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Second-order blind source separation based on

multi-dimensional autocovariances
Fabian J. Theis1,2 , Anke Meyer-Baese2 , and Elmar W. Lang1

Institute of Biophysics,
University of Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32310-6046, USA

Abstract. SOBI is a blind source separation algorithm based on time

decorrelation. It uses multiple time autocovariance matrices, and performs joint diagonalization thus being more robust than previous time
decorrelation algorithms such as AMUSE. We propose an extension called
mdSOBI by using multidimensional autocovariances, which can be calculated for data sets with multidimensional parameterizations such as
images or fMRI scans. mdSOBI has the advantage of using the spatial
data in all directions, whereas SOBI only uses a single direction. These
findings are confirmed by simulations and an application to fMRI analysis, where mdSOBI outperforms SOBI considerably.

Blind source separation (BSS) describes the task of recovering the unknown
mixing process and the underlying sources of an observed data set. Currently,
many BSS algorithm assume independence of the sources (ICA), see for instance
[1, 2] and references therein. In this work, we consider BSS algorithms based on
time-decorrelation. Such algorithms include AMUSE [3] and extensions such as
SOBI [4] and the similar TDSEP [5]. These algorithms rely on the fact that
the data sets have non-trivial autocorrelations. We give an extension thereof
to data sets, which have more than one direction in the parametrization, such
as images, by replacing one-dimensional autocovariances by multi-dimensional
The paper is organized as follows: In section 1 we introduce the linear mixture
model; the next section 2 recalls results on time decorrelation BSS algorithms.
We then define multidimensional autocovariances and use them to propose mdSOBI in section 3. The paper finished with both artificial and real-world results
in section 4.

Linear BSS

We consider the following blind source separation (BSS) problem: Let x(t) be
an (observed) stationary m-dimensional real stochastical process (with not necessarily discrete time t) and A an invertible real matrix such that
x(t) = As(t) + n(t)


Fabian J. Theis, Anke Meyer-Baese, and Elmar W. Lang

where the source signals s(t) have diagonal autocovariances

Rs ( ) := E (s(t + ) E(s(t)))(s(t) E(s(t))>

for all , and the additive noise n(t) is modelled by a stationary, temporally
and spatially white zero-mean process with variance 2 . x(t) is observed, and
the goal is to recover A and s(t). Having found A, s(t) can be estimated by
A1 x(t), which is optimal in the maximum-likelihood sense (if the density of
n(t) is maximal at 0, which is the case for usual noise models such as Gaussian or
Laplacian noise). So the BSS task reduces to the estimation of the mixing matrix
A. Extensions of the above model include for example the complex case [4] or the
allowance of different dimensions for s(t) and x(t), where the case of larger mixing
dimension can be easily reduced to the presented complete case by dimension
reduction resulting in a lower noise level [6].
By centering the processes, we can assume that x(t) and hence s(t) have zero
mean. The autocovariances then have the following structure

ARs (0)A> + 2 I
Rx ( ) = E x(t + )x(t) =
ARs ( )A>
6= 0
Clearly, A (and hence s(t)) can be determined by equation 1 only up to permutation and scaling of columns. Since we assume existing variances of x(t)
and hence s(t), the scaling indeterminacy can be eliminated by the convention
Rs (0) = I. In order to guarantee identifiability of A except for permutation
from the above model, we have to additionally assume that there exists a delay
such that Rs ( ) has pairwise different eigenvalues (for a generalization see [4],
theorem 2). Then using the spectral theorem it is easy to see from equation 2
that A is determined uniquely by x(t) except for permutation.


