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Assigning Meaning

Q: Okay. Well, this following question came to mind after hearing many hundreds
of hours of your interactions with people and it concerns two major threads whi
ch run through your philosophical tapestry. I know both ideas come from the sam
e place but they still seem somewhat contradictory to me.
B: All right.
Q: One idea you expressed is that all situations in our life are fundamentally
neutral, that they have "no built-in meaning" as you put it, and that the effect
we get depends on the meaning one assigns to it. A second idea you shared is t
hat "everything happens for a reason;
that there are no "extraneous creations" in t
he Universe and that everything is made of and is a synchronous expression of th
e same One thing, all from the same one consciousness or primal energy.
Though I understand each point perfectly when I consider them separately, I find
that the second statement seems to contradict the first. Doesn't something "ha
ppening for a reason" imply a pre-existent, therefore, inherently "non-neutral"
expression? Could you clarify how both of these insights can be held at the sam
e time?
B: Thank you, this is very simple to reconcile. Understand that when we say tha
t everything happens for a reason, what we mean specifically is that everything
happens for your reason. Your reasons create the situations that you attract in
your life. "Reasons" being translated as "the meanings you are automatically a
ssigning to life" itself attracts and creates the situations which are represent
ative of the meanings you have already been giving off, the frequency of the vib
ration or expectation, or strongest fear or belief pattern you are giving off.
So, the situations that happen in life, while fundamentally neutral, they do usu
ally come with meaning already added because you have supplied the meaning, you
have already given off the meaning or vibrations or reasons for why you believe
what you believe life should be. Hence, you get the reflection of the meanings
you are already giving off reflected back to you in the situations as they appea
r to you in physical reality.
What we are saying when sharing the idea that situations fundamentally have no b
uilt-in meaning is that those meanings do not come from anyone but you. They do
not automatically come from the Universe. They are not part of the situation,
aside from the fact that you have created it to be so.
Therefore, the idea of looking at a situation as neutral gives you an opportunit
y to find out what meaning you may have automatically given off so as to create
the attraction to you in your life with the apparent built-in meaning that it co
mes with, which it is getting from you to begin with, in order to appear or mani
fest in your life.
By looking at it as neutral it gives you an opportunity to reassess the original
meaning you used to create about that situation. Also, by looking at it as neu
tral you can decide whether you want the original meaning you gave off to stick
or whether you wish to assign a new meaning to it, even after the fact of the cr
eation of the situation. You do not have to stick with the original meaning that
created the physical situation to begin with. In a sense, all things should be
taken as they come with the meaning intact, because they are your meanings.
When we say that you assign meaning to a situation, we do not mean that the situ
ation occurs and then you assign the meaning. We mean that you give off the mea

ning first, which creates the situation which you then respond or react to. Thu
s, either reinforcing or reassessing the meaning you already assigned to it. Th
e meaning is the seed around which the situation is formed. The meaning comes
first, the belief comes first, not the situation. But the situation is still fu
ndamentally neutral in the sense that it does not insist that the meaning you ha
ve given it has to be the one that it will always contain. You can still remove
the original meaning that created the situation and implant a new meaning, whic
h will then change the props that magnetically gravitate to the situation, to th
e new meaning you assign it, and thus, rearrange the outer appearance of the sit
uation as well. Ideally, this will clarify the question that you have asked.

Assigning Meaning

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