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Biolog 202 \ame

Quiz I - chemistrl 1/31t03

, .{ rairoactiveisotopeof sulfur hasthe massnumber35 :ather
than31.Hor i' m in v
:e..rlronsdoessulfur 35 have?
a ,. i5 br- 19c r. 32 d). -15

2. A covaientbond is iikeil' to be poiarif:

I a). one of the atomssharingelectronsis much moreelectronegative
thanthe otheratom
b). the two atomssharingelectronsare equallyelectronegative
c). the two atomssharingelectronsare of the sameelement.
d). it is betweentwo atomsthat areboth very strongelgctronacceptors

3. The smallestunit of matterwith uniquecharacteristics

a) an electron b) a molecule
c), an atom d) the nucleus

4. The numberof electronsof an atom is automaticallyknown if one knofs the

. b) atomic weight
?),atomic number
eJ number of orbitals d) valence

5. Bonds in which atoms shareelectronsare defined as bonds,"-*

a) hydrogen b) ionic
c) double p,covalent .'

7. An atom that donateselectronsduring a reaction is called

a) cation b) anion
c) molecule d) none of the above

8. What type bf bonding exist betweenwater molecules

a) covalent bonds b) Ionic bonds
cliydrogen bond d) Van der waal forces

9. Define Atomic mass

10.An electricallyneutralatombearswhattrait?
a) It containsprotonsin its nuclew
b) It containsthe sameno. of protoosandneutrons
,:, It containsthe sameno. of pmtonsandelectrons
d) It containselectronsit its electronshell
Bio207 Name
Quiz - Chemistry 8/27107
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choosethe one altemative that best comDletesthe statement or answers the question.

. 1) !frich four elements make up approximately 96/o of living matter?
( e|.arbon, hy drogerynitrogen, oxygen
-6) carbon, sulfu1 phosphorus, hydrogen
C) oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, sodium
D) carbon, sodium, chlorine, magnesium
E) carbon, oxygen, sulfur, calcium

2) number of an element can be easily approximated by adding together the number of

(A) drotons and neutrons.
\Glectron orbitalsin eachenergylevel.
C) protons and electrons.
D) neutrons and electrons.
E) isotopes of the atom.

3) The atomic number of neon is 10.Therefore,it

A) has 8 electronsin the outer electron shell.
B) is inert.
;Qhas an atomic mass of 10.
(!)bnty A and B are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct.

4) Which of the following best describesthe relationship between the atoms describedbelow?
Atom 1 Atom 2
tH 3H
1 1

A) They are isomers.

B) Thev are polvmers.
YfThey a.e iotts.
E) They are both radioactive.

lrom theperiodictablein Figure2.2 to ansu)erthefollowing questions.

Usethe int'ormationextracted

[t El fl---]El El E;l
Atomic -> t! L9_-lf- l [ ,i Lti_,]!:_j

5) How many electronsdoessulfur havein its valenceshell?

A) 1 B )2 c)4 E )8
5) A covalent chemicalbond is one in which
A) electrons are removed from one atom and transferred to another atom so that the two atoms become
( CDuter-shel\el$irohs are shared by two atoms so as to satisfactorily fill the outer electron shells of both.
D) outer-shell dt€Ctrqrlsof one atom are transferred to the inner electron shells of another atom.
E) the inner-sheli\leilions of one atom are transferred to the outer shell of another atom.

7) What arethe maximum number of covalent bonds an element with atomic number 16 can make with
hydrogen? ,-\
A) 1 (y) c)3 D)4 E )J

8) Which of the following representsa polar cogLRnt bond?

A)H-H B)c-c gyo D)C-H E)O-O

9) The ionic bond of sodium chloride is formed when

@ chlorine gains an electron from sodium.
-B) sodium and chlorine share an electron pair.
C) sodium and chlorine both lose electron; from their outer valenceshells'
D) sodium gains an electron from chlorine.
E) chlorine gains a proton from sodium.

V0) Which atom is the calioe in ammonium chloride salt?

tr fiNHa ( Ilcr c)H D)N E) NH4CI
\) \--l
1-!y'A given solutionis found to contain0.0001mol of hydrogenions (H+) per liter. Whichof the following best
describesthis solution?
A) acidic: H+ acceptor
B) basic:H+ acceptor )
ry )rt
@acidic: H+ donor
D) basic:H+ donor
E) neutral
7-{ C {4
r-gfBuffers aresubstances
that help resistshiftsin pH by
A) releasing H+ in acidic solutions.
-) ,/\.
' (B) )eleasing H- in basic solutions.
t C) releasingOH- in basic solutions.
D) combining with OH- in acidic solutions.
.- r . ,
E) combiningwith H-
- - + in basicsolutions.

._!of Which bonds must be broken for water to vaporize?

A) ionic bonds
B) nonpolar covalent bonds
C) polar covalent bonds
@irydrogen bonds
E) Both C and D are correct.
r f\\
Bio?02 Nu*uf-0Juf(l4 )hqfp
Quiz - water 8t31.i-
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question,

1) In a single molecule of water, the two hydrogen atoms are bonded to a single oxygen atomby
A) hydrogen bonds.

nonpolar covalent bonds.
(p polar covalent bonds.
D) ionic bonds.
E) van der Waals interactions.

2) Which of the following is an example of a hydrogen bond?

p the bond betweenC and H in methane
(p)the bond between the H of one water molecule and the O of another water molecule
C) the bond between Na and Cl in sali
D) the bond between two hydrogen atoms
E) the bond between Mg and Cl in MgCl2

Which of the following is possibledue to the surfacetension of water?

A) Lakes don't freezesolid in the winter, despite low temperatures.
@A waterstrider can walk acrossa small pond.
C) organisms resist temperature changesalthough they give off heat due to chemical reactions.
D) Water can act as a solvent.
E) The pH remains neutral.

4\ Which bonds must be broken for water to vaDorize?

A) ionic bonds
B) nonpolar covalent bonds
C) polar covalent bonds
(gr,nydrogen bonds
E) Both C and D are correct.

5 ) Temperature usually increaseswhen water condenses.Which behavior of water is most directly responsibk
for this phenomenon?
A) changein density when it condensesto form a liquid or solid
,p reactions with other atmospheric compounds
$) releaseof heat by the formation of hydrogen bonds
D) releaseof heat by the breaking of hydrogen bonds
E) high surface tension

6) Ice is lighter and floats in water becauseit is a crystalline structure held together by
A) ionic bonds onlv.
\9f nyoroSen Donosonly.
C) covalent bonds only.
D) Both A and C are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correci.
Life on Earth is dependent on all the properties of water as well as the abundanceof water. Which property
of water is probably mostimportant for the functioning of organisms at the molecular level?
A) cohesionand high surfacetension
B) high specific heat

A given solution is found.{o3ontain 0.0001mol of hydrogen ions (H+) per liter. Which of the following best
describesthis solution?
( A)acidic: H+ acceptor
$ basic:H+ acceptor
6)acidic: H+ donor
)/busi., H+ donor
E) neutral

q\ What would be the pH of a solution with a hydrogen ion concentra.tion[H+1 of t0-8 M?

A) pHz B )pHa c )p H6 @)p Hs E )p H 1 0

10) Buffersaresubstances
that help resistshiftsin pH by
A) releasrnE-,+
H . rn acldlc sotutlons.
a:\ . .-+. ,
r r rn Dasrc solu ons.
C) releasingOH- in basicsolutions.
D) cornbining with OH- in acidic solutions.
..r ..+ . ,
E) combiningwith H- in basicsolutions.
" Cn l.,c''o',7
qt,n .1o( (ece;v4.l'"o--,::n:'!kt
^y rc+l {^ /
N^ " Anrng .Z/l,tt

e).6rganic chemistryis a sciencebased on the study of

A) functional groups.
B) vital forcesinteractingwith matter.
DI water and its interaction with other kinds of molecules.
E) the properties of oxygen.

v Z) Which property of the carbon atom gives it compatibility with a greater number of different elements than
any other type of atom?
A) Carbonhas six to eight neutrons.
rf)Carbon has a valenc-eof 4.
tfcurbon forms ionic bonds.
D) Only A and C are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct.

r-,O What type of bonds does carbon have a tendency to form?

A) ionic
B) hydrogen
Yonlv A u.rd B are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct.

q;D4o* rtructural isomers are possible for butane having the molecular formula C4H19?
A)1 c)4 D)5 E )8


D' Hi/
I ,H

H. ) c : c / \ u
H' I

,--51'The two moleculesshown in Figure 4.3 are best describedas

A) enantiomers.
B) radioactiveisotopes.
C) structuralisomeqs.
Qleometric isomers.

Lrey'Wht.h t" ,he bestdescriptionof a carbonylgroup?

A) a carbon and hydrogen atom
B) an oxygen double-bonded to a carbon and a hydroxyl group
C) a nitrogen and a hydrogen bonded to a carbon atorn
D) I sulfur and a hydrogen bonded to a carbon atom
a. I
(EJy' carbon atom ioined to an oxygen atom by a double bond
' ' "\o _ ,

,-fWyrutis the nameof the functionalgroupshownin Figure4.4?

A) carbonyl <Bf,methyl - @carboxyl $acetyl

Which two functional groups arc alwaysfotnd in amino acids?

A) amine and sulfhydryl
B) carbonyl and carboxyl
6 carboxyl and amine
Y) alcohoi and aldehvde
'Elketone and amine

r' 9) Which functional groups can act as acids?

A) amine and sulftrydryl
B) carbonvl and carboxyl
.-\ -
Q)larboxyl and PhosPhate
D) alcohol and aldehyde
E) ketone and amino

, ard *"is the reasonwhy hydrocarbonsarenot solublein water?

QJh"y arehydrophilic.
@y'he C-H bond is nonpolar.
C) The C-H bond is polar.
D) Theyarelargemolecules.
E) They arelighter than water.

Quiz 3 - Carbon ilffi#rdusr""-
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one altemative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

\!z 1) Organic chemistry is a sciencebasedon the study of A

/ €J
. I B) vital forcesinteractingwith matter.
V @)carbon compounds.
)l water and its interaction with other kinds of molecules.
E) the properties of oxygen.

2) How many electron pairs does carbon sharein order to complete itgalence shell?
A)1 B )2 c)3 (qt4 ' E) s
3) The carbon present in all organic molecules
A) is incorporatedinto organicmoleculesby plants.
, B) is processedinto sugarsthrough photosynthesis.
- II C)is derived
from carbondioxide.
(Q) two of the above.
Q) all of the above.

4) What is the reasonwhy hvdrocarbons are not soluble in water?

, W ft"y are hydrophilic.
-- | {$ The C-H bond is nonpolar.
\ C) The C-H bond is polar.
D) They are large molecules.

