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LISP Programs

1. To perform primitive operations (i.e CAR, CDR,APPEND)

(format t"~%Enter the list1 : ~%")
(setf list1(read))
(format t"~%Enter the list2 : ~%")
(setf list2(read))
(format t"~%~% The CAR of 1st list is : ~a" (car list1))
(format t"~%~% The CDR of 1st list is : ~a" (cdr list1))
(format t"~%~% The appended list is : ~a" (append list1 list2))

Enter the list1 : (1 2 3)
Enter the list2 : (4 5 6)
The CAR of 1st list is : 1
The CDR of 1st list is : (2 3)
The appended list is : (1 2 3 4 5 6)

2. To perform squaring of each element of a given list

(defun sqr(n)
(if (null n) nil
(cons(*(car n) (car n))
(sqr(cdr n)))))
(format t"~% Enter the list : ")
(setq list(read))
(format t"~% Square of each element of given list : ~a" (sqr list))
Enter the list : (2 3 4)
Square of each element of given list : (4 9 16)

3. To check whether the given element is present in the list or not

(defun check(Item Is)
(if(null Is) 0
(if(atom(car Is))
(if(equal Item(car Is)) 1
(check Item(cdr Is)))
(check Item(cdt Is)))))
(format t"~%~% Enter the list: ")
(setf Is(read))
(format t"~% The given list is : ~a" Is)
(format t"~% Enter element to be searched : ")
(setf Item(read))
(if(zerop(check Item Is))
(format t"~% Item is not present")
(format t"~% Item is present"))
Enter the list: (a 4 d f 6)
The given list is : (A 4 D F 6)
Enter element to be searched : d
Item is present

4. To find sum of N numbers using recursion

(defun sum(n)
(if(= n 0) 0
(+ n(sum (- n 1)))))
(format t "~% Enter the range : ")
(setf n(read))
(format t "~% Sum of given number is : ~a" (sum n))

Enter the range : 7
Sum of given number is : 28

5. To perform STACK operations

(defun menu()
(format t"~% press 1 to perform push operation")
(format t"~% press 2 to perform pop operation")
(format t"~% press 3 to quit")
(format t"~% Enter ur choice"))
(defun push()
(format t"~%stack before push:")
(princ stack)
(format t"~%Enter data to be pushed:")
(setq data(read))
(setq stack(append stack(list data)))
(format t"~%Stack after push operation")
(princ stack))
(defun pop()
(format t "~%Stack before pop:")
(princ stack)
(setq data(CAR (last stack)))
(princ data)
(setq stack(butlast stack))
(format t"~%Stack after pop operation ")
(princ stack))

(defun quit()
(format t"~%Exit"))
(format t"~%Enter initial")
(setq stack(read))
(setq code(read)ch'y)
(do() ((not(EQL ch'y))nil)
(case code
(1 (push))
(2 (pop))
(3 (quit)))
(cond((= code 3)(setq ch 'n))
(t (format t"~% Do you want to continue(y/n):")
(setq ch(read))
(cond ((EQL ch'y)
(setq code(read)))
(t (setq code 3))

Enter initial4
press 1 to perform push operation
press 2 to perform pop operation
press 3 to quit

Enter ur choice1
stack before push:4
Enter data to be pushed:12
Stack after push operation(12)
Do you want to continue(y/n):y

press 1 to perform push operation

press 2 to perform pop operation
press 3 to quit
Enter ur choice2
Stack before pop:(12)12
Stack after pop operation NIL
Do you want to continue(y/n):n

6. To reverse a given list without using inbuilt function

(defun reversel(l)
(cond((null l)l)
(t(append(reversel(cdr l))
(cons(car l) nil)))))
(format t"~% Enter the List: ")
(setf l(read))
(format t"~% Reversed list is : ~a" (reversel l))

Enter the List: (2 3 4 5)
Reversed list is : (5 4 3 2)

7. To perform function powerset that takes a list l as input & returns the powerset of the list
(defun powerset(l)
(if (null l)
(let ((ps (powerset (cdr l))))
(append ps(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons (car l) x)) ps)))))
(format t"~% Enter the list : ")
(setf l(read))
(format t"~% Powerset : ~a" (powerset l))

Enter the list : (1 2 3)
Powerset : (NIL (3) (2) (2 3) (1) (1 3) (1 2) (1 2 3))

8. To find factorial of a given number.

(defun factorial(n)
(if(= n 0)1
(* n(factorial(- n 1)))))
(format t"~% Enter number : ")
(setf n(read))
(format t"Factorial = ~a" (factorial n))

Enter number : 5
Factorial = 120

9. To find the roots of a given quadratic equation.

(defun quadratic_roots(a b c)
(let((discriminant(-(* b b) (* 4 a c))))
(values(/(+(- b)(sqrt discriminant))(* 2 a))
(/(-(- b)(sqrt discriminant))(* 2 a)))))
(format t"~% Enter the numbers :~%")
(setf a(read))
(setf b(read))
(setf c(read))
(format t" Root = ~a " (quadratic_roots a b c))

Enter the numbers :
; Autoload: SQRT from "TRANCEND" in "C:\\GCLISP\\LISPLIB\\". Root = -1.0D0

10. To find out the number of element in a given list.

(defun no_atom(l)
(if(null l) 0
(if(atom(car l))
(+ 1(no_atom(rest l)))
(no_atom(first l)))))
(format t"~% Enter the list : ")
(setf l(read))
(format t"~% Total number of elements in list : ~a" (no_atom l))
Enter the list : (a b 2 4 c g)
Total number of elements in list : 6

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