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Text 1
How Earthquakes Happen
Earthquakes are movement in Earths crust. The crust is earths rocky outer layer, the
solid ground we live on. Earths crust is broken up into many gigantic sections of rigid rock
called plates. The plates slide around slowly on a layer of hot, melted rock deep inside earth,
sometimes the plates crash together. Sometimes the edge of one plate slides under another
Faults are cracks in Earths crust between the huge plates. Earthquake usually happen
along the faults. The plates on each side of a fault press againts each other with tremendous
force. An earthquake occurs when the rock along the edge suddenly gives away. Huge
chunks of rock underground break and move. They can jolt upward or they can dive down.
Sometimes the blocks of rock along a fault grind sideways past each other.
The place where the rock breaks is called the focus of the earthquake. It is usually
underground. The breaking and moving makes waves travel through the ground. The waves
go through the ground the way waves go through water. The ground ripples and shakes.
The place on the ground directly above the focus is called the epicenter. Earthquakes are
strongest near their epicenters. Eartquakes waves go out in big circles. Waves made by
powerful earthquake can travel thousand of miles. .
1. What is the text above?
A. Faults
B. Earthquake
C. Waves
D. Earth
E. Hurricane
2. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To describe about earthquake in general
B. To make the readers aware about the earthquake
C. To tell how the earthquake happens
D. To warn people about the coming earthquake
E. To explain about the faults


In which part of the text telling how an earthquake may happen?

A. The 1st paragraph .

B. The 2nd paragraph
C. The 3rd paragraph
D. The 4rd paragraph
E. The 1st and 2nd paragraph
4. An eathquake occurs when the rocks along the(second paragraph)
The synonim of the underlined word is.
A. Moves
B. Goes
C. Breaks
D. Happens
E. Destroys
5. The can jolt upward or(second paragraph)
A. Earthquake waves
B. Earthquakes
C. Huge chunks of rock underground
D. Plates
E. Faults
Text 2
A tsunami is a series of waves generated when water in a lake or in the sea is rapidly
displaced on a massive scale. Earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions and large meteorite
impacts all have the potential to generate a tsunami. The effects of a tsunami can range from
unnoticeable to devastating.

The term of tsunami comes from the Japanese language meaning harbour (tsu) and
wave (nami). Although in Japanese tsunami is used for both singular and plural, in English
tsunamis is well-established as the plural. The term was created by fisherman who
returned to port to find the area surrounding the harbour devastated, although they had not

been aware of any wave in the open water. A tsunami is not a sub-surface event in the deep
ocean; it simply has a much smaller amplitude (wave heights) offshore, a very long
wavelength (often hundreds kilometers long), which is why they generally pass unnoticed at
sea, forming only a passing hump in the ocean.

Tsunamis have been historically referred to as tidal waves because as they

approach land they take on the characteristics of a violent onrushing tide rather than the sort
of cresting waves that are formed by wind action upon the ocean (with which people are
more familiar). However, since they are not related to tides, the term is considered
misleading and its usage is discouraged by oceanographers.

1. The writer wrote the text

A. To entertain readers
B. To describe a tsunami
C. To argue against a tsunami
D. To tell funny things about tsunami
E. To persuade readers to prevent a tsunami
2. Waves which are created by a tsunami are very
A. Tiny
B. Long
C. Strong
D. Exciting
E. Peculiar extraordinary
3. it simply has a much smaller amplitude (wave heights) offshore . (par.2)
Which is the closest meaning to the underlined word?
A. Only
B. Rarely
C. Really
D. Actually
E. Obviously
4. Which doesnt have the potential to generate tsunami?
A. Earthquakes

B. Volcanic eruptions
C. Large meteorite impacts
D. Landslides
E. Harbours
5. .. when water in lake or in the sea is rapidly displaced on a massive scale. The
underlined word means
A. Fast
B. Continuously
C. Generally
D. Gradually
E. Slowly

