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18 DbMatEdit

Version 2.0


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What is DbMatEdit ......................................................................................................... 5

General concepts ............................................................................................................. 5

Definition of the functional areas

Main window .................................................................................................................. 8

Functional areas .............................................................................................................. 8
Main menu............................................................................................................ 9
Tool bar ................................................................................................................ 9
List of the records ................................................................................................. 9
View/modify area ............................................................................................... 10
Image view area.................................................................................................. 10
Status bar ............................................................................................................ 10

The main menu commands


File Menu ...................................................................................................................... 11

Print .................................................................................................................... 11
Print Preview ...................................................................................................... 11
Print Setup .......................................................................................................... 11
Exit ..................................................................................................................... 11
Operations menu ........................................................................................................... 12
New Material ...................................................................................................... 12
New Thickness ................................................................................................... 13
New Format ........................................................................................................ 13
New Base Material ............................................................................................. 14
Delete Base Material........................................................................................... 14
Create a Copy ..................................................................................................... 14
Temporarily Delete............................................................................................. 14
Restore ................................................................................................................ 14
Definitively Delete.............................................................................................. 14
View Menu.................................................................................................................... 15
Tool Bar.............................................................................................................. 15
Status bar ............................................................................................................ 15
Query .................................................................................................................. 15
Options ............................................................................................................... 16
Menu ?........................................................................................................................... 17
Manual................................................................................................................ 17
Information about DbMatEdit ............................................................................ 17



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DbMatEdit - EN 2.0


What is DbMatEdit
DbMatEdit is an application for the interactive management of the database
that collects and files all the technological information about materials and
formats used by various processing applications Salvagnini (applications
CAD/CAM, post-processor compilers).

General concepts
The reference database contains three types of objects (also called records):
Materials are divided into base materials and derived materials; the database
has been created with four base materials (identified by the codes ALUM,
INOX, IRON, ZINC), with the standard characteristics: they cannot be
modified or deleted; the user can define new base materials according to his
own needs: once defined, they cannot be modified any more but, unlike
standard materials, they can be deleted. The derived materials always refer to
a base material (standard or defined by the user), whose characteristics it
maintains and which can later be modified. The characteristics used to
describe a material are as follows:


Code: unique identifying string that cannot be composed of more

than 64 characters and must not contain spaces or any of the
following characters: *,; /\\:?\"<>|

Base material code: code of the base material (standard or defined

by the user).

Description: short description (max. 255 characters).

Specific weight: weight per volume unit, expressed in Kg/dm3.

Percent elongation: percent elongation as a result of a tension


Breaking strength: maximum load the material can sustain without

breaking, expressed in Kg/mm2.

Yield load: maximum load the material can sustain without causing a
plastic deformation, expressed in Kg/mm2.

Specific pressure: maximum load the material can sustain without

causing damages, expressed in Kg/mm2.

Blade cleaning: number of possible bending cycles for each blade

cleaning cycle.



DbMatEdit - EN 2.0

Magnetic: indicates whether or not the material has ferromagnetic


Conductor: indicates whether the material is a conductor or


Sheets, also called thicknesses. Each sheet refers to a specific material and
has the following characteristics:


Code: unique identifying string that cannot be composed of more

than 64 characters and must not contain spaces or any of the
following characters: *,; /\\:?\"<>|

Corresponding material code: code of the corresponding material.

Description: short description (max. 255 characters).

Thickness: thickness, expressed in mm or inches.

Thickness tolerance: tolerance within which the thickness can be

considered valid, expressed in mm or inches.

Minimum nibbling percentage: minimum percentage of the side of

a rectangular punch that can be used in nibbling (under which the
punch wears out in an irregular way).

Upper/lower film type: the film can be unprotected, pre-painted or

protected by a film.

Upper/lower film thickness: thickness of the upper/lower film,

expressed in mm or inches.

Upper/lower film adhesiveness: friction due to the presence of the

film: it can be low, medium or high.

Technological table code: whole number that identifies a table in

the database containing the technological data.

Minimum distance from the edges: minimum distance from the

edge of the sheet where a part can be placed during the nesting.
Expressed in mm or inches.

Minimum distance between the parts: minimum distance that must

exist between the various parts placed during the nesting. Expressed
in mm or inches.

Friction coefficient with steel: friction coefficient between the sheet

and the steel that touches it (e.g. a part of the machine).

Minimum inner bending radius: minimum inner bending radius

that can be obtained with the technology used, expressed in mm or

Neutral fibre position: position, as a percentage of the thickness of

the sheet, of the neutral fibre (imaginary line that separates the part
of the sheet under compression from that under tension).

