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However one might embellish this term


It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign.


And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the so
And at the end of the day
And this certainly has nothing in common with democracy.


political and economic resources would not suffice

What is even more important is that the model itself is flawed because at its basis there is and can be n

Along with this, what is happening in todays world



Judge for yourselves: wars as well as local and regional conflicts have not diminished.
And no less people perish in these conflicts even more are dying than before. Significantly more, sig
Today we are witnessing an almost uncontained hyper use of force

force that is plunging the world into an abyss of permanent conflicts

military force in international relations, force that is plunging the world into an abyss of permanent c
Finding a political settlement also becomes impossible
We are seeing a greater and greater disdain for the basic principles of international law
One state and, of course, first and foremost the United States, has overstepped its national borders in e

This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations

It results in the fact that no one feels safe

Of course such a policy stimulates an arms race
The forces dominance inevitably encourages a number of countries to acquire weapons of mass destru

I am convinced that we have reached that decisive moment when we must seriously think about the arc


He's being starkly realistic

it's now clear that the US Government has never for a moment stopped its pursuit of Nuclear Prim
The Bush Administration unilaterally abrogated the US-Russian ABM Treaty in December 2001



the US could attack Russian missile silos and submarine fleets with no fear of effective retaliation
the few remaining Russian nuclear missiles would be unable to launch a convincing response enou
to deter a US First Strike

The prospect of mutual nuclear annihilation with no decisive advantage for either side, led to a wo
in which nuclear war had been 'unthinkable
with no decisive advantage
'the missing link to a First Strike




to secure the multitude of facilities


They were after Full Spectrum Dominance, the New World Order, and the elimination, for once an
all, of Russia as a potential rival for power
The rush to deploy a missile defense shield is clearly not aimed at North Korea
It is aimed at Russia and much less so, the far smaller nuclear capacities of China



ground-burst warheads
airborne survey

Or a full-force pre-emptive nuclear assault on the last formidable nuclear power not under the thu
of the US' Full Spectrum Dominance-- Russia



It could be triggered by the mere 'perception' of an imminent threat, and carried out by President
order, without Congress
US President might order the missiles against any and every perceived threat or even potential,
unproven threat

Selected nuclear-capable bombers, ICBMs, SSBNs, and 'information warfare' (sic) units have been
deployed against unnamed high-value targets in 'adversary' countries


What makes the June 2004 Rumsfeld order even more unsettling to a world which truly had hope
nuclear mushroom clouds had become a threat of the past

On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust

NATO... is rapidly expanding in contravention to earlier accords

The admission of new members to NATO is leading to the expansion of bases that host the U.S.
military, air defense systems, as well as ABM components

This is a clear message to Moscow, not surprisingly, one they don't seem to welcome with open a
New NATO structures have also been formed while old ones were abolished

Camp Bondsteel was at the time the largest US military base built since the Vietnam War, with ne

the military would use Bezmer to 'surge' men and materiel toward the front lines. Where? In Russ
The American 'Emperor's New Clothes did not exist. The Emperor was clothed in naked pursuit of
global military control
Russian nuclear stockpiles were ageing
With no credible threat of retaliation, Russia had no credible nuclear deterrent

Washington is going at a fast pace to the goal of total nuclear superiority globally, Nuclear Primac


Subject to US desires and adventures




Russia, an energy goliath, needs secure trade outlets independent of Washington control to devel
and rebuild its tattered economy

Military might is the currency this time as in the earlier Cold War


The Russian Bear sharpens its nuclear teeth...



While Washington planners may have assumed that because the once-mighty Red Army was a sh
its former glory, that the state of Russian military preparedness since the end of the Cold War wa
trump card
But Russia never let go of its one trump card-its strategic nuclear force.
ripped up


In May 2003, some months after George Bush unilaterally ripped up the bilateral Anti-Missile Defe
Treaty with Moscow, invaded Afghanistan and bombed Baghdad into subjugation, Russia's Preside
delivered a new message in his annual State of the Union Address to the Russian nation.
Putin spoke for the first time publicly of the need to modernize Russia's nuclear deterrent

Putin spoke for the first time publicly of the need to modernize Russia's nuclear deterrent
In response to the abrogation by the Bush Administration of the ABM Treaty
And the Defense Ministry resumed test launches of both SS-27 and Topol-M.
Without naming the obvious US threat

