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White Collar as a Representation of Ex-offender Struggles

Yosra Abdullatef
UWrite 1104
Assignment Two

White Collar as a Representation of Ex-offender Struggles

Due to my interest in forensics and the law field, Ive chose to pursue White Collar as my
primary source in obtaining a leisurely excitement as well as an educational purpose. It draws the
life of ex-felon Neal Caffrey and shows the audience the struggles he goes through to rejoin
society and live an almost normal life. I will discuss the obstacles ex-offenders face such as

Commented [YA1]: Jaycie Fader: I really like that you've

chosen a research topic that connects to your interests. Not
only did you choose it to pertain to your interests but you
also chose it to learn more about this subject. I also like how
you briefly explain what the show is about instead of just
generally saying that you like White Collar and it connects to
your interests.

employment, shelter, and acceptance by society and what they can do to lighten the stress of
these complications.
Once convicts are liberated from prison, they often experience rejection by others,
depression, and feelings of helplessness. The process of adjusting to the outside world is a
critical point in the release process. My collection of resources explain the importance of
redemption programs and what they have to offer to ex-felons. They express the common
interest of such programs which is helping with shelter, education, and employment while aiding
ex-felons with the gradual transition back into society. These programs also promote positive

Commented [YA2]: Jaycie Fader: Choosing to state what

your topic of your sources are was a good choice. I really
like how you took something not too obvious from your
figured world and chose to research it. I also appreciate how
you chose different aspects of your general topic and made it
more specific to your interests and your figured world.

attitudes and patience.

My personal experience with such service was a summer program where my community
mosque offered math and English tutoring for ex-offenders that were trying to further their
education. This allowed me to share my knowledge in mathematics to those who are determined
to change their lives. Many programs tend to focus on food and shelter instead of incorporating

Commented [YA3]: Jaycie Fader: I love that you

incorporated what you did with this topic in your own life
into your research. However, I think it'd make it even better
if you went into more detail into what you did and who you
worked with. As a reader i was really drawn in once I saw
this, and would love to hear more about it.

White Collar as a Representation of Ex-offender Struggles

something important like education. Furthering ones education can open doors for better job
In contribution to the context of my resources, I wish to identify the grooming skills
ex-offenders need in order to represent themselves with a better image and improve their resume.
These skills include communication skills, volunteer experience, and networking. It is essential
to start from within and work on ones character first before interacting with employers and other
members of a community. Such skills will better prepare ex-offenders when putting themselves
back on the market.

Commented [YA4]: Joshua Byrd: I like that stated exactly

what you are going to be addressing in this project. It shows
that you want to get certain points across. Also, this gives the
reader a clear idea of what to expect throughout the rest of
the paper.
Commented [YA5]: Jaycie Fader: I like how you include
grooming into the ways of how ex-felons can transition back
into society. I would suggest mentioning this specific topic
earlier on in the introduction so that it doesn't confuse the
reader as to what you're focusing on. Maybe add it to your
list at the top of the page?

Literature Review
The Yale Journal explores the different ways ex-criminals can live stable and law-abiding
lives. It also expresses the effects of a criminals release on society and the economy and lists
suggestion the law community can utilize to better manage these criminals. Participants of this
journal express the challengers, stressors, and motivators associated with the difficult challenges
ex-offenders have faced and will face upon reentry. This domain includes, but also goes beyond,
career-related issues. Two thirds of employers would not knowingly hire an ex-offender and this
causes internal stress (Yale Journal 2000). This can be connected to Neal Caffreys fear of
leaving the FBI and not finding another sustainable job.
In the video modules, Henry J (2012) and Laura J (2012) include individuals who have
been incarcerated that speak about a pattern of destructive behavior, how their children are
affected, making the adjustment from prison to the outside world, and the difficulty in obtaining
basic needs and essential services. Also featured are counselors, teachers, employers, parole
officers, and other community members who play critical roles in the success of those reentering society.

