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ll well established political/governmental orders, including—

especially—the United States of America, understand power, as
well as the power of symbolism—their own
political/governmental power having been established, long ago, and
enshrined in enduring, symbolic forms (e.g., flags, seals, monuments,
songs, myths). These orders will always cover their own acts of political
violence with this cloak of political symbolism.

Any revolutionary movement within a well established

political/governmental order should be built upon the established order's
own political power and political symbolism whenever possible. If, for
example, the established order has overstepped its bounds of authority—as
the government of the United States has today— and become broken
beyond all normal means or repair, but still retains a good, solid
philosophical/political basis, what is needed is a revolution which can
restore that order to it former historical and philosophical principles. For
example, the U. S. was not an interventionist and colonizing nation, as it is
today, until the time of the Spanish American War, during 1898. From the
end of the Revolutionary War in 1783 until 1898, America minded its own
business and did not intervene in the affairs of foreign nations nor did it
attempt to colonize or set up puppet regimes in other nations as it does
today, especially in the Middle East.

Here in the U. S., any revolutionary movement that hopes for success
would be wise to cloak both their speech and their actions with the
political symbolism which represents that which grounds the established
order both historically and philosophically because it is the established
order's traditional and historical political philosophy which the
revolutionary movement desires to see restored.

The Left has never had success with its revolutionary political speech
and acts here in the U. S. because its political philosophy has no ties to
traditional, historical U. S. political philosophy. The right to private
property, for example, is enshrined in the Declaration of Independence;
but revolutionary Leftists believe the notion of private property should be
abolished; a belief which is, in fact, central to the Left's
communist/socialist political philosophy.

Any successful restorative revolution or reformation of American

government must be based upon a return to America's politically violent
beginnings, its early political symbolism, and the political philosophy upon
which it was based.
I wrote a paper a while back (Political Musings; October, 2009) in
which I outlined how a social/political revolutionary movement must
make proper use of its nation’s symbolic political imagery, which
represents the nation’s social/political ideology, in order for it to be
successful. This is a truth so obvious that it should not have to be outlined
at all, yet many people are unaware of the importance of this fundamental

America has certain, unique, and fundamental principles that cannot be

ignored without losing everything that we hold dear about our nation:
liberty, freedom, individual rights (e.g., life, property) and the protections
of those rights. These are fundamental principles—enshrined in the
Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution—upon which all
American can, or should, agree. I say should, because not all Americans
agree with these principles as fundamental sociopolitical realities. Many
American, in fact, do not understand—at the philosophical level—these
principles, nor do they understand why these principles are so
fundamental to America’s very being, or existence—at the ontological level.
I don’t expect most Americans to know these things; not at the
philosophical level anyway. What I do expect is for America’s social and
political leaders to know these things—at the philosophical and
ontological level. (The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, for example, knew
these things, which is why his sociopolitical civil rights movement was

The Declaration of Independence, which is based upon natural law, as I

have previously pointed out, grants us the rights to life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness:

“We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that
among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness . . .”

The Declaration of Independence reveals the Founder’s legal and

philosophical presuppositions: all people are created equally and they are
endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.

As I’ve said elsewhere, this is just one, important example of just off-
track—at the philosophical level—our nation has gotten. This rejection of
natural law has been going on for many, many years now. This
undermining of natural law has been the legal basis for denuding the Bill
of Rights: our rights no longer come from nature and nature’s God
(natural law), they now come from men in high government places
(positive law) and this is how our government has been taking them away.

Think about it: if men and governments give us our rights, then men
and governments can also take away those same rights, which is exactly
what’s been happening. But if our rights come from nature and nature’s
God then they are inalienable rights, which men and governments can
never take away.

Which do you prefer?

In America, this natural law philosophy, which is enshrined in the

Declaration of Independence, is the only philosophical basis that a social
revolution, if it wishes to be successful, can have. All others will fail.

For example, the federal government recently passed a law which

makes it mandatory for every American to purchase of health care and it
will impose a fine upon those who do not wish to do so. This, for many
Americans, has become the last straw, which has broken the camel’s back.
Our rights, which are outlined for us in both the Declaration of
Independence and the Bill of Rights have been trampled upon and
gradually taken away from us over the course of many years. Many
Americans today, I believe, have finally had enough.

If the federal government, and the peoples who support its on-going
socialist agenda, wish to continue the erasure of individual freedom,
liberties, rights, and property then they had better start being honest with
the American people: Go down to the National Archives and remove the
Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution, with its Bill of
Rights, throw them in the trash (or publicly burn them), and replace these
documents with a new Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Rights. I can’t
wait to see just what style of man-based rights that our government now
wishes to give us. And which rights it wishes to take away from us.

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