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"Feeling" is the father of reason and reason is the mother of "idealism/philosophy" ,

although the word "feeling" itself is often placated in the latter.
The spiritual mind, or heart of man, is resistant and full of contempt towards the
indifferent savagery of nature and it's structural paradox of "linear chaos". This afflicts
man with the reciprocating
"sympathy-understanding" principle, a quality exclusive to humanity. From this singular
principle is abstracted the dualistic principle of "feelings", manifested as reciprocals
themselves, each having a positive and a negative counterpart.
From the "singular principle" is also conceived the existential "question", which creates
the need for the discourse of reason. Conversely, since the nature of reasoning itself is
abstract it must be fragmented in its application to particular objects, ideas, events, or
experiences. This promotes conjectures that divert from the original question; "Why do
we feel emotion(about these things) at all?". This question, by the very method of
logical reasoning itself, should be the endgame of reasoning just as it is the progenitor
of it. This is just as the singular principle of
"sympathy-understanding" generates, or radiates, all subsequent feelings which, without
egotistical obstruction, eventually reconcile as parts of the initial principle.
Man's sympathies have caused the evolution of the brain in such a way that is exclusive
to the man. Namely the frontal lobe facilitating complex and highly defined sight,
organized and detailed memory, independent emotional states, intricate and diverse
language system and conscious, free willed creativity.
These are the tools of objectivity and reasoning for the human being.
If a man does not at some point come to realize the existential question then there will
be a resistance built up in him. This resistance brings the polarized emotional states into
being. These conflicting emotions are what twist and tangle our minds obstructing our
enlightenment and thereby stunting our growth as spiritual beings.
In reaching the initial existential question we granted the lamp of understanding. As the
understanding grows stronger the resistance becomes weaker. If we are eventually able
to let go of our resistance then our contempt for the nature of life will be released along
with it. With this, the dualistic principle of polarized emotional states or "feelings" will be
transcended and we reach again reach a more correct singularity, much more wholistic
than our initial principle. This is understanding.
We project our own spiritual persona onto "physical things" giving them spiritual
properties and creating gods, devils, angels, and demons of and for ourselves. These
physical things have not the word nor the higher mind's understanding of the Holy Spirit.
The "physical thing" is not aware of its' part(self) and is therefore ignorant of the whole.
The power of the "spiritual mind" is evident in the "word" and bestowed upon the
"names". The spiritual mind's will is expression. It is this will to expression that speaks

to creativity, enlightening every noble idea, and inspiring the virtues in the human.
But the power of the body is the "action" and the "reaction". It's power is gained through
the "wisdom", or afterthought, of experience and it is bestowed upon the "works". The
brain is the light of body and it's wisdom comes by learning from experience of the
physical world alone. For the "human body", its' will is its' desire. The animal's need to
"consume and reproduce" becomes the human's desire to "posses and avoid" as a
consequence of the new power granted from the influence of the spiritual mind.
This is why many people will not initially accept the spiritual truth when it is revealed
through the "word" of the mouth. The dynamic nature of the "word" itself does not agree
with the causal nature of the human brain.
The purpose of the human brain's higher functions(frontal lobe) is for the transduction of
the vibration of the physical phenomena the body experiences into a frequency the
spiritual mind can observe and participate in.
The influence of the human brain's interaction with the higher spiritual mind
consequently allows the development of complex feelings and emotions in the human.
Other animals are able to both observe and participate in the physical universe but are
never able to observe themselves objectively, or as individuals and distinguished from
nature as a whole. To speak in quantum physical terms this correlates to the "human"
alone as "the observer becoming the observed". This subjectivity is what facilitates the
quite alien level of understanding humans have come to posses.

