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Present Continuous (C.1) .2

Simple Future (C.2 & C.3) .6
The simple past (C.4 & A.4) ..11
Use of can (C.5) .16
Much or Many (A.3) 20
Some and Any (A.3) .22
Modal Verbs of Obligation (A.5) .25
Adverbs of manner (A.5) .27
Key ...30

Para mayor ayuda, puedes usar el diccionario Cambridge online:


Present Continuous
The Present Continuous is used in several ways to refer to: actions happening at the moment, in
the future, temporary actions, and trends. However, and for the purposes of this course, we will
concentrate on actions happening at the moment. / El presente continuo se utiliza de distintas
formas para referirse a: acciones que estn sucediendo en el momento, para el futuro, acciones
temporales, y tendencias. No obstante, y para los propsitos de este nivel, nos concentraremos en
el uso ms comn, es decir, acciones que estn sucediendo en el momento.
El tiempo Presente Continuo (tambin llamado Progresivo) se forma con el presente del verbo SER
(TO BE, recuerdas?) ms el gerundio ...ANDO / ...ENDO (...-ing en ingls), del verbo que se desea
conjugar. Este tiempo verbal indica una accin en desarrollo (que est ocurriendo ahora, en el
mismo momento en que se la nombra). Por ello, a menudo las oraciones en Presente Continuo
llevan justamente el adverbio now, currently o at the moment.

La estructura de abajo te ayudar a comprenderlo mejor.

Subject + am/is/are + verb + -ing




I am studying

I am not studying

Am I studying?

You are studying

You are not studying

Are you studying?

He is studying

He is not studying

Is he studying?

She is studying

She is not studying

Is she studying?

It is studying

It is not studying

Is it studying?

We are studying

We are not studying

Are we studying?

You are studying

You are not studying

Are you studying?

They are studying

They are not studying

Are they studying?

We often use short forms in affirmative sentences in the Present Progressive / Usualmente
usamos la versin corta en las oraciones afirmativas del presente progresivo.

Im, Hes, Shes, Were, Youre, Theyre

subject + am/is/are + verbo + -ing
I am studying in New York - Yo estoy estudiando en New York.
I'm studying in New York - Yo estoy estudiando en New York.
He is studying in New York - El est estudiando en New York.
He's studying in New York - El est estudiando en New York.
We are studying in New York - Nosotros estamos estudiando en New York.
We're studying in New York - Nosotros estudiando en New York.
subject + am/is/are + not + verbo + -ing
I am not studying in New York - Yo no estoy estudiando en New York.
I'm not studying in New York - Yo no estoy estudiando en New York.
He is not studying in New York - El no est estudiando en New York
He's not studying in New York - El no est estudiando en New York.
We are not studying in New York - Nosotros no estamos estudiando en New York.
We're not studying in New York - Nosotros no estamos estudiando en New York.
Am/Is/Are + subject + verbo + -ing ?
Am I studying in New York ? - Estoy estudiando en New York ?
Is he studying in New York ? - Est l estudiando en New York ?
Are we studying in New York ? - Estamos nosotros estudiando en New York ?

Spelling rules / Reglas para escribir los verbos

- A single, silent -e at the end of the word is dropped before ing / Se reemplaza la e final por
come - coming
I am coming home. You are coming home. He is coming home.
- But: -ee at the end of the word is not changed / Pero -ee al final de una palabra no se cambia.
agree - agreeing

- The final consonant after a short, stressed vowel is doubled before -ing / La consonante final
despus de una vocal corta acentuada es repetida antes de ing.
sit - sitting
I am sitting on the sofa. You are sitting on the sofa. He is sitting on the sofa.
- The letter L as final consonant after a vowel is always doubled before ing / La letra L como
consonante final despus de una vocal siempre es repetida antes de ing.
travel - travelling
I am travelling around. You are travelling around. He is travelling around.
NOTE: This applies only for British English; in American English there is usually only one L / Esto se aplica solo para ingls
britnico; en ingls Americano normalmente se usa una sola L.

