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Halloween is one of my favourite feasts in the year, together with

Christmas and New Year. But this year, Ill have to be very careful, because last
year while trick-or-treating something strange has happened to me. I dont
know if it is extraordinary or spooky , this will have to decide by yourselves:
Halloween este una dintre sarbatorile mele preferate din an, alaturi de Craciun
si Anul Nou.Dar anul acesta, va trebui sa fiu foarte atenta, deoarece anul trecut
in timp ce colindam , mi s-a intamplat ceva ciudat.Nu stiu daca este
extraordinary sau infricosator , acest lucru va trebui sa-l decideti singuri:
It was the night of the 31 st of October, the Halloween night, as we all know,
when I decided to wear the best costume I had ever had; it was a witch
costume, with the black hat, the black dress and the broom which everybody
knows. Together with my friends, we decided to explore a dark street we had
never noticed before. The experience seemed to be interesting because that
street full of shadows made us think of all the horror movies we had lately
watched. One of my friends decided to tell us about a movie he watched the
other night, where a doll turned into a monster and killed a whole family;
another friend of mine told us about a movie with wizards and witches, who
turned people into frogs by means of a magic potion.
Era noaptea de 31 octombrie, noaptea de Halloween, dupa cum noi toti stim,
cand m-am hotarat sa port cel mai frumos costum pe care l-am avut vreodata;
era un costum de vrajitoare, cu palaria neagra, rochia neagra si matura pe
care toata lumea le stie .Impreuna cu prietenii mei , am hotarat sa exploram o
strada intunecata pe care nu o mai observasem pana atunci. Experienta
promitea sa fie interesanta deoarece acea strada plina de umbre ne provoca sa
ne gandim la toate filmele de groaza pe care le urmarisem in ultimul timp.Unul
dintre prietenii nostri s-a hotarat sa ne povesteasca un film pe care l vazuse cu
o seara inainte , in care o papusa s-a transformat intr-un monstru si a ucis o
familie intreaga ; un alt prieten ne-a povestit un folm cu vrajitori si vrajitoare
care transformau oamenii in broaste cu ajutorul unei potiuni.
Thus, walking and telling stories, we met another group of people who were
trick-or- treating; surprisingly all of them were wearing witch costumes. That
wasnt very strange, we greeted them and we went on walking but only one
hundred metres away we met another group of witches who were gathered
around a fire.

Astfel, mergand si spunand povesti, ne-am intalnit cu un alt grup de colindatori ;

in mod surprinzator toti purtau costume de vrajitoare. Acel lucru nu era foarte
ciudat, i-am salutat si ne-am continuat drumul dar numai la o suta de metri
distant , am intalnit un alt grup de vrajitoare care erau adunate in jurul unui
When coming closer to them, we saw that they were watching a potion which
was boiling on the fire. We thought it was a joke and we went to ask them about
the nature of the potion. But surprise!!! The witch who turned to answer us had
no face, only a horrible mumble could be heard. We all got terrified and we ran
Cand ne-am apropiat de ele , am vazut ca ele urmareau o potiune care fierbea
pe foc.Am crezut ca era o gluma si am mers sa intreb despre tipul de potiune.
Dar surpriza! Vrajitoarea care s-a intors sa ne raspunda nu avea fata, numai
un mormait ingrozitor se auzea. Ne-am ingrozit si am fugit toti.
Now, after a year , I dont know what to say, if that witch was real or it was only
our imagination, but for sure that event still is a mystery both for me and my
friends.For this reason, we have decided to enjoy the feast but to stay away of
the dark streets.

Acum dupa un an, nu stiu ce sa spun, daca acea vrajitoare a fost reala sau a
fost numai imaginatia noastra dar cu sguranta acel eveniment este inca un
mister atat pentru mine cat si pentru prietenii mei. Din acest motiv, am hotarat
sa ne bucuram de sarbatoare si sa evitam strazile intunecate.
I wish you a happy Halloween!
Va doresc un Halloween fericit!

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