Equation 2 also gives an indication of how to perform BSS i.e. how to recover A
(t) :=
from x(t). The usual first step consists of whitening the no-noise term x
As(t) of the observed mixtures x(t) using an invertible matrix V such that V
has unit covariance. V can simply be estimated from x(t) by diagonalization of
the symmetric matrix Rx (0) = Rx (0) 2 I, provided that the noise variance
2 is known. If more signals than sources are observed, dimension reduction can
be performed in this step, and the noise level can be reduced [6].
In the following without loss of generality, we will therefore assume that
(t) = As(t) has unit covariance for each t. By assumption, s(t) also has
unit covariance, hence I = E As(t)s(t)> A> = ARs (0)A> = AA> so A is

orthogonal. Now define

 the symmetrized autocovariance of x(t) as Rx ( ) :=
. Equation 2 shows that also the symmetrized autocovari2 Rx ( ) + (Rx ( ))
ance x(t) factors, and we get
x ( ) = AR
s ( )A>


SOBI based on multi-dimensional autocovariances

s ( ) is diagonal, so equation 3 is an eigenvalue decomfor 6= 0. By assumption R

x ( ). If we furthermore assume that R
x ( )
position of the symmetric matrix R

or equivalently Rs ( ) has n different eigenvalues, then the above decomposition

x ( ) except for orthogonal transformation
i.e. A is uniquely determined by R
in each eigenspace and permutation; since the eigenspaces are one-dimensional
this means A is uniquely determined by equation 3 except for permutation. In
addition to this separability result, A can be recovered algorithmically by simply
x ( ) (AMUSE, [3]).
calculating the eigenvalue decomposition of R
In practice, if the eigenvalue decomposition is problematic, a different choice
of often resolves this problem. Nontheless, there are sources in which some
components have equal autocovariances. Also, due to the fact that the autocovariance matrices are only estimated by a finite amount of samples, and due to
possible colored noise, the autocovariance at could be badly estimated. A more
general BSS algorithm called SOBI (second-order blind identification) based on
time decorrelation was therefore proposed by Belouchrani et al. [4]. In addition
to only diagonalizing a single autocovariance matrix, it takes a whole set of autocovariance matrices of x(t) with varying time lags and jointly diagonalizes
the whole set. It has been shown that increasing the size of this set improves
SOBI performance in noisy settings [1].
Algorithms for performing joint diagonalization of a set of symmetric commuting matrices include gradient descent on the sum of the off-diagonal terms,
iterative construction of A by Givens rotation in two coordinates [7] (used in the
simulations in section 4), an iterative two-step recovery of A [8] or more recently
a linear least-squares algorithm for diagonalization [9], where the latter two algorithms can also search for non-orthogonal matrices A. Joint diagonalization
has been used in BSS using cumulant matrices [10] or time autocovariances [4,5].

Multidimensional SOBI

The goal of this work is to improve SOBI performance for random processes
with a higher dimensional parametrization i.e. for data sets where the random
processes s and x do not depend on a single variable t, but on multiple variables
(z1 , . . . , zM ). A typical example is a source data set, in which each component
si represents an image of size h w. Then M = 2 and samples of s are given at
z1 = 1, . . . , h, z2 = 1, . . . , w. Classically, s(z1 , z2 ) is transformed to s(t) by fixing
a mapping from the two-dimensional parameter set to the one-dimensional time
parametrization of s(t), for example by concatenating columns or rows in the
case of a finite number of samples. If the time structure of s(t) is not used, as
in all classical ICA algorithms in which i.i.d. samples are assumed, this choice
does not influence the result. However, in time-structure based algorithms such
as AMUSE and SOBI results can vary greatly depending on the choice of this
mapping, see figure 2.
Without loss of generality we again assume centered random vectors. Then
define the multidimensional covariance to be

Rs (1 , . . . , M ) := E s(z1 + 1 , . . . , zM + M )s(z1 , . . . , zM )>

Fabian J. Theis, Anke Meyer-Baese, and Elmar W. Lang






PSfrag replacements







respectively |(1 , 2 )| (rescaled to N)

Fig. 1. Example of one- and two-dimensional autocovariance coefficient of the grayscale 128 128 Lena image after normalization to variance 1.