- An -ie at the end of a word becomes y before ing / Un -ie al final de una palabra se reemplaza
por y antes de ing.

lie - lying
I am lying in bed. You are lying in bed. He is lying in bed.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present continuous / Completar el espacio con la
forma correcta del presente continuo.
1) Alexander __________ a film. (to watch)
2) We __________ a computer game. (to play)
3) The man _______ on the grass in the park (to sit)
4) The dog_____________ at the cat. (to bark)
5) Look! Steve's mother __________a cup of coffee. (to make)
6) The teacher _________ the door. (not to close)
7) You _________ the exercise correctly. (not to answer)
8) We _________ the checkpoint. (not to pass)
9) She __________ to the centre of the town. (not to walk)

Write the correct question / Escriba la interrogacin de manera correcta.

10) They try to help
11) The policemen run into the bank
12) you do the washing-up
13) your grandmother look at the birds

Simple Future
Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to" / El tiempo verbal
simple future tiene dos diferentes formas en Ingls: "will" and "be going to.

FORM - Will

FORM Be Going To

[will + verb]

[am/is/are + going to + verb]



You are going to meet Jane tonight.

Are you going to meet Jane tonight?
You are not going to meet Jane tonight.

You will help him later.

Will you help him later?
You will not help him later.

Uses of will and going to / Usos de will and going to.

Voluntary actions
Predictions (long term)
Instant decisions

Going to
Predictions (short term)

1. "Will" to Express a Voluntary Action / Willpara expresar una accin voluntaria.

I will send you the information when I get it.
I will translate the email, so Mr. Smith can read it.
We also use "will" when we request that someone help us or volunteer to do something for us
/ Tambin usamos will para solicitor algo a alguien.
Will you help me move this heavy table?
Will you make dinner?
Often, we use "will" to respond to someone else's complaint or request for help / A menudo
usamos will para responder a una queja o solicitud de ayuda.
I will not do your homework for you.
I won't do all the housework myself!
A: I'm really hungry.
B: I'll make some sandwiches.
A: I'm so tired. I'm about to fall asleep.
B: I'll get you some coffee.
A: The phone is ringing.
B: I'll get it.
2. "Will" to Express a Promise / Willpara expresar una promesa.
I will call you when I arrive.
If I am elected President of the United States, I will make sure everyone has access to
inexpensive health insurance.
I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party.
Don't worry, I'll be careful.
I won't tell anyone your secret.

3 "Be going to" to Express a Plan/ Be going to para expresar un plan.

He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii.
She is not going to spend her vacation in Hawaii.
A: When are we going to meet each other tonight?
B: We are going to meet at 6 PM.
I'm going to be an actor when I grow up.
Michelle is going to begin medical school next year.
They are going to drive all the way to Alaska.
Who are you going to invite to the party?
A: Who is going to make John's birthday cake?
B: Sue is going to make John's birthday cake.

4. "Will" or "Be Going to" to Express a Prediction / Will or Be going to para predicciones.

The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.

I will be married in 5 years time.

Oh no! The boy is going to fall of the tree.

It is going to rain tomorrow.

5. "Will" for instant decisions / Will para decisiones instantneas.

(On the phone) Dont worry John. Ill buy the tickets for tomorrows concert.
Oh no! I forgot my wallet. I know! Ill ask my friend Jos to lend me some money.
We dont have anything to eat. Ill call for a pizza, then.

We often use adverbs with will and going to to talk about the future. The examples below
show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc. / A
menudo usamos adverbios con will and going to para hablar del futuro. En los siguientes
ejemplos se muestra la ubicacin de los adverbios tales como: always, only, never, ever, still, just,

You will never help him.

Will you ever help him?

You are never going to meet Jane.

Are you ever going to meet Jane?

Will or going to? Use the verb in brackets to make a sentence / Will or going to? Usa el
verbo en parntesis para armar una oracin.
1. A: So whats the plan, boys?
B: We ____________________ (see) a movie and then go back to my house.
2. A: Oh no! I didnt bring my pencil case.
B: Dont worry. I ____________________ (lend) you a pen.
3. A: I can't hear the television!
B: I ____________________ (put) it up so you can hear it.
4. I think I ____________________ (be) in Punta Arenas in 2018.
5. Look at that plane. I think it ____________________ (crash) into the mountain!
6. Ted: It is so hot in here!
Sarah: I ____________________ (turn) the air-conditioning on.
7. I think he ____________________ (be) the next President of the United States.
8. At the end of this year I ____________________ (attend) medical school and become a doctor.
9. Relax Jenny. I ____________________ (invite) Leo so you can meet him.
10. As soon as the weather clears up, we ____________________ (walk) down to the beach and
go swimming.

