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Man, in the first place, is a paradox of what he is ought to be.

Many of the people nowadays tend to forget

their existence as to how it might be in the essence of their being. More and more of them tend to look at
life as a mere experience and not a reality to be reflected upon. To keep walking and walking without any
direction at hand every experience man has in every day is more important than the intention of finding
their destination as they battle towards the journey of finding true life and meaning. Mans potentiality
from the moment of birth is yet to be obscure. As humans grow from experience, they become the very
subject of each and every day routine of their lives. Theres a conflict on defining himself as who he is
and others impression on who he should be. It is spontaneous to think from the social norm that people
conform to what they are confronted with in the society and use their potentialities either to adhere
themselves to it or to do something for others; create something from the buzzing mind ideas or just
simply tend to keep it away. Humans, nowadays, are so much driven with whats and hows of the world.
Being thrown into it, they often do not think about the reason why they exist. They always let the
circumstance be thrown upon them and just go with how it flows at least. It is normal when man feels that
his life is becoming worthless and meaningless, leaving him the choice to live in peculiarity among
others. An understanding must be present as the fluidity of life is directing him to understand what he
really wants. Identifying who he really is, affects his personal revolt of understanding his future whims.
This is where humanness is at stake. Along with the everyday actions one makes, are the choices that are
entailed in it. As man is surrounded with different sets of choices, these boil down to the decisions that are
either selfish or selfless depending on his own reason of living. Subsequently, those who have actually
walked through the demands of the situation do not actually seem to ponder about what more they can do
towards it. They just always look at it and are encapsulated to it without even reaching out or finding
means to conquer the moment they are into. By simply saying that man has no choice is impliedly telling
that choice is incorporated and has been made after all. Whether we like it or not, humans cannot run
away from the hindrances that his action will result to in his quest for the totality and reality of his life.
His actions will either help him make this world a better place or a sorrowful one where he continually
suffers and be a coward to what he is meant for.
Knowing the qualities that humans possess can help us refine the idea of what Philosophy of the human
person is. Looking at the facets of it can further clear things out and give us a thorough understanding of
how it will affect us. Strengths and weaknesses are part of it as we de delve into the depths of what it is
and why it demands necessity.
Humans tend to see themselves as a separate being and an independent entity among others. He stands
out. He asserts. He thinks on his own. He never depends on how others work. Truly, this quality of being
human is the most typical of all qualities that he might possess. Simple thoughts tend to be enormous as
he begins to think more deeply. His imagination works not for the sake of giving others the opportunity to
avail of the fruits of his labor. In this sense, he looks at himself as more able than those who do not even
think about innovating something out of their own. When he is unto working with others, he needs to be
recognized. This is the automatic response that he requires in order to do more. As to the case of what Ayn
Rand has elaborated, most of the time people who benefited from the work of others tend to forget the
appreciation that the creator deserves. More often, consumers of others efforts own the works that they
have not actually done. This results to a chaos between the creator and the parasite. Such an idea is true
up to this point. When student A has studied all night for the quiz and student B, his classmate, just copied
from him and got higher score, would it be that that the former deserves more of what the latter has just
got from him? Or, when a scientist invented a new machine and someone else has taken it as his own and
flaunted to those who are into the wall of ignorance, would it be that he who invented such machine
deserves the recognition than the other? This is where, man as an individual comes into the scene. As one,
humans become selfish. As lately said, he needs something for his own benefit. He does not do things for
other's advantage. Even if he does something that affects others, still at the end, he is into giving himself a
regard. When you are a person of charity, for instance, you believe that any action you take is for others