@z c)4 D)5

|l ^ 6) Which of the following is frae of geometric isomers?

| @) They have variations in arrangement around a double bond.
\ I B) They have an asymmetric carbon that makes them mirror images.
w C) They have the same chemical properties.
D) They have different molecular formulas.
E) Their atoms and bonds are arranged in different sequences.

7) Which is the best description of a carbgnyl group?

1 A) a carbon and hydrogen atom
I B) an oxygen double-bonded to a carbon and a hydroxyl group
\) C) a nitrogen and a hydrogen bonded to a carbon atom
D) a sulfur and a hydrogen bonded to a carbon atom
@a carbon atom loined to an oxygen atom by a double bond

8) Which functionalgroupscanact as[6ii]

A) amineandsultiydryl x
1 @carbonyl andcaiboxyl
-- \ Qcarboxyl and phosphate
\ D) alcoholand aldehydel
E) ketone and amino X
9) A carbon skeleton is covalently bonded to both an amino group and " gglgylgT"P When placed in
A) it would function only as an acidbecauseof the ca;!o1yl group'
B) it would function only as a basebecauseof the amino group.
(O it would function as neither an acid nor a base.
l$ it would function as both an acid and a base.
E) it is impossible to determine how it would function.


What is the nameof the functionalgroup shownin Figtte 4.4?
I A) carbonyl B) methyl C) dehydroxyl @carboxyl
E) acetyl
Quiz 4- Macrornolecules 2174105
the question'
tiUfTUrfn CUOICE. Choosethe one alternative that b€st completesthe statementor answers
reactionsand hydrolYsis?
1) Which of the
;-) Dehydration reactions assemblepolymers, and hydrolYsis breaks them down
C) Dehvdration reactions can occur only after hydrolysis'
D) Hydrolysis occurs dudng the day, and dehydration reactions happen at
E) Dehydration reactions occur in Plants, and hydrolysis happens in animals'

2) Carbohydrates normally function in animals as

A) enzymes in the regulation of metabolic processes'
B) the functional units of liPids.
lglt of triglycerides.

E)sites of Protein synthesis

of the polysaccharide
fo) Considera polysaccharideconsistingof 828glucosemolecules.The total hydrolysis
would result in the Production of

B) 827glucosemolecules'
C) 828glucose molecrrl€sand no water molecultls'
D) 828Slucosemoleculesand 828water molecules'
/ -- v
E) 827glucosemoleculesand 827water molecules'

4) Which of the followiirg are polysaccharides?

A) RNA and DNA
B) cholesteroland tdacylglycerol
D) uracil and thymine
E) glYcogenand starch

l-5) Which of the following is lrze qfboth starch and cellulose?

B)Jh61re both for energy storagein Plants'
C) They are geometric isomers of each other'
D) They areboth structural comPonentsof the Plant cell wall'
E) They canboth be diSestedby humans.

6) What is a fat or tdacylslycerol?

A) a kind of lipid that makesuP much of the plasmamembrane
B) a molecule formed from three alcohols
C) a carbohydrate with three sugars
D) a protein with tertiary structure
7l Which of the following is true conceming satuated fatty acids?
A) They are the predominant fatty acid in corn oil.
produced by plants.

are usually liquid at room temPerature.

between the carbon atoms of the fatty
fl They have double bonds

ii-i-iii-iiii-l-" Figure 5.2

8) What is the molecule illustrated in Figure 5.2?

A) an unsaturated fatty acid

C) a polyunsaturated triglycedde
D) a common comPonmt of Plant oils
E) similar in structure to a steroid

9) The hydrogenation of vegetable oil would result in

A)an increasein the number ofhydrogm atoms in the oil molecule'
B) rj'e oil being a solid at room temPerature' /
C) a decreasein the number of carbon-carbon double bonds in the oil molecules'

' E) all of fhe abovC.

10) Which tyPe oI liPid is most imPortant in biological membranes?

A) uiglyceride B) fat C) oil
-MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one altemative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) Carbohydrates normallyfunctionin animalsas

A) the functionalunits of lipids.
B) enzymesin the regulationof metabolicprocesses.
C| a componentof triglycerides
@ energy-storage molecules.
E) sitesof proteinsynthesis.

2) Polymers of polysaccharides,fats, and proteins are all synthesized frgr{monomers by

A) connecting monosaccharidestogether.
B) the addition of water to eachmonomer.
,dlhe .e-oval of water (dehydrationreactions).
Y) ionic bonding of the monomers.
\X) the formation of disulfide bridges between monomers.

3) Consider a polysaccharideconsisting of 828glucose molecules.The total hydrolysis of the polysaccharide

would result in the production of
A) 827glucosemolecules.
B) 827water moledes.
C) 827 glucosemolecules and 827water molecules.
D) 828glucose moleculesand 828water molecules.
(p828 glucose moleculesand no water molecules.

4) What is a fat or triacylglycerol?

I A) a protein with tertiary structure
lipid made of three fatty acids and glycerol
kind of lipid that makes up much of the plasma membrane
D\a molecule formed from three alcohols
E)a carbohydrate with three sugars

T T T? T T i \i \,:
ll l l ,l l 'o *
Figure 5.3

5) The molecule shown in Figure 5.3 is a \

@ PolYsaccharide.
B) polypeptide.
€).saturated fatty acid.
E) nucleic acid.
E) unsaturated fatty acid.

6) Which type of lipid is most important in biolggical membranes?

A) fat B) wax @/phospholipid D) oil E) triglyceride
{ 1) In a single molecule of water, the two hydrogen atoms are bonded to a single oxygen atom by
A) hydrogen bonds.
,B\nonpolar covalent bonds.
tldolar covalent bonds.
f D)-jrlnic bonds.
van der Waals interactions.

,,.f Wtu.h ot the following is an example of a hydrogen bond?

- A\he bond between C and H in methane
,tsfhe bond between the H of one water molecule and the O of another water molecule
bond between Na and Cl in salt
D).the bond between two hydrogen atoms
Elthe bond between Mg and Cl in MgCl2

X 3) V)(!er is transported in plant tissuesagainst gravity due to which of the following properties?

b) adnesron
C) hydrogen bonding
D) two of the above
/D a[ of the above

9.41 The nutritional information on a cerealbox shows that one serving of CheesePizza has 500 calories
(aciually kilocalories).If one were to burn a serving of cereal,the amount of heat given off would be
sufficient to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water how many degreesCelsius?
A)O.s'c B)i.O'c c) 50.0.c '@noo.xc
E) 5000.0'c

.r.-{The tormation of ice during colder weather helps temper the seasonaltransition to winter. This is mainly
(A))he formation of hydrogen bonds releasesheat.
ts) the formation of hydrogen bonds absorbsheat.
C) there is lessevaporative cooling of lakes.
D) ice melts eachautumn aftemoon.
E) ice is warmer than the winter air.

'{ 6) Why does ice float in liquid water?

A) The liquid water moleculeshave more energy and can push up the ice.
B)The ionic bonds between the moleculesin ice prevent the ice from sinking.
(e) Ice always has ait bubbles that keep it afloat.
(Q) Uydrogen bonds keep the moleculesof ice farther apart than in liquid water.
\The crystalline lattice of ice causesit to be denser than liquid water.

t fOne mole (mol) of a substanceis equal to

A\ 6.02x 10zo moleculesof the substance.
B) 1 g of the substancedissolved in 1 L of solution.
C) the largest amount of the substancethat can be dissolved in 1 L of solution.
D) the molecular weight of the substanceexpressedin grams. One mol of glucose (C6H12O5) is equivalent
to 180g of glucose.
A and D arecorrect.
7) Which of the following are polysaccharides?
A) RNA and DNA
@glucose and sucrose \
p cholesteroland triacylglycerol /-' \
pllycogen and starch
E) uracil and thymine

8) Af l of the following moleculesare carbohydr

A) lactose. B) cellulose.
@hemoglobin. D) glycogen. E) starch.
9) Carbohydrates generally have a molecular formula
A) that includesa -SH group.
q]ll whit ci$on, hyaroger,, and oxygen are present in a ratio of 1:2:1.
tnat lnctudesa _NH2 group.
-L, includesat leastone hydrocarbontail. \
Qthat -'
E) in which carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are
present in a 2:1:2ratio.
ft l*o ring formsof glucose(c and p)
{(y aremadefrom differentstructuralisomersof glucose.
\rrise from differentlinear(nonring)glucosem-olecules.
of thi li-near
loin to formtherings.
R arise
E) :::: because
l^Tl-l lt:rent
thehydroxylgroupat thepointof rr"s .r.r"." ;";"ir"!o?it"
positions. oneof two possibl
E) include an aldose and a ketose.
Bio202 v
N"^"Sr!.t+.!n H{r,c,it
Quiz 4 - macromolecules 2170106
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choosethe one altemative that best completesthe statementor answersthe qu€stion'

fats,and Proteinsare all synthesizedhom monomersby

1) Pol),rnersof Polysaccharides,
A) ionic bonding of the monomers.
B) the addition of water to eachmonomer.
together. -..,
C) connectingmonosaccharides '/'
pf the formation of disdfide bridgesbetwem monomers.
/ E)ihe removal of water (dehydrationreactions).

2) Carbohydrates normally function in animals as

A) the functional units of liPids.
i) enzymesin the regulation of metabolicProcess/es.
(c) |nergy-storage molecules.
bfsites of protein sYnthesis.
[) a component of triglYcerides.

3) Considera polysaccharideconsistingof 828glucosemolecules.The total hydrolysis of the polysaccharide

result in the Production of
water molecules.
t),827 \
B) 827glucosemoleculesand 827water molecules.
-/ \
C) 828glucosemolec.ulesand 828water molecules.
glr.ot" tnolecrdesard ng water molecules.
E) 822glucosemolecules.

4) Which of the following is fnie of both starch and cellulose?

($They are both polymersof glucose.
B) They are both structural comPonentsof the Plant cellylY
C)They are both usedfor energystoragein PIants.
D) They are geometric isomers of eachother.
E) They can both be digested by humans.

5) What is a fat or triacylglYcerol?

A) a carbohydratewith three sugars
lip;a made of three fatty acidsand glycerol
C) a moleculeformed from three alcohols
D) a protein with tertiary structure
E) a kind of lipid that makesup much of the plasmamembrane
^" H
r\lH lHl
-c-c-c-c TTTT I tl H
?-t-f-? I


6) What is the molecule illustrated in Figure 5.2?

A) a common componentof Plant oils
(9)A saturatedfatty acid
C) similar in structure to a steroid
D) an unsaturated fatty acid
E) a polyunsaturated triSlyceride

7) The hydrogenation of vegetable oil would result in

A) the oil being a solid at room temPerature.
B) a decreasein the number of carbon-carbon double bonds in the oil molecules'
C) an increasein the number of hydrogen atoms in the oil molecule'
D) two of the above.
aI of the above.

a:: t-)tA' -:

Figure 5.4

8) What is the structure shown in Figure 5.4?