It was unmistakable whom he had in mind, and it wasn't the Al Qaeda cave-dwellers of Tora Bora

This was the ultimate reason all US foreign policy, military and economic, since the end of the Col
War had covertly had as endgame the complete deconstruction of Russia as a functioning state

Putin told reporters afterwards, referring to Chirac's grasp of the weapon's significance.
The only power surrounding Russia with weapons of mass destruction was its old Cold War foe--th
United States


Ironically, oil, in the context of Washington's bungled Iraq war and soaring world oil prices after 2
has enabled Russia to begin the arduous job of rebuilding its collapsed economy and its military

Putin's Russia is no longer a begger-thy-neighbor former Superpower. It's using its oil weapon an
rebuilding its nuclear ones

embellish this term

vt uljepati, ukrasiti
adj (#ly <adv>) 1. vrhovni, najvii, kraljevski
2. nezavisan, suveren
3. djelotvoran, vrlo efikasan (esp lijek) / # States =
nezavisne drzave

there is one master, one sovereign.

adj (# ly <adv>) vrlo kodljiv, tetan, opasan, poguban, smrtonosan,
<med> perniciozan

e day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from

I u konanici / u krajnjoj liniji / na kraju k

as nothing in common with democracy.

adj (#ly <adv>) slucajan, uzgredan, sporedan; prigodan; koji proizlazi
(to iz), koji prati (to to)
vi/t I. <vi> dostajati, zadovoljavati
II. <vt> dostajati kome, zadovoljavati koga
/ # it to say that = dosta je ako se kaze da

mic resources would not suffice

important is that the model itself is flawed because at its basis there is and can be no moral foundations for modern civilisatio

at is happening in todays world

adj pokusni, koji pokuava, probni, provizorni
vt proglasiti nezakonitim, nelegitimnim, vanbracnim; uciniti protuzakonitim
adv osim toga, povrh toga; nadalje, uz to k tomu; uostalom
s sudac; poznavalac; strucnjak
/ # advocate = vojni tuzilac;
to be a # of = razumjeti se u, biti dobar poznavalac cega;
to be # and jury in one's own cause = kadija tuzi, kadija sudi
vt/i I. <vt> smanjiti, umanjiti, oslabiti; <fig> poniziti; <arch> stanjiti,
II. <vi> spasti, opadati, slabiti; <arch> stanjivati se, zailjivati se
/ to hide one's #ed head = sakrivati svoju oslabljenu moc itd.;
<mus> #ed fifth = umanjena kvinta

s: wars as well as local and regional conflicts have not diminished.

perish in these conflicts even more are dying than before. Significantly more, significantly more!
ssing an almost uncontained hyper use of force
vt sadrza(va)ti, obuhvacati; drzati; imati (a foot # s twelve inches);
zadrzati, zaustaviti (neprijateljske snage); obuzda(va)ti, svlada(va)ti
(osjecaje); zaustaviti (irenje bolesti);<geom> tvoriti granicu;<math> biti
djeljiv (bez ostatka)
/ to # oneself = obuzdati se, suzdrzati se

g the world into an abyss of permanent conflicts

vt/i I. <vt> 1. zaroniti, zagnjuriti (u tekucinu); rinuti, zarinuti
(noz i dr.)
2. gurnuti (npr. u rat, siromatvo i dr.)
3. <hort> zabiti (lonac sa cvijecem) do ruba u zemlju
II. <vi> 1. <lit & fig> zaletjeti se, baciti se, iznenada nastupiti,

naci se, skociti, pasti

2. ritati se (o konju), (u)roniti, ponirati (o brodu)
3. kockati se, pekulirati, hazardirati (nepromiljeno i za
velike novce); <US> pasti u dugove; naglo pasti, naglo se
s <poet> prvobitni kaos, podzemni svijet, pakao; bezdan, ponor, provalija, utroba Zemlje

nternational relations, force that is plunging the world into an abyss of permanent conflicts
ettlement also becomes impossible
talog; ugovor; uvjet

ater and greater disdain for the basic principles of international law
s prezir, preziranje, omalvazavanje

urse, first and foremost the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way
adj prednji, najistaknutiji, prvi, ceoni
/ <mar> # frame = prvo pramcano rebro
vt/i I.<vt> 1. nametnuti, naturiti, natovariti (poreze, globe, zadatak),
udariti (porez)
2. podmetnuti, podvaliti, prevariti / to # (oneself) on a p =
nametati se, nametnuti se komu; to # upon sth = iskoristiti,
iskoricavati, zlorabiti; he is casily #d upon = njega je
lako prevariti; to # upon oneself = zavaravati se; <eccl>
to # hands = poloziti ruke (kod blagoslova, potvrde itd.)

e economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations

s odluka, nakana, namisao, rjeenje;
<poet> odlucnost, postojanost

that no one feels safe

licy stimulates an arms race
adj (inevitably <adv>) neizbjeziv, neminovan

nce inevitably encourages a number of countries to acquire weapons of mass destruction

adv osim toga, povrh toga; nadalje, uz to k tomu; uostalom
s prijetnja, groznja, opasnost; prijetece znamenje
/ there is a # of rain = prijeti kia
s prijetnja, groznja, opasnost; prijetece znamenje
/ there is a # of rain = prijeti kia
vt uvjeriti, osvjedociti (<of> o; <that>)
adj (#ly <adv>) odlucan, konacan, presudan, mjerodavan

we have reached that decisive moment when we must seriously think about the architecture of global security
adj (#ly <adv>) straan, uasan, grozan
s ilo, probojac, perforator, sprava za pravljenje rupa na koi, metalu,
papiru i dr.; sprava za utiskivanje ara na tkanini, metalu i dr.;
sprava za zabijanje avala; ig, tanca, punc
s kratak, zdepast teglei konj;
<dial> malen, zdepast ovjek; harlekin, lakrdija
s otar, iznenadan udarac akom, bubotak;
<sl> snaga, otrina, znaenje
/ #-drunk = <box coll> oamuen od udarca
s pun (napitak od aja, ruma, vina, eera i limuna)
s lutak (grbavac kukasta nosa) kojem je partner lutka Judy
/ pleased as # = vrlo zadovoljan

adv potpuno, sasvim, posve, do skrajnosti / # mad = sasvim lud, posve lud

s 1. gonjenje, proganjanje, potjera, potraga, lov

2. zanimanje, posao, dunost; <fig> nastojanje, tenja
/ #s <pl> = poslovi; studij
in # of (a p, a th) = u potrazi za kim, im;
<aero> # plane = lovaki avion
the US Government has never for a moment stopped its pursuit of Nuclear Primacy
vt ukinuti, ponititi, opozvati, staviti izvan snage, obustaviti
ration unilaterally abrogated the US-Russian ABM Treaty in December 2001
adj (#ly <adv>) <poet> brz, hitar, lak, ustar
adj <dial> plitak (o vodi)
adv <dial & agr> plitko (npr. plough or sow # = orati ili sijati plitko)
s <mar> flota, brodovlje; vozni park
/ the # = ratna mornarica;
merchant # = trgovaka flota;
s strah, strahovanje, bojazan, zabrinutost; strahopotovanje
/ for # = iz bojazni (of, that, lest pred, da da ne);
he ran away for # of being hurt = pojegao je iz bojazni da ne bude
take heed (for #) lest any man deceive you = budi na oprezu (iz bojazni)
da te tko ne prevari;
without # or favour = nepristrano;
to be in fear of one's life = strahovati za svoj ivot;
no # of that! = budite bez brige!, ne bojte se toga!;
no # = nije vjerojatno!, bez brige!
s odmazda, osveta
adj (#ly <adv>) uvjerljiv
vt zastraiti, odvratiti

k Russian missile silos and submarine fleets with no fear of effective retaliation, as
Russian nuclear missiles would be unable to launch a convincing response enough