Text 3
How Hurricanes Occur
Hurricanes are the most awesome, violent storms on Earth. People call these
storms by other names, such as typhoons or cyclones, depending on where they occurs. The
scientific term for all these storms is tropical cyclone. Only tropical cyclones that form over the
Atlantic Ocean or eastern Pacific Ocean are called "hurricanes

Hurricanes generally occur in the North Atlantic from May through November, with
the pack of the hurricane season in September, only rarely will they occur from December
through April in that part of the ocean. The main reason for the occurrence of hurricane
during this period is that the temperature on the water surface is at its warmest and the
humidity of the air is at its highest.
Of the tropical storms that occur each year in the North Atlantic, only about five, on
the average, are powerful enough to be called hurricanes. To be classified as a hurricane, a
tropical storm must have winds reaching speed of at least 117 kilometers per hour, but the
winds are often much stronger than that; the winds of intense hurricanes can easily surpass
240 kilometers per hour.
1. The social function of the text above is .

To decribes the hurricanes

To tell event before hurricanes come
To how how to make hurricanes
To persuade some one to create hurricanes
To amuse the reader with hurricanes stories

2. The passage mainly discusses .


The number of hurricanes in a year

The strength of hurricanes
The weather in the north Atlantic
Hurricanes in a certain part of the world
Hurricanes and disaster of the world

3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?


Three are always hurricanes in the North Atlantic All year round
Extremely warm weather and high humidity can cause hurricanes
Very strong winds are the result of hurricanes
Hurricanes occur every month from may to November
Tropical countries have a lot of intense hurricanes

4. What is the storm must have to be classified as a hurricane?


Tropical storms must powerful enough to be called hurricanes

It must have the enermous density
Strong winds are required to cause the hurricane
Intensivity of hurricane should be classified
Storm must have winds reaching speed of at least 117 kilometers per hour

5. What is the synonim of trophical cyclone (the first paragraph)?


Low pressure centre

Rapidly rotating storm
Trophical intensity
Intense winds

Text 4
How Floods Happen
A flood is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land, a deluge. In the
sense of "flowing water", the word is applied to the inflow of the tide, as opposed to the
outflow or "ebb". It is usually due to the volume of water within a body of water, such as a
river or lake, exceeding the total capacity of the body, and as a result some of the water
flows or sits outside of the normal perimeter of the body.
It can also occur in rivers, when the strength of the river is so high it flows right out
of the river channel, usually at corners or meanders. These of course, are not applicable in

such instances as sea flooding. A flood occurs when an area of land, usually low-lying, is
covered with water. The worst floods usually occur when a river overflows its banks.
Floods happen when soil and vegetation cannot absorb all the water. The water then
runs off the land in quantities that cannot be carried in stream channels or kept in natural
ponds or man-made reservoirs. Periodic floods occur naturally on many rivers, forming an
area known as the flood plain. These river floods usually result from heavy rain, sometimes
combined with melting snow, which causes the rivers to overflow their banks. A flood that
rises and falls rapidly with little or no advance warning is called a flash flood. Flash floods
usually result from intense rainfall over a relatively small area.
1. What does the text tells about ?
A. Rain
B. Flood
C. Tsunami
D. Sea flooding
E. Hurricane
2. What is flash flood?
A. A flood that rises and falls rapidly with little or no advance warning
B. It is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land
C. A flood that occurs because of melting snow
D. The water that runs off the land
E. The movement on the planks of the earth
3. Why may periodic flood happen?
A. It occurs naturally in many rivers.
B. It is the result of intense rainfall in a certain area.
C. The soil and vegetation are not able to absorb the water.
D. It is the result of the combination of heavy rain and melting snow
E. It is the result of clashes on the surface of the earth
4. When the worst flood usually occurs?
A. When the soil and vegetation cannot absorb all the water
B. When a river overflows its banks.
C. When the water runs off the land
D. When the volume of water is small
E. When the thunderstorm occurs
5. Periodic floods occur naturally on many rivers, forming an area known as

