldenseal’s success against
fungal infections, such as yeast infections, parasites, and viral infections. Research has
also been frontiered that suggest that it is also effective against MRSA (Methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus), a strand of superbacteria frequently found in hospitals.
It has been used, through Goldenseal and other related plants such as barberry and
Oregon Grape, for thousands of years and has a cultural place in Hindu and Chinese

One study of particular interest showed that “berberine prevents HIV PI-induced
inflammatory response” (Virginia Commonwealth University). This is quite a promising

Treatment and Dosage - Placing a few drops under the tongue is a quick way to absorb
the goldenseal and is a quick way to jumpstart your body’s battle against a pathogen. This
is very effective for coughing. It is best to do this 3 times a day. If you are taking
capsules, take 1600-2000 mg 4-5 times a day. Alternate with Echinacea capsules, since it
is generally best to take Goldenseal along with other herbs, alternating them, such as
Echinacea, as this increases their potency.

To treat canker sores, gargle a dropper full of goldenseal. This also works for Periodontal
Disease and inflamed gums. Do this until the ailment goes away. However, do not
continue internal use for more than a week since goldenseal can interfere with your
stomach’s bacterial balance.

To treat infants, you can place drops of goldenseal into their milk or some plain yogurt.

Toxicity and Cautions - Always buy goldenseal with the alcohol removed.
Do not take Goldenseal for more than 14 continuous days. Do not take Goldenseal if you
have an autoimmune condition. Avoid goldenseal if you are nursing or pregnant. Those
who have high blood pressure should avoid taking Goldenseal for more than 7
consecutive days.


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