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Community Planning Interventions for Mothers

2. Anterior Fontanel
3. Postpartum patient has persistent red lochia
4. First trimester of pregnancy, treated for genital herpes with acyclovir (Zovirax) prior to this pregnancy and
tells the nurse that she is experiencing an episode of genital herpes
5. 38 weeks gestation is in active labor, and a vaginal birth after Cesarean section (VBAC) is planned. 6cm
dilated, 90% effaced, and the station 0 with intact membranes. As the clients contraction become stronger, the
fetal heart rate decelerates during the contraction but returns to baseline

6. The nurse completes the Leopold maneuvers for a primipara admitted in active labor and determines that the
fetus is in the right sacral anterior (RSA) position. On which quadrant should the nurse place the external fetal
heart transducer (you have to click on the location)
A male infant born at 30-weeks gestation at an outlying hospital is being prepared for transport to a level IV
neonatal facility. RR are 90/min, HR is 150 beats per min. Which drug is the transport team most likely to
administer to the infant
7. 2-week-old breastfeeding infant. To obtain information about adequate nutrition
8. The healthcare provider prescribes oxytocin synthetic (Pitocin), 10 units/L via IV drip. Patient is receiving
Pitocin, the nurse should closely monitor for which complication
9. An infant has Dx of tracheosophageal fistula (TEF)
10. The healthcare provider hands a newborn to the circulating nurse during a cesarean delivery
11. At 28 wks gestation
12. Nurse is teaching a childbirth education class to expecting parents and describing possible signs of labor
13. Makes a baby frontal bulge or rises
14. Nurse is performing an intake interview at a prenatal clinic on a patient who is at 6 weeks gestation
15. Kegel exercises. What statement indicates that the client understands how to perform these exercises
16. Infant admitted to the neonatal ICU is tachypneic, tachycardic, and has bounding brachial pulses. Suspect
that the infant has coarctation of the aorta
17. Following a precipitous labor, patient has a continuous trickling of bright red blood from her vagina. uterus is
firm and vital signs are within normal limits
18. Following the vaginal delivery of a 10-pound infant, saturated two pads in 30 minutes and has a boggy
19. Four clients arrive at the labor and delivery nurses station at the same time. Which pt should the nurse assess
20. A one-day old neonate is awaiting surgical correction of a myelomeningocele. During the preoperative period

what is the priority nursing intervention

21. Adolescents and drug abuse at 13yrs old
22. S/S Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH)
23. Mother believes baby is evil
24. At 28 wks gestation
25. Late decelerations
26. Client with gestational diabetes; 39 wks gestation; second stage of labor After delivery of fetal head nurse
recognizes shoulder dystocia is occurring.
27. During initial newborn assess, nurse finds HR irregular.
28. Within 4 wks of birth client is admitted for disorganized speech, bizarre behavior and strange thoughts about
infant being possessed by demons. altered thought process, secondary to
29. Infant is treated for intussusceptions with hydrostatic reduction. What instructions in parents teaching plan
30. Nurse teaching primagravida, describes herself as lacto-vegetarian, about nutrition during pregnancy. Which
31. Four clients present to L & D unit at the same time. Nurse should assess what complaint first?
32. Labor 12 hours suddenly has strong urge to have a BM. Action
33. Client went into labor at 3:15 am. When did the first stage of labor end
34. Pregnant with magnesium level 5.0
35. Magnesium antidote
36. Newborn baby with flea-like rash
37. How to tell if patient is in labor
38. Baby acting jittery
39. Which will NOT increase breast milk supply
40. 4 patients with conditions of concern-priority
41. To assess the station of the baby
42. If performing a Leopold maneuver what are you doing
43. Early decels are caused by head compression and are OK
Variable decels are from cord compression and are not OK
Late decels are from insufficiency of the placenta and they are an emergency
If late or variable decels what should the nurse do

44. 12-14 weeks fetus is at level of symphysis

20 weeks = 20cm at level of umbilicus
For lochia know that there should be no more than 4-8 pads/day and no clots
Fleshy smell is normal/foul smell is infection
45. Elevated lab value normal to see for up to 10 says post partum
46. Edema under scalp, crosses suture lines
47. Blood under periosteum, does not cross suture lines
48. At birth, order to suction baby
49. Given to infants to help with formation of clotting factors
50. IM injection in newborns
51. Dark red bleeding with rigid abdomen and pain
52. Bright red bleeding, soft abdomen and no pain
53. HTN, edema, protein in urine
54. HTN, edema, protein in the urine with seizures or in a coma
55. Teratogenic during pregnancy

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