A) a nucleic acid polymer
B) a stardr molecule
C) a cellulose molecule I
steroid a' \

9) Which of the following best summarizes the relationship between dehydration reactions and hydrolysis?
A) Hydrolysis createsmonomers,and dehydration reactionsdestroy them'
B) Hydrolysis occursduring the day, and dehydration reactionshaPPenat night'
C) Dehydration reactionsoccur in Plants,and hydrolysis happensin anigrrdls'
,eactionsassemblepolymers,and hydrolysis breakst/em down'
E) Dehydration reactionscan occur only after hydrolysis.

10) {hidr typeof lipid is mostimportantin biologicalmembranes?

ffi)hospholipid B)triglyceride C)wax D) fat E) oil
Quiz 4 - Macromolecules
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choosethe one alternativethat best completesthe statementor answersthe question.
1) Polymersof polysaccharides,
fatt and proteinsareall synthesizedfrom monomersby
A) connectint monosaccharidestogether.
P) the addition of water to eachmonomer.
(dehydration reactions).'./
$ the removal of water
D) ionic bonding of the monomers.
E) the formation of disulfide bridges between monomers.

2) f{hich of the following best summarizesthe relationship between dehydration reactions and hydrolysis?
VD Dehydration reactions assemblepolymers, and hydrolysis breaks them down. "
B) Hydrolysis occurs during the day, and dehydration reactionshappen at night.
C) Dehydration reactions can occur only after hydrolysis.
D) Hydrolysis createsmonomers, and dehydration reactionsdestroy them.
E) Dehydration reactions occur in plants, and hydrolysis happens in animals.

Figure 5.1
3) If 100moleculesof the general type shown in Figure 5.1 were covalently joined together in sequence,the
single molecule that would result wouid be a
($ polysaccharide.
Y) polypeptide.
C) polyunsaturated lipid.
D) nucleic acid.
E) fatty acid.

4) Fhich of the following is lraeof both starch and cellulose?

\A) They are both polymers of glucose.
B) They are geometric isomers of each other.
C) They can both be digested by humans.
D) They are both used for energy storagein plants.
E) They are both structural componentsof the plant cell wall,

5) What is a fat or triacylglycerol?

r,A] a protein with tertiary structure
\B) a lipid made of three fatty acids and glycerol
C) a kind of lipid that makes up much of the plasma membrane
D) a molecule formed from three alcohols
E) a carbohydrate with three sugars
" iii_ iiiii:i_i_ "<"
rrgure r.J

The moleculeshown in Figure 5.3is a

A) polysaccharide.
B) polypeptide.
C) saturatedfatty acid.
D) nucleicacid.
\P) unsaturatedfatty acid.
7) The 20 different amino acidsfound in polypeptides exhibit differmt chemicaland physical properties
becauseof different
A) carboxyl groups.
_-8.)amino groups.
(!)side chains(R groups).
D) tertiary structure.
E) Both A and B arecorrect.

I " \,,' -
tt- - llllHfN-c-c-oH
H-N-C- c-loH
H o H2o H

8) The chemicalreactionsillustrated in Figure 5.5result in the formation of

\Q peptidebonds.
B) ionic bonds.
C) glycosidicbonds.
D) hydrogenbonds.
E) an isotope.

Which type of interaction stabilizesthe o-helix structue of proteins?

A) hydrophobicinteractions
(E nonpolar covalentbonds
€) ionic interactions t
phydrogenbonds I
E) polar covalentbonds

,,lf ) At which levelof proteinstructureareinteractionsbetweenR groupsmostimportant?

($) primary
'/ B)secondary a- |I
b) quatemary
E) They are equally important at all levels.
Quiz - Macromolecules2 nir)il"-iltEidqd-
MULTIPLE cHOIcE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers
the question.
1) The 20 different amino acids found in polypeptides exhibit different chemical and physical
becauseof different
A) carboxyl groups.
B) amino groups.
(e) side chains in groups).
D) tertiary structure. v'
E) Both A and B are correct.

2) What maintains the secondarystructure of a protein?

A) peptide bonds
@ hydrogen bonds
C) disulfide bridges
D) ionic bonds . \,/
E) electrostaticcharges

C) bonding of two amino acids together to form a dipeptide.

--DLbadstiogola'peptide ehain-intoa*r-c,.+€Iix-
@three-dirr.rensional shapq.
4) what would be an expectedconsequenceof changing one amino acid in a particular protein,/
A) The primary structure would be changed.
B) The tertiary structure might be changed.
C) The biological activity of this protein might be altered.
D) Only A and C are correct.
@ A, B, and C are correct.

5) The R group or side chain of the amino acid serineis -CH2-OH. The R group or side chain of the
acid alanine is -CH3 Where would you expect to find these amino acids in globular protein in aqueous
A) Serinewould be in the interior, and alanine would be on the exterior of the globular protern.
@ Alanine would be in the interior, and serinewould be on the exterior of theitoUutar protein
C) Both serine and alanine would be in the interior of the globular protein.
D) Both serine and alanine would be on the exterior of the globulaiprotein.
E) Both serine and alanine would be in the interior and on the exterior of the globular protein.

Which of the following besldescribesthe relationship between proteins, RNA, DNA, and genes
in humans?
...' proteins
e) DNA --+ genes---+RNA
B) RNA --* DNA --- genes ---' prorerns
@ proteins--* RNA --+ DNA .- genes
D) genes-* RNA ---+DNA ---r prorerns
E) genes proteins * RNA * DNA
7) which of the following descriptions beslfits the classof molecules known as nucleotides?
A) a nitrogen baseand a phosphate $oup
B) a nitrogen baseand a five-carbon sugar
a nitrolen base,a phosphate group, and a five-carbon sugar lt
D) a five-carbon sugar or uracil
E) a five-carbon sugar or pyrimidine

$A sequenceof a DNA pc of 80 purines and 80 pyrimidines could have

C\+fr6o .ytorineandt6o

E) both B and C.

The difference between the sugar in DNA and the sugar in RNA is that the sugar in DNA
6) contains lessoxvgen.
@can form a doubli-stranded molecule.
C) has a six-mernbered ring of carbon and nitrogen atoms.
D) can attach to a phosphate, unlike the sugar in RNA.
E) is a six-carbon sugar and the sugar in RNA is a five-carbon sugar. ,';t'l/

10) The structural feature that allows DNA to replicate itself is the
*f c,
A) sugar-phosphate backbone.
@ complementary pairing of the bases.
C) phosphodiesterbonding of the helices.
D) twisting of the molecule to form an a-helix.
E) three-part structure of the nucleotides.

Bio202 Nu*"----A:o:.":!-- L-:14-
Quiz - Macromolecules 2119/07
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choosethe one altemative that best completesthe statementor answerslhe question.

\J 1) Polymers of polysaccharides,fats, and proteins are all synthesized from monomers by

A) ionic bonding of the monomers.
B) the addition of water to eachmonomer.
\$),lhe removal of water (dehydration reactions).
D) the formation of disulfide bridgesbetweenmonomers.
E) connectingmonosaccharides together.

2) Carbohydrates normally function in animals as

A) a componentof triglycerides.
@lnergy-storage molecules.
C) enzymes in the regulation of metabolic processes'
D) sitesof protein synthesis.
E) the functional units of lipids.

3) of the following are polysaccharides?

and starch
and triacylglycerol
.. B) cholesterol
tsIRNA and DNA
't...\glucose and sucrose
E\racil and th)'rnine

4) Which oI the following is trre of both starch and cellulose?

A) They can both be digested by humans.
B) They are both structural comPonentsof the plant cell wall'
C) They are geometricisomersof eachother.
D) They are both used for energy storage in Plants.
They are both polymersof glucose.

c , Which of the following is t/ s concerning saturated fatty acids?

A) They are the predominant fatty acid in corn oil.
B) They have doublebonds betweenthe carbonatomsof the fatty acids.
C) They are usually producedby plants.
D) They are usually liquid at room temPerature.
have a hlgher ratio of hydrogen to carbonthan do unsaturatedfatty acids.
rltttllll t//
H-c-C -C:C-c-C-C-C:C l\
tl l l l ,r, oH
HH HHH t-t

6) The molecule shown in Figure 5.3 is a
A) polysaccharide.
B) saturatedfattY acid.
C) polweptide.
Q) unsaturatedfattY acid.
E) nucleicacid.

7) Which type of liPid is most imPortani in biological.membranes?

A) fat B) oil C) wax D) triglyceride @phospholipid

8) Which of the following illustrates hydrolysis?

\the reaction of a fat to form Slycerol and fatty acids with the releaseof water
(Bl the reactionof a fat to form glyceroland fatty acidswith the utilization of water
production of a
dthe synthesisof a nucleotidefrom a phosphate,a ribosesugar,and a nitrogen basewith the
holeorle of water
\he reaciion of two monosaccharidesto form a disaccharide with the releaseof water
E) the svnthesisof two amino acidsto form a dipeptide with the utilization of water

9)- The two ring forms of glucose (cr and p)

)il-{rise from different linear (noruing) glucose molecules'
from different structural isomersof glucose'
*h"n different carbons of the linear structwe ioin to form the rings'
of two Possible
rise becausethe hydroxyl group at the point of ring closure can be trapped in either one
E) lnclude an aldose and a ketose.

10) Fatty acidsare

A) componentsof DNA.
glycerol,and a phosphategroup'
@omposed of carboryhydrogen,
ts) composedof four linked rings.
E) composedof carboryhydrogeo and oxygenin a 1:2:1ratio
11u^" .vu.u-- l,/,_r_ _.
I Bio202
Qtnz 4
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

f) |orymers of gqlfsagchaddes, fats, and Prqleineare all synthesized flom monomers by

/ A)ruheremoval of
water (dehydration reactions).
L'BJ ionic bonding of the monomers. ,gr(
C) the formation of disulfide bridges between monomers.
D) the additionof waterto eachmonomer.
E) comecting monosaccharides

2) Which of the following best sumrnarizesthe relationship between dehydration reactions and hydrolysis?
Al$ydrolysis createsmonomets, and dehydration reactions destroy them.
f)-Dehydration reactions assemblepolymers, and hydrolysis breaks them down.
C) Dehydration reactions occur in Plants, and hydrolysis happens in animals
D) Hydrolysis occursduring the day, and dehydrationreactionshappenat nigh1,-"
E)Dehydration reactions can occur only after hydrolysis.

3) Considera polysaccharideconsistingof 828glucosemolecules.The total hydrolysis of {he Polysaccharide

would rcsult in the production of
A) 827water molecules.
/€)-$28 glucose molecules and no water molecules.
C)827glucosernoleculesand 827water molecules.
D) 828glucosemoleculesand 828water molecules.
E) 827glucosemolecules.