where the expectation is taken over (z1 , . . . , zM ). Rs (1 , . . . , M ) can be estimated given equidistant samples by replacing random variables by sample values
and expectations by sums as usual.
The advantage of using multidimensional autocovariances lies in the fact that
now the multidimensional structure of the data set can be used more explicitly.
For example, if row concatenation is used to construct s(t) from the images,
horizontal lines in the image will only give trivial contributions to the autocovariance (see examples in figure 2 and section 4). Figure 1 shows the oneand two-dimensional autocovariance of the Lena image for varying respectively (1 , 2 ) after normalization of the image to variance 1. Clearly, the twodimensional autocovariance does not decay as quickly with increasing radius as
the one-dimensional covariance. Only at multiples of the image height, the onedimensional autocovariance is significantly high i.e. captures image structure.
Our contribution consists of using multidimensional autocovariances for joint
diagonalization. We replace the BSS assumption of diagonal one-dimensional autocovariances by diagonal multi-dimensional autocovariances of the sources. Note
that also the multidimensional covariance satisfies the equation 2.
 Again we as

sume whitened x(z1 , . . . , zK ). Given a autocovariance matrix Rx 1 , . . . , M

with n different eigenvalues, multidimensional AMUSE (mdAMUSE ) detects the
orthogonal unmixing mapping W by diagonalization of this matrix.
In section 2, we discussed the advantages of using SOBI over AMUSE. This
of course also holds in this generalized case. Hence, the multidimensional SOBI
algorithm (mdSOBI ) consists of the joint diagonalization of a set of symmetrized
multidimensional autocovariances


x (K) , . . . , (K)
x (1) , . . . , (1) , . . . , R

SOBI based on multi-dimensional autocovariances

SOBI transposed images
mdSOBI transposed images

crosstalking error E1 (A,





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(a) source images






(b) performance comparison



Fig. 2. Comparison of SOBI and mdSOBI when applied to (unmixed) images from (a).
The plot (b) plots the number K of time lags versus the crosstalking error E1 of the
and the unit matrix I; here A
has been recovered by bot SOBI
recovered matrix A
and mdSOBI given the images from (a) respectively the transposed images.

after whitening of x(z1 , . . . , zK ). The joint diagonalizer then equals A except for
permutation, given the generalized identifiability conditions from [4], theorem
2. Therefore, also the identifiability result does not change, see [4]. In practice,
we choose the (1 , . . . , M ) with increasing modulus for increasing k, but with
the restriction 1 > 0 in order to avoid using the same autocovariances on the
diagonal of the matrix twice.
Often, data sets do not have any substantial long-distance autocorrelations,
but quite high multi-dimensional close-distance correlations (see figure 1). When
performing joint diagonalization, SOBI weighs each matrix equally strong, which
can deteriorate the performance for large K, see simulation in section 4.
Figure 2(a) shows an example, in which the images have considerable vertical structure, but rather random horizontal structure. Each of the two images
consists of a concatenation of stripes of two images. For visual purposes, we
chose the width of the stripes to be rather large with 16 pixels. According to
the previous discussion we expect one-dimensional algorithms such as AMUSE
and SOBI to perform well on the images, but badly (for number of time lags
 16) on the transposed images. If we apply AMUSE with = 20 to the images, we get excellent performance with a low crosstalking error with the unit
matrix of 0.084; if we however apply AMUSE to the transposed images, the error is high with 1.1. This result is further confirmed by the comparison plot in
figure 2(b); mdSOBI performs equally well on the images and the transposed

Fabian J. Theis, Anke Meyer-Baese, and Elmar W. Lang

SOBI K=128
mdSOBI K=32
mdSOBI K=128

crosstalking error E1 (A,

PSfrag replacements











Fig. 3. SOBI and mdSOBI performance dependence on noise level . Plotted is the
with the real mixing matrix A. See
crosstalking error E1 of the recovered matrix A
text for more details.

images, whereas performance of SOBI strongly depends on whether column or

row concatenation was used to construct a one-dimensional random process out
of each image. The SOBI breakpoint of around K = 52 can be decreased by
choosing smaller stripes. In future works we want to provide an analytical discussion of performance increase when comparing SOBI and mdSOBI similar to
the performance evaluation in [4].


