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Jennifer Tobon

Assignment Two
Ever had the feeling that you were being watched? Imagine have someone know your
every right, your every wrong, your every secret. Now what if I told you this person gained all
his/her information through the hacking of your cell phone or webcam. This scenario is not as
uncommon as you may think. In fact, the use of technology is becoming extremely popular in the
assistance of crime in the 21st century. We've even seen this trend develop in adolescent media
such as the television series Pretty Little Liars, One Tree Hill, and movies like Obsessed.
My research will focus on the use of technology in crimes, more specifically in
kidnapping and stalking. As a young woman it is of my interest to learn how to identify these
cases and act upon them. Since I will be referring mainly to the Pretty Little Liars series it is
important to be somewhat familiar with the show. In the Pretty Little Liars series, the use of
technology plays a major role. Text messages are main source of communication between the
liars and "-A", an unknown stalker, but other devices such as computers and cameras are also
used in the crimes and schemes throughout the show.
As for how I will develop my inquiry, I will begin with expressing the characteristics of
previous stalkers and how they can be recognized via electronic communication. This will give
the reader some insight to the red flags that may indicate that they are communicating with a
dangerous being. I will be referencing actual criminal cases to emphasize the reality of this
topic. Finally, I will specifically state the actions and measures* that can be taken when
confronted with a potential stalker and develop a set of safety guidelines targeted for adolescents
As for my sources this is how I categorized them. Steele mentions the act of
cyberbullying less likely to be reported in cases where the bully is anonymous. Like in Pretty
Little Liars the threats or taunts are made via some sort of technological device. As I am focusing
on criminal acts with the assistance of technology, I will use this source as an insight to the
victims. Stoll also focuses on cyberbullying except she takes on the bullys perspective. In other
words why individuals seem to have increased confidence behind a computer screen. In this
article there is a large focus on personality. This source will help gather an understanding of the
types of criminals that use technological aid.
Southworth explains what is considered cyberstalking. Throughout this article various
examples of electronic devices are mentioned along with the way they can potentially be used to
stalk someone. This information was extremely useful in allowing me to realize that computers
and phones arent the only devices that can be used to stalk someone. This source ties into my
topic directly considering I chose to narrow the crimes I would be researching to stalking and
kidnapping. Holt mentions many cases where the use of technology and criminal acts has been
successful. I plan on referencing these cases when emphasizing how dangerous these situations
can become. I will also aim to further inform my audience on how to detect potential
stalkers/kidnappers. Knowles focuses on the kidnapping aspect of my topic. It contains
information such as how to avoid these dangerous situations. In this article there is great
emphasize on the use of technology to commit these crimes and how it is becoming more
infamous. Throughout my observations A demonstrates stalker-like tendencies. I plan on
referring to these elements when connecting my assignment one to my topic. This source will
help me tie the whole assignment together.

Comment [TJ1]: Interesting hook, it already has me

wondering what you're going to write about. The
second sentence though is a smidge confusing maybe
say "Imagine that someone knows everything you've
ever done right, everything you've ever done wrong
and your every secret." I do how ever love where you
lead the second sentence to, so overall Great Job! (:
- Serenity
Comment [TJ2]: I really like the way you started off
your assignment 2. You did great job hooking me as
the reader and wanting to read more. I also like how
you asked a question to the reader so he or she can
relate to his or her life.
- Ryan

Comment [TJ3]: This paragraph really has me wanting

more, it makes me excited to read the rest of your
paper! You wrote this paragraph very well. (I did
change "measured to measures" but I figured that was
a sleepy Jenni mistake) Anyways I really enjoyed this
paragraph, Great Job! (:
Comment [TJ4]: Who is Stoll? I would imagine Stoll is a
character in One Tree Hill, but im not completely sure.
Could you maybe give some more information on who
that character really is.

