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Tinikling - Philippine Bamboo Dance

Teacher: Tina Rollins

Grade: 3rd
Music: Performance: Rehearse, Evaluate and Refine: MU: Pr5.1.3b Rehearse to refine technical
accuracy, expressive qualities, and identified performance challenges.
Social Studies: Societies experience continuity and change over time:
4.3 The student will investigate an example of continuity and/or change and connect that
continuity and/or change to a contemporary issue.
Students will perform the traditional dance of the Philippines. Given dancing steps from
the teacher with 90 % accuracy.
Students will be able to identify the legend and history surrounding the dance by
completing a quiz with 85% accuracy or better.
2 bamboo poles, wooden dowels or PVC piping, each 8-18 ft. long (or home-made
bamboo poles: two water bottles connected by a cotton string)
two 2x4's cut 30 inches long, with tape marks placed on the blocks approximately 3
from each end(this will provide a guide that will show the width to separate the poles.
Ideally, a set of poles and 2x4's should be provided for every four students)
Authentic music for the dance can be found by searching for music for tinikling or try
these web sites:
Video of the dance:
Philippine Map

Background for Teachers:

becamecaretakersofthe landfortheKingofSpain.Thepeoplewhoworked
tooslowlywouldbepunished.Theirpunishmentwas tostandbetweentwo
native'sfeet.By jumpingwhenthebamboostickswereapart,thenativestried
OriginofTinikling:TiniklingoriginatedintheVisayanIslands, ontheIslandof
Leyte.Dancersimitated thetiniklingbirdslegendarygraceandspeedasthey
walkedbetweengrassstems, ranovertree branches, ordodgedbambootrapsset
Tiniklingsoonbecamea challenge, anart, andadance.Itisperformedoncertain
SundaysinthePhilippines, andthemovement ofthesticksisnowsmoothand
T: Today we are learning about the Philippine. Do any of you know where the
Philippines are located on the map?
Wait for answers and ask a student to locate the country on the map.
Help student locate the Philippine on the map.
T: Now we are going to listen to some music from that country?
T: What do you think about it? Do you like it?
T: Now lets watch a traditional dance from the Philippine called the Tinikling.
While watching the video, explain the history of the dance and how it became the
traditional Philippine dances.(see info in background)
T: Doesnt that look neat? How about we try to learn this dance?
Dance instructions:
Ifenoughtiniklingsetsareavailable, studentsshouldbeputintogroupsof 4and
spreadaroundthegymfloor or other large space.
If therearenotenoughsetsofequipmentforevery4studentsto haveaset, 6-8
studentscanbeputata setofpoles.
Make sure to rotated students so every students get a chance to dance and operate the
poles. (Establish arotationalorderfordancingandmovingthe poles.)
Description ofIdea Rhythmofthepoles:
Therhythm createdbymovingthepolesisbegunwiththepoles togetherinthe

Thepolesarethen separatedandtappedwideontheboards2x.Theseare
counts2and3.This3countmovement continuesthroughoutthedance.Itcan
Allowthestudentswhoare manipulatingthepolestopracticewithoutthedancers.
Remembertocueandkeeptherhythmofthe polessteadyandconsistent.
**** Itisimportantforthestudentswhoarecreatingtherhythmwiththepoles
tobetoldtoslidethepoles alongtheboardswhentheyareseparatingor
closingthem.Liftingthepolescouldcatchtheanklesof thedancersandtrip
them.Alsocautionstudentsaboutholdingthepoles; remindthemthatfingers
resultinslammedfingers whenthepolesarebroughtbacktogether.
Beginwithrightshouldertothe poles
Leapwithrightfootthen leftfoottocenterofpoles(counts2-3)
Leaptoinsideofpoleswithleft, right(counts2-3)
Stepon lefttoot(count1)
stepas describedabove)
o 4basic steps, 4rockingsteps, 4jumpsteps.
totake2setsofpoles andboardsandarrangetheminatic-tac-toeformation

