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- The biggest challenge people has is converting their thoughts to actions.

- It's gratefulness that make you happy and not the other way as many beleive.
- You can't change what you don't notice.
- Much learning does not teach understanding.
- It is better to conceal ignorance than to expose it.
- Woman : Am I loveable?
Man : I'm I measurable up? Do I measure up?
- In wealth, big outcomes usually will require little efforts were in poor, big
effrots will usually lead to unrelevant outcomes.
- In the acient world every man was learning fighting, survival and hunting to
protect his family.
Today man need to learn to earn money to protect his family.
- You have to be very clear about what you want in your life,
Set your own expectations, and you can lead yourself down a path of satisfact
- Alot of People read and watch T.V because they are bored so they need somethi
ng to feed this boredness.
This practice is bad because it makes you believe that you gained some knowle
dge but in reality it didn't bring you any value.
- Happiness will follow when you make progress and when there is a meaning to w
hat you do.
- Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
- No is the master key in success.
What crapy stuff yoy should stop doing in order to focus on the things you ne
ed to do.
Clear your time and life to focus on what matter mostly.
- Be a world class in few things instead of been good at a lot of things.
You have to give up alot of things in order to be where you want to be.
- You'll be in life relative to the size of the problems you'll solve.
Tackle a bigger problem in whatever industry you are.
Bigger problme same industry same time.
- Same effort will be put to whatever task you'll have , so make sure to choose
a big problem which will bring you better results.
Do little things and get better at them.
- The key to winning is been briliant with the basics.
- Ultimately in business you want to move from doing to leadersheep.
- If you have more then 3 priorities then you don't have any.
- Most People are addicticed to distruction.
We want to be wanted, this causing to un productive results.
- It takes 11 minutes to regain consetration!!

- It's not the amount of time you spent at the office , it's the amount of time
you focus/spend on productive acctivities.
- Much pain and rejection as much as people - get out of the comfort zone , the
formula to success massive failure and frustration.
How can get the first 100 people to tell them not!!!
- Failure into fun.do everyday something you're afraid of.
- "Life it is short" So live every moment like it is your last one.
- If you really want to do something, you will find a way; if you don't, you wi
ll find an excuse.
- You can have more then you've got by becoming more then you are.
- Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions
. Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes yo
ur destiny.
- Pain in life is inevitable, but suffering is optional.
- What you think about yourself is more important than what other people think
about you.
- Acting without thinking , like a torepdo , first it needs to be launched then
to be adjusted on the way to the target.
- It is always the start that requires the greatest effort.
- Cleverness has never been associated with delay.
- Waiting for perfect is never as smart as making progress.
- It doesn't make sense to hire smart person and tell him what to do , hire him
so he can tell you what to do.
- If you're born poor, it's not your mistake. But if you die poor, it is your m
- Belief makes life easier.
- To be rewarded by god a person needs to forgo his nature.
- God wants the truth out of you , your truth , your nature.
- The main goal for any business innovation or any business action will be to ri
ch the human experience.
- You will earn what written for you from the divine , so relax and stop worryin
- No more 'need' anymore , from now own 'must'.
Not I need to do it..but I must do it.
Even if you fall milions time you still must to do it.
- The wrong desires would ruin your life and your dreams.

- Jealously Respect and Desire moving a man out of journey and causing him alot
of pain.
- You can change someone only when you relax ,in good mood ,with no harm , screa
ming, violent and negativity will do the opposite.
When you're stubborn the other side will be more stubborn.
- Sometimes you cannot change the situation but you can always change your react
ion to it.
- Who said You're right? (Who said the I'm right?) , in a crisis always ask this
This is the biggest cause of most fights and arguments , you believe you're ri
- In a

fight/argument remember:
The person you're dealing with exactly like you (by his needs).
He wants to be happy like you.
He doesn't want to suffer as you do.

- Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won
so you can spend the rest of your life like most people cant.

- Visualize the steps you will take in order to make success happen.
- Sufferings
1. Suffering is real.
2. There are reasons for suffering.
3. There are solutions for the suffering.
4. You can live without suffering.
- The Self is the
I want , I need
and so...
Ego is the root
feed himself.
Put yourself in

root of sufferings.
, I miss, I wish , I feel , I'm sad , You said , You promised
of most sufferings because the ego always needs more stuff to
the side and you eliminating most of those sufferings.

- The root of jealously is the ego.

- First child at home is the most influential figure.
- We adopt a philosophy or strategy based on what we have been exposed to withou
t knowing if it s the optimal way to do things.
- There is a concept in Zen Buddhism known as shoshin, which means beginner s mind.
Shoshin refers to the idea of letting go of your preconceptions and having an att
itude of openness when studying a subject.
- Most people don

t want new information, they want validating information.

- when you are an expert you actually need to pay more attention, not less. Why?
Because when you are already familiar with 98 percent of the information on a
you need to listen very carefully to pick up on the remaining 2 percent.
- Evil has an attribute of spreading...give an evil a finger and it will spreak
to all your body.

This is a phenomenon that could be resolved on nature and human.

Goodness requires effrot , you have to work on it sometime very hard work requ
- Judaism is living 24 hours in full awareness (stop and be aware of anything).
Taking the matter and giving it meaning by a full awareness.
- Spritual experience could come from the spirit only!!!
- Hava in Genesys - Have mean ...to experience (in hebrew - La Hvot).
- Awareness will give you the solution to handle difficulties and struggles.
- One of the greatest signs of intelligence is the ability to appreciate differe
points of view without necessarily changing yours.
- A person comes to the world to be changed.
People have tendency for evil , the purpose of life is to overcome those weakn
- Love is a result of giving and investing.
- Humans have a tendency to stick with stuff that has no meaning or no value ay
- When you have an internal conflict all you have to do is just to ignore it , i
t will past on his way.
- When you say why...you're criticize and people/kids don't like it.
- Reality could translate itself into 2 different meanings.
What you'll see is what do yo feel at the moment.

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