utual nuclear annihilation with no decisive advantage for either side, led to a world
ar had been 'unthinkable
s unitenje, ponitavanje, razaranje, sravnivanje sa zemljom; ukinue;
bez odluujue prednosti
adj (#ly <adv>) odluan, konaan, presudan, mjerodavan
a First Strike
s karika, spona, spojka, veza (<& fig>); spoj, lanak, lan, zglob; oica
(pletiva); jedinica za mjeru (20.116 cm); <mech> ojnica;
/ <fig> a chain is no stronger than its weakest # = jedno proturjeje
opovrgava cijelu tvrdnju
# belt = lankasti redenik;
<gram> # verb = spona, kopula
s <hist> baklja (od smole i loja), lu
s 1. udarac (<at> prema); (o satu zvonu) otkucaj, odbijanje
2. <pot> trajk
3. <geol> smjer (slojeva)
4. srea, sretan posljedak; nalaz (zlata, rude)
5. napad, akcija
6. <US> blef, prijevara / on # = u trajku; to be on # = trajkati

to come out on # = stupiti u trajk; to go on # = stupiti u trajk;

to make a # = uspjeti; <US> snai se; general 3 = oopi trajk;
# pay= trajkaka plaa; # fund = trajkaki fond
s preputanje (<in> emu), pomirenje (s im); pristanak
adj (responsibly <adv>) odgovoran, pouzdan;
<com> koji moe platiti
/ to be # for = jamiti, snositi odgovornost za, odgovarati za;
to make oneself # for = preuzeti na sebe odgovornost za to
s 1. hod; vonja, (putovanje)
2. putanja, put; <mar> kurs; smjer
3. utrka
4. trkalite (golf-# = igralite za golf)
5. <hunt> hajka, lov (na zeeve i dr)
6. <com> teaj, kurs (novca i dr.); notiranje
7. tok, tijek, razvoj (# of events); napredak
8. karijera, ivotno poprite
9. postupak, nain
1O. obiaj
11. (uevni) teaj, niz predavanja (-of lectures)
12. ponavljanje prema ustaljenom redu (<med> # of treatment =kura, lijeenje)
13. <cul> pojedino jelo (u kojem obroku)
14. <archit> sloj, red, naslaga
/ <mar> main # = veliko jedro;
fore # = prednje jedro;
<med> #s <pl> = menstruacija, perioda;
in # of = u toku;
in the # of = tokom, za vrijeme;
in (the) # of time = s vremenom;
by # of = po, prema;
in due # = u svoje vrijeme, blagovremeno;
of # = naravno, dakako, svakako;
a matter of # = naravna stvar, stvar sama po sebi razumljiva;
# of exchange = mjenini teaj, devizni kurs;
<lit fig> to stay the # = ustrajati do kraja, ne poputati;
to run its #, to take its # = ii svojim tokom ili putem;
<fig> he took to evil #s = poao je krivim putem
tude of facilities
s mnotvo; mnoina; gomila, svjetina
/ the # = masa, najiri slojevi
sredstva; ureaji; naprave

ll Spectrum Dominance, the New World Order, and the elimination, for once and
potential rival for power
a missile defense shield is clearly not aimed at North Korea
ia and much less so, the far smaller nuclear capacities of China
s 1. srtanje , (o moru) prodor; zamah
2. nenadan prodor, navala (dima, suza);
<fig> napad; brz, nenadan razvoj
3. masovno odlaenje (to=u); navala;
<com> ivo potraivanje (for=ega)
4. (o poslu) navala, poveanje
s 1. spremite, prostor za ugljen (na brodu)
2. golf pjeana rupa, teak teren, zapreka
3.<mil> bunker
s 1. rasprsnue; eksplozija; izbijanje, prodor; pukotina

2.<fig> provala, plamsaj, iznenadna pojava

3. rafal; pukaranje
/ <sl> to make a # = prekinuti naviku
snimanje (mjerenje) iz zraka (iznad povrine; zemlje).
nepredvieni trokovi; neprdviene rashodi
s palac
/ rule of # = mjerenje odoka; sud koji se vie temelji na praktinom
iskustvu nego na znanstveno utvrenim injenicama;
to have (hold) under one's # s = imati pod svojom vlau, u svojim
his fingers are all # s = ima dvije lijeve ruke, nespretan je;
<sl> # s up! = izvrsno!, fino!