Askthestudentsto figureouthowtousethebasicstepsothatallfourdancers
Afterthedancershavedeterminedhowtomovearoundthepoles, theywillfind
itachallengetoget everyonemovingtogetheranddancingaroundthepolesto
(HINT: Dancerswilldothebasicstepmakingaturnoneachstepandmoving
rhythmicallymovethe poles. A rubriccanbesetupthatisbasedonrhythm,
memory, creativity, andpresentationoftheroutine.
Students will be given a quiz to recollect the legend and history surrounding the dance.
Children with learning disabilities will have extra time to learn the steps and one to one
instructions to help them understand the sequence of the dance.
Children with physical disabilities will get.
I think it is important for my students to learn about multiculturalism, the location of the world
geography, culture and custom. These elements makes my lesson strong and thorough. My
students will be able to perform the dance and will be able to understand its history.
This activity can be made into a Christmas presentation by making ankle bells (jingle
bells threaded on elastic) for each dancer and wrist bells for each person moving the
poles. Look for a Christmas song with a time signature. (Silver Bells would work
great and would make the tinikling activity a festive holiday celebration!)
Student will demonstrate the further understanding of Philippine culture and triple
rhythm by: making their own rhythm pattern in triple meter and create the corresponding
dance steps for tinikling.


Tinikling Evaluation
Students Name:___________________

Not at All





Master Tinikling Poles:

Know Dance Step:


Overall Scores:_____________

Students Name:-______________________

Date: ____________

What is the name of the dance? ___________________________________________

2. In what country is the dance preformed? _____________________________________

3. Before the dance became a dance, what was it used for? __________________________


Teacher: Takara Brownridge

Title: SAWIKAIN (Idiom)
Subject(s): Language Arts
Grade(s): Third grade


Language Arts L.3.5

o Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and
nuances in word meanings.
Music Re7.2.3a
o Demonstrate and describe how a response to music can be informed by the
structure, the use of the elements of music, and context (such as personal
and social).

Students given the examples will construct and draw pictures of the given idiom, with
70% accuracy.
Students will figure out the literal meaning of a idiom given an idiom list with 80%

Materials Needed: Idiom worksheet, list of Filipino idioms, and list of idioms.

Brief Description: Students will learn the Filipino word for idiom, what a idiom is, and how to
decipher one.

1. At the beginning of a figurative language lesson during Asian Heritage month in March,
the teacher will feed off of the geography lesson on the Philippines and give a lesson
about language in the culture.
2. Teacher will begin to introduce the word sawikain. The origin and the meaning.
a. The word sawikain is used in the language Tagalog, one of the many languages
spoken in the Philippines. This word in English is idiom.
3. The teacher will then ask students if the know what an idiom is.
4. Teacher will then explain what a idiom is
a. An idiom is an expression that means something different than what it says.
5. The teacher will then show examples of idioms. First starting off with idioms from the
Philippines. Using a translator the students will be able to hear how the phrase should be
said. The teacher will have the English translation.

a. Butas ang bulsa- hole in pocket. Meaning poor.

b. ilaw ng tahanan- light of the home. Refers to Mother.
c. Makati ang dila- Talkative. Refers to someone who talks a lot.
6. The teacher will then give examples of American idioms and use them in a sentence.
a. Piece of cake- Something is very easy to do.
i. My homework is a piece of cake!
b. Hit the Hay-Go to sleep.
i. I am so tired; I am going to hit the hay.
c. Call it a day-To end it
i. I am going to call it a day.
7. Teacher will then ask the students if anyone has heard of these phrases, or if they have
any of their own that they have heard.
8. Teacher will then explain how idioms are used in the same way in America and in the
9. After an idiom explanation, the teacher will then provide the students with a list of simple
idioms used in a sentence and ask them to pick three of their favorites.
10. The teacher will start with an example of the activity. The students will figure out what
the idiom actually means.
a. I am drawing a blank of the answer- This means I do not know the answer.
11. The students will the partner up and pick a few to do with their partner.
12. As the class works on this activity the teacher will walk around and make sure that they
are getting the activity and understanding the meaning of idioms.
13. After each group has finished, each individual student will pick one idiom sentence of
their choice to use on the worksheet.
14. As the students work on their worksheets, the teacher will have traditional music from the
Philippines playing in the background.
a. Kulintang. sa Taguig sa maharlika
i. This music is used to bring people together, and is listened to in a social
15. After the students have each completed a worksheet the teacher will bind them together
into a class idiom book.

