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Planning of Telecomunication Networks

dr in. Krzysztof Wajda (wajda@kt.agh.edu.pl),
dr in. Mirosaw Kantor (kantor@kt.agh.edu.pl)

Guidelines for laboratory exercise no 06

Optimization models for efficient inter-domain traffic

The main goal of this set of exercises is to prepare and make performance analysis of
optimization models for efficient inter-domain traffic distribution.
1 PCs

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1. Prepare and test optimization models for efficient inter-domain traffic distribution.
2. Write a report describing your achievements. Send report via email to
kantor@kt.agh.edu.pl with relevant subject: [PTN-ex6-name]


LCR (Least Cost Routing) approach

1. The Least Cost Routing (LCR) solution is a framework supporting an efficient distribution
of inter-domain traffic. It helps to optimize connections between telecommunication
operators by minimizing cost for served demands and maximizing the operators income,
as well as an efficient use of the existing network infrastructure. Figure 1 presents the
general model for LCR approach.
A multi-domain communication network is represented by a set of Point of
Interconnection (POI) nodes representing the gateways between domains and a set of
abstract nodes p = 1; 2; ::; P corresponding to a domain in the global graph, denoted here
as the partners. Each abstract node p = 1; 2; ::; P represents a separate domain network
and can be internally modelled as another directional sub-graph. An operator usually has
many points in its network through which the traffic is exchanged with the interconnecting
partners network domain.
Formally, POI can be defined as a geographical location where two networks
interconnect and exchange traffic. These points (POIs) act as gateways between domains
handling connections to other operators.
Some parameters are related to each POI. The capacity of POI is one of them. By
the capacity in this context we mean the maximum traffic volume which can be sent
through the POI during the considered time period, e.g., one month, one day, one hour,
etc. This limitation can result from technical constraints of particular locations, e.g., the
interconnection link capacity. Other important factors related to the POIs and, more
generally, to the interconnect partners are: charging schemes and price lists announced by
partners. Different tariffs can be applied to the same POI, even for the same direction. It
stems from the fact that an interconnection partner can offer some classes of service on the
same directions with different prices.
The connection model is presented from a standpoint of an operator that wants to
send the traffic to selected destinations. It is assumed that the operator signed agreements
with a certain number of partners P that offer the possibility of terminating or transiting
the traffic to some destinations. Not all interconnection partners offer the connections to
all destinations. In the case of large operators, they often offer the global services, but
smaller ones operate rather in narrower geographical zones.


Planning of Telecomunication Networks

dr in. Krzysztof Wajda (wajda@kt.agh.edu.pl),
dr in. Mirosaw Kantor (kantor@kt.agh.edu.pl)

Figure 1. General LCR connection model.

Figure 2 presents the logical structure for LCR approach. The formulation of the
analyzed LCR problem is based on Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP). In this
model, we consider d D directions (each direction is related to one selected network prefix)
and p P transit partners, each of them offering i Ip interfaces (here identified as egress
routers). We also introduce e E possible timebands (i.e., time intervals with different cost
unit). Each partner p offers t Tpie tariffs on its interface i within timeband e. The parameter
cdpiet is the unit cost (transit cost per volume traffic unit of tariff t offered by partner p on
interface i in timeband e to direction d). In case when direction d cannot be reached within
tariff t offered by partner p on interface i in timeband e, we assume that the unit cost cdpiet is
equal to infinity. As the input constants, we have an aggregated traffic flow hde that must be
carried for direction d in timeband e. Parameter Kpiet denotes the maximum amount of the
traffic that can be carried on interface i within tariff t of partner p in timeband e, while
parameter Zpie denotes the maximum amount of traffic that can be carried through interface i
of partner p in timeband e. The next parameter, Lpe, indicates the limit of the overall traffic
which can be sent through partner p in timeband e. The presented tariff, interface or partner
limits can be based on the economical reasons determined in Service Level Agreement
between interconnected partners or technical features like capacities of interfaces, memory
size, etc.


Planning of Telecomunication Networks

dr in. Krzysztof Wajda (wajda@kt.agh.edu.pl),
dr in. Mirosaw Kantor (kantor@kt.agh.edu.pl)

Figure 2. Logical structure of LCR model.



Planning of Telecomunication Networks

dr in. Krzysztof Wajda (wajda@kt.agh.edu.pl),
dr in. Mirosaw Kantor (kantor@kt.agh.edu.pl)

Preparation of optimization models

1. Based on the notation used in Figure 2 prepare the following optimization models:
a) basic cost minimization model with bifurcation and :
a. linear tariff
b. constraints on traffic going through:
i. tariffs
ii. interfaces
iii. partners
b) basic cost minimization model without bifurcation and :
a. linear tariff
b. constraints on traffic going through:
i. tariffs
ii. interfaces
iii. partners
2. Using the model prepared in point 1b) extends it by including QoS issues. Assuming that:
adpie denotes the length of the offered AS-path (expressed in hops) to destination d going
through interface i of partner p in timeband e
bdpie denotes AS-path latency which can be experienced by the traffic flow sent to destination
d through interface i of partner p in timeband e
prepare the following optimization models:
a) model that minimizes the total length of AS paths that traffic flows must traverse
b) model, the overall latency experienced by traffic flows on the assigned paths is minimized
c) model where the threshold for the cost of the traffic sent through interface i is imposed (Cpie) and
the overall length of chosen AS-paths is minimized


Implementation and testing the optimization models in CPLEX

1. Implement the models prepared in part II in CPLEX software (file *.mod)
2. Prepare the data file (file *.dat) to test the implemented optimization models; assume the following
input data:
P = 5 interconnection partners
D = 10 directions
E=1 timeband
I = 2 interfaces
two linear tariffs per interface with different cost units
interconnection partners offer linear tariffs for which the unit cost is generated from the
110 interval
total offered capacities of the interfaces offered by one partner is equal to about 200 traffic
units (100 per interface)
maximum capacities of the partners are the same and equal 160 traffic units
maximum amount of traffic which can be sent through all the partners is equal to 800 units
volumes of the traffic flows can be assigned by using the values taken from 4060 interval
the length of AS-path to directions d should be taken from the 16 interval

3. Collect and analyse the results for all models:

a. value of the goal function
b. traffic assignment


After laboratory

Prepare the report related to the laboratory. Send to me (kantor@kt.agh.edu.pl) also files with optimization
models and data (*.mod and *.dat files).

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