Use the words and phrases given to make questions with going to (future). Mind the word order
in questions / Use las palabaras y frases para formar preguntas con going to (future). Ponga
atencin en el orden de las palabras al formular las preguntas.

11. ______________________________________? (She /to play) basketball on Friday

12. ______________________________________? (the boys/ to ride) their bikes at the weekend
13. ______________________________________? (Paul /to clean) the kitchen
14. ______________________________________? (His mother /to buy) a new T- shirt on
15. ______________________________________? They /to meet their friends at the station

Make questions with to be going to using these words and answer them in the negative form:
Realice preguntas con going to utilizando estas palabras y respndalas de manera negativa.
Tony / read / this / book.
Is Tony going to read this book?
No, Tony isnt going to read this book.
16. Your friends / listen to music?
No, ..
17. Peter / wash / his car?
No, ..
18. She / write a letter?
19. Philip and Frank / have a birthday party?
No, .
20. He / repair my bicycle?


The Past Simple

We use the past simple for something in the past which is finished / El pasado simple se utiliza
para referirse a acciones en el pasado que han sido finalizadas.
I was in New York in 2005
Emma passed her exam last year.
We went to the theatre on Friday.
Elvis Presley died in 1977.
I knew what the problem was.
A: When did you buy this car?
B: About three years ago.

The simple past tense of the verb to be / El pasado simple del verbo to be

its form
and its use.

The affirmative form. / Forma afirmativa

I, he, she, it was.
you, we, they were.

I was in London in 1999.

Pam was in London in 1999, too.
We were together.
She was my girlfriend.

The interrogative form. / Forma interrogativa:


I, he, she, it?

Were you, we, they?



Were you in London last year?

Was Pam with you?
Were you together?

The negative form. / Forma Negativa:

I, you, he, she

You, we, they

was not.
were not.


I wasn't in Paris in 1999.

Pam wasn't in Paris in 1999.
We weren't in Paris.

Rememeber. / Importante:
1. wasn't is the short form of was not. You can say either:

I was not in Paris, or

I wasn't in Paris.

2. weren't is the short form of were not. You can say either:

we were not in Paris, or

we weren't in Paris.


Regular and irregular verbs

Positive forms / Forma Positiva
A regular past form ends in ed. Las formas regulares terminan en ed

It happened very quickly.

The van crashed into the cat.
I posted the letter yesterday.
We once owned a caravan

Some verbs have an irregular past form / Algunos verbos tienen una forma irregular.

The car came out of a side road.

Vicky rang earlier.
I won the game.
I had breakfast at six.
The train left on time.
We took some photos.

The past simple is the same in all persons except in the past tense of be as mentioned above /
La forma del pasado simple es igual para todas las personas excepto con pasado del verbo to
be como se mencion anteriormente.
Negatives and questions / Negaciones e interrogaciones
We use did in negatives and questions. / Utilzamos did en las negaciones y las preguntas
exceptuando las que son con el verbo to be.

I/you/he/she/it/we/they did not stop

did I/you/he/she/it/we/they stop?

OR didn't stop

The car did not stop.

The driver didn't look to his right.
A: What did you tell the police?
B: Nothing.
A: Did you ring home?
B: Yes, I did.


We do not use a past form such as stopped or rang in negatives and questions. / No se utiliza
la forma en pasado de verbos tales como stopped o rang.
The car didn't stopped. x The car didnt stop.
Did you rang? x
Did you ring?
We also use was and were in negatives and questions / Tambien se utliza was y were en las
negaciones e interrogaciones.
I/he/she/it was not OR wasn't
you/we/they were OR weren't

was I/he/she/it?
were you/we/they?

I wasn't very well last week.

The gates weren't open.
Where was your friend last night? Was your steak nice

Put the verb "to be" into the simple past / Agregar el verbo to be en pasado simple.

I ________ in Canada last summer holiday.

My sister ________ with me.
We ________ in Montreal.
She ________ very happy.
I ________ happy, too.


Put the verb "to be" into the present simple or the past simple / Agregar el verbo to be en
presente simple o pasado simple .

I ________ an engineer.
Last year I ________ a student in Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
I ________ in love with a beautiful girl at that time. We ________ friends.
Now, I live in New York and I ________ married to her.

Positive forms / Forma afirmativa.

Complete the newspaper story about a fire. Put in the past simple forms of the verbs / complete la
noticia acerca del incendio. Agregue la forma del pasado simple del verbo.