4) Which of the following is frue ofboth starchand cellulose?

They are both polymersof glucose.
E) They are geometricisomersof eachother.
C)They are both structural comPonentsof the Plant cell wall.
D) They can both be digestedby humans.
E) They are both usedfor energystora1ein Plants. --.-"'
5) What is a fat or triacylglycerol?
A) a kind of lipid that makesup much of the plasmamembrane
B) a protein with tertiary structure
C) a carbohydratewith three sugars
D)arrroleculeformed from three alcohols
E) a lioid madeof threefattv acidsand qlvcerol

-rt as
6) Carbohydratesnormally function in animals
A)the functional units of lipids.
B)sites oi protein synthesis.
C) a componento{ irigiycerides,
tf, ir.,".g-v-stor"gemolecuies.
E)enzymes in the regulation of metabolic p
Which of the following is frze conceming saturated fatty acids?
A) They are the predominantfatty acid in com oil.
B) They are usually producedby plants.
have doublebonds betweenthe carbonatomsof the fatty acids.
I€)_T!ui Lu"" higher ratio of hydrogen to carbon than do unsaturated fatty acids.
E) They are usually liquid at room temPerature.

8) Th9 hydrogenation of vegetable oil would result in

A) the oii being a solid at room temperature.
B) an hcrease in the number of hydrogen atoms in the oil molecule.
', C) a decreasein the number of carbon-carbondoublebonds in the oil molecules.
\wo of the above.

(prll of the above.

9) Which type of lipid is mostimportant in biologicalmembranes?

A) oil B) wax C) fat D) trielvceri spholipid
10) A molecule inside a cell consists of over 3,500covalently linked atoms w€fghing about 105,000daltons.From
thisdcscripiion, the moleculecanmost sPecificallybe describedasa
B) lioid.
h C) polysaccharide.
D) protein.
E) polypeptide. -2
Quiz 4 - Macromolecules 9179/08
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one altemative that best completes the statement or answers the question,

1) Polymers of polysaccharides,fats, and proteins are all synthesized from monomers by

A) connecting monosaccharidestogether.
B) the addition of water to eachmonomer.
@the removal of water (dehydration reactions).
D) ionic bonding of the monomers.
E) the formation of disulfide bridges between monomers.

2) Which of the following best summarizes the relationship between dehydration reactions and hydrolysis?
@ Dehydration reactions assemblepolymers, and hydiolysis breaks tiem down..
B) Hydrolysis occurs during the day, and dehydration reactionshappen at night.
C) Dehydration reactions can occur only after hydrolysis.
D) Hydrolysis createsmonomers, and dehydration reactions destroy them.
, E) Dehydration reactionsoccur in plants, and hydrolysis happens in animals.

Figure 5.1
3) If 100molecules of the general type shown in Figure 5.1 were covalently joined together in sequence,the
single molecule that would result would be a
$) PolYsaccharide.
B) polypeptide.
C) polyunsaturated lipid,
D) nucleic acid.
E) fatty acid.

4) Ahich of the following is frae of both starch and cellulose?

Q! They are both polymers of glucose.
B) They are geornetric isomers of each other.
C) They can both be digested by humans.
D) They are both used for energy storagein plants.
E) They are both structural components of the plant cell wall.

5) What is a fat or triacylglycerol?

protein with tertiary structure
A a
(!) a lipid made of three fatty acids and glycerol
C) a kind of lipid that makes up much of the plasma membrane
D) a molecule formed from three alcohols
E) a carbohydrate with three sugars
l l l l l l l l ll//"
ll li'l l'o,
Figure 5.3

6) The molecule shown in Figure 5.3 is a

A) polysaccharide.
B) polypeptide.
C) saturated fatty acid.
D) nucleic acid.
(!) unsaturated fatty acid.

7) The 20 different amino acids found in polypeptides exhibit different chemical and physical properties
because of different
A) carboxyl groups.
B) amino groups.
@ sidechiinsiR groups).
D) tediarystructure.
E) Both A and B are correct.

ol' HaC CHr

c lz' tlll HcH o
H-N-9 - 9-t9!_!J-N-c- c-oH
| il- T - - |

8) te chemicalreactionsiilustrated in Figure 5.5result in the formation of

Q!) peptidebonds.
B) ionic bonds.
D) hydrogenbonds.
E) an isotope,
f/ Wru.n type of interactio.{@fr" g-bgu- structureof proteins?
/ @ny ai"pnobicinteractibns
/ B) nonpolarcovalentbondsX
C) ionic interactions
- \
) hydrogen bonds
E) polar covalentbondsy

protein structure are interactions between R groups mostimportant?

J,0) At which level of
/ A) pnmary
Otertiary \
D) quatemary
fh"y ur" important at all levels.
@ "qually
' 0n ho,o,, J ),o"r ne,/le.

\ 1) Tlre structural level of a protein least affecied by a disruption in hydrogenbondingis the

A)primarv level.

b(r".o.rauty terrel.
^ l,
C) tertiary level.
\ quaternary level.
BI)\ll structural levels are equally affected.

2) Which of the following is nof a protein?

A) hemoglobin choleiterol C) an antibody tt) an enzyme E) insulin

4 3) Choose the pair of terms that correctly completes this
{1 Nucleotides are to as - are to proteins.
@hucleic acids;amino acids
' B) amino acids; polypeptides
C) glycosidic linkages; polypeptide linkages
D) genes;enzymes
E) polymers; polypeptides

4) Which of these is a difference between DNA and RNA?

\RNA is double-stranded; DNA is single-stranded.
B) DNA is found in the nucleus; RNA is never found in the nucleus.
C) In DNA, adenine pairs with guanine; in RNA. adenine pairs with thymine.
RNA contains uracil.
@ DNA contains thymine;
E) DNA consistsof five different nucleotides;RNA consistsof four different nucleotides.

5) The structural feature that allows DNA to replicate itself is the

A) sugar-phosphate backbone.
@.o.pt"r"""iury pairing of the bases.
d) phosphodiesterbonding of the helices.
D) twisting of the molecule to form an a-helix.
E) three-part structure of the nucleotides.

6) Which of the following are nitrogen basesof the pyrimidine type?

A) guanine and glucose
B) cvstine and sucrose
@tirymine and cytosine
D) ribose and deoxyribose
E) glycerol and glycogen

7) Which bonds are created during the formation of the primary structure of a protein?
@peptide bonds
B) hydrogen bonds
C) disulfide bonds
D) Only A and C are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct.
8) The tertiary structure of a protein is the
A) bonding together of severalpolypeptide chains by weak bonds.
B) order in which amino acids are joined in a peptide chain.
C) bonding of two amino acids together to form a dipeptide.
N) twisting of a peptide chain into an o-helix.
shape obtained by binding of R groups
@ three-dimensional

9) The R group or side chain of the amino acid serine is -CH2-OH. The R group or side chain of the amino
acid alanine is -CH3. Where would you expect to find these amino acids in globular protein in aqueous
A) Serinewould be in the interior, and alanine would be on the exterior of the globular protein.
serine would be on the exterior of the globular protein.
@JXlanine would be in the interior, and
C) Both serine and alanine would be in the interior of the globular protein.
D) Both serine and alanine would be on the exterior of the globular protein.
E) Both serine and alanine would be in the interior and on the exterior of the globular protein.

10) Which of the following descriptions besi6ts the classof molecules known as nucleotides?
A) a nitrogen base and a phosphate group
B) a nitrogen baseand a five-carbon sugar
@ nitroien base,a phosphate group, ind a five-carbon sugar
D) a five-carbon sugar and adenine or uracil
i E) a five-carbon sugar and a purine or pyrimidine
,3 ],]",,*r,,,*
)ud',L,d' u,y1,

A) a light microscope.
@ a sc-anningelectron mr.rrr.opu.
C) a transmission electronic microscope.
D) both A and C. 4',-\
E) A, B, and C.

t-Z) Which of the following is rot found in a prokaryotic cell?

B) cell wall
\) plasma membrane
@ endoplasmicreticulum
X 3) Which of the following is not apart of the endomembrane
\_<, ^,
Ll,)UOlgr aPParatus
C) rough endoplasmicreticulum
^\. lysosomes
E) smooth endoplasmic reticulum

r4I Which type of organelle is primarily involved in the synthesis of oilg phospholipids, and steroids?
-. I 4) ribosomes
, B) lysosomes
Q smooth endoplasmic reticulum
E) mitochondria
-Xlcontractile vacuoles

\-5f Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

A) nucleolus-ribosomal RNA
B) nucleus-DNA replication
Q)lysosome-protein synthesis
D) cell membrane-lipid bilayer
!E) cytoskeleton-microtubules

X O) O^fthu fotlowing, what do both mitochondria and chloroplasts have in common?

,r @ ett is prod-uced.
' I
B) DNA is present.
. C) Ribosomesare present.
N) Only B and C are correct.
,flf)n, g, and C are correct.
,-.27J In animalcells, hydrolytic enzymes are packaged to prevent general destruction of cellular components.
Which of the following organellesfunctions in this compartmentalization?
A) chloroplast
C) centralvacuole
D) peroxisome
E) glyoxysome

t Which of the following contain the 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules?

-4f A) cilia B) centrioles C) flagella @ A and C only E) A, B, and C

X 9) A ceu lacking the ability to make and secreteglycoproteins would most likely be deficient in its
\) nuclearDNA.
B) extracellularmatrix.
@Golgi apparatus.
@B and C only.
E) A, B, and C.
'/ f O) Whi.h of the following intercellular iunctions is responsiblefor anchoring cells to eachother
A) tight iunctions des*osornes C) gap junctions @)bo;h A and B B, and C
Bio202 Nu ^ " k € lll€ BthQh0Frr
Quiz - Tour of the cell 9 126108
- MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one altemative that best completes the statement or answers the
\!-/ 1) What limits the resolving power of a light microscope?
A) the type of lens used to magnify the obiect under study
Q) the shortest wavelength of light used to illuminate the specimen
C) the type of lens that focusesa beam of electronsthrough the specimen
D) the type of heary metal or dye that is used to stain the specimen
E) the ratio of an object'simage to its real size

When biologists wish to study the topography of cellq they most likely would use
A) a light microscope.
@ a scanning electron microscope.
C) a transmission electronic microscope.
D) both A and C.
E) A, B, and C.

J' Large numbers of ribosomesare present in cells that specializein producing which of the following
) lipids B) starches @ proteins D) steroids E) glucose

4),,Which of the following is roi a part of the endomembranesystem?

