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It is widely known that before success, there is work and after work and perserv

erance the one thing that inevitably has to be there is failure. History is a bo
ok about failures who failed before but later discovered something that truly ch
anged the world. Their names are recorded in history as people whom one could lo
ok upon for inspiration and motivation. Failure teaches us that before success t
here is a series of failures however after failures we achieve something truly g
Thomas Silva Edison, one of the greatest inventors and discoverers of all time d
id not have it easy inventing a light bulb. Edison in his childhood days was dia
gonosed with a mental condition known as Dyslexia, a condition in which a person
is unable to read and write unlike other people of his or her own age. But that
did not stop Edison's mind from pondering about physical and chemical phenomeno
n of the world. He worked considerably long enough to make a light bulb-somethin
g that would give light in his house and help him to study further at night. How
ever it is said that he failed a thousand times before he made the first light b
ulb. Still, this did not hinder him from achieving his goals. Infact, he was quo
ted as saying that he knew thousand ways of not making a light bulb. He found ed
ucation in failures, something that we all must strive for in our endeavours. He
educated himself through his failures and finally after learning from his mista
kes he made the first light bulb, an invention that marked the beginning of the
studies in the field of electricity and other related fields. Edison teaches us
not to despair over failures as they truly educate you and the attempts that you
make to achieve something enhance your morale and thinking abilities.
Nature provides us with so simple yet inspiring creatures that can inspire us an
d cheer ourselves up whenever we feel low. A simple lesson is learnt from a spid
er crawling up a wall. It is seen in a story where a spider is trying to climb u
p a wet wall. The spider repeatedly fails at it's attempt but it never loses hop
e and keeps on trying to reach the top of the wall. Also, if we block the way of
an ant, it turns around and finds another and does this repeatedly until it rea
ches it's destination without losing the will to reach it's home. When these cre
atures whom we often think of as pretty and weak organisms have such strong and
unshakable will, why do we humans, whom we consider as the superior beings, lack
the courage to try again aeven after a failure? These creatures may be small an
d weak physically but mentally they teach us more than any textbook in the world
. They teach us to be optimistic and never lose hope as after every failure ther
e is new success and oppurtunities to learning more.
Learning is a dynamic process, and failure is just a step to ultimate learning.
Those who are afraid to fail can never succeed and examples from history like Al
bert Einstein and Leonardo Da Vinci prove this unfailingly. Failures teach us so
mething and these small teaching eventually lead to something big and exciting.

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