Two people died (die) in a fire in Ellis Street, Oldport yesterday morning. They
(1)_____________________(be) Herbert and Molly Paynter, a couple in their seventies. The fire
(2)_____________________ (start) at 3.20 am. A neighbour, Mr Aziz, (3) _____________________
(see) the flames and (4) _____________________ (call) the fire brigade. He also
(5) _____________________ (try) to get into the house and rescue his neighbours, but the heat
(6_____________________ (be) too great. The fire brigade (7) (arrive) in five
















_____________________ (enter) the burning building but (11)_____________________ (find) the

couple dead.


Use of Can
We use CAN to express ability, requests, permission and possibility /El verbo modal can
puede ser usado para expresar habilidad, peticiones, permiso, y posibilidad:
Ability / Habilidades o capacidades.

Roxanna can ride a bike.

He can speak Japanese.
I can play table tennis.
We can cook.
They can eat with chop sticks.
Paul and Ingrid can ski.
Inability / Incapacidades.
He cant ride a horse.
I cant type very fast.
We cant lift 100 kilos.
Jan cant run fast.
Nota: Otra manera de escribirlo es cannot
Alicia cant drive a car. Nota: Otra manera de escribirlo es cannot



can speak






can run

very fast




very fast


can sit

in the garden




in the garden


can come

with us




with us


can jump

to the other side




to the other side


can make

delicious cakes




delicious cakes


can pass

the exam




the exam


can draw







Also Can is used for / Can tambin puede ser usado para:
Requests / Solicitudes.
Can you help me?
Can you tell me the way to the museum?
Can you come here a minute please?
Permissions / Permisos.
Can I use your cell phone?
Can I take a day off?
Can I smoke here?
Can I go out?
Typical responses / Respuesta tpica: Certainly. Yes, certainly. Of course. Of course you can. Sure
(informal) etc.
Possibility / Posibilidad.
The florist can deliver the bouquet early.
My friend can visit me this week
Note: can is not normally used to describe future possibility in the positive form.
INCORRECT: It can rain tomorrow.

Inappropriateness / Can puede ser usado cuando se considera que una accin es inapropiada.

You cant wear that dress! It is indecent.
You cant smoke in this building. It is illegal.
You cant ask for information here. This is not information desk.


For questions this is the word order / Para formular preguntas.

Questions without question words

Short answer










a tree?




















nice songs?




Questions with question words



can we


We can ride skateboards.


can Frank


the trumpet?

Frank can play the trumpet in his room.


can she


her friends?

She can see her friends after school.

Choose can or cant according to the situation / Escoja can o cant de acuerdo a la situacin.
1) I know the answer; I _________________ answer the question now.
2) She is good at playing the piano; she _________________ play the piano very well.
3) This test is very difficult; I _________________answer any questions.
4) Maria can speak English but she _________________speak French.
5) You ______________________ sleep today because you are very nervous.


Form questions with the given words and phrases / formule preguntas con las palabras o frases
que aparecen en el ejercicio.
1) this text you can't read?

2) have I the milk, can please?

3) in the garden help Nico can't?
4) the birds they can hear?
5) he understand Spanish can't?
6) this car do 250 km/h can?
7) can the girls dance?
8) parrots can fly?
9) this form fill in you can't ?
10) the boys can fast run?


Much or Many
When do we use much and when do we use many? / Cundo utilizamos much o many?
We use much with uncountable nouns in singular and many with countable nouns in plural /
Usamos much con sustantivos incontables en singular y many con sustantivos contables en
We often use much/many in questions and negations / Generalmente utilizamos much/many en
preguntas y negociaciones.
We normally use a lot of/lots of in affirmative sentences / Normalmente utilizamos a lot of/lots of
en oraciones afirmativas.
much milk
much money
much time
much water
many glasses of milk
many dollars
many hours
many bottles of water
How much money do you have? - I don't have much left.
How many dollars do you have? - I don't have many left.
In informal English these questions are often answered with a lot of/lots of. There is no much
difference between the two phrases / En Ingls informal estas preguntas con frecuencia son
contestadas con a lot of/lots of.
Note: We use much or many after as, so and too. It is wrong to use a lot of/lots with these words.
(We have so a lot of homework to do.) / Nota: utilizamos much o many despus de as, so
y too.
We have so much homework to do.
We have too much homework to do.