Price: unitary price estimate.

Heating check: indicates whether a sheet being machined requires a

special treatment in the event of heating.

Reversible: indicates whether the sheet can be used on any of the

two sides.

Lubrication: indicates whether or not the sheet requires lubrication

before machining.



DbMatEdit - EN 2.0

Formats: each format refers to a specific sheet and has the following


unique identifying string that cannot be composed of more than 64

characters and must not contain spaces or any of the following
characters: *,; /\\:?\"<>|

Corresponding sheet code: code of the corresponding sheet.

Description: short description of the format (max. 255 characters).

Width X: dimension in the direction of the X axis of the machine,

expressed in mm or inches; in the event of a coil, the value of this
field will be zero.

Height Y: dimension in the direction of the Y axis of the machine,

expressed in mm or inches.

Tolerance on the dimensions : tolerance within which the

dimensions X and Y can be considered valid, expressed in mm or

Quality index: whole number between 1 and 10 that describes the

general quality (absence of faults) of the format (1 = minimum, 10 =

Rolling angle: rolling angle with respect to the X side (physical


Silking angle: silking angle with respect to the X side (aesthetic


Silking check: indicates whether silking of the sheet is required

during the machining process.

Quantity: quantity available (optional).



DbMatEdit - EN 2.0

Definition of the functional


Main window
When you start the application, the following window appears:

Functional areas
There are six functional areas:



The main menu


The toolbar

Definition of the functional areas


DbMatEdit - EN 2.0

The list of all the records present in the database


The area in which you can view/modify the characteristics of the

currently selected record


The area in which you can view the image in the event of non
rectangular formats


The status bar

Main menu
The menu bar, which allows you to perform all the functions offered by the
DbMatEdit program, is placed in the top part of the window.
To activate a function, open the pull-down menu containing the function and
select it with the mouse, or with the buttons corresponding to the underlined

Tool bar
To accelerate the use of the system, some operations available in the menu are
also given in a commands bar placed under the main menu.

Corresponds to the menu item Operations / New Material

Corresponds to the menu item Operations / New Thickness
Corresponds to the menu item Operations / New Format
Corresponds to the menu item Operations / New Base Material
Corresponds to the menu item Operations / Delete Base Material
Corresponds to the menu item Operations / Create a Copy
Corresponds to the menu item Operations / Temporarily Delete
Corresponds to the menu item Operations / Restore
Corresponds to the menu item Operations / Definitively Delete
Corresponds to the menu item View / Query
Corresponds to the menu item View / Options
Corresponds to the menu item ? / Information about DbMatEdit

List of the records

This area allows you to view, by means of a tree structure, the content of the
database. The first level contains the materials; to view all the thicknesses
available for the material, click with the left-hand mouse button on the
expansion button + placed next to it; in the same way, to view the formats,
click on the expansion button next to the thickness.

Definition of the functional areas



DbMatEdit - EN 2.0

Some menu items can also be accessed by positioning the pointer on the item
concerned and clicking the right-hand button of the mouse.

View/modify area
This area allows you to view and possibly modify the characteristics of the
current record (material, sheets or format). It is also used for introducing new
records in the database.

Image view area

This area allows you to view the image of a currently selected non rectangular

Status bar
Supplies information about how to use the buttons in the status bar and about
the main menu items.

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Definition of the functional areas


DbMatEdit - EN 2.0

The main menu commands

File Menu
Positioning the pointer on the item File in the menu bar opens the following
pull-down menu:

This function is not available yet.

Print Preview
This function is not available yet.

Print Setup
Allows you to view the print setup window.

Selecting this item will close down the DbMatEdit application. If the
characteristics of the edited record have been modified without updating the
database, the following window appears and asks you to confirm the

The main menu commands

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DbMatEdit - EN 2.0

Operations menu
Positioning the pointer on the item Operations in the menu bar opens the
following pull-down menu:

New Material
If a base material (standard or defined by the user) is currently selected in the
records list, this command is enabled and allows you to create a new material.
The base material data (except the identifying code) are indicated again in the
modify area.

The user can modify the single fields, using also the descriptions at the bottom
of the window; the compulsory fields are highlighted by a special background
colour which can be chosen by the user (please see the chapter Op): however,
it is not necessary to specify the identifying code since it can be chosen by the
The Add command effectively creates the record in the database: in the event
of an error, a diagnostic message appears.