Existence must be defined in part, and maybe even predominantly, as the existential
observer itself. The idea of "existence", just as the existence of an "idea" is an objection
to and an abstraction from the totality of the cosmic physical nature of things so it may
only be evident and therefore only be relevant to the objectifier/observer.
To this end it stands to reason that the definition of existence is chiefly predicated upon
the perspective of the observer and it's experience of the "existential condition" or more
bluntly the "human predicament".
This predicament, which is scientifically a fundamental paradox, is played out between
what Freud called the "Id" and "SuperEgo" but can be more generally explained through
the warring ideologies of hedonism vs altruism. As the only material in nature to be fully
aware of itself and exercise free will the human animal has the exclusive potential to
become the proverbial Demon or Angel. The extremes of perpetual pleasure and
spiritual chastity is the struggle that defines our species. This duality is illustrated most
thoroughly in human sexuality.
The difference in human sexuality vs pure animal sexuality is in the former's exclusively
complex awareness of power and it's dynamic within the natural structure of sexual
pleasure and procreation. The human objectification of sexual pleasure and
power(force) results in first curiosity and confusion then "aberrant sexual behavior"
which is motivated as well as moderated by the Ego and it's repressed residuum of past
emotional experiences. This "pleasure power" complex can be objectified in the form of

either a crutch, a connection, a weapon, or a winch with the possible incorporation of

more than one or all together.
This allows sex, like many other objectifications, it's dualistic principle; positive-negative.
This is to say either the positivity of connecting sex with the spiritual/psychological
principle of "fine love", which owes to the idea of masculine and feminine as the
metaphysical one or with the negativity of relegating sex to an act of purely physical
pleasure and by extension relegating or objectifying both as individuals with an
accentuation of their evident separateness. While the former is technically still an
objectification it nonetheless aspires and pays homage to the form of the the Good, the
whole or "completeness". This positive principle of sex is at once championed by the
public morality through the institution of marriage and a general contempt for
women(nudity) while it is generally undermined by the private purveyors of its inception.
This echoes the paradoxical quality of the original objectification while creating a
conducive environment for the negative principle to evolve it's own constituent
complexities i.e. sexual abuse, sexual addiction, sexual enslavement.
The true power of the human sex drive is in the core theme of cooperative creation in
which two things come together to create one.
The personal power of the human sex drive is this: if one so chooses, one may divert
that perpetual creative energy towards cooperating in every pursuit and endeavor.
On the power of creation:
Naturalistic creation such as procreation is technically not creation at all since it is quite
literally an instinctual transmutation of perpetual material force, with little relevant
difference between the birth of a sentient child and the birth of a star. Fully conscious or
free willed creation, such as art, is less a power and more a privilege, when power is
defined as a practical application of force, both because art has no practical application
in physicality and because the average everyday life is not considered by the average
everyday human to call for much free willed creativity. In the context of this modern
definition, power must reside in the knowledge of how to intentionally apply this privilege
of creation to influence the subjective world and/or the innate creative freedom of others
in it i.e. slavery. If it is conceded that conscious action is a form of creation based upon
belief then it stands to reason that one may gain power over others' actions through
influence over their beliefs. Since free willed creation is congruent with belief, one's
creations can be influential to the beliefs and likewise effectual on the creative action of
others, and vice versa. However the effect has some percentage of unpredictability
even when the manipulation of other environmental factors is present, since the
complete manipulation of environment, which would be necessary for absolute
predictability, would make the direct manipulation of its inhabitants redundant. As a
result it is conceivable that absolute power may only be obtained by a combination of
both predictable and unpredictable circumstances, like a perfect storm.This would
explain why throughout history the most powerful movements in modern civilization
have not been well planned and far reaching conspiracies but highly circumstantial
insurgencies perpetuated by the "selfless and charismatically gifted". Even the most
abhorrent dictator has confessed to some higher power and that he was chosen and in
the service of this power, acting selflessly. These individuals who's beliefs became the
beliefs of many manifested the creative force through the image of themselves and

personified it as the "art of their living"....

Book of the giants

Epic of Gilgamesh
Book of Enoch 1 and 2
Linguistics extremely important because the history was written over many times with
the language of many cultures.
The nature of religion is the rejection of the idea of a constant physical reality in favor of
the reality of the reasoning mind, or some hybrid of the two. The paradox exists since
without the reasoning mind there is no objective experience of the physical.
Therefore it would seem a reasoning mind in itself, existing outside of nature, would
strongly imply the existence of some corollary state.