Do the students understand what an idiom is?
o Ask the students to write down what an idiom is at the end of the lesson and
collect the papers afterwards.
Are the students correctly interpreting idioms?
o Collect each paper and check to see if the idioms are correctly interpreted.
Do the students understand the Filipino word for idioms?
o Have everyone say the word together.
Adaptations/ Extensions:

For those who do not like music playing while they are working can have on noise proof
headphones to concentrate.
Students who need extra help can work with a para to complete their work.

Students who speak other languages can listen to each sentence on a pre-recorded
Spanish version of the sentences.
Teacher could do a flipped classroom lesson where they listen/watch the lesson at home
and come to class the next day prepared to do the activity.
Why is it important that students learn my lesson?

Idioms are used all of the time and for students to be able to know them, are very
Figurative language is an important piece of the English language.
The different culture they are experiencing learning Filipino idioms is very different.

This lesson could go into a music lesson. The students could learn in full detail about the
music they listened to as they did their assignment. They could make instruments and
make a performance out of it.

Teacher: Ms. Alexis Hullaby

Grade Level: 3rd Subject: Social Studies
Point of Focus: Philippines
(SS) History: In this unit, students will recognize and evaluate the significant people and events
that shaped their hometown and/major city in Kansas, and other cities of the world. They will
analyze how these people and events contribute to the way the citizens of their town/city and
citizens of other metropolitan areas are perceived and function today. Students will understand
the motivation and accomplishments of notable individuals, particularly early settlers,
entrepreneurs, and civic and cultural leaders specific to their hometown. They will analyze the
impact of experiences of groups of people who have contributed to the development of
towns/cities. They will analyze the experiences of groups of people who have made historical
and cultural contributions to their community and compare it with other communities. Students
will investigate the significance of events, holidays and ceremonies that are important to their
Music MU:Cr1.1.3a: Improvise rhythmic and melodic ideas and describe connection to specific
purpose and context (such as personal and social)
Objectives and Goals:
* Our third grade class will compare the similarities of the Philippines symbolic bird, the
Sarimanok to our state bird the Meadowlark by researching the importance and history of both
birds, students will show their understanding by presenting their findings to their peers.
* Students will integrate wind music to accompany their presentation by finding songs that help
emphasize their description of the birds.
* Teacher will ask students Where are you originally from?
o Let some students share where they are from.
* Teacher will talk about the Kansas State bird, the Western Meadowlark
o The state bird was made official in 1937.
o They have a black and white striped head, yellow cheeks, and a distinctive V on their
o It is the state bird for 6 other states.
* The Sarimanok bird is a legendary bird of the Maranao people who originated from a major
island in the Philippines.

* Depicted to have colorful wings and a feathered tail, holding a fish in its beak or talons (feet).
Direct Instruction:
* Teacher will read the book About Birds: a guide for children by Cathryn Sill.
* The class will discuss what about birds do they like the most.
* Teacher will assign students into groups
o First based off of where they are from.
* Minimum 5 students a group
o Then those who are singled out will form a group
* Students will research their state bird
o Refer to worksheet for requirements
* T- All this week we have been focusing on the Philippines.
o Today we will be researching about the symbolic bird the Sarimanok bird.
o We will be learning about the story of the bird
* Instructions:
o Each group will research the history of the Sarimanok bird.
o Refer to worksheet for requirements
o Students will create a visual using their IPad (powerpoint, or a picture app)
* Two students from each group will grab an Ipad for researching
* One student will grab the supplies to present
* There will be two students per Ipad, one person to research and the other to record their
* Students should be able to tell the class whats the story behind the Sarimanok bird.
o Students will have 45 minutes to work in their groups to create their visual for the class and
find their facts.