emptive nuclear assault on the last formidable nuclear power not under the thumb
ctrum Dominance-- Russia
s napadaj, navala, nasrtaj, juri <lit fig>; <jur> tvorni napad, uvreda;
/ to carry (take) by # = uzeti na juri;
<jur> # and battery = teka tjlesna ozljeda;
# of (at) arms = napad, udarac (u maevanje); vjeba u maevanju
s <mil> jurini (gumeni) amac
adj (formidably <adv>) straan, grozan, uasan; opasan, golem, silan;
kolosalan, impresivan
s otponac, obara, okida (puke i dr.); paoanica, papua
skakalica; zaustavni palac; otponac; obara; mehanizam za osloboenje
adj (#ly <adv>) puki
/ # (st) nonsense = puka budalatina;
# words = puke (puste)rijei;
she is a # child = ona je jo (tek) dijete;
<jur> of # motion = vlastitom voljom
adj (#ly <adv>) koji neposredno nailazi, skor, predstojei, koji prijeti
(opasnost), koji e se uskoro dogoditi, neminovan

ed by the mere 'perception' of an imminent threat, and carried out by Presidential

s prijetnja, gronja, opasnost; prijetee znamenje
/ there is a # of rain = prijeti kia
s onaj koji osjeti, osjea, opaa, primjeuje, promatra

t order the missiles against any and every perceived threat or even potential,
s protivnik, suparnik, neprijatelj
/ the Adversary = vrag, avo, sotona

apable bombers, ICBMs, SSBNs, and 'information warfare' (sic) units have been
nnamed high-value targets in 'adversary' countries
s <bot> gljiva; peurka; <fig> skorojevi; <attr> nalik na gljivu, u
obliku gljive; koji je tek nedavno nastao, koji je naglo nikao
/ to shoot up like # s = nicati kao gljive;
# cloud = oblak nuklearne eksplozije
adj neodijeljen, neraskinut

ne 2004 Rumsfeld order even more unsettling to a world which truly had hoped
clouds had become a threat of the past
adj (contrarily <adv>) suprotan, protivan, oprean (<to a <th>>); nepovoljan
adj (contrarily <adv>) tvrdoglav, prgav, svojevoljan

adv protiv (<no>), naprotiv (<to>)

/ # to = suprotno
s suprotnost, opreka
/ on the # ,to the # = nasuprot, naprotiv, suprotno tomu, obrtno;
by contraries = suprotno oekivanju; obratno
represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust

s 1.brana veza
2.alijansa, savez, ugovor, sporazum,liga, pakt
3.pismeni dokument o savezu, sporazumu itd.
4.saveznici, saveznike zemlje
5.udruenje, zajednica
6.rodbinstvo, pobratimstvo
/ to enter into an # = sklopiti savez
s prekraj, krenje
/ in # of (the rules) = suprotno (pravilima), krei (pravila)
expanding in contravention to earlier accords
s slaganje, suglasnost, podudaranje, podlaganje; sloga; sklad,
skladnost; odobravanje, privola, pristanak; <jur> pogodba, utanaenje, sporazum; meunarodni ugovor, soprazum izmeu
/ of one's own # = od svoje volje, iz vlastite pobude;
with one # = jednoglasno, jednoduno;
in # = u skladu, u sporazumu (<with> sa);
<com> to be of # = slagati se, podudarati se
s primanje (u lanstvo); priputanje, prijem, pristup, ulazak; doputenje; priznanje
/ ticket of # = ulaznica; # free = ulaz besplatan; to make # = priznati, priznavati

ew members to NATO is leading to the expansion of bases that host the U.S.
e systems, as well as ABM components

sage to Moscow, not surprisingly, one they don't seem to welcome with open arms

vt ukloniti, ukinuti, dokrajiti, ponititi, staviti izvan snage, istrijebiti, unititi

es have also been formed while old ones were abolished
adj neprimijeen, nezamijeen, nezapaen;
neistaknut, zanemaren
as at the time the largest US military base built since the Vietnam War, with nearly 7,000 troops
s mrtvo more, bibanje, bibavica, lomljenje valova o obalu;
<fig> val bujanje (uvstva), uzburkanost; <poet> more
use Bezmer to 'surge' men and materiel toward the front lines. Where? In Russia?
s car; imperator
peror's New Clothes did not exist. The Emperor was clothed in naked pursuit of
ockpiles were ageing
adj zastraujui, koji zastrauje, odvraa
reat of retaliation, Russia had no credible nuclear deterrent
adj krajnji, najdalji, najiri; <fig> najvii, najvei
s 1. opozivanje, ukidanje
2. <Ir pol hist> ukidanje unije s Engleskom (1801)
s 1. korak, koraaj (kao kretnja i kao mjera)
2. hod, brzina hoda; kretnja, nain hodanja
3. nain kretanja konja, trupkalica; tempo
/ to put a p through his # s = iskuati iju sposobnost,vrijednost,
proraunati koga;
to keep # with = ii ukorak s kim;
to go the # = brzo ii, hodati; <fig> rasipati, ivjeti na velikoj nozi:

