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Summary Cross Cultural Problems

In business, negotiation is the most important thing when it comes to closing a deal.
This can be between two people, two groups or two enterprises. The book explains all
the strategies you can use and adapt to for creating a correct relationship for
international business. The most important strategies are

Good cop vs bad cop: this requires a group of people fighting another group of
people. I happens when one person takes the position in which one of them
becomes inflexible, while the other one is more comprehensive and this helps to
the other part to feel more understood.
Hard vs soft: Where one person is having a rigid posture and the other one is
being flexible and caring about the relationship and the other persons interest.
Boulwarism: This is when one of the person dont speak and the other one
leaves the meeting. This can break relationships forever, and may never allow a
good talking between enterprises.

The states of negotiations are explained in this chapter as:

Orientation and positioning: this is when the two teams talk to each other and
explain what they want, what they are looking for and what they dont want to
accept when it comes to negotiation.
Argumentation: After the two partners have explained what their orientation and
have positioned their opinion. If they dont know agree at first, they present
evidence and then show why their opinion is the best.
Emergence and Crisis: after arguing, the parties can agree at first, or disagree.
They negotiate and may face crisis.
Agreement or breakdown: After you have the crisis, you can stop arguing or
just leave it there. Whether you choose the agree or not to choose the decision.

The rules of negotiation are:

Separate people from the problem

Focus on interest and not positions
Create option for mutual games
Insist on objective criteria

Summary cultural environment international business.

The three approaches explained in this chapter are:

Cultural metaphor


Stereotypes: these are general ideas about a grupo of people, this can be true or
false but it can affect peoples sensibility.
Idioms: manner of talking and phrases for people from the same culture.

Low context cultures vs high context cultures: groups with low context prefer verbal
explanation and may attack verbally others. While high context prefer not talking for not
having misunderstandings and like good relations.
The last part of the chapter is the HOFSTEDES RESEARCH ON CULTURE

Individualism vs collectivism: This refers when a society likes to live as a

group or as an individual. This is good or bad depending on how the country is
managed and how people tend to refer to each other
Power distance: this refers to inequality. Some societies like Venezuela accept
inequality as a normal part of life. And others dont accept it and fight against it.
Uncertainty avoidance: some countries can live happy while not facing the
future and prefer not to take risks.
Masculinity vs femininity: masculine societies fight against each other, and
dont care about less fortunate people and feminine societies care about others
and have subtle ways to express competitiveness, assertiveness ambition and
accumulation of wealth.
Long terms vs short term orientation: this is when people can afford waiting
for results. Some societies can, and others cant

The key dimensions of culture

Values and attitudes

Deal vs relationship orientation
Manners and customs
Perception of time
Perception of space

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