!) mitochondria
B) Golgi apparatus
C) rough endoplasmic
' reticulum
@ lyro.o-"r
E)'smooth endoplasmic reticulum

5) Of the following, which is probably the most common route for membrane flow in the endomembrane
A) Golgi * ly5esome ER plasma membrane
- -
B) tonoplast --- plasma membrane nuclear envelope smooth ER
- -
t) nuclear envelope lysosome* Golgi * plasma membrane
rough ER - vesicles Golgi -. plasma membrane
Q) -
E) ER * chloroolasts mitochondrion -- cell membrane
5) Which of the following pairs is mismaiched?
A) nucleolus-ribosomal RNA
B) nucleus-DNA replication
Q lysosott e-p.otein synthesis
D) cell membrane-hpid bilayer
E) cytoskeleton-microtubules

O_fthe following, what do both mitochondria and chloroplastshave in common?

($) ATP is produced.
B) DNA is present.
C) Ribosomesare present,
D) Only B and C are correct.
f) A, B, and C are correct.
8) Of the following, which cell structure would most likely be visible with a light micoscope that had been
r4anufactured to the maximum resolving power possible?
@ mitochondrion
B) microtubule
C) ribosorne
D) largest microfilament
E) nuclear pore

9) In animal cells,hydrolytic enzymes are packagedto prevent general destruction of cellular components.
Which of the following organellesfunctions in this compartmentalization?
A) chloroplast
@ lytoto-u
C) central vacuole
D) peroxisome
7 E) glyoxysome

16) Grana thylakoids, and stroma are all components found in

1 A) cilia and flagella.
/ D chloroplasts.
@ mitochondria.
D) lysosomes.
E) nuclei.
Quiz 5 -tour of the cell ,,{/[arre Lo trcl
a eukaryotic
I a. ribosomes !2. a plasmamembrane
y acell wall
@an endoplasmic reticulum

2. One major differencebetweenall animalandplant cells is:

a. animalcells havemitochondria;plant cells do not
. b. plant cells havea cell membrane;animalcells do not.
(Q all plant cells havechloroplasts;animalcells do not ./
-e. . plant cells areprokaryotic;animalcells areeukaryotic

3. Which organelleis CORRECTLYmatchedwith its function?

/ lysosme- protein syntiesis andmodification
!. nucleus-- polysaccharidesynthesis
4! ribosome- synthesizesATP andsugars
(f Colgicomplex- protein modificationandtargeting

4. Which oneof thesestructurewill be visible with a lisht mrcroscope

ji eolgi complex b. DNA
(9) Nucleus d. ribosome

5. In Eukaryotes,lipids aresynthesizedin the:

@smoothER @roughER
c. plasmamembrane I mitochondrion. t
6. What is the function of Nucleolus

rJsq,n'il{srtt5 y{bo5ow\ls

7. If all ribosomesweredestroyedwha! activity will be mosteffected?

a. DNA replication (t,Frotein synthesis
c. Lipid metaboliim
@toxic removal X
8. what is the differeDcebetweentansmission and scanningelectronmicroscope
Jy46i,nril1iorr 9rv{5 a dvr{11t!.d piaflr, n{
tfllrd_[ ul C\ LT,L\
. Cr J\u
bu+'1r,{s(tff}nintt,vei -ti,etup{' dL
9. All thefollowingarea partof theendomembrane
,d nucleus bi smoothER
g. tmnsportvesicle
@ lysosomes a/
I 0. Whatis thefunctionof nuclearpores?
lc oilov! pct:1,aili 0{ rran'l{viai: li' arn(l ovil 0{ tVr-(,
nu( l"{\.,15
Quiz # 5
l. Stateonemajordifferencebetweena procaryoticandaneucaryoticcell
Aucl a-v$ ,
?rocar,lo*ru a)\s laa,tt- ne *v"l"an '*^et^W"* or slvucl"''ve)
(,rLatjal,c ed\ s h'r'p r dwu'c!"lvly'.ntt'n'le'^s vtr!'a a' 4'n'l3o' ,*e^nbr
: 2. Stateonemajordifferencebetweena plantandan animalcell
ca's antnao'1*11t Ao nol ,
P[a& cells ha*vc a-cct( aall n)acr
for thedetoxificatiop'ryt{'
3. Smootb/Rough< nnoa-H^nn is responsible "
lu. 4. Nametwo organellesthathavedoublemembranes

4olq'r appa,ra*ns
Jv Jv -'tr
tr . - -./'
\U E< ..' '
ligbi'microscopecan giye.{etailedimagesof structuresgpras
"' Th-econventional
5. -@ucteus d)lvsgsdmes

covnlte a" d ho rvurFal

6. State the function of lysosomes - 'b 'la'g{e
Qr* 94 ael\,
7, The scanningelectrontnicroscopegivesdetailedimagesof the
a) iatericrof thecell
7fD surfaceregonsof a cell
'Ef proteinstrucutres
d) DNA structues

- (bDeroxi somes
d) ChloroPlasts

9.The containsDNA that codesfor ribosomalRNA

a) nucleus
hL nucleoid ---'
fc)/ nucleolus
VJ nucleoPlasm
10.The bacteriaandeucaryoticcells makeproteinsusing.verysimiiarenrymesand.
Uiidthdirf"i-"d; that-bot6
youcanioncluAe cells
a) Nuclearmembrane
b) Mitochondria
@ Ribosomes
d) Peloxisomes

Biology 202
Quiz # 5
l. Stateonemajordifferencebetweena procaryoticandaneucaryoticcell
Q.^t""r1"llc t.ll5 \..,,.-t a rr,rrb,",.,r \,:,..j ...,olr* t t D vu, i.. c,1

2. Stateonemajordifferencebetweena plantandananimalcell

Pi [&u\ hu...r cLlt \ql\l c,...

v\ trri !-u\ c riil
' 3. Smooth/Rough *ru.o ,t'l,r ER is responsiblefor the detoxification
\ t
,N -
. ll
\( \l 4. Nametwo organellesthathavedoublemembranes
.r.i\ r,\^0",d,r i 6. \
^". <-r

5. TheconventionalIight microscopecangiqderailed imagesof strucoreyfuch as

t0 a) DNA b) Protein
- -
6. Statethe functionof lysosomes
i0 o\iy.t t ru.1,'-.,,r^pr.ec,,urvr4

t, * r.,nliTg elechonmicroscopegivesdetailedimagesof the

a, rntenoroI theceu
@ surfaceregionsof a cell
c) protemstrucuE€s
d) DNA stuctures
8, that nansferHydrogenfrom varioussubstrates
to oxygenarefound in the
a) !'nzymes
c) Mitochondria
d) Chloroplasts

9. The pontainsDNA that codesfor ribosomalRNA

a) nucleus
b) nucleoid
@)) nucleolus
@ nucleoplasm
10.The bacteriaandeucaryoticcells makeproteinsusingverys
molecules.Usingthis infoirnationyou canconcludethatboth!
a) Nuclearmembrrane
b) Mtochondria
@ Ribosomes
d) Peroxisomes
Quiz 5 . 2128/05 o
MULTIPLECHOICE.Choosethe one altemative that best comPletesthe stalementor answersthe question.

1) The 20 different amino acids found in polypeptides exhibit different chemical and physical properties because
of different
(R grouPs).
@fide chains
B) carboxylgrouPs.
C) amino groups.
D) tertiary structue.
E) Both A and B are correct.

2) bonds are createdduring the formation of the primary structure of a protein?

Q!ftePtide bonds ,/
C) disulfide bonds
D) Only A and C are correct' -/
E) A, B, and C are correct.

3) Whic-htype of interaction stabilizesthe c-helix structure of Proteins?

A) nonpolar covalentbonds
B) ionic interactions
(!)hYdrogen bonds
D)polar covalentbonds
E) hydrophobic interactions

4) At which level of protein structure are interactionsbetweenR grouPsmostimPoltant?

A) tertiary
C)secondary \
E)TheyareequallyimPortantat all levels.

5) The R group or side chain of the amino acid sedneis -CH2-OH. The R group or side chain of the amino acid
alanineis -CHr. Where would you expectto find theseamino acidsin globular protein in aqueoussolution?

A) Alanine would be in the interior, and serinewould be on the extedor of the globular protein.
B) Both serineand alaninewould be in the interior and on the exterior of the globular protein.
C)Both serineand alaninewould be on the exterior of the globular protein.
6) Which of the following besfdescribesthe relationship between proteins, RNA" DNA, and genesin humans?
A) genes"+ RNA "'' DNA --t Proteins
filbro,"i* "- RNA "'' DNA "'+ genes
e) RNA "- DNA "- genes "'' proteins
D) DNA + genes "'+ RNA -t Proteirs
E) genes proteins - RNA - DNA
x /' \

7) Which of the following descriPtions bestfits the classof molecules known as nucleotides?
A) a five-carbon sugar and adenine or uracil
B) a nitrogen baseand a phosphate group
nitrogen baseand a five-carbon sugar
(D)y' nitrogen base a phosphategroup, and a five-carbonsugar
!a five-carbon sugar and a purine or pyrimidine

8) polch of the following are nitrogen basesof the pyrimidine type?

and cytosine
B) guanine and glucose
C) cystine and sucrose
D) glycerol and glycogen
E) riboseand deoxyribose

9) A:equence of a DNA polymer consistingof 80 purines and 80 pyrimidines could have

/AibO ana 80 adeninemolecules.
E-) 160cytosineand 160thymine molecules. \
C)80 adenineand 80 guanine molecules ,- \
E) both B and C.

10) The differencebetweenthe sugar in DNA and the sugarin RNA is that the sugar in DNA

B) can attacrhto a Phosphate,unlike the sugar in RNA.

C) can form a double-strandedmolecule.
D) has a six-membered ring of carbon and nitrogen atoms.
6is a six-carbon sugar and the sugar in RNA is a five-carbon sugar.
C nn^t l.y1r,sr,
a V^a--
". g4v?f, rr+r fPl+r!.d
Biomz Nu-e-D\-KYB-e/l-
Quiz 5
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choosethe one
that best completesthe statementor answersthe question. rr*

1) The 20 different amino acids found in polypeptides exhibit different chemical and physical properties because
€D[de grouPs.
C) amino groups.
D) tertiary structure.
E) Both A and B are correct.

2) Which bonds are createdduring the formation of the Primary structure of a Protein?

B) hydrogen bonds
C) disulfide bonds
D) Only A and C are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct'

3) Which type of interaction stabilizesthe c-helix structure of proteins?

A) nonpolar covalentbonds
B) ionic interactions
bo.ta, {
E) hydrophobic interactions

4) ,finhich level of Protein structure are interactionsbetweenR grouPsmostimPortant?

\Bfquatemary ,r' -.-
C) secondary
D) primary
E) They are equally imPortant at all levels.

