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Fortune Dice

Fortune dice add an additional element of chance to tense situations, weaving the situation in small
ways to either benefit or hinder the characters involved. When a character makes a roll or check in a
situation where the roll is against another character or there is an element of risk to the outcome, he or
she also rolls two Fudge dice (one black and one white) along with the normal dice. Routine checks,
resistance or recovery checks, or those that have no potential danger (such as a knowledge check) do not
include fortune dice in the roll unless the Gamemaster determines otherwise thanks to a special
The skill check is still resolved as normal, resulting in success or failure at the given task. The
result of the fortune dice serve to give a boon or penalty to one of the characters involved in the situation
(including the active character), or cause minor alterations to the scene. You are encouraged to detail
exactly how the bit of fortune or misfortune occurs in the scene. The exact game effects of the fortune
dice are detailed below:

oo or + -

No additional effect


You gain a +1 bonus to a check or resistance roll on your next turn, or you gain a +1 bonus
to one active defense of your choice until the end of your next turn. This bonus can also
be granted to one ally of your choice who acts after you in the initiative order.
Alternately, you can apply a -1 penalty to the next check, resistance roll, or one active
defense of an opponent who acts in the initiative order after you. You may also make a
minor adjustment to the scene, such as ensuring that partial cover is near or a relatively
mundane item is within reach.

+ +

You or an ally who acts in the initiative order after you gains a +2 bonus on the next
check or resistance roll, or gain a +2 bonus to one active defense of your choice until the
end of your next turn. Alternately, you can apply a -2 penalty to the next resistance roll
of an opponent who acts in the initiative order after you. Instead of this penalty, you may
also inflict one of the following conditions on an opponent until the end of his or her next
turn: Hindered, Impaired, or Prone. You may also make a change in the scene to benefit
you, such as having full cover is near or a useful item is in reach.


You suffer a -1 penalty to a check or resistance roll on your next turn, or you suffer a -1
penalty to one active defense of your choice until the end of your next turn. This penalty
can also be inflicted on one ally of your choice who acts after you in the initiative order.
Alternately, you can grant a +1 bonus to the next check, resistance roll, or one active
defense of an opponent who acts in the initiative order after you.

- -

You or an ally who acts in the initiative order after you suffers a -2 penalty on your next
resistance roll, or are Hindered, Impaired, or Prone until the end of your next turn.
Alternately, you can grant a +2 bonus to the next check or resistance roll of an opponent
who acts in the initiative order after you, or that opponent gains a +2 bonus to one active
defense until the end of his or her next turn.

The color of the dice normally has no special bearing on the roll, unless the check is an apposed
check between two characters. In that circumstance, the player character uses the white dice to
determine his or her result and the Gamemaster character uses the black dice.

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