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Cliffwood School Council

Meeting Minutes November 4, 2015

6:30 to 8:30 p.m.


Sarah Frost (Principal), Allyson Watts (Vice-Principal), Melanie Rubens (Co-Chair), Christina Liu
(Co-Chair), Eric Fung, Sandy Sang, Svetlana Bojilov, Roxanne Neagu, Julie Kwok, Kristyn Chepelsky,
Sevelina Kolarova, Farshid Azarang, Nazanin Azarang, Max Volkov, Deborah Teng, Ranuka
Srinivasan, Paul Kang, Ivar Soever, Tirso Beltran, Sheleen Jaffer, Jenny Wang, Martin Yu, Xuejian
Xiong, Esther Chung, Shirley Cai, Melanie Ryckman, Colin Ryckman


Melanie Rubens/Christina Liu


Cliffwood Public School

1. Welcome
2. Adoption of minutes from September 30, 2015
3. Principal's Report
3.1. New furniture and cubbies for room 105 Kindergarten class
3.2. Purchase of 8 new computers for the media centre
3.3. Procedures for hiring Long-term Occasional (LTO) teachers
3.4. Job Action updates (ETFO and CUPE)
4. PART Update
5. Fundraising Discussion on fundraising models
5.1. Lump sum or event-based?
6. Request and election for Co-Treasurer
7. Update on lunch-time program opportunities
7.1. Lego (Winter term)
7.2. Hatch
7.3. Mad Science
8. Treasurer's Report
8.1. Allocation for possible Grade 5 graduation (pending PART outcomes)
9. Other Business
10. Adjournment
1. Welcome
2. Adoption of Minutes of September 30, 2015
2.1. Request that action items 8, 60, 66 should be re-opened
Cliffwood School Council

ACTION: Re-open Action #8 Request for creation of class mailing lists to be addressed at next
School Council meeting SUGGESTION: In the near-term, implement something smaller scale in each classroom, such
as a sign-up form if parents want to share contact information with each other. QUESTION: Can we get a class schedule from our teachers?
Should be able to get that from the teachers. Less certain if that can be publicly
posted online.
2.1.2. ACTION: Re-open Action #60 ICT Committee to present technology funding request at next
School Council meeting ACTION: Teachers to bring forward non-technology funding requests to be considered
besides technology needs.
2.1.3. ACTION: Re-open Action #66 Teacher input to partitions pilot to be provided by next School
Council meeting
2.2. DECISION: Sheleen Jaffer moves to accept meeting minutes from Sept 30, with amendments above. Jenny
Wang seconds. Motion is carried
3. Principal's Report
3.1. New furniture and cubbies for room 105 Kindergarten class
3.1.1. All furniture has arrived.
3.1.2. Cubbies have arrived, but are pending installation.
3.1.3. Some books have already arrived. Ms. LeBlond is still working on a few more toys.
3.2. Purchase of 18 new computers for the media centre
3.2.1. 18 computers have been ordered. Could not wait as old computers were already failing
3.2.2. Hoping that next batch of computers can be supported by School Council
3.3. Procedures for hiring Long-term Occasional (LTO) teachers
3.3.1. When teachers go on mat leave, they are required to give minimum 2 weeks notice as per
contract and legislation
3.3.2. The school submits required paperwork to TDSB Employee Services who provide approval to post
vacancies (scheduled once per week)
3.3.3. Postings are left open 4-5 day to provide sufficient time for interested candidates to apply
3.3.4. Interviews take several days, with the school submitting its recommended candidate to TDSB
Employee Services
3.3.5. Recommended candidate must be approved from Employee Services before school can issue the
job offer
3.3.6. Most teachers will provide more than enough time to hire an LTO replacement, but unexpected
situations do sometimes arise (e.g. early delivery), requiring a series of temp teachers to fill the
3.3.7. QUESTION: What's the timeline to typically get a long-term occasional from receiving notice to
hire? It depends on when we get the paperwork and meeting weekly cut-offs, but it could be 3-4
weeks from the time we receive notice to onboarding
3.4. Job Action updates (ETFO and CUPE)
3.4.1. ETFO and CUPE have reached tentative agreements at the provincial level. Secondary Teachers
are currently in negotiations at the Board level
3.4.2. New process implemented this year requires 2 rounds of negotiation: one at the provincial level,
one at the local School Board level
3.5. Mme. Pop is already working on securing dates for ski trips
3.6. French Book Fair trip also being planned on December 2nd