Commented [YA6]: Jaycie Fader: I think it would be cool

to give reasons why that high number wouldn't hire exoffenders. It would give the reader greater detail on your
topic. What about the 1/3 that would hire them?
Commented [YA7]: Hannah Bowman: Instead of saying
Neal Caffrey and jumping right in I would try a different
approach. "This can be connected to the series character..."
something with more of a formal intro because it felt odd
when reading it in the current format. My brain had to make
a jump out of context and then back in once you began your
next paragraph.

Commented [YA8]: Hannah Bowman: Good use of

citations. I would include sentence on how this is useful in
your paper as this paragraph is short. It may seem selfexplanatory but I think it would round off the paragraph

White Collar as a Representation of Ex-offender Struggles

Upon reentering society, former offenders are likely to struggle with substance abuse,
lack of adequate education and job skills, limited housing options, and mental health issues. An
example of this in White Collar would be Neals undocumented rent period with this land owner
because he does not have a clean profile. (The New Jersey Library 2015) Congress has
recognized the importance of this issue by passing the Second Chance Act of 2007. SCA
provides federal grants for programs and services that work to reduce recidivism and improve
offender outcomes.
As federal and state correctional institutions steadily release record numbers of exoffenders each year, the communities into which prisoners are released are unprepared to sustain
the economic and social burden of the massive reentry movement. As a result, reentering exoffenders lack the support needed to reintegrate themselves into society and to lead productive
lives. Shevy (2007) discusses a project called H.O.P.E (Helping Offenders Pursue Excellence), a
project whose mission is to address the needs of ex-offenders in order to make their transition
back into main stream society a success. Project H.O.P.E. attempts to assist ex-offenders in
finding their housing, educational and employment needs.

Entering Conversation
What does it take to break the cycle of criminal life and incarceration? Based on the
accounts of those who have lived this experience, it requires an intense will to change attitudes
and behavior to improve ones life, a willingness to learn new skills, and an ability to overcome
rejection time after time. The obstacles that are in store for ex-offenders who are released into
society are enormous.

Commented [YA9]: Joshua Byrd: I like how you ask a

question in the beginning of this section. It gets the reader
thinking about the topic. Also, this question sets up the
following sentences in the paragraph that connect with the
rest of the project.

White Collar as a Representation of Ex-offender Struggles

The approach to aiding ex-offenders is often times limited to shelter, food, and healthcare
without regards to furthering education or grooming skills needed in order to be as presentable
as possible. Although shelter and food are two essential things to living, education can open
doors to better job opportunities and expand ones knowledge of his or her surroundings.
Redemption programs should invest more into tutoring sessions, affordable classes, and activities
that inforce computer skills. Employers seeks those who have more to offer within a pool of
competitors and education can make an individual more suitable for the job.
For an ex-offender, making an honest living is vital to staying away from trouble and
staying out of prison. Furthering education in accounting, office assistance, management, etc.
offers benefits like how to evaluate skills, matching skills to appropriate work, and how to

Commented [YA10]: Joshua Byrd: This sentence is a

good way to close the paragraph. I recommend that you give
a specific example of what an employer could expect. This
would give the reader a better idea of what employers seek.
Commented [YA11]: Hannah Bowman: Your paper is
solid so far and easy to follow. I do think that a lot of this is
very repetitive and some real life examples besides your
personal experience could supplement this well. It would
also make the paper sound more credible. Also this word is

analyze data. In the video modules included in my articles, individuals who are or have been
incarcerated speak about a pattern of destructive behavior, how their children are affected,
making the adjustment from prison to the outside world, and the difficulty in obtaining basic
needs and essential services. Also featured are counselors, teachers, employers, parole officers,
and other community members who play critical roles in the success of those re-entering society.
Through these modules, it is evident that education would be a beneficial component to a largely
ignored segment of our population.
The importance of social/grooming skills when looking for work is essential to being
successful. Being dependable and positive, following instructions, working well with others - can
be as important as technical skills. A good attitude at work will help an ex-offender to build a
better future. Considering the many stressors of prison, programs should teach ex-offenders how
to keep an upbeat attitude about work and deal with authority figures. Benefits of getting and

Commented [YA12]: Joshua Byrd: This sentence shows

that community leaders play a key role in the success of exoffenders. I think you should go into more detail about what
they do and why they are so important. Also, you could talk
about how these roles are difficult since sometimes they have
to report ex-offenders.

