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Tunnel in Undisturbed Rock Mass

Tutorial 1 Hoek-Brown Strength

Envelope for a Tunnel in Undisturbed
Rock (D = 0)
In this example, well be deriving the principal stress and normalshear strength plots for an undisturbed in-situ sandstone rock
mass surrounding a tunnel at a depth of 100 meters using the
Hoek-Brown strength criterion. With no test data available, well
be using reference data to determine the Hoek-Brown
classification parameters.
If havent already done so, please open the RocData 5.0
The default view is the Table Values View, in which users have
access to reference tables for deriving classification parameters.

Enter this data in the sidebar input data area, by doing the
1. Click on the list button beside the sigci input, and select
the 50-100 strength range. Click OK to close the dialog.
2. Click on the list button beside the GSI input, use the mouse
or keyboard to define a value of 55. Click OK to close the
3. Click on the list button beside the mi input, and select
Sandstones from the list. Click OK to close the dialog.

RocData v.5.0

Tutorial Examples

Tunnel in Undisturbed Rock Mass


4. Click on the list button beside the MR input, and select

Sandstones from the list. The intact modulus (Ei) is
automatically calculated. Click OK to close the dialog.
Also, enter the following data to determine the Failure Envelope
Range (sig3max), which is used to calculate the equivalent MohrCoulomb parameters for the Hoek-Brown model.

Click Zoom Extents to resize the plots to the failure envelope

Plots will be automatically updated as the parameters change. The
resulting output will also be automatically updated and displayed
in the data legend to the right of the plots.
Notice the equivalent Mohr-Coulomb parameters that have been
calculated (displayed in the data legend):

The envelope corresponding to these parameters can be viewed on

the plots, by selecting the Mohr-Coulomb strength envelope option,
from the toolbar or the Analysis menu.

To get a better look at the MC envelope, lets view only the Normal
vs. Shear stress plot. Select the Normal vs. Shear Stress option
from the Analysis menu or the toolbar. This will hide the principal
stress plot, and show only the Normal vs. Shear stress plot,
maximized in the view.
Maximizing a particular plot can also be achieved by doubleclicking it, bringing the view to a single chart mode. Doubleclicking the plot again reverses the view to multi-chart mode.

RocData v.5.0

Tutorial Examples

Tunnel in Undisturbed Rock Mass


Currently, the Normal vs. Shear stress plot and the MC envelope
are both navy blue. Lets change the color of the MC envelope to
orange. This is done in Series Display Settings in the sidebar
and allows the user to format series of a particular plot when it is
displayed in single chart mode.

The final Normal vs. Shear stress plot should look like the

RocData v.5.0

Tutorial Examples

Tunnel in Undisturbed Rock Mass


If you examine the MC envelope, you can graphically confirm the

calculated values of cohesion, friction angle, and also the rock
mass tensile strength sigt (-0.15Mpa). The tensile strength is the
negative value of normal stress, at the origin of the failure

RocData v.5.0

Tutorial Examples

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