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Ralph is a car enthusiast, blogger, author and teacher. In addition to being the founder of this
website, Ralph is also a Linux Systems Administrator with 9 years+ experience who is also
available for freelance or full-time work.

Getting a Static IP Address in Nigeria 27th October, 2015
How To: Enable Remote MySQL Connections on Ubuntu Server 31st August, 2015


HowTo: Install Fedena on Windows

Posted by Ralph on July 14th, 2014.
Previously, I wrote a guide on how to install Fedena on Ubuntu 12.04 (Server). In this guide, Ill
be showing you how to install Fedena on a computer running Windows. Although, theres an
official guide here, its outdated, so youll probably end up with errors during installation.
For this tutorial, Ill be using Windows 8.1 64-bit. However, this guide should work on other
versions of Windows.

Install Ruby (rubyinstaller-1.8.7-p374.exe)

According to the official guide, we need rubyinstaller-1.8.7-p302.exe, however, I personally
recommend you install the latest 1.8.7 instead, since differences between patch levels should not
affect application behavior (and the latest patch level is always better than an older version).
During Ruby installation check the Add Ruby executables to your PATH option, you may also
choose to associate .rb and .rbw files with your Ruby installation.

Install MySQL (mysql-essential-5.0.90-win32.msi)

Download and install the essential version of the MySQL installer v5.0. After installation,
copy libmysql.dll from the MySQL bin directory (usually C:\Program Files
(x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin to Rubys bin directory (usually C:\Ruby\bin)
Note the root MySQL password you set as its needed later. If you left the password field blank,
thats not a problem, just proceed.

Setup Fedena (Fedena_Bundle_Win.zip)

Download Fedena bundle patched source code (linked above).
Extract the archive to a folder (say C:\Fedena). To keep things organized, get rid of the
unnecessary directory structure and situate all the main files at C:\Fedena.
Navigate to the Fedena source code directory (C:\Fedena) from a command prompt window.
To do this, open a command prompt window using the Windows button and R ( Win + R),
type cmd and hit enter. In the command prompt window, the current directory would probably
be C:\Users\Username. To change directory, we use the cd command. See this page for more
information on the CD or Change Directory command. However, if youre at
C:\Users\Username, the command to navigate to C:\Fedena would be cd ../../Fedena

Update RubyGems (v 1.3.7)

gem update --system 1.3.7

Now, we install bundler:

gem install bundler

Install additional GEMS

From the Fedena source directory, run the following command:
bundle install --local

Update Database File

Update the MySQL database details in config/database.yml
host: localhost
adapter: mysql
database: fedena_ultimate
port: 3306
username: root
password: foradian

test: &test
host: localhost
adapter: mysql
database: fedena_two_new
port: 3306
username: root
password: foradian
host: localhost
adapter: mysql
database: fedena_ultimate
port: 3306
username: root
password: foradian
<<: *test[/code_highlight]
Replace the default password "foradian" with your MySQL password set earlier,
or delete the password if you did not set one earlier.
Create the MySQL database.
From the Fedena source directory ("C:\Fedena"), run the following command
rake db:create

This will create the required database, using the MySQL connection information supplied earlier.
If you already have this database, run this command instead:
rake db:migrate

Now, populate the database with the required tables using this command:
rake fedena:plugins:install_all

At this point, the installation should be complete. You can start Fedena with this command:
mongrel_rails start

Your Fedena installation should now be accessible at http://localhost:3000

If you experience any problems, lets hear in the comments.

Should you be interested in purchasing the professional version of Fedena with severel premium
modules, contact me at n3rve@n3rve.com
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School Management Software


Ralph is a car enthusiast, blogger, author and teacher. In addition to being the founder of this
website, Ralph is also a Linux Systems Administrator with 9 years+ experience who is also
available for freelance or full-time work.

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