Cliffwood School Council

3.7. Photo day scheduled for Nov 10

3.8. We have received confirmation that Mr Li-Fun will be staying with us for the remainder of the year to
continue teaching his Kindergarten class
3.9. Addition of 0.5 Prep staff allocation
3.9.1. We received an additional 0.5 prep allocation this year, but the preferred candidate had to
unexpectedly withdraw. We are recruiting and hope to have someone in place long-term in
another week or two.
3.9.2. This teacher will be assigned to Drama/Music to Mr. Li-Fun and Mrs Stein's classes and English to
G4/5s and Media to G6s
3.9.3. Allyson has been working with the temporary teachers to ensure that curriculum delivery is
consistent and intact
3.9.4. QUESTION: We were not informed about these changes. How will the occasional teachers provide
consistent assessment of the children? Allyson is working with those occasional teachers to ensure consistency in delivery and
evaluation of the program until a long-term resource is onboarded ACTION: Mme. Frost to provide written notice to impacted families once permanent teacher
has been onboarded
3.10. Addition of 0.5 Clerical staff allocation
3.10.1. We also received an additional 0.5 clerical staff to support the office and are waiting for Employee
Services approval of our preferred candidate
3.10.2. Temporary staff has been very helpful for Mary while we wait for confirmation.
3.11. Lunch Supervision:
3.11.1. We have 9 lunchroom supervisors; 4 in the gym, 5 in the K classrooms.
3.11.2. With the new class, we were able to get Ricardo from the daycare and Selena Liao is now a
permanent hire.
3.12. Last month, we reported that plexiglass window replacement was complete. Blinds have now been
installed as well.
3.12.1. QUESTION: We noticed that two (2) windows are still boarded over? Two (2) windows were damaged in shipping and will be fixed shortly
3.13. Camera setup has been completed and software has now been installed on office computers to record
video from cameras.
3.13.1. Cameras are only accessible to Mrs. Frost and Watts.
3.13.2. Continuous recording 24 hours/day with a 2-month archive
3.14. Partitions:
3.14.1. Sarah Frost tried to connect with Jeff from TDSB regarding Partitions vendor quotes. Last request
from Partition Committee was for TDSB to approach other vendors, as first vendor was very
expensive. Unclear if alternate vendors were not interested or did not receive requests.
3.14.2. ACTION: Sarah Frost to follow up with TDSB and provide update on partitions vendor contacts at
next School Council meeting
3.15. Clubs will be up and running again now
3.15.1. Holiday concert will be targeted for January
3.15.2. Club info will be updated to the school website
3.15.3. QUESTION: Clubs are announced during morning announcements at the school. How does that
info reach kids that are outside for gym? Most of the time, kids are inside for announcements, and if they do miss it one day,
announcements are always repeated across multiple days
3.15.4. QUESTION: Will all club info such as tryouts be posted, so that parents can get kids ready? Would prefer to receive by email (first) or through hard copy. Could also use the agenda.
Cliffwood School Council