A. The intense flood

B. The flash flood
C. The flood plain
D. The landslide
E. The overflows

Text 1
Tornadoes are known as one of the most damaging disasters. What is the description
of tornadoes? A tornado is a very powerful coloumn of winds which spirals around a
centerof low atmospheric pressure. A tornado will look like a large black funnel which hangs
down from a storm cloud.
The name tornado derives from the latin tonare it means to thunder. While
the spanish developed the word into tornear which means to turn or twistthis is why a
tornado is sometimes called twister or cyclone.
The winds inside a twister can spin around at speed up to 500 miles an hour, but it
usually travels at roughly 300 miles an hour.this speed twisting makes a tornado the most
dangerous storm.The average tornado has a diameter of about 200 to 300 yards.the smaller
tornadoes re known as satellite tornadoes. These small off spring,about 50 yards accros,can
be very fierce and do lots of damage.
The forming of a tornado can be very quick. Sometimes it can form in a minute or
less. A tornado can travel accros the ground high speed, then it can suddenly vanish. Most
tornadoes last less than twenty minutes and tarvel less than 15 miles. However the super
storm sometimes travel over 100 miles before they are exhausted.

1. What is the paragraph 1 tells about?

A. Tornadoes are disasters
B. Tornado is very powerful
C. Description of tornadoes.
D. Tornado will look like a black funnel
E. Tornado is dangerous
2. The average tornado has a diameter of about
A.200 to 300 yards.
B.500 miles an hour
C.50 yards accros
D.300 miles an hour
E.150 miles an hour
3. Why sometimes tornadoes called twister or cyclone?
A. Tornadoes are very powerful
B. The name of tornadoes derives from latin
C. Because Spanish developed the word into tornear which means to turn or twist
D. Because tornadoes cause the rainstorm
E. Because tornadoes only happen in rural areas
4. The word itin paragraph 5 first line refers to?
A. A tornado
B. The forming of a tornado
C. The super storm
D. The wind
E. The rainstorm
5.Called in second paragraph same meaning with....
a. Spell
b. Mention
c. Say
d. Namely
E. Synonim

Text 2
Global Warming

Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of
greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from
deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This is a type of
greenhouse effect.
Global Warming has become more serious after the Asian tsunami occurred, for
example in some parts of Indonesia, India and Srilanka, that killed more than three hundred
thousand people. There is no reason for us not to concern with it. The global warming will
not only make summer hotter and hotter, but will also lead more rain, more flood, higher sea
level, and more unpredictable weather.
Greenhouse gases ( carbon monoxide and methane ), processed from releasing the
carbon into the air then mixes the oxygen, takes an important role in stimulating global
warming. Carbon dioxide traps the heats from the sun so that it keeps the Earth warm.
Modern living, like modern industry and agriculture, produces more carbon.
Meanwhile, the higher level of carbon dioxide is the highest level for half million years. Not
all people are excited about the issue. As the result of this, scientists are now more highly
motivated to find whether global warming is only an issue or even a delaying fact.
1. What is the global warming based on the text?
A. The decrease of earths average surface temperature
B. The warming on earth caused by pollution
C. The modern disaster ever happen on earth
D. The increase of modern industry and agriculture
E. The increase of earths average surface temperature
2. When Global warming becomes more serious?
A. Before the Asian tsunami
B. After the Asian tsunami
C. Before and after the Asian Tsunami
D. Before the greenhouses processed
E. After the greenhouses processed
3. What is the modern living produce?

