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Name: Dagnachew Temesgene

Network programming and distributed application lab report 01

Part I - AWS Management Console

This console is a simple web based user interface that allows us to see and monitor our cloud
infrastructure which includes networking, computing and storage. We can see what are the instances up
and running, different storage volumes and network configurations of the cloud.
Part II - Get your hands dirty
Question 1. What are security groups in AWS and their purpose?
Security groups are like firewalls that allow us to specify what type of protocols, ip addresses and ports
that are allowed to reach our instances.
In this lab, I have created a security group that allows SSH and HTTP protocols.
QUESTION 2. What type of instance you created?
The instance type that I have created is t2.micro. The instance type shows the hardware configurations
of our instance. From amazon documentation, it is written that t2 instances must be created in VPC
QUESTION 3. Which AMI you selected, motivate your choice.
The AMI that I have chosen is Amazon Linux AMI. I choose it since it is a release from Amazon itself
which provides stable and secure configuration for applications running on Amazon EC2. Also the
documentations and tutorials from Amazon are written usually based on this AMI which makes it easy
for learning.
QUESTION 4. What type is file system on your volume?
Using the command on df -h to see list of the file systems we have in the instance I have got the
following output.
Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda1 7.8G 1.3G 6.4G 17% /
490M 60K 490M 1% /dev
499M 0 499M 0% /dev/shm
This shows that even though the EBS volume is attached, it is not available for use until we mount the
volume. After mounting the volume on the instance I have the following result from df command.
Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda1 7.8G 1.3G 6.4G 17% /
490M 60K 490M 1% /dev
499M 0 499M 0% /dev/shm
99G 60M 94G 1% /mnt/my-data
The file system I have used for the EBS volume that is attached is ext4 as it is specified in sudo mkfs -t
ext4 /dev/sdf.
Here it can be seen that the EBS volume that is attached is available for use.
QUESTION 5. Can you change it?
I think yes. but the volume should be formatted first and we can choose a new filesystem like ext2 or
others for example.
QUESTION 6. What is ip address of your instance?
The ip address is

Question 7
What is the public and private DNSname?
Private DNS:

Public DNS:
Question 8
What is the public address on your server?
The public address is
Question 9
What text have been shown when you open public DNS name in a web browser?
I have the following output on a browser. Apache server is installed but not configured. Later on the
steps, i will configure it.

Question 10
What was the server response?
The server displayed that the web page is not available.

Question 11
Explain why?

The reason maybe when we copy an instance, the configuration and installation of the web server is not
included in the new copied instance. So we need to do the whole installation and configuration of
apache on the new instance before running.
Question 12
At this time I have a response that is similar to the index file that I have written in the first instance. This
shows that the new instance created from the AMI image by default has the same installed server and
index that serves as a template for us for further upgrading.
In both cases to display the index file on web browser, we need to configure the installed server first.
Question 13
Explain why?
The instance created from AMI image is different from the one created directly by copying in that it will
provide us with all the functionalities of the instance as a template. Therefore even though we did not
install apache, it works fine.
If we launch more Instances from AMI, the same result will be obtained, that is the index out on the first
instance from which the AMI is created will be shown. To distinguish between these instances, we can
modify or edit the file.
Part III Measure network performance
In this part, I have installed wire shark on my instance. After installing wireshark I am able to capture the
Ethernet traffic on the instance and save the captured wireshark file on it. From the instance, I have
copied the file and observe it on my local machine. In this way I can observe the network performance
of my remote cloud instance locally. This is a good way to test network configurations and our security
group performance as for example we can send different protocol traffic to the instance and capture
and observe them locally to see how the instance handles them.

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