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: Dolly Gusrizal
: 011200309
: Kledokan 2
: 0878 4579 0632
: Sugili Putra, ST, M.Sc
: STTN BATAN Yogyakarta
: Research

1.1 Background
Concentrated latex as the main material in this research remain in emulsion form
before processed into raw materials for industry. Usually concentrated latex is
widely used for the manufacture of thin materials such as rubber gloves, rubber
thread, medical devices and other high-quality. This fluid has not clot well with the
addition of emulsifiers or without the addition of emulsifiers. Fresh latex generally
unstable or rapidly clots . Instability caused by damage to the protective layer of
latex rubber molecules dispersed in the latex serum (James, 2000).
Instability latex make latex resulting quality was not optimal,so it is necessary to find
emulsifiers, to maintain the stability of the latex. Emulsifiers used in concentrated
latex factory namely ammonium laurate ( AL ) imported from foreign countries.
Ammonium laurate can increase the mechanical stability of a concentrated latex in
accordance with the Standard American Society for Testing and Materials ( ASTM
D.1076 ) is a minimum of 650 seconds and the International Organization for
Standardization ( ISO 2004) a minimum of 540 seconds (Utama, 1995). Mechanical
stability time is called the Mechanical Stability Time ( MST ) is an important
parameter in export quality specifications concentrated latex.
Research on emulsifiers as substitutes ammonium laurate has been done, has been
researching the use of sodium soaps of palm kernel oil and coconut oil soap sodium
to stabilize concentrated latex. The results have not been as good as using
ammonium laurate, as emulsifiers contain sodium, so the production of concentrated
latex is not preferred in the rubber processing industry

1.2 Authenthicated of thesis

This thesis has not been published previously in which the use of coconut oil as
emulsifiers latex, which is expected to reduce the production cost of latex industry.

1.3 Promblem Formulation

Emulsifiers used in concentrated latex processing plant is ammonium laurate .
Ammonium laurate was imported from abroad at a great price. Attempts to seek
alternative emulsifiers that can be easily produced that utilize coconut oil. Coconut
oil can be used as emulsifiers because it contains lauric acid which is quite high,
about 44-52 %.(Ketaren, 2008).
The result of coconut oil used as a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters by using
methanol, benzene and H2SO4(P) as a catalyst. Fatty acid methyl ester mixture
obtained , used as a fatty acid amide using urea in which urea melted beforehand at a
temperature of 1350C. Then mixed with a mixture of fatty acid methyl ester and
carried out the heating at a temperature of 1400C .
In addition to fatty acid amide mixture ( FAA ) , also used emulsifiers ammonium
lauryl sulfate ( ALS ) and as standard ammonium laurate ( AL ). To determine
whether there is influence the composition of fatty acid amide mixture of coconut
oil, ammonium lauryl sulfate and ammonium commercial lauric against concentrated
latex stability. Then, it is made of natural rubber latex formulations with different
vulcanization process. In this case the expected product are obtained films meet the
criteria for the production of natural rubber latex film. Then, the formulation of the
problem is taken by :
1. How does the addition of emulsifiers fatty acid amide based mixture of
coconut oil as compared with ammonium lauryl sulfate and ammonium
commercial lauric on stability of concentrated natural rubber latex ?
2. How does the process of formation of concentrated natural rubber latex film
with emulsifying fatty acid amide based mixture of palm oil compared with
ammonium emulsifier commercial lauric ?
3. How does the vulcanization process concentrated natural rubber latex film
containing emulsifying fatty acid amide coconut oil -based mixture with
ammonium commercial lauric ?
1.4 Problem Limitation
1. The quality of used oil, bulk oil and branded oils.
2. The quality of used rubber, natural rubber and synthetic rubber.
3. The vulcanizing time.

1.5 Thesis Objective

1.5.1 General Objective
The general objective of this research to take advantage of natural emulsifiers based
on coconut oil as an alternative to the use of commercial emulsifier in stabilizing the
concentrated latex and natural rubber film formation.