Comment [TJ5]: Who is Holt? What type of character is

he or she? Why is Holt important enough to be put in
this piece? I would just recommend adding some
information about this character.
Comment [TJ6R5]:

Rossmo focuses on common mistakes police officials make when interrogating suspects.
It mentions what to look for in certain criminals and how to recognize one in casual situations. I
will use this source when referring to stalker/kidnapper personalities. Not only are investigator
mistakes mentioned but also how television leads the general population to believe in false
information about crimes. I found this article useful because my research was done on a
television series where many of these mistakes occur. This article will help me tie my topic into
assignment one which is my own personal source.
Considering my focus is on the use of technology in assistance to crimes, such as stalking
and kidnapping, Id like to construct preventative measures for these situations. Specifically
targeting children and adolescents who are more likely to be naive with the use of technology
and social media. There are many regulations for convicted stalkers and kidnappers in limited
access to housing, education, and employment but very little in regards to internet use. If the
activity that these criminals are engaging in isnt monitors whose to say they wont strike again.
I propose a set of regulations for the monitoring and supervision of internet activity for ex
convicts. These regulations will require the registration of electronical devices through the
Department of Corrections. This system will monitor web searches and keep track of computer
history. It will even be capable of demonstrating all the activity in life* time. The objective is to
make safety the number one priority and prevent these cyber crimes from reoccuring.
Installing monitoring software may cause a lot of conflict within the legal system. Is the
invasion of their privacy fair if itll determine the safety of others? Although the logical response
would be yes these laws havent been set because of conflict.
As for social media, several have a no offender tolerance as for others have no restrictions at all.
Social media is very popular among the young generation therefore it is imperative to take safety
precautions. A suggestion for social media sites, especially Facebook and Twitter, would be to
individually determine if the person is suitable for the network based on their previous offense. If
these sites were to change the process of their sign up applications there would be less cyber
crimes in general.
With these regulations in place, it will assure the protection of those using these
networks. Even if the laws for these activities have not been set yet I strongly believe that
starting with individual networks will make a great difference. Although it may create an uproar
among these offenders, the safety of the general population is much more important.
Geberth, V. (2006). The Seven Major Mistakes in Suicide Investigation. Law Enforcement
Publications and Conferences. Retrieved October 14, 2015.
Rossmo, D. (2006). Criminal Investigative Failures: Avoiding the Pitfalls. The FBI Law
Enforcement Bulletin. Retrieved October 14, 2015.
Tobon, J. (2015). Assignment One. Retrieved October 19, 2015.
Knowles, R. (2010). How technology is changing the face of kidnapping and extortion.
Retrieved October 20, 2015.
Holt, Thomas. (2012). Exploring the intersections of technology, crime, and terror. In Terrorism
and Political Violence (2nd ed., Vol. 24). Taylor and Francis. Retrieved October 14, 2015.

Comment [TJ7]: I know you weren't in class for this so I

wanted to let you know, Ashlyn told us to make sure we
were directly citing our sources. So after the
information used from a specific source make sure you
use a short cite form to cite it. (I don't want you getting
in trouble because you were sick from class one week.)
If you need help with this just ask me.
- Serenity

Comment [TJ8]: Could you maybe add a little more

information about these regulations. You could explain
how you will go about getting these regulations to
happen and who in the office you would talk too. Other
than that I think your idea would be a great idea.
Comment [TJ9]: Maybe consider joining these two
paragraphs. Maybe say, "Due to the fear of conflict the
legal system has yet to put this act into place. Is it fair
that we invade their privacy if it'll determine the safety
of others?..." well was it fair when they invaded the
privacy of their innocent victims? No I didn't think so, so
there for they shouldn't be allowed the freedom of
privacy after the violation of someone else's.
- Serenity

Comment [TJ10]: I really like your conclusion. You can

see your interest in your topic throughout your paper.
And I strongly agree with all of your points that you've
made. Awesome!!
- Serenity
Comment [TJ11]: I really like how you wrapped up your
assignment two. The way you word convinces me that
if we had these regulations in place, it will be a lot safer
of an environment. Great Job!

Southworth. (2009). Stalking with Technology. Women and Gender Advocate Center. Retrieved
October 14, 2015.
Stoll, Laurie Cooper. (2015). Computers in Human Behavior (Vol 52). Retrieved October 12,
2015. Web.
Steele, A. (2015). Masters in Psychology Guide. The Psychological Effects of Bullying on Kids
& Teens. Retrieved October 12, 2015. Web.

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