3.15.5. ACTION: Mrs. Frost to look at means to more effectively communicate important club information
(e.g. tryout dates, meets, concerts) to parents
3.15.6. ACTION: Eric Fung to produce another hard copy letter to encourage subscription to School
Council email list
4. PART Update
4.1. Recommendations:
4.2. moving English/EF G6 to Highland
4.3. moving G4/G5 to Cresthaven
4.4. moving Gifted program to Steelesview
4.5. French Immersion (FI)
4.5.1. G6-8 at Don Valley Middle School
4.5.2. G9 at Windfields JHS
4.5.3. G10-G12 at York Mills CI
4.5.4. TDSB staff suggested that FI students could potentially attend Newtonbrook on optional
attendance to avoid extra transition through Windfields JHS
4.6. Parent feedback:
4.6.1. Moving G6 kids will result in loss of school bus and daycare Concern that 11 year olds are being asked to bus themselves Concern about implications from CAS guidelines that children under 12 should not be left
4.6.2. Would like to see more options. Newtonbrook is not really an option because it's quite far
4.6.3. Kids used to have several optional pathways when schools were 7-8-9, but now limited to Don
4.6.4. Complicating factor is that Don Valley family of schools has 2 PARTs that also affect proposals in
our area, especially for FI
4.6.5. Key drivers: Schools in our area are over-enrolled General TDSB policy to move away from JHS, as G9s are technically HS students and teachers
fall under a different collective agreement Urgency to balance out enrollment, as Ministry will not approve any capital outlay until all
schools achieve minimum of 65% utilization and could force school closures if not addressed
4.6.6. Shift of G6s to middle schools give them access to more facilities, similar to shift of G9s to HS Noted that this benefit does not apply to FI pathway due to G9 at Windfields
4.6.7. According to TDSB staff at the TDSB community consultations, the community in the York Mills CI
ward is resistant to moving G9 to York Mills CI It's unclear if capacity at York Mills CI is an issue, though there are currently no portables
4.6.8. Feedback from community consultations highlighted the FI pathway was the most contentious
4.6.9. Timeline. November 5 reports are prepared. November 18th is open public consultation. All that
input will be put forward to Board will decide. They may make amendments or changes to the final
4.6.10. QUESTION: Is status quo an option? There were a number of schools that would be forced to close, while other schools would be
4.6.11. ACTION: Eric Fung to go back to Alexander Brown's email and pull out links to share with School
Council distribution list
4.6.12. ACTION: Kristyn Chepelsky to start a petition on Change.org regarding proposed French Immersion
Cliffwood School Council





pathway and forward link to Eric Fung for distribution to School Council list
Fundraising Discussion on fundraising models
5.1. ACTION: Eric Fung to distribute soft-copy of the pizza lunch form for parents
5.2. SUGGESTION: In Spring, staff would like to team with council to support eco-school fundraising initiatives
5.3. DECISION: Eric Fung moves to implement donation fundraising campaign. Paul Kang seconds. Motion
5.3.1. ACTION: Eric Fung to distribute donation letter by hard copy and to School Council email list
Request and election for Co-Treasurer
6.1. DECISION: Sevelina Kolarova acclaimed as co-Treasurer
Update on lunch-time program opportunities
7.1. Lego (starting next week)
7.1.1. Build program is not available for Ks because it's hosted in portables this term. Next offering will
aim to include all. Next offering can also look at robotics for older grades.
7.2. Suggestions for next term:
7.2.1. Hatch Introduces children to early software coding concepts
7.2.2. Mad Science
7.2.3. Chess
7.2.4. Art
7.3. School Council will help to organize selected programs for the new year
7.4. Request from Pizza Lunch organizers to not hold programs on Thursdays, as it conflicts with Pizza Lunch
and creates challenges to ensure kids get their pizza
7.5. QUESTION: Is the gym not available for lunch programs?
7.5.1. Because of growth of students enrollment, we need 2 lunches and gym is no longer available for
programs like Karate
7.5.2. ACTION: Eric Fung to post lunch program information on school council website
Treasurer's Report
8.1. Pizza Lunch: Of 475 students, ~370 have signed up. Expenses have gone up due to change in the size of
the pizza
8.2. Library book bags have arrived, so all Ks and G1s should now have book bags.
8.3. Allocation for possible Grade 5 graduation (pending PART outcomes)
8.3.1. If PART recommendations go through, G5s will also now be graduating
8.3.2. DECISION: Julie Kwok moves to allocate $2000 to support a potential G5 graduation celebration,
pending PART recommendations. Esther Chung seconds. Motion carried
8.4. $19k unallocated. With $5k carryover, we have $14k that we should spend this year.
8.5. Scientist in School: Each teacher gets 3 scientists per year that come in for day to do experiments with
students. Last year, parents had to pay $24/student. School Council subsidized the difference.
8.5.1. DECISION: Julie Kwok moves to allocate up to $1500 towards subsidizing remaining cost for
Scientist in School beyond fee of $24/student. Paul Kang seconds. Motion carried.
8.6. QUESTION: Will curriculum night be rescheduled? What about Parent-Teacher Interviews?
8.6.1. We don't have clear direction from the Board yet
Other Business
9.1. November 18th meeting moved to December 2nd
Meeting Adjourned at 8:30pm

