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Long Live Cyprus. (Mr. HINCHEY addressed the House. that I serve on the Board of Visitors at
Long Live Greece. His remarks will appear hereafter in the Naval Academy, as a member of
f the Extensions of Remarks.) the House Armed Services Committee,
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a f and Chair of the Coast Guard and Mari-
previous order of the House, the gen- time Transportation Subcommittee of
60TH ANNIVERSARY OF INTEGRA- the House Transportation Committee.
tleman from North Carolina (Mr. TION OF UNITED STATES ARMED As such, minorities have played a piv-
JONES) is recognized for 5 minutes. FORCES otal role in shaping this Nation’s
(Mr. JONES of North Carolina ad- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under armed services, and I’m proud to say
dressed the House. His remarks will ap- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- that this role continues today.
pear hereafter in the Extensions of Re- uary 18, 2007, the gentleman from With the benefit of historical hind-
marks.) Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) is recognized sight, we know that the sacrifice of
f for 60 minutes as the designee of the brave Americans on the battlefield had
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a majority leader. to become a shared experience for
previous order of the House, the gen- GENERAL LEAVE America to truly move toward becom-
tleman from North Carolina (Mr. Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask ing ‘‘one Nation, indivisible.’’ There-
MCHENRY) is recognized for 5 minutes. unanimous consent for Members to fore, a segregated Armed Force could
(Mr. MCHENRY addressed the House. have 5 legislative business days to sub- not be a foundation for an integrated
His remarks will appear hereafter in mit their statements for the RECORD. society, nor could it truly offer ‘‘jus-
the Extensions of Remarks.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tice for all.’’
f objection to the request of the gen- However, just as President George
tleman from Maryland? Washington initially refused to recruit
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a African Americans in the American
previous order of the House, the gen- There was no objection.
Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, this Revolutionary War despite the British
tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) is welcoming the enlistment of minori-
recognized for 5 minutes. evening I rise, along with my distin-
guished colleagues, for the next hour, ties in 1775, President Truman’s execu-
(Mr. BURTON of Indiana addressed tive order was also met with much op-
the House. His remarks will appear which shall be ours, to salute and to
mark the 60th anniversary of the inte- position by the Marine Corps and the
hereafter in the Extensions of Re- Army. Consequently, this significant
marks.) gration of the United States Armed
Forces. change and transition in racial policy
f I rise today to celebrate this historic took nearly 15 years before the execu-
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a occasion as a step toward greater so- tive order was fully implemented by all
previous order of the House, the gen- cial justice for minorities and women of the Armed Forces.
tleman from New Jersey (Mr. GARRETT) alike, which shaped the road to equal- Because of President Truman’s
is recognized for 5 minutes. ity within the United States and unyielding vigilance in ensuring the
(Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey ad- strengthened the very foundation and complete integration of the Armed
dressed the House. His remarks will ap- moral character of our great Nation. Forces, all Americans today are more
pear hereafter in the Extensions of Re- On July 26, 1948, President Harry secure and remain free.
marks.) Truman signed executive order 9981, re- As we remember and honor the brave
quiring the integration of the Armed men and women of every race who have
Forces regardless of one’s race, reli- served our Nation, we should also re-
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a member those visionary leaders who
previous order of the House, the gen- gion, or national origin.
President’s Truman’s brazen action gave to our Nation, including our col-
tleman from Texas (Mr. CARTER) is rec- leagues, Representative CHARLES RAN-
ognized for 5 minutes. back there in 1948 set the stage for
GEL of New York, JOHN CONYERS of
(Mr. CARTER addressed the House. later victories, including the Supreme
Michigan, Representative BOBBY RUSH
His remarks will appear hereafter in Court’s ruling in Brown vs. Board of
of Illinois, EDOLPHUS TOWNS of New
the Extensions of Remarks.) Education, the Civil Rights Act, and
York, BOBBY SCOTT of Virginia, and so
the Voting Rights Act.
f We are aware, Mr. Speaker, as our
many others, the opportunity to share
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a in that sacrifice which has preserved
history attests, that the shared sac-
previous order of the House, the gen- the America we all love so much.
rifice of African Americans in the de- We know that the transformation of
tleman from Kansas (Mr. MORAN) is fense of our great Nation did not begin
recognized for 5 minutes. our military has not been easily ac-
in 1948. Individuals such as William complished, and we honor those sol-
(Mr. MORAN of Kansas addressed the Williams, a Maryland fugitive slave,
House. His remarks will appear here- diers, sailors, airmen, guardsmen and
overcame the odds by enlisting as a women, and marines who, over the
after in the Extensions of Remarks.) private in the United States Army and years, have challenged the status quo
f defending Fort McHenry of Baltimore, to do what is simply right.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Maryland in 1812. Countless others also All too often in our past, minorities
previous order of the House, the gentle- served prior to the issuance of execu- in our Armed Forces have been forced
woman from California (Ms. WOOLSEY) tive order 9981, including the Buffalo to endure injustice and discrimination.
is recognized for 5 minutes. Soldiers of the 9th and 10th Cavalry All too often, promotions, choice as-
(Ms. WOOLSEY addressed the House. Regiments, members of the Navy and signments, and desired occupational
Her remarks will appear hereafter in Marine Corps’ Stewards Branch, and fields have not been open to all on the
the Extensions of Remarks.) the highly distinguished and honored basis of merit alone. Yet, the patriot-
Tuskegee Airmen. These brave service- ism of our countrymen and women has
members paved the way for minority kept the transformation and vision by
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a men and women who proudly wear the President Truman alive.
previous order of the House, the gen- uniform today. Sadly, back then, Mr. Today, minorities continue to serve
tleman from Arizona (Mr. FLAKE) is Speaker, they were often unseen, unno- with distinction throughout our Armed
recognized for 5 minutes. ticed, unappreciated, unapplauded and Forces. Of the more than 1.8 million
(Mr. FLAKE addressed the House. His unsung, but today we pause to cele- servicemembers who have participated
remarks will appear hereafter in the brate their lives and their contribu- in support of Operations Enduring and
Extensions of Remarks.) tions to our great Nation. Iraqi Freedom, more than 20 percent
wwoods2 on PRODPC60 with HOUSE

f It is because of their sacrifices that I, have been minorities.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a along with the 42 other members of the Mr. Speaker, it was just today that
previous order of the House, the gen- Congressional Black Caucus, serve in we congratulated Ensign DeCarol Davis
tleman from New York (Mr. HINCHEY) the Congress of the United States for her selection as being the first Afri-
is recognized for 5 minutes. today. It is through their sacrifices can American and the first African

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