White Collar as a Representation of Ex-offender Struggles

keeping a job can include health insurance, retirement and other money saving programs, and
training opportunities.
Another important component of the reentry process is giving back to the community.
Volunteering and helping others sends off a positive image about a candidate. A lot of people
find comfort and relaxation through helping others. Involvement in activities that allow an exoffender to feel as though theyve made a difference or have contributed to a positive image can
relax his or her mind of any inner conflicts or feelings of neglect.
Time has witnessed a sharp surge in the number of prisoners who have served their

Commented [YA13]: Hannah Bowman: Nice follow up

about non-career opportunities for offenders. One thing you
could consider adding is why volunteering could benefit
their self-image and social image. Also i think including
programs that allow criminals to volunteer would be useful
because not many programs are well known that allow them

sentence and willing to have a fresh start. Despite their desire to be a part of the social life, there
are ideas that these former criminals dont deserve to have our concerns and attentions for their
criminal background. These people are released without jobs, stable homes, or hope for the
future. To help those who show repentance and desire to redeem their faults, reentry programs
for ex-offenders are created to provide shelter, food, and hold vocational guidance seminars.
In order to assist ex-offenders programs, programs should offer more career guidance
classes for living skills to equip them with basic knowledge needed when applying for a job.
There should also be classes that focus on eliminating illiteracy. The main reasons leading these
individuals into the wrong path is their lack of knowledge. They dont know how to behave right,
they have no idea what the right thing is to choose. Teaching them how to read and write is one
way to make miracles happen.
The fact is that when people with criminal records succeed, then we all succeed. Society
benefits when formerly incarcerated people achieve their lives of independence, leading a

Commented [YA14]: Joshua Byrd: I like this last sentence

since it shows that there is hope. I recommend that you give
an example of how this makes miracles. Do you have any
first hand experiencing while you did the summer program
with your community mosque?

White Collar as a Representation of Ex-offender Struggles

healthy, responsible, crime-free life. With reentry programs, we should try our best to lend them
our hands and do a better job at recognizing their special challenges.
Instead of discriminating them, we need to do what we can to help them change their
lives around. They have paid their debt to society and are ready to move on. The whole society
should do nothing but pay more attention to these reentry programs, make them more effective,
efficient and accessible.

1. 45 B.C. L. Rev. 255 (2003-2004).Navigating the Hidden Obstacles to Ex-Offender Reentry.
Hein Online. Retrieved October 15, 2015, from
2. The New Jersey State Library. (2015). NJ Works Career Videos: Ex-Offenders Reentering
society. NJS Library. Retrieved October 15, 2015, from http://njn.jerseyconnect.net/life-andwork-in-new-jersey/ex-offenders
3. Victoria A. Shevy. (2007). Ex-Offenders Reentering the Work Force. Safer Foundation.
Retrieved on October 19, 2015, from
4. Maruschak, Laura M. (November 2012). Offender Reentry: Probation and Parole in the United
States. BJS Bulletin. Retrieved on October 19, 2015.

Commented [YA15]: Hannah Bowman: Good summary

points. I would state who "they/them" are just to refocus the
reader. "Instead of discriminating against ex-offenders..."
Nice paper over all just need some more real life examples
and grammar and spelling tweaks.

White Collar as a Representation of Ex-offender Struggles

5. Anthony C. Thompson. Navigating the Hidden Obstacles to Ex-Offender Reentry. Retrieved
on October 15, 2015, from
6. Band Back Together Organization. Successful Reintegration after Incarceration. BBT.
Retrieved on October 15, 2015, from http://www.bandbacktogether.com/successfulreintegration-incarceration/
7. Abdullatef, Y. (September 2015). Assignment Two: Figured World. Retrieved on October 15,
8. Henry J. (2014). Admissibility of Prior Crimes in a Prosecution for Forgery. Retrieved on
October 19, 2015, from http://scholarship.law.stjohns.edu/lawreview/vol10/iss2/5

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