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Expanded Applications of GIS/GPS

Anjelica McCartney
September 28, 2015
Zahir Virmani

Geographic Information Systems or GIS for short, is used to collect, view, analyze and
store spatial and geographic data from around the world. The Global Positioning System, better
known as GPS, is a navigational system that is used to pinpoint exact locations anywhere on the
Earth. We use GIS and GPS globally, and we can share the collected data worldwide. Both of
these modern day technological systems are being used in the career field that I am perusing
which is the Human Services field.
The Human Services field uses these geographic systems to aid them in identifying the
locations of vulnerable populations. These vulnerable populations can include; the homeless,
lower income individuals or families, the unemployed, individuals addicted to drugs, health
issues and more. The GIS system is used to not only identify the location of these vulnerable
populations but also to determine if the surrounding physical geography plays a role in the areas
limitations. Also, the Geographic Information System is used to view any patterns and potential
patterns so that the root of issues can be identified, worked on and possibly even rectified and
avoided in the future. We use Global Positioning for the same purposes as GIS, but it also is used
to obtain a more in-depth view of a specific location.
GIS and GPS aid us in everyday life when issues of all magnitudes arise. GPS tells us
how to get to that new restaurant we want to eat at, or how to travel to Disney Land for vacation
with identifying any possible delays, offering more desired route options. When natural disasters
occur for example a tornado, GIS can identify it before it occurs, track its pattern or any changes
in the pattern and even determine the areas that will be affected by it. After a tornado, GIS and
GPS can be used to assess the damage and identify the most affected areas.
When natural disasters occur people as well as businesses are affected because these
disasters are not biased. Individuals are left homeless, jobless, left with extensive damages to

their property or businesses and farmers are left crop less. These disasters can trigger new
disasters such as flooding, power outages, oil leaks or spills, forests fires, lack of essentials such
as food, clothing, shelter, proper health care and more. It is like a domino effect.
GIS and GPS can help professionals in the Human Services field (actually every field),
evaluate the damage and the populations that need help and determine what help they will need
the most. The systems can help determine the cause, the severity and any possible preventive
measures for future occurrences. Overall, the Geographic Information System and the
Geographic Positioning System aids us in helping individuals and communities recover from
issues of all magnitudes and become even better than before.

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