* Students are in charge of assigning who will do which tasks

* Refer to worksheet (Task Titles)
o Student will also have to find wind music to help compliment their bird.
* Encourage students to use Youtube.
o Students will then present their findings to the class
Guided Practice:
* Teacher will have a completed example of a visual.
* Teacher will have a completed example of the state bird activity
* Refer to worksheet (Alaska State Bird)
* Students will journal what they learned about other groups bird. Students should write a
paragraph 3-5 sentences about things that they found interesting about the bird.
o Encourage 7 sentences.
* While journaling the teacher will play some traditional Filipino music in the background.
Independent Work:
* Students will color a traditional Sarimanok Bird.
Required Materials and Equipment:
* Book: About Birds, by Cathryn Sill
* Sarimanok bird worksheet (Coloring Page
* Pens
* Pencils
* Ipads
* Markers
* Crayons

* Colored Pencils
* Paper
* Teacher will read their journals and check to see if they wrote actual things that the presenters
talked about. Teacher will also check for understanding of the knowledge.
* Throughout activity the teacher will be checking for full participation from all students.
Making sure that the students are all working together.
* If there are no Ipads or electronic devices available the teacher can have students go to the
school library and find books about birds.
* Also, students can use poster board instead of powerpoint or other apps to give the visual
section of the assignment
o Teacher would then have to bring in pictures of the bird and students would grab two picture
that they liked the most to add to their project board.
* Furthering this unit on the Philippines students should understand the connections from
continent to continent. There are a lot of things that America has in common with other
continents. Like the fact that we use birds as symbols. Student also should be comfortable with
speaking in front of their classmates.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willow_ptarmigan http://www.census.gov/foreigntrade/top/dst/current/balance.html

Population in the Philippines

Ms. Ernacio, 3rd Grade

Standards (Music and other Academic Area):

Math: 3.MD.B.3- Represent and interpret data

Music: MU:Re7.1.3a-Demonstrate and describe how selected music connects to and is
influenced by specific interests, experiences, or purposes.


3rd grade students will create a bar graph similar to my Philippines Islands Population
bar graph that reflects the 4 Philippines Islands of their choosing. Given the rubric, their
bar graph includes all 5 of the requirements.
3rd grade students will respond to the classical music played or composed by Filipino
musicians, by focusing on their work.


Philippines Map:

List of islands and its

Large White construction
Colored pencils or crayons
Pins/flag sticker

Music: All instrumentals of
Dahil Sa Iyo and
Minamahal Kita by Miguel
Velarde, Jr., Ikaw by
George Canseco, and music
played by the Philippines
Philharmonic Orchestra.

Background for teachers:

Throughout this time, the students have been learning about the Philippines. They know how to
count by hundreds and thousands.

Steps in the lesson:

Introduction/Building Background Knowledge:

Show the students the maps of the Philippines.

T:This is the Philippines! Its a tiny country in Asia made up of small itty-bitty islands.
The Philippines is made up about 7107 islands! The Philippines is divided into 3 major
islands called Luzon, Visaya, and Mindanoa. T points out the 3 major islands.

T: Although the Philippines is tiny compared to the United States, the population is
about more than 90 million people! Who can tell me what population means? S
answers the question. T:Population is how many people live in an area.
T: Because there are so many tiny islands, not every island has people living on it. The
bigger the island, the bigger the population!
T: We can compare different populations by using a bar graph. How many of you guys
have ever seen a bar graph before? S shares if they have or not.
T writes down the number of students who have seen a bar graph. T: Alright, so
(number written down) of you guys have seen a bar graph out of (number of students in
T draws a bar graph and explains the structure while demonstrating. T: The most
important part of a bar graph is the title. My graph is about who has seen or hasnt seen
a bar graph. My title will be Students Who has seen and has not seen Bar Graphs. One of
these magnet squares represents 2 students. Now, its important to tell the
measurement by using a key or legend. For instance, if I put 3 squares together and
didnt tell you that it represents 2 students, it wouldnt count as 6 students, but just 3. It
wouldnt represent the correct data I collected. This is my legend. T puts one square,
draws an equal sign, then writes 2 students.
T: The bottom line here is my x-axis. This represents the different categories I want to
represent. For my graph, my categories are has seen and has not seen. The line
going up is called the y-axis. This part of the graph shows the measurement of
amounts. T numbers the y-axis 0-15.
T puts the number of magnets onto the has seen category and the on has not seen.
After drawing out and demonstrating how to set up a bar graph, T will ask if they have
any questions.
After questions, T puts up another bar graph to show the students. The graph is showing
data about the population of islands from the Philippines. T: Who can tell me what the
title is for this graph? S show or shares what they think the title is.
T: What is the graph informing us? S will answer what they think.
T: For our next project, you guys will create a bar graph similar to this one! I have a list
of the Philippines Islands and their population. I want each of you to pick 4 islands from
the list and create a bar graph showing the differences of the populations.
T: I want you guys to be creative with your bar graphs, but they need to be as neat as
possible so everyone can read and understand your graph. Make sure to include the
Title, the correct labels, and to include a legend if need be.