Put how much or how many to complete the questions. Mind countable and uncountable nouns.
Escriba how much o how many para completar la preguntas. Fijese en los sustantivos
contables e incontables.
1) How __________ stars are there in the sky?
2) How __________ people live on islands?
3) How __________ birds are there?
4) How __________ water is in the ocean?
5) How __________ money is in a bank?
6) How __________ countries are there in the world?
7) How __________ bread is eaten per day?
8) How __________ bones are there in the human body?
9) How __________ sand is in the deserts?
10) How __________ information is on the internet?


Some and Any

The words some and any are used for countable and uncountable nouns. In general, we could say
that some means a few / a little and any means none in negative clauses or a few / a little in
questions / Las palabras some y any son utilizadas para sustantivos contables incontables. En
general podramos afirmar que some significa algunos o un poco (a few /a little) y any es utilizado
para preguntas y negaciones.

Positive Clauses / Clausulas afirmativas.

In positive clauses, we usually use some / En clausulas afirmativas generalmente utilizamos some.
I have bought some bread.
I have bought some apples.
Negative Clauses
In negative clauses, we use any and it must be used with not / En las clausulas negativas utilizamos
any y debe usarse con not.
I have not bought any bread.
I have not bought any apples.
In questions, we usually use any.
Para las interrogaciones usualmente utilizamos any
Have you bought any bread?
Have you bought any apples?
Compound Words with some & any


Some & any can also be part of compound words such as / Some y any tambin pueden ser
parte de una palabra compuesta:

something / anything
someone / anyone
somewhere / anywhere
Note that some & any have to be used with a noun while compound words with some & any can
stand on their own / Cabe destacar que some & any tienen que ser utilizados con un sustantivo
mientras que las palabras compuestas con some y any pueden estar solas.

I have bought some bread.
I have bought something.
However, some and any need not stand directly before the noun. Sometimes, the noun appears
somewhere before some or any and is not repeated. So if you are not sure whether to use some or
something for example, check if there is a noun in the sentence that you can place after some / Sin
embargo, some y any no necesariamente deben situarse directamente en frente del sustantivo. En
algunas ocasiones el sustantivo se sita en algn lugar antes de some or any y no se repite. Por lo
tanto si no est seguro de usar some o something, por ejemplo, revise si existe algn sustantivo
que pueda situarse despus de some.

I do not have to buy bread. Rachel has already bought some [bread].
Exceptions / Excepciones
Positive Clauses with Any / Clausulas afirmativas con any


We usually use some in positive clauses. But after never, without, hardly, we use any /
Usualmente utilizamos some en clausulas positivas. Pero despus de never, without, hardly,
utilizamos any.
We never go anywhere.
She did her homework without any help.
Theres hardly anyone here.
Fill in the correct word (some or any). Agregue la palabra correcta (some o any)

1) Sue went to the cinema with __________ of her friends!

2) Jane doesn't have __________ friends.
3) Have you got __________ brothers or sisters?
4) Here is __________ food for the cat.
5) I think you should put __________ flowers on the table.
6) Could you check if there are __________ calls on the answering machine?
7) I don't want __________ presents for my birthday.
8) Did they have __________ news for you?
9) I'm hungry - I'll have __________ sandwiches.
10) There aren't __________ apples left.


Modal Verbs of Obligation

Have to, should, must
We can use / Podemos utilizar:
have to + infinitive,
must + infinitive
should + infinitive
to express obligation (something you have to do).

have to /
don't have to

Strong obligation (possibly from
outside) / Obligacin estrticta
(posiblemente externa)
Children have to go to school.
(sometimes 'have got to')

No obligation. Sin obligacin

I don't have to work on Sundays.

You don't have to eat anything you
don't like.

must / mustn't

should /

Strong obligation (possibly based on

the speaker's opinion) / Obligacin
estricta (posiblemente basada en la
opinion del emisor)

Negative obligation
Obligacin negativa

I must study today.

You mustn't smoke here.

mild obligation or advice

sugerencia, consejo u obligacin
You should save some money.

mild negative obligation or advice

negacin sugerencia, consejo u
obligacin leve
You shouldn't smoke so much.

Be careful about the difference between mustn't and don't have to!
Atencin con el significado de Mustnt (no debes) y dont have to (no necesitas)!