5) The R group or side chain of the amino acid serineis -CH2-OH. The R group or side chain of the amino acid
alanineis -CHa. Where would you expectto find theseamino acidsin globular Protein in aqueoussolution?
(ibAlur,ine *o,rld be.in the intedor, and serinewould be on the exterior of the globular protein.
YBoth serine alaninewould be in the interior and on the extelior of the globular protein.

D) Serinewould be in the interior, and alaninewould be on the extg;iofof the globular protein'
E)Both serineand alaninewould be in the interior of the glob;rfr protein.
6) Which of the following &estdescribesthe relationship between proteins, RNA, DNA, and Senesin humans?
A) gmes "'+ RNA -'' DNA -t Proteins
B) proteins -+ RNA "'+ DNA "'' genes
C) RNA --'t DNA "'' genes "'+ Proteins
(D*^"- genes+ RNA * Proteins
Yf genes proteins - RNA - DNA

7) Which of the following descriptions beslfits the classof molecules known as nucleotides?
A) a five-carbon sugar and adenine or uracil
B) a nitrogen baseand a PhosPhategrouP
C) a nitrogen base and a five-carbon sugar
(l.!.\itrogm uase,a phosplate group, and a five-carbon sugar
E) a five-carbon sugar and a purine or pyrimidine

8) Which of the following are nitrogen basesof the pyrimidine type?

(Ihhymine and cytosine
B) guanine and glucose
C) cystinetand sucrose
D) glycerol and glYcogm
E) riboseand deoxYribose

9) A sequenceof a DNA polymer consistingof 80 purines and 80 pyrimidhes could have

A) 80 uracil and 80 adeninemolecules.
B) 160cytosineand 160thymine molecules.
80 guanine rnolecules'
,-C\80 adenine and
(g)80 adenine and 80 thymine molecules.
E) both B and C.

10) The differencebetweenthe sugar in DNA and the sugarin RNA is that the sugarin DNA
/ A) |ontains lessoxYgen.
s$ can attach to a phosphate,unlike the sugar in RNA.
C) can form a double-strandedmolecule'
D) has a six-mernberedring of carbonand nitrogen atoms.
E) is a six-carbonsugar and the sugarin RNA is a five-carbonsugar.
Quiz # 5
l. State betrveeqa procaryotic
tte onemajordifferencebetwee4 proc andan eucaryoticcell
qoficcet \ P,l}{-s
n)r.\lz-orf ClrunnOlh(LA frpnbreuttVoytdarryruJla-S

L 9L+f.
l;wa 4Yrot-ucct'yoh
, wa'
2. Stateonemajordifferencebetrryeeia plantandananimalcell

3.($9qb)Rough - ER is responsiblefor the detoxi otr prooess

gesof strughxcssuchas
a) DNA b) hotein lysosomes

6. Statethefunctionof lYsosomes
"tv,o\ rte) S\o.e-5uk+ont€$ K
-\ 7
Thescanningrele clron microscopegivesdetailedimagesof the '3-V
interiorof thecell ) lo
c) proleinstrucutres
d) DNA structurcs
x- \
to oxygenarefound in the
8. Enzymesthat transferHydrogenfrom varioussubstrates

d) Chloroplasts
9. The containsDNA that codesfor ribosomalRNA
a) nucleus
c-cl nu*olys\
o) nucleopr:rsm
10.The bacteriaandeucaryoticcellsmakeproteinsusingvery similarenrymesand
molecules.Usingthis infomtationyou canconcludethatboth bagleriaandeucaryoticcells
a) Nuclearmembrane
b) Mtochondria

d) Peroxisomes
onv j6''to{'
t-/ r| vltYgor *'tc 3
,J*';f,o ::;;Y
I 76p on */t'r
c6'; ,'f
Bio 202
!)-er rz
J'"- t tiz , .d
/vtt;? .t/ p n.Z);''
p /3./ ..+ Nu
Quiz - Pfasma
membran-e \'"( ///,r'/r-
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choosethe one alt6rriativethii-).64t-diifr-pletesthe statementor answersthe question.
Xl of th. following molecules are part of the cell membr aneexcept
A) lipid.
6) nucleic acids.
Li prorern.
D) phosphategroup.
E) steroid.

._..-?).Thepresenceof cholesterolin the plasma membranesof some animals

62 1$)enables the membrane to stay fluid more easily when cell temperature drops.
B) enablesthe animal to remove hydrogen atoms from saturated phospholipids.
, C) enablesthe animal to add hydrogen atoms to unsaturated phospholipids.
D) makes the membrane lessflexible, so it can sustain greater pressurefrom within the cell.
E) makes the animal more susceptibleto circulatory disorders.

are the elevated regions (particles) seenin electron micrographs of split freeze-fractured
A) peripheral proteins
B) phospholipids
C) carbohvdrates
D)integri proteins
-E ) cholesteiol molecules

All of the following are functions of integral membrane proteins ercept

@)enzyme synthesis.
B) activetransport.
C) hormone reception.
D) cell adhesion.
E) cytoskeleton attachment.

.---,.5f The kinds of molecules that pass through a cell membrane most easily are
,\f large and hydrophobic.
(!) small and hydrophobic.
C) large polar molecules.
D) ionic.
E) monosaccharidessuch as glucose.

of the following cellular activities require ATP energy excEt

( ) Q!)novement of 02 into the cell.
,- B) proton pump
C) Na+ ions moving out of the cell.
D) pinocytosis
E) endorytosis
,-,tr A patient has had a serious accident and lost a lot of blood. In an attempt to replenish body fluids, a large
amount of distilled water was transferred directly into one of his veins. What will be the most probable
result of this transfusion?
A) It will have no unfavorable effect as long as the water is free of viruses and bacteria. ''r-',
B) It will have serious,perhaps fatal, consequencesbecausethere will be too much fluid for the head to
C) It will have serious,perhaps fatal, consequencesbecausethe red blood cells will be hypotonic relative tc
the body fluids and the cells will shrivel.
@ It *ill hurr" s"rious, perhaps fatal, consequencesbecausethe red blood cells will be hypertonic relative
to the body fluids and the cells will burst.
E) It will have no serious effect becausethe kidneys would quickly eliminate the excesswater.

oI the following would indicate that facilitated diffusion was taking place?
A) Substanceswere moving against the diffusion gradient.
faster than the physical condition indicated it should.
@A substancewas diffusing much
C) ATP was being rapidly consumed as the substancemoved.
D) A substancewas slowing as it moved down its concentration gradient.
E) A substancewas moving from a region of low concentration into a region of higher concentration.

..-.-9'f,lhar is the voltage across cell membranes called?

A) water potential
B) chemicalsradient
D) osmoticpotential
E) electrochemical gradient

what process?
*;l0)--Vvhite blood cellsengulfbacteriathrough
C) pinocytosis
D) osmosis
E) receptor-mediated
N^^" /-a1graCq2k
Quiz - PlasmaMembrane 3114/05
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choosethe one alternative that best completesthe statementor answersthe question.

1) The presenceof cholesterolin the plasmamembranesof someanimals

A) makesthe membranelessflexible,so it can sustainSIeateIPlessurefrom within the cell.
fl enablesthe animal to removehydrogen atoms from saturatedphospholipids'
more easilywhen cell temperaturedrops'
fOenables the membraneto stay fluid
Xmakes the animal more suscePtibleto circulatory
enablesthe animal to add hydrogen atoms to unsaturatedPhosPholiPids'
According to the fluid mosaicmodel of cell membranes,which of the following is a t7 € statement
A) They frequently flip-flop from one side of the membraneto the other'
the membrane'
B) They occur in an uninterrupted bilayer,with membraneProteinslestlicted to the surfacyrf
C) They are {ree to depart from the membraneand dissolvein the surrounding solutio
of the membrane'
flThey have hydrophilic tails in ihe interior
plane of the membrane'
/ufrh"y .* rnot e laterally along the

fluid when it is extremely

3) Whai is one of the ways that the membranes of winter wheat are able to remain

FF? moleculesin the membran"

[)Uy in.."uri.,g the percentageof cholesterol ^ n, a
' U )
tt'" i",.*tug" or unsaturatedPhospholipidsin the membrane {
\ty decreasingthe number of hydrophobic proteins in the membrane
E) A, B, and C

4) All of the following are functions of integlal membraneProteinsercep'

A) hormonerecePtion.
C) cytoskeletonattachment.
D) active transPort.
E) cell adhesion.

5) The kinds o{ moleculesthat Passthrough a cell membranemost easilyare

A) ionic.
B) large and hYdroPhobic.
plmall andhYdroPhobic.
E) largepolar molecules.
to replenishlody fluid' a large
6) A patient has had a seriousaccidentand lost a lot of blood. In an attempt
will be the most probableresult
amount of distilled water was transferreddirectly into one of his veins. What
of this transfusion?
hu.rr" becausethe red blood cellswill be hypertonic relative to
perhapsfatal, consequences
V the ""rious,
-illbody fluids and the cellswill burst'
B) Ii will have serious,perhapsfatal, consequences becausethere will be too much fluid for the heart to pump'
D) It will have no unlavorableeffect aslong asthe water is free of viruses and
E) It will have serious,PerhaPsfatal, consequencesbecausethe red blood cells
the body fluids and the cellswill shrivel'

becomestiff and hard' Sirnilarsialks left in a

7) Celery stalks that are immersedin fresh water {or severalhours
deduce that the cellsof the celerystalks are
salt solution becomelimp and soft. From this we can
water but hypotonic to the salt solution'
@hypertonic to fresh
but hypotonic to the salt solution'
{Lisotonic with fresh water
(1hyp".tot i" to both fresh water and the salt solution'
and the salt solution'
$hypotonic to both fresh water
E) hypotonic to fresh water bui hypertonic to the salt solution

was taking Pface?

8) Wlfth of the following would indicate that facilitated diffusion
the physicalcondition indicated it should.
6l lruashtrT" *as tliftusing much fasrerthan
t-) A substancewas slowing asit moved down its concentrationSradient'
a region of higher concentration.
,,rb"tu.,"" ,"as moving from a region of low concentrationinto
D) Substanceswere movmg againstthe diffusion gradient' , \
as the substancemoved' - \
E) ATP was being rapidly consumed

9) What is the voltage acrosscell mernbranescalled?

A) water potential
B) chemicalgradient
p{ectrochemical gradient
./'E) y)embrane Potential

10) Which of the following characterizesthe sodium-PotassiumPumP?

carrier protein undergoesconformationalchange'
A ;IlO
r' \ 9)X, A, and C
ions are pumped into a cell againsttheir gradient'
b BPotassium
E)A and B
againsttheir Sradient'
Z @ Sodium ions are pumped out of a cell
Quiz - Plasmamembrane 9/2e 106
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) of cholesterolin ihe plasmamembranesof someanimals

/rA)er-rablesthe membraneto stay fluid more easilywhen cell temperaturedrops.
\- !,-

B.\-'nablesthe animal to add hydrogenatoms to unsaturatedphospholipids.