A. Welfare
B. More pollution
C. Some issue
D. Delaying fact
E. More carbon and pollution
4. What makes scientists are now more highly motivated to solve global warming issue?
A. The higher level of carbon dioxide
B. The higher level of pollution
C. The higher level of smokes
D. The higher level of density
E. The higher level of toxics
5. What is the Greenhouse gases?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Pollutan
D. Glass house effect
E. Carbon monoxide
Text 3
How Landslides Occur
Landslides are geological phenomena that occur due to the fall of the land which is a
natural phenomenon and usually occurs mountain area . Landslides occur when the top layer
of earth and rock separated from the main part of a mountain or hill . This usually occurs
because of high rainfall , earthquakes , or volcanic eruptions . When the landslide happens
the top layer of the earth starts to slide freely on the slopes and take the momentum in this
slide , so the launch will be faster ( up to about 30 meters / second ) .
In general, the incidence of landslides caused by two factors: the driving and
triggering factors . The driving factors are the factors that affect the condition of the material
itself , while the trigger factor is a factor that causes the movement of the material. Although
the main cause of this incident is the gravitational influence of a steep slope , but there are
also other factors that also influence such as erosion caused by the flow of surface water or
rain water.
Slope of rocks and soil saturation caused weakened by heavy rains. Earthquakes
cause vibration. Pressure on the mineral particles and weak areas in the rock mass and
resulting soil erosion of the slopes of the volcano creates empty dust deposits. Heavy rain

and the flow of dust. Vibration from machinery , traffic , use of explosives , and even
lightning. Excessive weight , for example, from the gathering of rain or snow

1. Landslide occur when the top layer of earth and rock separated. (par. 2). The closest
meaning of word separated is.
A. Unite
B. Crumbled
C. Mitigated
D. Split into two parts
E. Integrated
2. What is the text tells us about.
A. The rainfall
B. The earthquake
C. The solid disaster
D. The flood
E. The landslide
3. What are the two factors that make incidence of landslides?

The driving and stimulating factors

The driving and moving factors
The triggering and stimulating factors
The driving and triggering factors
The gravitational factors

4. Why the landslides occur?

A. Because of global warming
B. Because of high temperature
C. Because of the rain forest
D. Because of high rainfall
E. Because of industry
5. When the landslides occur?


When the top layer of earth and rock separated

When the top layer of earth and rock united
When the driving and stimulating factors happen
When the gravitational influence happens on a steep slope
When the volcano creates the empty dust deposits

Text 4
The Thunderstorm
Thunderstorms are small scale weather patterns resulting from the formation of
cumulonimbus clouds. The storms form as air currents move upwards into the atmosphere
through convection. Overall, a thunderstorm usual builds and diminishes within about 30
minutes on average.
Thunderstorms, such as supercell storms, form when warm and moist air,
atmospheric instability, and uplift combine to create storm clouds.Contrary to what you may
think, not all thunderstorms are considered severe. In order to be considered a severe storm,
the thunderstorm must produce some hazardous conditions. For instance, frequent lightning,
high winds, straight-line winds, and large hail are hallmarks of a severe thunderstorm.
The National Weather Service does not consider a storm severe unless there is hail of at
least 1.9cm (.75 in), tornadoes, and/or winds in excess of 93 km/hr (58 mi/hr). One point to
remember is that the higher the top of a cumulonimbus cloud, the more severe the storm. In
addition, although tornadoes are associated with thunderstorms, less than 1% of
thunderstorms produce a tornado.

1. What is the thunderstorms based on the text above?

A. Air currents move upwards into the atmosphere
B. Supercell storms contains moist air
C. Large hail of hallmarks
D. Highwinds
E. Small scale weather patterns
2. What is the synonim of severe on the second paragraph?
A. Complicated
B. Stubborn
C. Hard and extreme

D. Rigid and dangerous

E. Flirtatious
3. What does the text tell us about?
A. The weather service
B. The thunderstorm
C. The climatology
D. The cumulonimbus clouds
E. The hardwinds
4. How many percents thunderstorm produces a tornado?

More than 1%
Less than 1%
More than 2%
Less than 2%
In average

5. What is the conclusion of the text above?

A. The thunderstorm must produce some hazardous conditions
B. The National Weather Service does not consider a storm severe
C. Thunderstorms, such as supercell storms, form when warm and moist air.
D. The thundestorm is not of the disaster phenomenon
E. As a summary, frequent lightning, high winds, straight-line winds, and large hail are
hallmarks of a severe thunderstorm.

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