Mustn't means it's not allowed, or it's a bad idea / Mustnt significa que no est permitido o que
es una mala idea.
You mustn't eat so much chocolate, you'll be sick.
Don't have to means you don't need to do something, but it's fine if you want to do it / Don't have
to significa que no necesitas hacer algo pero est bien si deseas hacerlo.
I don't have to get up early at the weekend (of course, if I want to get up early, that's fine, but I
can stay in bed if I want).

Put in -mustn't- 'don't have to - doesn't have to- should-shouldnt/ Agregue -mustn't- 'don't have
to - doesn't have to- should-shouldnt.
1) We have a lot of work tomorrow. You __________ be late.
2) You __________ tell anyone what I just told you. It's a secret.
3) The museum is free. You __________ to pay to get in.
4) Children __________ tell lies. It's very naughty.
5) John's a millionaire. He __________ to go to work.
6) I __________ to do my washing because my mother does it for me.
7) We __________ to rush. We've got plenty of time.
8) You __________ smoke inside the school.
9) You __________ help in the house.
10) We __________ miss the train, because it's the last one tonight.
11) My mum thinks I __________ spend so much money on clothes.
12) "Twilight" is a really great book. You __________ read it soon.
13) The teacher said to me, "You __________ get up earlier because you are late again!"
14) You __________ do your English homework!
15) You __________ drive the car. You are only thirteen!


Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. They are usually placed after the main verb or
after the object / Los adverbios de modo nos dicen como algo sucede. Usualmente se colocan
despus del verbo principal o despus del objeto.
He swims well, (after the main verb)
He ran... rapidly, slowly, quickly.
She spoke... softly, loudly, aggressively.
James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
He plays the flute beautifully. (after the object)
He ate the chocolate cake greedily.
Be careful! / Atencin!
The adverb should not be put between the verb and the object / El adverbio no debe ser colocado
entre el verbo y el objeto:
He ate greedily the chocolate cake [incorrect]
He ate the chocolate cake greedily [correct]
Rule / Regla
If there is a preposition before the object, e.g. at, towards, we can place the adverb either before
the preposition or after the object / Si hay una preposicion antes del objeto ej. at, towards,
podemos colocar el adverbio antes de la preposicin o despus del objeto.
The child ran happily towards his mother.
The child ran towards his mother happily.
Rule / Regla
Sometimes an adverb of manner is placed before a verb + object to add emphasis / A veces un
adverbio de modo es colocado antes de un verbo + el objeto para poner nfasis:
He gently woke the sleeping woman.


Note: some writers put an adverb of manner at the beginning of the sentence to catch our
attention and make us curious / Algunos autores colocan los adverbios de modo al principio de la
oracin para llamar la atencin o causar curiosidad.
Slowly she picked up the knife.
Rule / Regla
However, adverbs should always come AFTER intransitive verbs (=verbs which have no object) /Sin
embargo, los adverbios deberan ir siempre despus de los verbos intransitivos (los que no tienen
The town grew quickly
He waited patiently
Also, these common adverbs are almost always placed AFTER the verb / Tambin estos adverbios
casi siempre estan situados DESPUES del verbo.
Rule / Regla
The position of the adverb is important when there is more than one verb in a sentence. If the
adverb is placed after a clause, then it modifies the whole action described by the clause.
La posicin del adverbio es importante cuando hay ms de un verbo en la oracin, Si el adverbio es
colocado despus de la clusula, ste modifica toda la accin descrita por la clusula.
She quickly agreed to re-type the letter (= her agreement was quick)
She agreed to re-type the letter quickly (= the re-typing was quick)
He quietly asked me to leave the house (= his request was quiet)
He asked me to leave the house quietly (= the leaving was quiet)


Put the adverb of manner in the correct place / Coloque el adverbio de modo en el lugar correcto.
1. When my teacher talks, it's difficult to understand him. (quickly)
2. I study for a test.( hardly)
3. The policeman shouted at the thief. (loudly)
4. Please try to behave when you meet my family. (normally)
5. She did in her tennis match last week. She won. (well)
6. Please close the door when you enter my room. (gently)
7. I'm sitting so I don't want to move. (Comfortably)
8. My husband sings when he's in the shower. Even the neighbors can hear him. (Enthusiastically)
9. She laughs at my jokes. (Happily)
10. Sometimes I need my teacher to talk more so I can hear her better. ( Slowly)


Present Continuous


Alexander is watching a film

We are playing a computer game
The man is sitting on the grass
The dog is barking at the cat.
Look! Steve's mother is making a cup of coffee.
The teacher is not (isnt) closing the door.
You are not (arent) answering the exercise correctly.
We are not (arent) passing the course.
She is not (isnt) walking to the centre of the town.
Are they trying to help?
Are the policemen running into the bank?
Are you doing the washing-up?
Is your grandmother looking at birds?

