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School unit
Standard of competence
Basic competence

Time allocation

: SMP 1 Kudus
: Mathematics
: VIII/1
: 3. Applying Pythagorean Theorem in problem solving
: 3.1 Applying Pythagorean Theorem in problem solving
: 1. Students are able to find Pythagorean Theorem
2. Students are able to calculate the length of the right triangle
side when 2 sides are known
3. Students are able to calculate the ratio of special right triangle
side (one of the angles is 300, 450, or 600)
: 6 x 40 minutes (3 meetings)

A. The purpose of Learning

1. Students are remembering of powering and root
2. Students are able to find Pythagorean Theorem
3. Students are able to calculate the length of the right triangle side when 2 sides are known
4. Students are able to calculate the ratio of special right triangle side (one of the angles is
300, 450, or 600)
B. Materials
Chapter 5 Pythagorean Theorem
- Finding Pythagorean Theorem
C. Learning Approach and Methods
1. Learning approach : Contextual
2. Methods
a. Orally
b. Expository
c. Drill
d. Interactive
D. Sources and Medias
1. Sources
a. Students book
b. Worksheet
2. Medias : teaching aids of Pythagorean Theorem
E. Learning Scenario
1. First Meeting ( 2 x 40 minutes )
Teacher reminds about powering and root
Teacher tells some stories related with Pythagorean Theorem
Main Activity
Teacher divided students into 6 groups
Teacher has asked students to bring equipments to prove Pythagorean Theorem
Teacher distribute Experiment Step
Each group work step by step
Teacher guides them until find Pythagorean Theorem
Teacher repeat Pythagorean Theorem once again

Gives some exercises how to find the length of the right triangle side when 2 sides
are known
Each member of groups finishes the exercises in groups
Students submit their work
Teacher asks the students to mention other examples
Teacher gives homework

2. Second Meeting ( 1 x 40 minutes )

- Teacher reminds students about Pythagorean Theorem
Main Activity
Teacher and students discuss homework
Students do the exercises
Students show their answer in front of class
Teacher makes sure that students really understand about Pythagorean Theorem
Teacher gives homework
3. Third Meeting ( 2 x 40 minutes )
- Teacher asks students to tell about Pythagorean Theorem
- Teacher reminds the sum of angles in a triangle
Main Activity
Teacher tells that special triangle is a right triangle that one of the angles is 300,
450, or 600
Teacher explains about a right triangle
Teacher guides students to find the ratio of its sides by drawing the picture first
Teacher gives example and exercises
Students show their answer in front of class
Teacher asks the conclusion
Teacher gives homework
F. Assessment
1. The technical of Assessment
written assessment
show the ability
2. The form of Assessment
questions in examples and exercises
3. Instruments
a. A triangle ABC, AB = 7 cm and BC = 25 cm. if its right angle is A, then find the
length of AC!
b. A triangle ABC is isosceles right triangle. The number of angle B is 900. Determine
AC and BC!

c. Find the value of x and y.



d. Application. Find the areas of the figures below.


July 13th 2009

The Principal of SMP 1 Kudus

Mathematics Teacher

H. Oky Sudarto, S. Pd
NIP 1957 1016 197803 1 002

Ida Achyani, S.Pd

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