- 12 -

The main menu commands


DbMatEdit - EN 2.0

New Thickness
If a material (base o derived) is currently selected in the records list, this
command is enabled and allows you to create a new thickness associated with

The user can modify the single fields, using also the descriptions at the bottom
of the window; the compulsory fields are highlighted by a special background
colour which can be chosen by the user (please see the chapter Op): however,
it is not necessary to specify the identifying code since it can be chosen by the
The Add command effectively creates the record in the database: in the event
of an error, a diagnostic message appears.

New Format
If a thickness is currently selected in the records list, this command is enabled
and allows you to create a new format associated with it.

The main menu commands

- 13 -


DbMatEdit - EN 2.0

The user can modify the single fields, also by using the descriptions at the
bottom of the window; the compulsory fields are highlighted by a special
background colour which can be chosen by the user (please see the chapter
Op): however, it is not necessary to specify the identifying code since it can
be chosen by the application.
The Add command effectively creates the record in the database: in the event
of an error, a diagnostic message appears.

New Base Material

Allows you to create a new base material; both base and derived materials are
created in the same way. This item is only active in the expert user mode.

Delete Base Material

Allows you to cancel the base material currently selected; it should be
remembered that only the base materials created by the user can be cancelled.
This item is only active in the expert user mode.

Create a Copy
Allows you to create a copy of the record (material, thickness or format)
currently selected.

Temporarily Delete
Allows you to temporarily cancel the record selected from the database; in
this way the record is not physically removed but only disabled. Before
effectively performing the command, the user will be asked to confirm the

The only action that can possibly be performed on a temporarily deleted

record is reinstating it (i.e. a new format cannot be created from a temporary
deleted thickness). It is possible to specify in the options window whether or
not the temporarily deleted records must remain visible.

Allows you to restore the record selected; this item is only active for the
records that have been temporarily cancelled before.

Definitively Delete
Allows you to definitely delete the record selected from the database. Before
effectively performing the command, the user will be asked to confirm the

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The main menu commands


DbMatEdit - EN 2.0

It should be remembered that it is not possible to reinstate a record that has

been deleted in this way.

View Menu
Positioning the pointer on the item View in the menu bar opens the following
pull-down menu:

Tool Bar
Displays/hides the tool bar.

Status bar
Displays/hides the status bar.

This item is used to open the query window.

The main menu commands

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DbMatEdit - EN 2.0

In the Options area of the Query it is necessary to introduce the type of

datum requested (Material, Sheets or Format) and specify whether you want
all the data present in the database to be displayed or only those with specific
constraints: in this last case it is necessary to specify the constraint you want
to satisfy.
The Find command displays in the list situated bellow the outcome of the
query: the example indicated in the figure displays the materials with the
specific weight between 0 and 50 (Kg/dm3).
A double click with the left-hand mouse button on an item in the list allows
you to view the data in the relative record in the view/modify area in the main
The operations Temporarily delete, Restore and Definitively delete, that have
been described above, can also be performed on several elements at the same
time: the corresponding menu will appear if you select the elements
concerned and press the right-hand button of the mouse.

This item is used to open the options window.

The options, divided into four groups, are as follows:

General data

Measurement unit: allows you to set the current measuring unit

(millimetres or inches).

Deleted Records: declares whether or not to display the temporarily

deleted records.

Restore Cascade: declares whether to restore the records in cascade

or individually; for example, if this option is activated and the
material deleted before has been restored, all its thicknesses (sheets)
and all its formats will be restored too.


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Laser: declares whether or not to display the data exclusively

referred to the laser cutting technology.

The main menu commands


DbMatEdit - EN 2.0

Punching: declares whether or not to display the data exclusively

referred to the punching technology.

P4 bending: declares whether or not to display the data exclusively

referred to the P4 bending technology.

RoboFormer bending: declares whether or not to display the data

exclusively referred to the RoboFormer bending technology.

Expert user

Expert user: enables/disables the expert user mode.


Obligatory Fields Colour: sets the background colour of the

obligatory fields in the view/modify area in the main window.

Normal Fields Colour: sets the background colour of the normal

fields in the view/modify area in the main window.

Modified Fields Colour: sets the background colour of the

modified fields in the view/modify area in the main window.

Image Background Colour: sets the background colour of the

image in the area for viewing the image of non rectangular formats
in the main window.

Image Foreground Colour: sets the foreground colour of the image

in the area for viewing the image of non rectangular formats in the
main window.

Menu ?
This function allows you to view the present manual.

Information about DbMatEdit

This function allows you to view the window containing information about
the application.

The main menu commands

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