but after all, you feel happy about yourself. That's why this quality can never be taken away from him
who does such an act. Thus, selfishness here becomes a virtue for it continually makes him one step ahead
of others on every act he does.
Even if a person is individualistic in nature, his being is also considered as a being-in-the-world. By
having such quality he is thrown into it and is primordially directed towards such. He is given the powerto-be. Further, he realizes his own potentialities that make him ahead of himself. He becomes better than
what is usual. Through interaction with others, he sharpens his capabilities. In such a way he possesses a
sense of care. It is in this means that he learns to fit himself into the norm. He finds his path knowing
what is right from wrong and decides on what actions to take. "What you see is what you get." As the
state imposes law, he who is under its supervision will follow the statute. Through such, he comports
himself into how the majority works and that somehow develops him as to his ability to know his limits
and act in accordance with what is required of him. Also, others' existence becomes his mirror. As he
realizes his own capabilities, it is tantamount to realizing his mistakes, his own flaws. Without other
beings, he can never be better and will always be stocked on mediocrity and absurdity. Truly, his
encounter with the rest of the world enables him to discipline himself; developing means to survive the
demands of the time. Though as for self gratification and satisfaction, he still can't do something without
being in it. Indeed, the mutuality on driving both worlds is innate and inevitable.
Man, in addition, is the carrier and maker of history. Such is a proof to tell that he is a historical being and
whatever he will do today will affect the next generation. History is written because of him. Out of mans
being, there comes a turning point man is understood to be involved in. An attitude, which is self-directed,
is inherent in him as he walks through the voyage of his humanness. When he finds new horizons in his
quest to find his purpose, another event is recorded. This, to emphasize, has become part of history and
thus affects that what the upcoming is. Upon the commencement of the event, man on the other hand, has
made a civilization which is rooted upon his nature. Before, such quality was not even recognized. Fate
has become their hint whether to take actions or not. When taken, he consoles himself about the
inevitability of the happening and eventually resorts to accepting the fact that what happened is destined.
Going with the flow is the foremost reason why most of the time he routes to being where he is; but this
should not be. Man should take into account his responsibility for his historicity. The ancient beliefs
disregarded the profound purpose of knowing why this should be grasped upon by a man. In the first
place, as earlier said, the current situation permeates insights to handle the future. Historicity is not made
to change what has been done. However, it can be used to achieve what he wants the prospect to be.
When someone hurt his friend because of unexpected events that happened to affect the latter, the former
has no means of changing the finished event. Instead, he must take actions in order to settle the conflict
and make the best out of his efforts to be able to cope with the problem. In this way, whatever happened
in the past can never be undone, but the effort today counts in order to reach a brighter tomorrow.
These qualities help us rediscover the why of our existence. It makes us known to the reality set forth that
must be seen by our naked eyes. Philosophy of man does not just talk about these things. It brings us into
the panoramic view of stuffs we used to deal with. Its strengths pave the way to nourish us and nurture
our very own being.
Beyond doubt, the reality of humanity nowadays is driven by the ease of technology revolving in our
lives. It helps us to have convenience to do things faster, lighter and comfortably. However, Philosophy of
man awakens us to the reality that it might possibly lead to mans abolition, our own downfall. Though as
for the hindrances of thinking more of what we are capable of, it leads us to live basically. Such going
back to zero is making this life more profound for our potentialities are boosted to be of great help to us.
It enhances our humanity. It gives us the chances to be more humanely intelligent and never stop

actualizing the collision of our thoughts. It enables us to see the other side of this life- that there are more
than the advances if we try to understand the process. We are not born to be dependent but to be a creator
of our own.
As an individual, we have roles in life to be enacted upon and this can lead us to be excellent in existence
if we do it in an equitable way. This is one of the strengths of philosophy of man because as humans, we
are taught of having different tasks and functions in life that only we alone can perform. For example, a
teachers task is to teach students about lessons in class. Here, we can visualize that this teacher performs
his or her duty to impart his knowledge to his students. Unfortunately, not all of us try to push through our
roles and we tend to deviate from it. Excellence goes beyond the fulfilment of your chore on whatever
role you have. So long as youre happy with what the aftermaths will be, then such an act can be
considered as one containing a touch of fineness. When you are into the world and whatever you do will
positively affect the rest, such is the transcendence of excellence from the role that you have. You become
more grown as to the fulfilment of your interests while at the same time playing such triggers others to be
more aware of theirs.
On the other hand, committing mistake is one of mans inevitable realities. Philosophy of man teaches us
to be more keenly aware of the things that we are just ought to do. Having such gaffe must serve to be a
turning point for us to know the limitations that we should have. When a student cheats and his teacher
caught him in action, in order to be assured of passing, the next time he will be into it makes him known
to a fact that he must be prepared and must do his part. Such turning point taught to us serves to set a hint
into how this life must be lived. It traces mans certainty to be mistaken but this should not be something
to be afraid of. Moreover, it pacifies us to the truth that it is okay not to be okay even if its hard to follow
your will and your heart.

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