Artificial mixtures. We consider the linear mixture of three images (baboon,

black-haired lady and Lena) with a randomly chosen 3 3 matrix A. Figure
3 shows how SOBI and mdSOBI perform depending on the noise level . For
small K, both SOBI and mdSOBI perform equally well in the low noise case, but
mdSOBI performs better in the case of stronger noise. For larger K mdSOBI
substantially outperforms SOBI, which is due to the fact that natural images do
not have any substantial long-distance autocorrelations (see figure 1), whereas
mdSOBI uses the non-trivial two-dimensional autocorrelations.
fMRI analysis. We analyze the performance of mdSOBI when applied to fMRI
measurements. fMRI data were recorded from six subjects (3 female, 3 male,
age 2037) performing a visual task. In five subjects, five slices with 100 images (TR/TE = 3000/60 msec) were acquired with five periods of rest and five

SOBI based on multi-dimensional autocovariances

cc: 0.08

cc: 0.19

cc: 0.11

cc: 0.21

cc: 0.43

cc: 0.21

cc: 0.16

cc: 0.86

(a) component maps

(b) time courses

Fig. 4. mdSOBI fMRI analysis. The data was reduced to the first 8 principal components. (a) shows the recovered component maps (white points indicate values stronger
than 3 standard deviations), and (b) their time courses. mdSOBI was performed with
K = 32. Component 5 represents inner ventricles, component 6 the frontal eye fields.
Component 8 is the desired stimulus component, which is mainly active in the visual
cortex; its time-course closely follows the on-off stimulus (indicated by the gray boxes)
their crosscorrelation lies at cc = 0.86 with a delay of roughly 2 seconds induced
by the BOLD effect.

photic simulation periods with rest. Simulation and rest periods comprised 10
repetitions each, i.e. 30s. Resolution was 3 3 4 mm. The slices were oriented parallel to the calcarine fissure. Photic stimulation was performed using
an 8 Hz alternating checkerboard stimulus with a central fixation point and a
dark background with a central fixation point during the control periods. The
first scans were discarded for remaining saturation effects. Motion artifacts were
compensated by automatic image alignment (AIR, [11]).
BSS, mainly based on ICA, nowadays is a quite common tool in fMRI analysis
(see for example [12]). Here, we analyze the fMRI data set using spatial decorrelation as separation criterion. Figure 4 shows the performance of mdSOBI; see figure text for interpretation. Using only the first 8 principal components, mdSOBI
could recover the stimulus component as well as detect additional components.
When applying SOBI to the data set, it could not properly detect the stimulus
component but found two components with crosscorrelations cc = 0.81 and
0.84 with the stimulus time course.


We have proposed an extension called mdSOBI of SOBI for data sets with multidimensional parametrizations, such as images. Our main contribution lies in

Fabian J. Theis, Anke Meyer-Baese, and Elmar W. Lang

replacing the one-dimensional autocovariances by multi-dimensional autocovariances. In both simulations and real-world applications mdSOBI outperforms
SOBI for these multidimensional structures.
In future work, we will show how to perform spatiotemporal BSS by jointly
diagonalizing both spatial and time autocovariance matrices. We plan on applying these results to fMRI analysis, where we also want to use three-dimensional
autocovariances for 3d-scans of the whole brain.

The authors would like to thank Dr. Dorothee Auer from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, Germany, for providing the fMRI data, and Oliver
Lange from the Department of Clinical Radiology, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, for data preprocessing and visualization. FT and EL
acknowledge partial financial support by the BMBF in the project ModKog.

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