Cliffwood School Council

Action ID








Bring forward request for
creation of class mailing
lists to teachers and provide
update by next meeting
Present ICT Committee's 5year technology plan to
Parent Council
Solicit teacher input into
preferred configuration for
partition pilot once job
action resolved
Distribute latest TDSB
newsletter regarding job
action to School Council
email list
Follow-up on outstanding
action items and close stale
Review and decide on lumpsum donation request prior
to October School Council
Present non-technology
funding requests for 20152016
Provide written notice to
impacted families once
permanent prep staff is
Provide clarification on
partitions and TDSB
quotation status at next
School Council meeting
Look at means to more
effectively communicate
important club information
to parents (e.g. tryout
dates, meets, concerts)
Produce hard-copy letter to
encourage parents to signup to School Council email
Retrieve links to original
PART meeting materials for
distribution to School
Council email list
Create online petition
regarding proposed FI
Distribute soft-copy of pizza
lunch forms to School
Council email list

Cliffwood School Council

Date Raised
Oct 1, 2014

Assigned to
Sarah Frost


Action Taken:
Suggestion for simpler nearterm solution. Sarah Frost to
provide update at next meeting.

Apr 1, 2015

Sarah Frost


Technology request to be
provided at next meeting.

Jun 17, 2015

Sarah Frost


Teacher input to be provided by

next meeting.

Sept 30, 2015

Eric Fung



Sept 30, 2015

Eric Fung



Sept 30, 2015



Refer to Decision 40

Nov 4, 2015

Sarah Frost


Nov 4, 2015

Sarah Frost


Nov 4, 2015

Sarah Frost


Nov 4, 2015

Sarah Frost


Nov 4, 2015

Eric Fung


Nov 4, 2015

Eric Fung


Nov 4, 2015



Nov 4, 2015

Eric Fung


Action ID

Decision ID

Distribute fundraising letter
by hard copy and to School
Council email list
Post lunch time program
information to School
Council website

Date Raised
Nov 4, 2015
Nov 4, 2015


Assigned to
Eric Fung


Eric Fung



Action Taken:

Sheleen Jaffer moves to accept meeting minutes from Sept 30, with amendments as
discussed. Jenny Wang seconds. Motion is carried
Eric Fung moves to implement donation fundraising campaign. Paul Kang seconds.
Motion is carried
Sevelina Kolarova acclaimed as Co-Treasurer
Julie Kwok moves to allocate $2000 to support a potential Grade 5 graduation
celebration, pending PART recommendations. Esther Chung seconds. Motion is carried
Julie Kwok moves to allocate up to $1500 towards subsidizing remaining cost for
Scientist in School beyond fee of $24/student. Paul Kang seconds. Motion is carried.

Cliffwood School Council

Nov 4, 2015
Nov 4, 2015
Nov 4, 2015
Nov 4, 2015
Nov 4, 2015

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