to hit the # = juriti;

to set the # = dati, odrediti tempo (i <fig>)
g at a fast pace to the goal of total nuclear superiority globally, Nuclear Primacy
s 1. opasnost, pogibelj, opasan pothvat, vratolomija
2. udna zgoda, pustolovina, dogaaj, doivljaj, avantura
3. <com> = spekulacija, rizik, roba poslana brodom na kupev rizik
4. <mar> = (predstojee) putovanje
s 1. podanik, podlonik
2. predmet pokusa, subjekt; lice, osoba; leina
3. predmet (razgovora) <mus> tema: kolski predmet
4. uzrok, povod (<for> za)
5. <gram> podmet, subjekt; <phil> ego / on the # of = u pogledu ega
res and adventures
adj (#ly <adv>) trijezan, umjeren, edan, pristojan, trezven, razborit,
staloen, miran, oprezan, uravnoteen, hladnokrvan, ozbiljan, pametan;
ne kriav, miran (boja); gol (injenica) / # understanding = zdrava
vt/i I. <vt> otrijezniti (<fig>) (esto down), opametiti koga; <fig>
ublaiti, umiriti, priduiti to
II. <vi> otrijezniti se (<fig>), opametiti se (esto down)
vt/i I. <vt> 1. dokazati, pokazati
2. uvjeriti, uvjeravati (razlozima); pobijati (razlozima)
3. obrazlagati, argumentirati
II.<vi> 1. raspravljati, svaati se, prepirati se
2. umovati, diskutirati
/ to # a <p> into a <th> = nagovoriti koga na to;
to # a <p> out of a <th> = odvratiti koga od ega
adj odrpan, dronjav, pohaban, poderan

goliath, needs secure trade outlets independent of Washington control to develop

ered economy
s kolanje, optok, optjecaj, cirkulacija;<com> rok valjanosti mjenice; teaj,
kurs; valuta;<fig> valjanost, vaenje, vrijednost
/ firm # = stabilna valuta;
foreign # = strana valuta;
hard # = vrsta valuta;
soft # = slaba valuta;
<fig> to give # to a <th> = iriti, staviti to u promet
e currency this time as in the earlier Cold War

vt/i I. vt 1. naotriti, nabrusiti (<fig>), zailjiti

2. oiviti, pojaati, podraiti (tek)
II. vi postati otar
harpens its nuclear teeth...
pripremljenost, spremnost
vt i I.<vt> 1. pripremiti (koga), prirediti (<for> za to);
zgotoviti, spremiti; sastaviti (ispravu);
pripraviti (koga <for> za to, to da uje, primi to)
2. napraviti, prirediti
3. opremiti, oruati; <tech> preparirati, izraditi
I.<vi>II. vi pripremati se, spremati se, pripravljati se, oruati se
adj (laughably <adv>) smijean

planners may have assumed that because the once-mighty Red Army was a shell of
at the state of Russian military preparedness since the end of the Cold War was

adut karta,
et go of its one trump card-its strategic nuclear force.
s raspara, paralo, orue za paranje;
<tech> stroj za paranje; stolarska pila, runa pila;
<sl> raskoan primjerak; momak odoka; glasovitost, uvenost, sjajna
stvar, neto to je izvrsno
vt 1. <mil> provaliti, upasti (u)
2. <fig> navaliti (u velikom broju), poplaviti; spopadati, spopasti,
obuzimati (misli)
3. kriti, povrijediti (ija prava)

e months after George Bush unilaterally ripped up the bilateral Anti-Missile Defense
w, invaded Afghanistan and bombed Baghdad into subjugation, Russia's President
essage in his annual State of the Union Address to the Russian nation.

