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Incredible invention of GPS had added to convenience of traveling for people all

over the world. Many people are smitten by GPS. GPS refers to Global Positionin
g System and at present has around 27 satellites orbiting our planet. Of all the
se satellites, 24 are constantly receiving and sending information. The rest thr
ee are used as a backup, which can be used in case one of 24 fails.

The basic idea behind the working of a GPS is very simple. With GPS enabled rece
ivers, one can send signals that are picked by four or more satellites and using
received information, location is determined. This technology is undoubtedly be
neficial for people who travel to different places. Where maps have become outda
ted and no distinguishable landmarks are found, GPS is the best technology to us
e. For making the use of GPS receivers elaborate, combine them with the detailed
maps. All these maps work as coordinates related to places. Therefore, whenever
GPS navigation finds coordinates of existing location and it is able to tell yo
u where you are in context with the surroundings. GPS is necessary if you are tr
aveling or settling in new city.

If you are wondering how GPS works, the satellite supporting GPS receiver takes
two circles around earth in day while transmitting the information to us. GPS re
ceiver takes the information and helps the users find the exact location. For ca
lculating the position of users, GPS receiver needs to be locked in with atleast
three satellites for finding two-dimensional and four satellites for finding th
ree-dimensional position of users. After the user has found out the current loca
tion, satellite also offers information regarding track, speed, sunrise as well
sunset time, distance to the destination and a lot more for making it easy for t
he traveler.

Each satellite moves constantly on its orbit, completing two rounds in less than
a dayâ s time. GPS satellites are powered with the help of solar energy with backu
p batteries onboard that lets them run smoothly in case of solar eclipse. Each o
f this GPS satellite has little rocket boosters that allows them to move in the
determined path. Signals that are part of GPS are important and one needs to hav
e an understanding of them. GPS satellites usually transmit low power signal tha
t travel with the line of sight, which means that they can pass through glass, p
lastic, clouds but not any of the solid objects like mountains and buildings.

Even with positive benefits of the GPS navigation system, some inaccuracies can
occur. These can be in the form of signal mutipath, receiverâ s clock errors, tropo
sphere and ionosphere delays, satellite shading and geometry, orbital errors, sa
tellite signal degradation. Overall GPS is a very useful and beneficial technolo
gy for its users. What better than spotting your location without wasting any ti
me? GPS is one technology on which you can really rely for finding exact positio
n anywhere in the world. The best part is that you can buy different models of G
PS receivers so that you can enjoy the desired results without burning a hole in
your pocket.

Sanjeev Walia is an executive working for SatNav, pioneers of India, first car G
PS navigation system. SatNav has launched a locator software that enables us to
locate people important to us. It is in Beta Testing stage right now. For more i
nformation please visit http://www.SatTracx.in

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