T: You will use the large construction papers to draw on your graphs. Make sure to use
your rulers!
Allow S to ask questions
T passes out the list to the students
T: I will ask you one-by-one which islands you are going to present. Its okay if you cant
pronounce them, just sound them out or ask me! S will tell out loud what islands they
T: Along with the bar graph I would like you to research 3 fun facts about the islands
you chose. In total, you should have 12 facts!


It will take possibly a week to finish the bar graph project in class.
Because the project can be overwhelming, T will play a calm relaxing Filipino folk song
during their work time.
S will stick their pin/flag on the islands they chose, then present their bar graph. They
will share the data on their graph and share one fact from each of their islands.

Assessment (linked directly to objectives):
1) Did they include all the requirements to make an effective bar graph?
2) Did they correctly identified their islands?
3) Did they share a fun fact about each of their islands?

Adaptations/Extensions (include at least one strategy for differentiation):

If I have students that have a hard time creating a bar graph, I will provide them a template to
copy to create their graph. If students do not have internet resources at home, I will allow them to use
the laptops or a set time for the students to go to a computer lab.


This lesson plan not only embraces Asian American Heritage Month, but it opens diversity into
the classroom. It allows the students to recognize that there are many other cultures around the world,
other than what they are used to in their community. They will practice their oral skills by presenting
their bar graphs and sharing their fun facts to the whole class. It teaches them to be organized and have
good time management.

Next Steps/ Connections to Other Subjects:

Music: They can create a song, rap, or parody about the different islands of the
Language Arts: They can create a poem about the environment and nature in the
Philippines. There are numerous of places where the landscapes are breath taking. For

example, the Philippines has the Chocolate Hills, Underground River, and Hundred
Islands. The Philippines is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever traveled to.
Art/Social Studies: The students can create a collage showing the difference between
the United States and the Philippines. One side of the poster can be the American side,
while the other is the Filipino side. They can go through magazines to use for the
American side and go online to find pictures of the Philippines. One example, the
Philippines uses mostly Jeepneys and tricycles as transportations, while in the U.S. they
mostly use cars and motorcycles.

Philippines Island Populaion



Number of people




Poro Island

Lafu Island

Lugus Island

Batan Island

Philippines Islands


Bar Graph includes:
Title, Bars, y-axis,
x-axis, Legend/Key
Neat, Clear, and
Easy to Read
Numbers for
population, labels,
identifying island
on map
Has fun facts

List of Islands with their Population

Fuga Island: 1,786 people
Calayan Island: 16,200 people
Batan Island: 11,979 people
Sula Island: 132,070 people
Lafu Island: 764 people
Catanduanes Island: 246,300 people
Masbate Island: 555,573 people
Palawan Island: 430,000 people
Olango Island: 21,928 people
Bantayan Island: 136,960 people
Mactan Island: 430,000 people
Biri Island: 10,987 people
Luzon: 48,520,774 people
Mindinoa: 20,281,545 people
Panay Island: 4,031,636 people
Sulu Island: 781,290 people
Pacijan Island: 46,357 people
Poro Island: 33,357 people
Cebu Island: 2,619,362 people
Alabat Island: 41,822 people
Sabtang Island: 1,465 people
Tablas Island: 154,413 people

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