s podjarmljenje, podloenje
adj zastraujui, koji zastrauje, odvraa
first time publicly of the need to modernize Russia's nuclear deterrent
s ukinue, ponitenje, stavljanje izvan snage, abrogacija
s pregovaranje, pregovor; ugovaranje, ugovor; raspravljanje
/ to be in # with (for) = pregovarati, ugovarati s kim;
# port = ugovorna luka u kojoj je pripadnicima ugovornih drava slobodno
peace # = mirovni ugovor;
commercial # = trgovinski ugovor;
to sell by private # = prodati ispod ruke;
to conclude a # = sklopiti ugovor;
to break a # = prekriti ugovor
adj javno, otvoreno, openito poznato
first time publicly of the need to modernize Russia's nuclear deterrent
abrogation by the Bush Administration of the ABM Treaty
s <Fr> saetak, rezime
preuzeti; prihvatiti; nastaviti prekinuto
inistry resumed test launches of both SS-27 and Topol-M.
s imenovanje; prozivanje; navoenje, nabrajanje
e obvious US threat
s prijetnja, gronja, opasnost; prijetee znamenje
/ there is a # of rain = prijeti kia
s stanovnik; konj koji preza (pred zaprekama)
e whom he had in mind, and it wasn't the Al Qaeda cave-dwellers of Tora Bora.
adj (#ly <adv>) tajan, skrovit, sakriven; prikriven (threat, glance);<jur>

ate reason all US foreign policy, military and economic, since the end of the Cold
ad as endgame the complete deconstruction of Russia as a functioning state
adj (#ly <adv>) konaan, krajnji, osnovni, prvobitan
s 1. (vrst) zahvat
2. vlast, mo; dohvat, opseg
3. primanje, sposobnost shvaanja, shvaanje, razumijevanje
/ within one's # = nadohvat moi (vlasti) koga, unutar dosega koga;

beyond one's # = izvan dohvata koga; izvan mogunosti shvaanja (koga)

s afterwards, referring to Chirac's grasp of the weapon's significance.
s <poet> neprijatelj, dumanin
rrounding Russia with weapons of mass destruction was its old Cold War foe--the
adj uspravan, podignut, ravan; oboren, prevrnut; smeten, uzrujan
s strah, strahovanje, bojazan, zabrinutost; strahopotovanje
/ for # = iz bojazni (of, that, lest pred, da da ne);
he ran away for # of being hurt = pojegao je iz bojazni da ne bude
take heed (for #) lest any man deceive you = budi na oprezu (iz bojazni)
da te tko ne prevari;
without # or favour = nepristrano;
to be in fear of one's life = strahovati za svoj ivot;
vt (o)zraiti, obasja(va)ti (zrakama, svjetlom), osvijetliti, osvjetljavati
( fig); isijavati; <fig> ozariti; <fig> zraiti
vi/t I.<vi> petljati, eprtljati
II.<vt> zabrljati, pokvariti; loe izraditi
adj (#ly <adv>) koji lebdi, koji tei uvis, visok, nebu pod oblake;
astoljubiv, uznoljiv; uzvien (misli, ideali)
adj (#ly <adv>) strm, okomit, vrletan; ( o osobama ) marljiv, radin,
energian; <fig> teak, muan, naporan

e context of Washington's bungled Iraq war and soaring world oil prices after 2003,
to begin the arduous job of rebuilding its collapsed economy and its military

longer a begger-thy-neighbor former Superpower. It's using its oil weapon and
ar ones
adj (#ly <adv>) upalj; prazan; upao (obraz); mukao (glas); <fig> (is)prazan,
bezvrijedan; neiskren, himben, laan
vt (pret #ded; pp #ded) osloboditi, izbaviti, spasiti (of=od);
<US> oistiti; <arch> ukinuti, ukloniti, osloboditi se
/ to # oneself of = osloboditi se ega;
to get # of = osloboditi se, otresti se, rjeiti se

ecause it destroys itself from within.

nici / u krajnjoj liniji / na kraju krajeva

tions for modern civilisation.

obal security

This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations

dni ugovor, soprazum izmeu drava ; slobodna volja

es it imposes on other nations

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