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ByAlexanderHaislip "From an entrepreneur's stand-
point, it gives you a wonderful
opportunity to diversifyyour risk."
FUNDS A small San Franciscofirm is EBExchange'snewfund comes
www.ebexchangefunds.com pitching a creative solution to asVCslook for innovative ways to
entrepreneurswho face increas- keep their founders and startup
Location: SanFrancisco ingly long waits before they can executives happy.The time it
Founded:1999 achieveliquidity. takesfor a companyto reach liq-
Management Team:Managing The firm, EBExchangeFunds, uidity can be a problem for first-
Directorand FounderLaurence lets entrepreneurs contribute time founders. Firms such as
Albukerk;Vice PresidentDavid someoftheir common stock to a TudorVentureshavetouted their
Lipa;and VentureAdvisorsJohn larger pool, from which they each willingness to provide cash to
Parsons,LauraRoden,PhilSchlein share distributions when any of founders as they go through
andStevenKaolan. the companiesin the pool goes investment rounds. Similarly, The
"lf we couldgive
Goal:Createspartnershipsthat public or is sold. FoundersFund has designateda
enableentrepreneurswho are EBExchangelaunchedits fourth special class of stock, which it
accreditedinvestorsto pool their fund in March and hopesto hold a calls "SeriesFF,"that is designed somedivenification
pre-lPOstock.Oncethe portfolio final closeon a sidecar investrnent
is created,entrepreneurswno fund of tens of millions of dollars
to offer a little cashto its entrepre-
neurs before any liquidity event.
contributetheir stock become bylate summer,saysfounderlarry As a former entrepreneur him- helpsthema lot"
limitedpartnersin what is essen- Albukerk He expectstopool shares self, Albukerk is sensitive to the
tiallya venturefund,as the from 20 to 30 startups. needsoffounders.He foundedtwo LanyAlbukerk
investorsshareproceedsfrom all The firm's first three funds VC-bad<ed companies,VlslUeInteF Founder
of the companies'lPOs, mergers brought in between 50 and 75 activeand Summlttoglc, prior to EBExchangeFunds
and acquisitions. executives nationwide from as startingEBExchangein 1999.
Funds: EBis currentlyaccepting many as 35venture-backedstart- "If we could give [entrepre- OpenTablestock EB Exchangei
entrepreneursinto its fourth fund, ups,Albukerk says.He declinedto neurs] some diversification and owns,but notes:"It should more I
EBXlV with a targetedcloseof revealthe sizeof the funds. cash,that helps them a lot, espe- than return the fund." I
July2008.EBcloseditsthird part- SteveLarson,CEOofKrugle,a cially people who have left the The firm's secondfund. raisedin
nership,EBXlll,in December searchenginefor computercode, company or have been there for 2002,}:ad26 companiesrepresent-
2007with 30 comoanies is amongthe entrepreneurswho eight or nine years,"he says."If ed in the pool. Albukerk saysthat
invested in EB Exchange'sthird they sell off7O%to 75%oftheir frnd hashad 15liquidityevents,six
fund. He thinks it's a great idea. holdings,they still havethe poten- ofwhidr retumed cashto the fund .
"Havingbeentlrough situations tial for a really big upside." It would qualify as "top quartile"
where a lot of myfamily's wealth The EBExchangefunds got off when comparedto venture funds
and savingswere in a single stock, to a slow start, but have since of the samevintage, he says.Two
having the opportunity to dive$i- taken off. Albukerk's first fund. ofthe successfulcompaniesin the I
fy that with people who were in calledElevenBaskets,held stock fund are semiconductorcompany
the sameboat as me seemedlike from 11 companies, none of Nextlest, which went public and
a great idea," saysLarson, who which has had a liquidity event was later aquired for $325million
started four companiesprior to yet. One promising company in by Teradyne, and HR company
I(rugle and spent three years as a the portfolio is San Francisco- TriNet, which was bought out by
ventureparhler at StPaulCapital. based OpenTable,an Internet- GenerafAtlantlc tn 2007.
"I think [Albukerk] has got a enabled restaurant reservation It is too earlyto knowhowwell
good formula becausehe sort of service that some analysts pre- EBExchange'sthird fundwill do,
picks companieswho havealready dict will go public soon. since it only finished raising it
been vetted becausehe picks OpenThblehas raisedmore than last year.
them from the portfolios of B+ $110million in tunding. Albukerk Albukerk notes that even small
and above VCs." Larson adds. declined to say how much Continued on nextpage
prepare the legal documents,benefiting only In addition to monitoringthe fund, Albuk-
on the back end ifthere are liquidity events. erk looks to engageits participants in net-
returns can have a big impact for an entrepre- Albukerk would not say how much carry working events to help them benefit from
neur.Forexample,ifan entrepreneur'scompa- the firm collects,describingit only as"signiF each other's knowledge and connections.
ny fails, he or shewould be thrilled to get just icantly lessthan industry standards." EBExchangehasalreadyhostednetworking
$500,000from stockin an IPOallocatedto him Albukerk saysthat the EBExchangemodel eventsat a Ferrari dealershipand a hotel in
or her through the fund, he says."To the gqn suitsinvestorsfrom a tax perspective.A con- SiliconValley.
that have had an IPO,the difference between tributing executivedoesnot haveto liquidate "I've told a coupleof peopleabout it-that
$65 million and $60 million doesn't mean his orher common sharesto participatein the it shouldbe high on their to-dolist becauseit
much," he says,"but the difference between pool, sothere are no capitalgainstaxesto pay, just makes intuitive sense,"sayslarson. 'As
zeroand half a million isbig for everyoneelse." he says.Capital gains are only paid by pool this becomesmore known,Iarryz'sgoingto get
EBExchangecollectsno managementfee. members when they receive a check from more competition. If I were stil a VC, I d be
It fronts the money to organize the fund and one of the fund's portfolio companies. thinking of doing this to stay competitive."

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