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Time: 2 Hrs.

Max Marks. 70


All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 1 mark.

Select appropriate answer from option A, B, C and D given against each
question and mark same on the OMR Sheet.


Which of the following has been the main driver to the globalization of business?
(a). The higher standards of living in the U.S. and Europe
(b). Technology
(c). The NAFTA trade agreement
(d). The increasing ethnic diversity within countries


Operations management is applicable

(a). mostly to the service sector
(b). to services exclusively
(c). mostly to the manufacturing sector
(d). to manufacturing and service sectors


Walter Shewhart is listed among the important people of operations management

because of his contributions to
(a). assembly line production
(b). measuring the productivity in the service sector
(c). Just-in-time inventory methods
(d). statistical quality control


Henry Ford is noted for his contributions to

(a). standardization of parts
(b). statistical quality control
(c). assembly line operations
(d). scientific management


Taylor and Deming would have both agreed that

(a). Whirlpool's global strategy is a good one
(b). Eli Whitney was an important contributor to statistical theory
(c). management must do more to improve the work environment and its processes so
that quality can be improved
(d). productivity is more important than quality


Who among the following is associated with contributions to quality control in

operations management?
(a). Charles Babbage
AMF 202

(b). Henry Ford

(c). Frank Gilbreth
(d). W. Edwards Deming

The field of operations management is shaped by advances in which of the following

(a). chemistry and physics
(b). industrial engineering and management science
(c). biology and anatomy
(d). all of the above


The five elements in the management process are

(a). plan, direct, update, lead, and supervise
(b). accounting/finance, marketing, operations, and management
(c). organize, plan, control, staff, and manage
(d). plan, lead, organize, manage, and control


The responsibilities of the operations manager include

(a). planning, organizing, staffing, procuring, and reviewing
(b). forecasting, designing, planning, organizing, and controlling
(c). forecasting, designing, operating, procuring, and reviewing
(d). planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling


Which of the following is not an element of the management process?

(a). pricing
(b). staffing
(c). planning
(d). controlling


An operations manager is not likely to be involved in

(a). the design of products and services to satisfy customers' wants and needs
(b). the quality of products and services to satisfy customers' wants and needs
(c). the identification of customers' wants and needs
(d). work scheduling to meet the due dates promised to customers


All of the following decisions fall within the scope of operations management except for
(a). financial analysis
(b). design of products and processes
(c). location of facilities
(d). quality management


Which of the following are the primary functions of all organizations?

(a). operations, marketing, and human resources
(b). marketing, human resources, and finance/accounting
(c). sales, quality control, and operations
(d). marketing, operations, and finance/accounting

AMF 202


Budgeting, paying the bills, and collection of funds are activities associated with the
(a). management function
(b). control function
(c). finance/accounting function
(d). production/operations function


Which of the following would not be an operations function in a fast-food restaurant?

(a). making hamburgers and fries
(b). advertising and promotion
(c). maintaining equipment
(d). designing the layout of the facility


The three major functions of business organizations

(a). are mutually exclusive
(b). exist independently of each other
(c). overlap
(d). function independently of each other


The marketing function's main concern is with

(a). producing goods or providing services
(b). procuring materials, supplies, and equipment
(c). building and maintaining a positive image
(d). generating the demand for the organization's products or services


Current trends in operations management include all of the following except

(a). Just-in-time performance
(b). rapid product development
(c). mass customization
(d). mass production


The service industry makes up approximately what percentage of all jobs in the United
(a). 20%
(b). 40%
(c). 66%
(d). 74%


Typical differences between goods and services do not include

(a). cost per unit
(b). ability to inventory items
(c). timing of production and consumption
(d). customer interaction

AMF 202


Gibson Valves produces cast bronze valves on an assembly line, currently producing
1600 valves each 8-hour shift. If the production is increased to 2400 valves each 8-hour
shift, the productivity will increase by
(a). 10%
(b). 20%
(c). 25%
(d). 50%


The Dulac Box plant produces 500 cypress packing boxes in two 10-hour shifts. What is
the productivity of
the plant?
(a). 25 boxes/hr
(b). 50 boxes/hr
(c). 5000 boxes/hr
(d). none of the above