1.5.2. Special Objective

1. To determine the effect of emulsifiers fatty acid amide based mixture of
coconut oil and ammonium lauryl sulfate and ammonium commercial lauric
on stability of concentrated natural rubber latex.
2. To know the process of formation of concentrated natural rubber latex film
with emulsifying fatty acid amide based mixture of coconut oil as compared
to commercial lauric ammonium emulsifier.
3. To determine the vulcanization process concentrated natural rubber latex film
containing emulsifying fatty acid amide coconut oil -based mixture with
ammonium lauric commercial.
1.6 Advantages
1. It is expected that adds value to the production of palm oil as raw material for
2. To obtain alternative emulsifiers such as fatty acid amide based mixture of
coconut oil as a quality stabilizer concentrated latex approached ASTM
D.1076 and ISO 2004.
1.7 The Thesis Methods
This research is an experimental laboratory ( Research Laboratory ) which will be
conducted at Laboratorium Riset Karet Pusat Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi (PAIR)BATAN, Jakarta. Materials are coconut oil, palm oil which is traditionally obtained
by means of heating. Coconut oil is produced first used as a mixture of fatty acid
methyl esters by using methanol, benzene and sulfuric acid as a catalyst.
The mixture of fatty acid methyl esters are used as fatty acid amides obtained by
using urea, wherein the urea melted beforehand at a temperature of 1350C .Then, it
mixed with fatty acid methyl esters of coconut oil and heating is done at a
temperature of 1400C . Then the fatty acid amide ( FAA ) generated added to the
concentrated latex ( HA ) by varying the concentration and retention time to look at
the stability of concentrated latex.
Likewise for ammonium lauryl sulfate and ammonium commercial lauric as a
standard, then the provision of formulations latex and natural rubber latex film
formation. Film formation method performed with dyeing technique which first
cleaning plate, before dipping into the natural rubber latex formulation that has been
in pravulkanisasi and also has undergone maturation. Film in the vulcanization of
natural rubber latex with sulfur and dikumile peroxide is then dried at a temperature
of 1000C and 1600C for 30 minutes . The resulting sample, characterized by a tensile
test , FTIR , SEM and swelling index tests.
This research was conducted in several stages :
1. Preparation of Fatty Acid Amide Mixture of Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is used as a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters using benzene,
methanol, and H2SO4. The mixture of fatty acid methyl esters are used as
fatty acid amides obtained by adding urea as forming an amide. Fatty acid
amide obtained was added to the concentrated latex with varying
concentrations and storage time. Then it was performed to ammonium sulfate
and ammonium lauryl lauric commercial.
Independent Variable :

The concentration of AAL, ALS, and AL (0v/v.%; 0,03 v/v.%; 0,05

v/v.%; 0,07 v/v.%; 0,09 v/v.%).
- Storage time : 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 hari.
Dependent Variable : MST, TSC, KKK, HLB
Fixed Variable : Room temperature dan Concentarte latexs weight.
2. Preparation of Compound for The Prevulcanizations Process
The mixture of concentrated latex and emulsifier, 10% KOH, 50% sulfur,
wingstay 50%, ZnO 20%, 50 % ZDBC, stirred for 2 hours and heated 700C .
The determination of the stage of maturation with CHCl3. When the
optimum maturation of the latex is obtained, it allowed to stand 24 hours for
maturation. TSC and swelling index was tested. Then, it performed the same
procedure for dikumil peroxide.
Independent Variable : The concentration of emulsifier and mixed emulsifier
materials. FAA : AL = 50% : 50%; 30% : 70%; 70% : 30% (v/v)
Dependent Vaiable : TSC dan Swelling Index
Fixed Variable : The composition of compound
3. Filming Using Sulfur Vulcanization Agents and Dikumile Peroxide
Filming is done with the immersion technique using a plate aluminum as a
printer, by dipping the plate into a compound which has undergone
maturation for 24 hours and performed vulcanization. Vulcanised natural
rubber latex film by drying in an oven at a temperature of 1000C and 1600C
for 30 minutes .
Independent Variable : The concentration of emulsifier and mixed emulsifier.
Dependent Variable : Pulling test, Elongation test, Swelling index, FTIR,
Fixed Variable : Vulcanizatons temperature 1000C (S) and 1600C,
Vulcanizations time 30 minutes.
1.8 References
- ASTM D. 412. Test for rubber properties in tension.
- BSN (Badan Standardisasi Nasional). 2002. Sarung tangan karet, sekali
pakai untuk keperluan pemeriksaan kesehatan. SNI. 16-2623-2004.
- BSN (Badan Standardisasi Nasional). 2002. Sarung tangan karet steril,
sekali pakai untuk keperluan pemeriksaan bedah. SNI. 16-2622-2004).
- Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan. 2012. Statistik perkebunan karet
Indonesia 2007-2012.
- Gordon, B. 1995. Blue Book. Akron: Lipocont & Peto Inc.
- James, S., M.D. Tailor, and Y.H. Leong. 2000. Cutaneus reaction to
rubber. Rubber Chemistry and Technology 73(3): 428-479.Makuuchi, K.
2003. An i ntroduction to radiation vulcanization of natural rubber latex.
Bangkok: T.R.I Global Co., Ltd.
- Ketaren, S. 2008. Minyak dan Lemak Pangan. Jakarta : UI-Press.
- Utama, M. 1995. Teknlogi polimerisasi radiasi siap pakai untuk industri
yang berwawasan lingkungan. Kampanye Teknologi, Kantor Menristek:
13-23. Jakarta.

Usulan Pembimbing Dari STTN :

1. Sugili Putra ST, M.Sc
2. Noor Anis Kundari, MT
3. Maria Christina P, ST, M.Eng


Usulan Pembimbing Luar STTN :


Rencana Tempat Kegiatan : Pusat Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi (PAIR) BATAN


Alamat Tempat Kegiatan : Jl. Lebak Bulus Raya No. 49, Jakarta-Selatan


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