Buddhism 600-400
Platonism. 450-350
Gnosticism 200-100(Christianity, Scientology)

1. That the physical world is not the true world.

2. That there is only one God and it is the All.
3. That the individual should be able to connect God independently from any physical
object or body.

Either these things were not physical or the physical counterparts to these things
evolved of a much longer period of time than is illustrated in the written history.
Gnosticism in General seems to address the situation of the man within the man;The
psychic soul VS flesh soul. Gnosticism obviously sprung from the man's recognition of
"self" beyond the gross physical body, more aptly man's recognition of "mind". This

leads to the realization that their are two humans. The "Atom man" and the "Christ
man". This precludes the archetypes of Cain and Abel; one who works the land versus
one who shepherds the flock. It also parallels the idea of devils and angels, with devils
representing the animal instincts;and the egotistical desires that arise from their melding
with the complex mind; and angels representing the spiritual principles based on moral
logic; or the denial of the physical urges.
Further connection can be made to Freud's Id and SuperEgo, the resulting complex
being called simply the Ego.
This would make both the Near Ancient and Modern society of humans to be broken
down to two kinds of people; people that believe man's origin is animal and people that
believe man's origin is spiritual. Or there was a race of men separate than the animal
man that was before the great flood. The survivors of this race mate(connect) and
assimilate into animal man culture.
The church defiled Jesus' image just as just as the chief ruler defiled the image of Eve.
The message however is as yet the most popular version of the gnosis to date. The
word is the pure of pures and cannot be affected by the material world.



Polytheism- many gods(Sumerians,Greeks)

Monotheism-one god (Judaism, Islam)
Pantheism-all is one god(Hinduism, Neoplatonism)
Atheism-no god
Egyptian polytheism 6000-(creation myth 50000-40000)
Shramana Jainism(???3000) enlightenment
Vedic 1500 (creation myth unknown)rituals
Judaism 1500(creation of man 5500-4000)
Buddhism 600-400
Platonism 400

Recently, Acarya Vidyanaji claimed the prevalence of Jainism in ancient India c. 3000
BCE through detailed research on various artifacts, seals and other relics from Indus
Valley Civilization

Dick Teresi in his book "Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern Science",
reviews Vedas, he writes that "Twenty-four centuries before Isaac Newton, the Hindu

Rig-Veda asserted that gravitation held the universe together. The Sanskrit speaking
Aryans subscribed to the idea of a spherical earth in an era when the Greeks believed
in a flat o
There is no record of Cain and Abel being sons of Adam.

Paul's approach to Christianity, by emphasizing the worship of the physical body of

Jesus versus his teachings, became a very clever way to reconcile the pagan gentile
community to Christianity itself. It also facilitated Christianity's widening schism from
Christianity practiced in the west today is predominantly Pauline Christianity. Christs
flesh is the flesh of God.
(((During the Ante-Nicene period following the Apostolic Age, a great diversity of views
emerged simultaneously with strong unifying characteristics lacking in the apostolic
period. Part of the unifying trend was an increasingly harsh rejection of Judaism and
Jewish practices. Early Christianity gradually grew apart from Judaism during the first
two centuries and established itself as a predominantly gentile religion in the Roman
According to Will Durant, the Christian Church prevailed over Paganism because it
offered a much more attractive doctrine and because the church leaders addressed
human needs better than their rivals.[8]()))

Physical world is still a trick??

Consciousness(psychic body) first then laid down to sleep and clothed in skin along with
the world. When awakened thinks he's an animal like everything else.
CR originally created this world for himself. Since he was ignorant so everything else in
this world is ignorant save man. Naked of the foreknowledge, truth of origin. An
incomplete world missing the androgynous component.
Male and female are his attempt to lay hold of the androgynous.
Everything was female at first???
When he tried to pull a piece out of the androgynous it became female but was still
lacking to connective component, the Y chromosome, it's maleness.

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