Three commonly used productivity variables are

(a). quality, external elements, and precise units of measure
(b). labor, capital, and management
(c). technology, raw materials, and labor
(d). education, diet, and social overhead


The service sector has lower productivity improvements than the manufacturing sector
(a). the service sector uses less skilled labor than manufacturing
(b). the quality of output is lower in services than manufacturing
(c). services usually are labor intensive
(d). service sector productivity is hard to measure


Productivity tends to be more difficult to improve in the service sector because the work
(a). often difficult to automate
(b). typically labor intensive
(c). frequently individually processed
(d). all of the above


Operations Management is a ___________________ process.

(a). translation
(b). transformation
(c). transaction
(d). transition


Which of these Managers would be least likely to be considered in an operations

management role within an organization?
(a). Production Manager
(b). Reservations Manager

AMF 202

(c). Financial Risk Manager

(d). Quality Manager

There are 5 basic organizational forms, simple, functional, divisional, conglomerate and
(a). hybrid
(b). complex
(c). corporate
(d). hierarchical


Organizing budget hotels within a chain by geographical location is an example of which

type of organizational form?
(a). Conglomerate
(b). Hybrid
(c). Simple
(d). Divisional


Which of these would an operations manager not be responsible for?

(a). Safety and maintenance
(b). Sales and marketing
(c). Selecting suppliers
(d). Recruiting employees


Operations can be diagnosed by volume, variety, variation and ________________?

(a). validity
(b). variability
(c). value
(d). variance


The size of the product range or number of services offered is called _____________?
(a). variability
(b). validity
(c). variety
(d). variation


The extent to which a product or service may be customized is called _____________?

(a). variability
(b). validity
(c). variety
(d). variation


Services differ from manufactured products in four ways. Intangibility, Inseparability,

Perishability and _______________?
(a). homogeneity
(b). heterogeneity
(c). intractability

AMF 202

(d). invisibility

The Servuction model recognizes that operations can process customers through their
infrastructure or through their ___________?
(a). performance
(b). procedures
(c). staff
(d). systems


Inventory is ______________________?
(a). A raw material item used in an operation.
(b). An item stored for later use in an operation.
(c). An item in transit for later use in an operation.
(d). Any of the above.


Products which are completed awaiting dispatch to a customer are called

_______________ inventory.
(a). Pipeline
(b). Cycle
(c). Finished Goods
(d). Work in Process


Partially processed or finished goods which are sent between factories over large
distances is called ______________ inventory.
(a). Pipeline
(b). Cycle
(c). Finished Goods
(d). Work in Process


Batch production such as baked goods produces _______________ inventory.

(a). Pipeline
(b). Cycle
(c). Finished Goods
(d). Work in Process


Semi-finished stock is also known as ________________ inventory.

(a). Pipeline
(b). Cycle
(c). Work in Process
(d). Anticipatory


Which of these reasons to keep inventory can lead to improved quality?

(a). It allows processes to flow more smoothly.
(b). It makes deliveries more reliable.
(c). It helps to deal with short term demands.
(d). It enables the best material to be sorted prior to production.

AMF 202


Which of these reasons to keep inventory will improve flexibility?

(a). It allows processes to flow more smoothly.
(b). It makes deliveries more reliable.
(c). It helps to deal with short term demands.
(d). It enables the best material to be sorted prior to production.


What do the letters EOQ stand for?

(a). Estimated Order Quantity
(b). Economic Order Quantity
(c). Estimated Order Quality
(d). Economic Order Quality


The EOQ of an item is calculated using the annual demand together with the
___________ cost and the __________ cost.
(a). Direct and Variable costs
(b). Indirect and Holding costs
(c). Direct and Ordering costs
(d). Ordering and Holding costs


Goods in transit can be tracked using RFID technology. RFID stands for?
(a). Remote File Identification
(b). Resource Frequency Identification
(c). Radio Frequency Identification
(d). Radar Frequency Identification


The interaction between the customer and the service provider is often referred to as
(a). The service operation
(b). The service encounter
(c). The Servicescape
(d). The back office operation


Which of these is not one of the four differences between customer processing operations
and materials processing operations?
(a). Perishability
(b). Simultaneity
(c). Homogeneity
(d). Intangibility


