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Mapua Institute of Technology

School of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering

Numerical Methods

COE60 C1
Machine Problem 2
User Manual

Submitted to:
Professor. Carlos C. Hortinela IV

Submitted by,
Rabino, Eliza Marie C.

August 22, 2015

Program Execution
The program can be executed by double clicking the .exe file and viewing the program straight
to its aesthetics.
1. Open the folder of CoE60 MP.
2. Double click CoE60.exe. Visual Studio project file.

Proper use of the Program

The program includes improvements in certain aspects of the revised program: such
improvements include:

A new Main Menu that features an easier to

use User Interface compared to the previous

An updated Reference page to websites

where we obtained information on the used
methods. This includes websites where we
found codes for Secant method and NewtonRaphson method.

An updated instructions page that show detailed discussions

on the used root techniques. Techniques that have been
covered in the previous MP are also included as well.

The program can solve Numerical problems using two of four methods we have discussed in
class. These are Secant and Newton-Rhapson methods.

By default, the program selects the Secant tab. In this tab you are shown require data for the
function and for the Relative Error. These values are required in order to obtain roots by Secant
Method. As shown in the figure.

By clicking on the Newton-Rhapson Tab, you are switched to another layout that would
require a set of data. The function and the Relative error are needed. As shown in the figure.

Command Buttons and User Input for Secant and Newton-Rhapson

Once data is inputted, click the

button to solve for the root.

If there is a typographical error, you can click the

button to clear all data inputted.

The program can Plot the graph of the function by clicking the
back to the data by clicking
To exit the program. There is the

button. You can revert

on the Table box.

button in the navigation group box.

1. Enter the function in text box f(X).
2. Input Relative Error in text box Ea<=.
(As shown in the example.)
3. Click Calculate button.

The program sets its own initial values by testing on its own until the conditions are satisfied.
Then the Data is shown. As shown in the figure.

You could also view the graph by clicking the


button. As shown in the figure.

1. Enter the function on the text boxes by inputting their coefficients in the respective boxes
as shown below.
2. Input Relative Error in text box Ea<=.
Shown in the figure

3. Click Calculate button.

The program tests itself for convergence, until conditions are met. Then the Data is shown.

1.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_position_method
2.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisection_method
3.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secant_method
4.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_method
5.) https://www.google.com.ph/search?biw=1366&bih=599&tbm=isch&q
6.) http://www.extremeoptimization.com/QuickStart/CSharp/NewtonEquationSolver.aspx
7.) http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/213871-newton-raphson-method/
8.) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11878904/how-to-rename-existing-solution-and-projectin-visual-studio-2008
9.) https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-s/library/system.windows.forms.tabpage.text(v=vs.110).aspx

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