Cleiables the animal to removehydrogen atomsfrom saturatedphospholipids.
D) makesthe animal more susceptibleto circulatorydisorders.
E) makes the membrane lessflexible, so it can sustain gr eate:ptefFi.we frornwithin the cell.
2) What are the elevatedregions(particles)seenin electrd-nmicrographsof split freeze-fracturedmembranes?
A) peripheralproteins
B) phospholipids
D) cholesterolmolecules
E) carbohydrates

3) A11of the following are functions of membrane proteins except

A) transDort.
B) cell-cell recognition.
\J/ piiryLal transduction.
'- E)intercellularjoining.

4) The kinds of moleculesthat passthrough a cell membranemost easilyare

A) monosaccharides such as glucose.
B) ionic.
ano nyoroPnoorc.
/,L) 2qta
I -D) large polar molecules.

E) large and hydrophobic.

of the following cellularactivitiesrequireATP energyexcepf

Movement of K+ ions into the cell
of 02 into the cell.
lv proton pump
D) Na+ ions moving out of the cell.
E) endocytosis

6) What is the voltage across cell membranes called?

A) water potential
I //D.i
r -^+.-r;"t

t)\ ^^-^r: ^ - ^ r ^ - !: ^r

F ) r h p m i c a l o t:r ticn +
7) A patient hashad a seriousaccidentand lost a lot of blood. In an attempt to replenishbody fluids, a large
amount of distilled water was transfered directly into one of his veins. Vvhatwill be the most probableresult
of this transfusion?
A)It will haveno seriouseffectbecausethe kidneyswould quickly eliminate the excessrvater.
. B) It will have serious, perhaps fatal, consequencesbecausethere will be too much fluid for the heart to pump.
'gYIo.giU huuu r,o unfavorable e{fect as long as the water is free of viruses and bacteria.

,.,"D) It will
rJ) lL have DYlruuD,
wur rr4vE perhapsrdrdr/
serious,yelrtdPD fatal, rurrD
becausethe red blood cellswill be hypertonic relative to
:-.. .' the body fluids and the cellswill burst.
becausethe red bl
E) it will have sedous,perhapsfatal, consequences 6ells will be hvpotonic relative to
the body fluids and the cellswill shrivel.

8) The movementof a substanceacrossa biologicalmembraneagainstits concentrationgradieni with the help of

input is whlch of the following?
1.,,'A).a(tiu tt untp ott
B) exocytosis
C) osmosis
Difacilitated diffusion

9) Glucose diffuses slowly through artificial phospholipid bilayers. The cells lining the small intestine, however,
rapidly move large quaniitiesof glucosefrom the glucose-richfood into their glucose-poorcytoplasm.Using

10) Water passesquickly tluough cell membranesbecause

A) water movementis tied to ATP hydrolysis.

B) ihe bilayer is hydrophilic.
C) it is a small,polar, chargedmolecule.
D) it movesthrough hydrophobicchannels.
oves through aquaporins in the my.bfane.
Bio202 Name
Quiz - Plasma membrane 1018l0e
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one altemative that best completes the statement or answers the question,

A) steroid.
@ nucleicacids.
ti phosphategroup.
D) lipid.
E) protein.

2) What are the elevated regions (particles) seenin electron micrographs of split freeze-fractured
Q!) integral proteins
B) cholesterolmolecules
C) phospholipids
D) peripheral proteins
E) carbohydrates

3) A1l of the following are functions of integral membrane proteir.s except

@ enryme syntheiis.
B) cytoskeletonattachment.
C) cell adhesion.
D) active transport.
E) hormone reception.

4) One of the functions of cholesterolin animal cell membranesis to

A \ cr^ra anarov

B) phosphorylate ADP.
C) soeed diffusion.
Q) maintain membrane fluidity.
E) facilitate transport of ions.

5) Which of the following would likely move through the lipid bilayerof a plasmamembranemost rapidly?
A) an amino acid B) K+ coz D) starch E) glucose

6) A patient has had a serious accident and lost a lot of blood. In an attempt to replenish body fluids, a large
amount of distilled water was transferred directly into one of his veins. What will be the most probable
result of this transfusion?
A) It will have no unfavorable effect as long as the water is free of viruses and bacteda.
B) It will have no serious effect becausethe kidneys would quickly eliminate the excesswater.
C) It will have serious,perhaps fatal, consequences becausethe red blood cells wi.ll be hypotonic relative I
the bodv fluids and the cells will shrivel.
p)It will have serious,perhaps fatal, consequencesbecausethe red blood cells will be hypertonic relative
to the bodv fluids and the cells will burst.
E) It will have serious,perhaps fatal, consequencesbecausethere will be too much fluid for the heart to
7)' / t V[hich of the following would indicaie that facilitated diffusion was taking place?
much faster than the physical condition indicated it should.
@ A substancewas diffusing
B) ATP was being rapidly consumed as the substancemoved.
C) A substancewas slowing as it moved down its concentration Sradient.
D) Substanceswere moving against the diffusion gradient.
E) A substancewas moving from a region of low concentration into a region of higher concentration.

8) What is the voltage acrosscell membranescalled?

A) electrochemicalgradient
$) membrane
C) chemical gradient
D) osmotic potential
E) water potential

9) Water passesquickly through cell membranesbecause

A) it moves through hydrophobic channels.
B) the bilayer is hydrophilic.
C) water movement is tied to ATP hydrolysis'
D) it is a small, polar, charged molecule.
@ it through aquaforins in the membrane.
10) White blood cellsengulfbacteriathroughwhat process?
4) pinocYtosisX
!) receptor-mediatedexocytosis
(€i phaeocvtosis
Vl t
E) "*oiut".ir
r\ .-
Bio202 Name@
Quiz - Plasmamembrane 3 1 9/ 0 7
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choos€the one altemative that best completesthe statementor ansrt he question.

1) All of the following molecules are part of the cell membrane except
@nucleic acids.
B) steroid.
C) phosphategroup.
D) protein.
E) lipid.

2) What is one of the ways that the membranesof winter wheat are able to remain fluid when it is extremely
s.n b.^."r^[ 2.,,( *.tf"1
A) by increasing the percentage of ehelcal*al rnoleculeslin".^&
the membrane
decreasingthe number of hydrophobic proteins in the membrane
p)by increasing the percentage of unsaturated phospholipids in the membrane
E) A, B, and C

3) What are the elevatedregions(particles)seenin electronmicrographsof split freeze-ftacturedmembranes?

A) phospholipids
B) carbohvdrates
gintegral proteins
D) cholesterol molecules
E) peripheral proteins

4) AI of the following are functions of integral membrane proteins ercept

A) active transport.
B)hormone reception.
q1 S cetl adhesion.
D) cytoskeletonattachment.
' 'd\"-u-" ,vnthesis.
^ \-/

5) The kinds of molecules that pass through a cell membrane most easily are
A) monosaccharides such asglucose.
B) large polar molecules.
C) ionic.
(p) small and hydrophobic.
E) large and hydrophobic,
6) Which of the foilowing statements is correcfabout diffusion?
It is a passive processin which molecules move from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower
B) It requtes integral proteins in the cell membrane.
C) It requiresan exPenditureof energyby the cell.
D) It is very rapid over long distances.
E) It is an active procedsin which molecules move frorn a region of lower concentration to one of higher

- Z) A cell with an intemal concentrationof 0.02molar glucoseis placedin a test tube containing0.02molar
glucose solution. Assurning that glucose is not actively transported into the cell, which of the following terms
describesthe internal concentrationof the cell relative to its environment?
B) hypertonic
C) flaccid
E) A or B, dependingon the temPeratue

8) Which of the following would indicate that facilitated diffusion was taking Place?
A) Substanceswere moving against the diffusion gradient'
its concentrationSradient'
@A substancewas slowing as it moved down

.t -€);!TP was being rapidly consumedas

the substancemoved'
D) A substancewas moving from a region of low concentration into a region of higher concentration.
YB-A substance was diffusing much faster than the physical condition indicated
it should.

9) Water passesquickly through cell membranes because

A) it moves through hydrophobic charmels.
B)water movement is tied to ATP hydrolysis'
C) it is a srnall,polar, chargedmolecule.
D) the bilaYeris hYdroPhilic.
moves through aquaporins in the membrane'
Forthefottowing questions, the model Eachchoicemaybe
matchthe membranemodelor descriptionwith the scientistb)who proPosed
once,morethanonce,or not it all,

A. H. DaasonandI Danielli
B. I. Langmuir
C. C. Ouerton
D. S. SingerandG' Nicolson
E. E. GorterandF. Grendel

10) Membranesare a phospholipid bilayer betweentwo layersof globular Protein'

Bio202 Name ry1
Quizl-Chapter2 I 125108
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) !(hich four elementsmake up approximately 96% of living matter?
(!l carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen
B) carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, hydrogen
C) oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, sodium
D) carbon, sodium, chlorine, magnesium
E) carbon, oxygen, sulfur, calcium !

2) flre massnumber of an element can be easily approximated by adding together the number oI
($) protons and neutrons.
B) electron orbitals in each energy level.
C) protons and electrons.
D) neutrons and electrons.
E) isotopes of the atom.

3) Oxygen has an atomic number of 8. Therefore,it must have

A) 8 protons.
B) 8 electrons.
C) 16 neutrons.
Q) Only A and B are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct.

4) How do isotopes differ from eachother?

A) number of protons
B) number of electrons
- Ern,rmDer oI neutrons
D) valenceelectron distribution
E) ability to form ions

5) Electronsexistonly at fixed levelsof potentialenergy.However,if un uto-llEir-LJFufficient energy,a

poqsibleresultis that
Q!/an electronmay moveto an electronshellfartherout from the nucleus.
B) the atom may becomea radioactive isotope.X
Q) an electron may move to an electron shell closer to the nucleus. l
D) the atom would become a positively chargedion.X
E) the atom would becornea negatively chargedion. /
6) Each element is unique and different from other elementsbecauseof its
A) atomic weight.
6 atomic nuriber.
L I massnumber.
Dj Only e and n are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct.

7) Atoms whose outer electron shells contain eight electronstend to

A) form ionic bonds in aqueoussolutions.
B) form covalent bonds in aqueoussolutions.
(6 be stableand nonreactive.
Y) be .rnstable and verv reactive.
E) be biologically important becausethey are present in organic molecules.
8) A covalent chemical bond is one in which
A) electrons are removed from one atom and transferred to another atom so that the two atoms become
oppositely charged.
!) protons or neutrons are shareil by two atoms so as to satisfy the requirements of both.
t$ outer-shell electronsare shared by two atoms so as to satisfactorily fill the outer electron shells of both.
D) outer-shell electronsof one atom are transferred to the inner electron shells of another atom.
E) the inner-shell electronsof one atom are transferred to the outer shell of another atom.

