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January 17 ECW Meeting
January 24 - Lay Readers and Licensed Preachers Meeting during coffee hour
January 31 Annual Meeting, 9 am service
January 17 - Holy Eucharist, 8 am and 10 am, Mother Johanna
January 20 - Mid-Week Eucharist, 6 pm, Mother Johanna
January 24 - Morning Prayer with Communion, 8 am and 10 am, Mother Johanna presiding, Diana Gazis, Homilist
January 31 - Morning Prayer, 9 am
Dear Parish Members,
If you have completed the Safe Church Training at any time, please send me an email and tell me so. I will need to
have the names of everyone who has done the training in order to complete the Annual Parish Report to the Bishop.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Regarding the Mid-Week Eucharists
In order to school myself in the discipline of pacing myself, for January, February and March, there will be two
Wednesday, 6:00 pm Eucharists not one EACH Wednesday. The dates for the services are as follows:
20 January
10 February
24 February
9 March
23 March
6 April
By April, I hope to be up and running and ready for 6 pm Eucharist every Wednesday. Thank you for your patience
with you 'mature...ahem...priest.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School is beginning another cycle with four lessons about the life of Jesus and then four parables. A sign up
sheet will be available on Sunday, January 10 with Bible lessons provided. You are invited to be creative, form a team
and teach one of these lessons by using stories, art, a play, cooking or a game. When all the children are present there
are 9 in one class, age 4-8. Rather than separate our two littles we include them in our activities when they're able. Their
parents often stay downstairs to be helpful. Take the plunge and be a teacher!
A note from our treasurers:
We are now in contribution year 2016. If you have a box of envelopes from 2015, please THROW THEM OUT. If you
would like a box for 2016 and have not picked them up yet, you may get them any Sunday from Mary DeLong or Muffet
Stewart. If your children would like a box of envelopes for their donations, we are happy to provide them as well. That
way they will get a notice at the end of the year thanking them for their donations, just like their parents!
ECW Finalizes Craft Fair Charitable Giving
The craft fair proceeds were discussed at the December 20th ECW meeting. Thanks to the efforts of all those involved,
the parish netted approximately $3764. It was decided that two WHCA programs - The Heating and Warmth Fund
(THAW) and Weekends with EE! School Food Backpack Program be presented with checks for $1700 each.
Additionally, the group tithed 10% of the proceeds to the Rectors Discretionary Fund. Thanks again to all who
planned, crafted, donated items, baked, cooked, set up, shopped and cleaned up. It was once again a wonderful way to
open our doors to the community and, in turn, raise needed funds to help those in our area.

Annual Meeting Brunch Slated for January 31

Please sign up on the bulletin board by the door in the undercroft if you would like to bring in a hot or cold item for the
annual meeting brunch. The brunch will be part of our annual meeting commencing after the 9 AM service on January
Lets Keep the Coffee Perking
Thanks to all of you who made our 2015 coffee hours a success.
A sign up for 2016 coffee hours is posted downstairs by the door on the bulletin board. Please sign up or sign up with a
buddy to host a Sunday. Funds are available from ECW to help with the cost and help is always on hand for clean up.
If your schedule cant accommodate hosting or co-hosting, but you could bring in an item to share, that would be
appreciated as well. Please see Tracy Shaffer for details.
A note from Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry:
With the sudden dip in temperatures we would like to ask for contributions of warm winter hats for adults and
children. These could be hand knit or new, purchased hats and may be left at the pantry any Monday, Wednesday or
Friday morning until 11 AM. A full tummy and a cozy warm hat can do so much for one's sense of well being as we face
the colder months. Thanks for your help.
Please continue bringing plastic grocery bags and food for the Little Red Wagon. Thanks!

Relay For Life of Hancock County Kickoff Event!

Kickoff is a fun get-together to learn more about Relay For Life, and how YOU can get involved!
Friday, January 29, 2016 6:00-7:30pm
Elks Lodge, 317 High St. Ellsworth
Sign up your team today! www.relayforlife.org/hancockme
Find us on Facebook: Relay For Life of Hancock County, ME
Questions? Contact Margo.Stevens@cancer.org
Remember to wear your nametags each Sunday!

Lay Ministers:
Altar Guild
Lay Reader
Lay Readers
Chalice Bearer
Coffee Hour


Holy Eucharist Rite II
Morning Prayer with Communion
Georgianna Pulver
Judy Stockbridge and Leslie Beyer
8:00 Service
8:00 Service
Mother Johanna
Mother Johanna
George Stevens
Diana Gazis, Homilist
10:00 Service
10:00 Service
Mother Johanna
Mother Johanna
Diana Gazis
Tracy Shaffer, Andrew Chattin, Muffet
Dianne Kelley, Karl Haller, Marian Wells
Jim Newett
Diana Gazis
Andrew Chattin
Dave Wells
Caiden Chattin
Dianne Kelley
Dave and Marian Wells
Joe Stockbridge and Dan DeLong
Tracy Shaffer, Leslie Beyer and Diana Gazis

If you should have an emergency, you may contact: Reverend Johanna-Karen Johannson, Priest 902-1013; Senior
Warden Dave Wells at 667-6206 (h), 610-3709 (c); Junior Warden Harvey Kelley at 422-3115 (h) or 266-5148 (c)
For pastoral needs: Deacon Rev. Joan Preble at 667-4068. Ann is in the office Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Our email address is: stdunstansellsworth@gmail.com.

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