Simple Future
1. are going to see
2. Will lend
3. will put
4. Will be.
5. Is going to crash.
6. Will turn.
7. Will be
8. am going to attend
9. Will invite
10. are going to walk
11. Is she going to play basketball on Friday?
12. Are the boys going to ride their bikes at the weekend?
13. Is Paul going to clean the kitchen today?
14. Is his mother going to buy a new T-shirt on Saturday?
15. Are they going to meet their friends at the station?
16. Are your friends going to listen to music? No, they are not going to listen to music
17. Is peter going to wash the car? No, Peter isnt going to wash the car.
18. Is she going to write a letter? No, she isnt going to write a letter
19. Are Philip and Frank going to have a birthday party? No, Philip and Frank are not going to have
a birthday party.
20. Is he going to repair the car? No, he isnt going to repair the car.

The simple past


I was in Canada last summer holiday.

My sister was with me.
We were in Montreal.
She was very happy.
I was happy, too.


I am /'m an engineer.
Last year I was a student in Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
I was in love with a beautiful girl at that time. We were friends
Now, I live in New York and I am /'m married to her.

1. were
2. started
3. saw
4. called
5. tried
6. was

7. arrived
8. fought
9. brought
10. entered
11. found

Use of Can
1) I know the answer; I can answer the question now.
2) She is good at the piano; she can play the piano very well.
3) This test is very difficult; I cant (cannot) answer any question.
4) Maria can speak English but she cant (cannot) speak French.
5) You cant (cannot) sleep today because you are very nervous.

1) Can't you read this text?

2) Can I have the milk, please?
3) Can't Nico help in the garden?
4) Can they hear the birds?
5) Can't he understand Spanish?
6) Can this car do 250 km/h?
7) Can the girls dance?
8) Can parrots fly?

9) Can't you fill in this form?

10) Can the boys run fast?

Much or Many
1) How many stars are there in the sky?
2) How many people live on islands?
3) How many birds are there?
4) How much water is in the ocean?
5) How much money is in a bank?
6) How many countries are there in the world?
7) How much bread is eaten per day?
8) How many bones are there in the human body?
9) How much sand is in the deserts?
10) How much information is on the internet?

Some and Any

1) Sue went to the cinema with some of her friends!
2) Jane doesn't have any friends.
3) Have you got any brothers or sisters?
4) Here is some food for the cat.
5) I think you should put some flowers on the table.
6) Could you check if there are any calls on the answering machine?
7) I don't want any presents for my birthday.
8) Did they have any news for you?
9) I'm hungry - I'll have some sandwiches.
10) There aren't any apples left.


Modal Verbs of Obligation

1) We have a lot of work tomorrow. You mustn't be late.
2) You mustnt tell anyone what I just told you. It's a secret.
3) The museum is free. You don't have to pay to get in.
4) Children mustn't tell lies. It's very naughty.
5) John's a millionaire. He doesn't have to go to work.
6) I don't have to do my washing because my mother does it for me.
7) We don't have to rush. We've got plenty of time.
8) You mustn't smoke inside the school.
9) You must help in the house.
10) We mustn't miss the train, because it's the last one tonight.
11) My mum thinks I shouldnt spend so much money on clothes.
12) "Twilight" is a really great book. You should read it soon.
13) The teacher said to me, "You should get up earlier because you are late again!"
14) You must do your English homework!
15) You mustnt drive the car. You are only thirteen!
Adverbs of manner
1. When my teacher talks quickly, it's difficult to understand him. (quickly)
2. I study hardly for a test.( hardly)
3. The policeman shouted loudly at the thief. (loudly)
4. Please try to behave normally when you meet my family. (normally)
5. She did well in her tennis match last week. She won. (well)
6. Please close the door gently when you enter my room. (gently)
7. I'm sitting comfortably so I don't want to move. (comfortably)
8. My husband sings enthusiastically when he's in the shower. Even the neighbors can hear him.
9. She laughs happily at my jokes. (happily)
10. Sometimes I need my teacher to talk more slowly so I can hear her better.( slowly)


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