Which of these is not one of the seven characteristics of a service encounter identified by
Czepiel et al (1985)?
(a). Specific role for the employee only
(b). Mostly task oriented
(c). Narrow in scope
(d). Follow a pre-determined set of rules

AMF 202


The organization of customers for processing through a series of service encounters is

called a ____________________?
(a). Payment system
(b). Planning system
(c). Processing system
(d). Queuing system


Which of the following queuing systems appears the most fair to customers?
(a). First in First Out (FIFO)
(b). Serve in Random Order (SIRO)
(c). Last in First Out (LIFO)
(d). Shortest Processed First (SPF)


Which of the following queuing systems appears the least fair to customers?
(a). First in First Out (FIFO)
(b). Serve in Random Order (SIRO)
(c). Last in First Out (LIFO)
(d). Shortest Processed First (SPF)


Joining a queue and then almost immediately leaving the customer thinks it will take too
long to disperse is called __________________?
(a). Rejecting
(b). Reneging
(c). Balking
(d). Refusing


Joining a queue and then leaving after some time before being served is called
(a). Rejecting
(b). Reneging
(c). Balking
(d). Refusing


Which of the following is one of the usual responses in the psychology of waiting lines
put forward by Maister (1985)?
(a). Unoccupied waiting time feels shorter than occupied time
(b). Anxiety makes waiting times feel shorter
(c). Unexplained waits seem longer than explained waits
(d). Solo waiting feels shorter than group waiting


Which of these operations are customers often happy to queue for?

(a). Bank ATM
(b). Supermarket checkout
(c). Restaurant
(d). Airport check-in

AMF 202


A strategy is a set of plans designed for ___________ competitive advantage.

(a). Short-term
(b). Medium-term
(c). Immediate
(d). Long-term


An operations strategy is created directly from the _________ strategy

(a). Corporate strategy
(b). Marketing strategy
(c). Business strategy
(d). Human resource strategy


Competitive advantage is a term most associated with which author?

(a). Terry Hill
(b). Michael Dell
(c). Robert Lowson
(d). Michael Porter


Firms try to achieve competitive advantage by competing on _____________?

(a). Cost only
(b). Order winners
(c). Quality only
(d). Order qualifiers


Two different viewpoints on operations strategy are the market-driven view and the
_____________ based view
(a). Operations
(b). Finance
(c). Resource
(d). Capability


A system designed for competing effectively in a specific marketplace is called a

(a). Strategic model
(b). Business model
(c). Business plan
(d). Strategic plan


In the business model outlined by Spring and Mason (2010), Network Architecture
consists of markets, relationships, capabilities and ___________?
(a). Infrastructure
(b). Artefacts
(c). Transactions
(d). Products

AMF 202



In the business model outlined by Spring and Mason (2010), Market Offering consists of
activity, access, value and _____________?
(a). Infrastructure
(b). Artefact
(c). Transaction
(d). Product


In the business model outlined by Spring and Mason (2010), Technology consists of core
technology, process, product and ___________________?
(a). Infrastructure
(b). Artefact
(c). Transaction
(d). Capability


The operations strategy which refers to service firms distributing their products in many
different forms and places is called ____________?
(a). Servitization
(b). Globalization
(c). Ubiquitization
(d). Mass customization


In the craft era there were 3 types of operations process; job shop, batch process and
(a). Mass process
(b). Assembly line
(c). Simple project
(d). Complex project


In the mass production era there were 4 types of operations process; complex project,
batch production, assembly line and ____________?
(a). Job shop
(b). Simple project
(c). Mass process
(d). Continuous flow process


According to Lowson (2003) the two viewpoints of operations strategy are the market
driven view and the ______________?
(a). Operations based view
(b). Resource based view
(c). Quality driven view
(d). Supply chain view


In a materials processing operation, which of the following process type is associated

with the highest volume and lowest variety?
(a). Job shop
(b). Batch process

AMF 202


(c). Mass process

(d). Continuous process

In a materials processing operation, which process is associated with the highest variety?
(a). Project
(b). Job shop
(c). Batch process
(d). Mass production

AMF 202

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