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oops: supports concept of inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism,

class: describes the properties (data) and methods (behaviors) for an object
abstraction: only the required information is displayed to user
abstract vs interface
encapsulation: variables of a class are hidden from other classes, and can be ac
cessed only through the methods of their current class,
therefore it is also known as data hiding. Illegal data modification cannot be d
one. We use getters and setters.
method overloading: class has multiple functions by same name but different para
overriding: class has multiple functions by same name but same parameters
constructor: has tha same name as that of class name. set dynamic values to obje
cts upon their creation
jsp servlets: JSP is a scripting language that can generate dynamic content. Ser
vlets are Java classes that can generate dynamic web content using print stateme
url-get and post:
garbage collection: is a memory management module. In java garbage collection is
done automatically. It allocates and releases the memory for objects from syste
m. application does not get crashed.
jdbc:Java database connectivity. basically it is used to connect to databases
statement vs prepared statement: I have heard that prepared statement is much be
tter than statement in terms of security(preventing SQL injection attacks)
Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database.
creating tables and establishing relationships between those tables eliminating
redundancy and inconsistent dependency.
int, float, string, primitive datatypes
string declaration
array of objects: Array[] Object = new Array[];
== : to is used to compare 2 objects references, like it checks to see if the ob
jects refer to the same place in memory
.equals: it is basically used For comparing the contents of objects/string
primary key: that is unique for each record (an unique identifier)
foreign key: It is a reference to the primary key in another table
select * from tablename
sdlc steps:

models sdlc: Waterfall, spiral, rapid application development, incremental..

exception handling: We use exception handling in java for proper program executi
on. We use the try/catch block around the area of code where we think that the c
ode might generate an exception. Any exception occurred is handled by catch bloc
k associated with it
triggers: Triggers is basicaly a program, which are automatically fired when som
e events occur in our database server like it helps in auditing and impose secur
ity in transactions.
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name trigger_time trigger_event
ON table_name
stored procedure: stored procedures can be used to control transaction managemen
t like hiding a set of operations on the database server.
How can you have a class inherit or extend multiple classes: inheritence
date in java: Date date = new Date(); date.toString()
final finally finalize:
final can be used to mark a variable "unchangeable"
finally block always executes when the try block exits.
finalize is called when an object is garbage collected.
Stack-Queue: LIFO/FIFO
Public private protected: Public variables, are variables that are visible to al
l classes.
Private variables, are variables that are visible only to the class to which the
y belong.
Protected variables, are variables that are visible only to the class to which t
hey belong, and any subclasses.

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