9) The ionic bond of sodium cNoride is formed when

@) chlorine gains an electron from sodium.
B) sodium and chlorine share an electron pair.
C) sodium and chlorine both lose electrons from their outer valence shells.
D) sodium gains an electron from chlorine.
E) cNorine gains a proton from sodium.

10) Which of the following is nof considered to be a weak molecular interaction?

(!)covalent bond
B) van der Waals interactions
C) ionic bond in the presenceo{ water 1
D) hydrogen bond
E) Both A and B are correct.

1) Which of the following i9 a trace element thaliaessential to humans?

f.tlnitrogen phosphorous 1*c)bai"" ..y')curbon E) oxygen
2) Each element is unique and different from other elements becauseof its
{ atomicweight.
-)($!tomic number. ,t'J tt/
p massnumber
{l.lOnly A and B arecorrect.
E) A, B, and C arecorrect.

3) Oxygen has an atomic number of 8. Therefore,it must have

, )n I protons.
, f 8 electrons.
C) 1.6neutrons.
Ao"ty e and B are correct.
7E) b,B, and C are correct. l-

4) Which of the following best describesthe relationship between the atoms describedbelow?
Atom 1 Atom 2
"'P 3'P
15 15
A) They are both radioactive.
p/They are both phosphorous cations.
9|They are both phosphorous antons.
(o)/hey are both isotopesof phosphorous.
ffhey contain 31 and 32 protons respectively.

_ 5) The reactive properties or chemicalbehavior of an atom depend on the number of

' A) valenceshellsrn the atom.
{ P orbitals found in the atom.
, ;G{€lectrons in eachorbital in the atom.
{ D)blectronsin the outer valenceshell in the atom.
\F/rybridized orbitals in ihe atom.

6) Atoms whose outer electron shells contain eight electrons tend to

A,JTorm ionic bonds in aqueoussolutions.
covalent bonds in aqueoussolutions.
rC)ie stableand nonreactlve.
bfbe unstable and very reactive.
f,) be biologically important becausethey are present in organic molecules.

7) When two atoms are equally electronegative,they will interact to form

A) equal numbers of isotopes.
B) ions.
covalent bonds
Q Polar
/D) nonpolar covalentbonds.
v^ ,
I, I ronlc Donos.
//a C.l
8) The ionic bond of sodium chloride is formed when
@) chlorinegainsan electron
from sodium. l'l rr tq
,9Fsodium and chlorinesharean electronpair. 5A.5
..ftodium and chlorine both lose electrons from their outer valenceshells.
'(D))odium gains an electron from chlorine.
pchlorine gains a proton from sodium.

9) of the following is nof considered to be a weak molecular interaction?

(A)fovalent bond
! van der Waals interactions
!;/ ionic bond in the presenceof water
pI hydrogen bond
Bf Both A and B are correct

10) If atom 6x(atomic number 5) were allowed to react with hydrogen,;{e molecule formed would be
B)H-X-H c)H-x-H U E)H=X=H
1)x-H i

/ +Lo
+ Lo
Quiz 1 - Chemistry ir;;
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) Which of the following is a trace element thatliqessential to humans?

A) nitrogen B) phosphorous (S;loaine D) carbon E) oxygen

2) Each element is unique and different from other elementsbecauseof its

A) atomic weieht.
(p),htomic number.
C) mass number.
D) Only A and B are correct
E) A, B, and C are correct.
3) Oxygen has an atomic number of 8. Therefore,it must have
' A) 8 protons.
B) 8 electrons.
C) 15 neutrons.
A and B are correct.
E) A, B, and C are correct.

4) Which of the following best describesthe relationship between the aioms describedbelow?
Atom 1 Atom 2
,tP 32P

A) They are both radioactive.

B) They are both phosphorous cations.
Q) They are both phosphorous anions.
@h"!, are both isotopes of phosphorous'
'E) They contain31 and 32 protons respectively.

5) The reactive properties or chemical behavior of an atom depend on the number of

A) valenceshells in the atom.
B) orbitals found in the atom.
!) electronsin eachorbital in the atom.
(@ electrons in the outer valencesheltin the atom. t,rz- -.-
\<, . ..
T) hybridized orbitalsin the atom.

6) Atoms whose outer electron shells contain eight electronstend to

A) form ionic bonds in aqueoussolutions.
B-)form covalent bgnds in aqueoussolutions.
(oJbe stable and nonreactive.
)fl be unstable and very reactive.
E) be biologically important becausethey are present in organic molecules.

7) When two atoms are equally electronegative,they will interact to form

A) equal numbers of isotopes.
B) ions.
7$Polar covalent ,-,
(p/nonpolar covalent bonds. g /
E) ionic bonds.

?6,^ I ii '6i/
8) \e ionic bond of sodium chloride is formed when
\l .-
gains an electron from sodium. '-\,
B) sodium and chlorinesharean electronpair.
e) sodium and chlorine both lose electronsfrom their outer valenceshells. 7
D) sodium gains an electron from chlorine.
E) chlorine gains a proton from sodium.

9) of the following is 4of-consideredto be a weak molecular interaction?

/$ich '
I4lcpvalent bond r,--
der Waals interactions
Clionic bond in the presenceof water
.E) hvdroeen bond
i unaB are correct.

10) If atom 6x(atomicnumber5) wereallowedto reactwith hydroteg.;fq moleculeformedwould be

/zfr\ I q
A)X-H B) H-X-H C) H-X-H \sz 'i E)H=X=H



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------------_ -T-
Quiz 1- Chemi!4l context oilife 7127105 U
MULTI?LE CHOICE. Choose the one alternaHve that bc6t completee th€ statem€ht or answers the question.

1) Which of the following is a trace element thai is €ssential to humans and other living organisms?
A) nitrogen B)hydrogen C)orygen D) carbon (P),Ion

2) Eachelemmt is uniqueand diI{erentfrom otherelementsbecauseof its

A) atomicweight.
C) massnumber.
D) Only A and B arecorrect.
,E)A, B, and C arecorrect.

3) Orygen hasan atomicnumberof 8.Therefore,lt musthave

- A) 8 protons.
- B)8 electrong. '--..\
,1 .'r l
qp'bnly A and n arecorrect. ili i
E)A, B, andC arecorrect. I
4) The atomic number of neon is 10.Therefore, it
A) has 8 electrons in the outer electron shell.
e)rs inert.
C)hasan atomicmassof 10.
D) Only A and B aremnect'
E)A, B, and C arecorrect.

5) How do isotopes differ from eadr other?

A) number of electrons
B) valencr electron distribution
. .,2"
C) ability to form ions
D) nurnber of protons ./'
@)humber of neutrons

6) How many additional electrons are needed to complete the valence shell of hydrogen?
A) 3 B )s c)2 D)*
7) When two atoms are equally electronegative, they will interact to form
A) ions'
B) equal numbersof isotopes.
C) polar covalentbonds.
Qlhonpolar covalentbonds,
E) ionic bonds.
'Je y lei r t r lt y r c t r \ r i "
Srt r rr tr\ l[t{,{e \r
Quiz 1 1lZ7 t06
lrurrlPlg crroICE. Chooee the one altemative that best comPletes the statement ol answers the question.

1) The mass number of an element can be easily approximated by adding iogether the number
( AlProtons and neutrons.
Y) isotopes of the atom.
C) neutrons and electrons.
D) electron orbitals in eachenergy level'
\ l-,'
E) protons and electrons.

2) The atomic number oI neon is 10.Therefore, it

A)has 8 electrons in the outer electron shell.
B) is inert.
C) has an atomic massof 10.
/fu.,ry a *a n arecorrect.
Y)a,B, *d c *" corr""t.

3) How does one refer to an atomic form of an element containing the samenumber of protons but a different
number of neutrons?
A) isomer B)ion C) radioactive otope lar atom

fra \

4) One dillerencebetweencarbon-l2 |16i'Cland carbon-14(',-C) is that carbon-14has

| b

A) 2 more Protons than carbon-12.

B) 2 more electronsthan carbon-12.
It) I more neutrons than carbon-l2.
D) Only A and C are cortect.
E) A, B, and C are correct.

l)se the informationexhactedftotn thewiodic tablein Flgure2.2 to answerthelollowing questions'

lfT:rf?lg_l Lgl !_l L1_l[l-] [:J
Figure 2.2

5) How many electrons does sulfur have in its valence shell?

c)8 D)2 ',F\I E\Y
A) 4 B )1 '/

6) If_etom 6x(atomic number 6) were allowed to react with hydrogen, the molecule formed would be
6j u B)x-H c)H=x=H D)H-x-H E)H-x-H
-\- \-./ r I
. 'i ") i
,J' !

Biology 202 {
--J t'
Quiz I
1. Which of the followingarethe sainEin all atomsg[gn element?
a) Numberof neutrons. Q),)Numberof protons.
c). Mass. d). Atomic weight.
12 how manyBrotonsandhow many
2. If the isotope S has 16protonsand 16neutrons,
neutronswill the isotope S have? I l, pf bl ltLi( Zl W6t V"vnS

3. Atomsform covalentbondswith eachotherby:

a). sharingprotons. ftl.'straringelectrons.
'c). transferringelectonsfrom oneatomto theother. d).sharing neutrons.

4..A covalentbondis likely to bepolarif:

fa)joneofthe atomssharingelectronsis muchmoreelectronegative thanthe otheratom
b'),the two atoms sharingelectrons
areequally electronegative
c). it is betweentwo atomsthat areboth very strongel€cftonacceptors
d). itjoins a carbonatomandtwo hydrogenatoms

5 . What is the numberof electronpairscarbonshareswith oxygenin a ,C,i

moleculeof carbpn$ioxide?
a).1b).2 c).3p7!e). s

" What
6. - between
is the diffgrence - an elementand a,compound | ., 4i
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Xl-liel'! -?' W t1 t( J {x \u( !1 1 l'1 .:(
7. In theterm traceelement,themodifiertraceelementsmeans
' a) )theelementis requiredin smallamounts
elementcanbe usedto traceatomsthroughan organism
c) theelementis very rareon earth
d) the elementpassesrapidlythroughthe organism

8. Whatarevalence
V Ll
Clw.ln 4 Wti r rltti
o+ {;.L1 cttarit 'Ihrrt
t14.t'n{ttl t1.
9. Illustratean exampleofhydrogenbonding. , t ..t1. tr rt^ {,rti{,r' J
+ i}: Llri'.
ff-l Yat' Ltf u/ ry"' 'J '' I
t,,.r'.!: t,:(,.
Iil l,rrulr
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10. SodiumandChlorjnecombineto form SodiumChlorideby I lilrll L" bond

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