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Benguet Sate University

College of Nursing
Post-rotation Exam

Name:_______________________________________ Sec.____________Score:______________
NO erasures. NO cheating!
I. Multiple Choices: Encircle the correct answer.
1. A nurse is caring for a client with phobia who is being treated for the condition. The client
is introduced to short periods of exposure to the phobic object while in relaxed state. The
nurse understands that this form of behavior modification can be best described as:
A. Systematic desensitization
C. Self control therapy
B. Aversion therapy
D. Operant conditioning
2. The focus of this therapy is to have a positive environmental manipulation, physical and
social to effect a positive change.
A. Milieu
C. Behavior
B. Psychotherapy
D. Group
3. The client asks the nurse about Milieu therapy. The nurse responds knowing that the
primary focus of milieu therapy can be best described by which of the following?
A. A form of behavior modification therapy
C. A living, learning or working
B. A cognitive approach of changing the behavior D. A behavioral approach to changing
4. An 18 year old client is admitted with the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. A cognitive
behavioral approach is used as part of her treatment plan. The nurse understands that the
purpose of this approach is to:
A. Help the client identify and examine dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs.
B. Emphasize social interaction with the clients who withdraw.
C. Provide a supportive environment and a therapeutic community.
D. Examine intrapsychic conflicts and past events in life.
5. A client with schizophrenia tells the nurse, My intestines are rotted from the worms
chewing on them. This statement indicates a:
A. delusion of persecution
C. somatic delusion
B. delusion of grandeur
D. jealous delusion
Situation: Pastillas Gurl has been diagnosed with Bipolar 1 disorder. She demonstrates
extreme psychomotor agitation, flight of ideas, loud talking and elated mood.
6. Which of the following is true about manic reaction?
A. It is an expression of destructive impulse.
B. A means of coping with frustrations and disappointments.
C. A means of ignoring reality.
D. An attempt to ward of feelings of underlying depression.
7. Nursing care plan for a client with Mania like Pastillas Gurl should give priority to:
A. Discourage her from manipulating the staff
B. Prevent her from assaulting other patient
C. Protect her against suicidal attempts.
D. Provide adequate food and fluid intake.
8. During a nurse patient interaction, Pastillas Gurl jumps rapidly from one topic to another.
This is known as:
A. Flight of ideas
C. Ideas of reference
B. Clang association
D. Neologism
9. The doctor ordered lithium. You know that this is indicated in patients with:

A. Depression
C. Schizophrenia
B. Mania
D. Anxiety disorders
10. What specimen is taken from a client when checking the lithium level of the body?
A. Blood
C. Urine
B. Stool
D. Sweat
11. The initial sign of dementia is:
A. Aphasia
C. Confusion
B. Forgetfulness
D. Restlessness
12. Bhag teyt, a Chinese client with Alzheimers disease has difficulty putting his pajamas.
This is known as:
A. Aphasia
C. Apraxia
B. Agnosia
D. Anomia
13. Dave is acting out hostile and aggressive feeling by kicking the chairs in the room, the
MOST effective way to deal with Daves behavior is initially to:
A. Set limits on the behavior by verbal command.
B. Administer PRN tranquilizer
C. Remove the chairs from the room.
D. Restrain the patient and place him in the Isolation Room
14. Which of the following must be considered while planning activities for the depressed
A. Activities which require exertion of energy
B. Challenging activities to get him out
C. Structured activities that the client can participate
D. Variety of unstructured activities.
15. To maintain a therapeutic eye contact and body posture while interacting with angry and
aggressive individual, the nurse should:
A. keep an eye contact while staring at the client
B. keep his/her hands behind his/her back or in ones pockets
C. fold his/her arms across his/her chest
D. keep an open posture, e.g. Hands by sides but palms turned outwards.
16. A patient in the ward suddenly slapped you in the face and spitted on your face and is
obviously agitated and violent. Which of the following is the best nursing action?
A. Tell the client, Because of that, you are not going to eat your lunch, dinner and breakfast
B. Slap the client back and say I am your nurse, you are a patient and you have no right to
hurt me.
C. Prepare a 5 member team to restraint the client.
D. Respond by saying You are losing control of yourself, you slapped me and you spitted on
me and you are way out of control.
17. Therapeutic communication begins with:
A. Knowing the patient
C. Interacting with the
B. Trust
D. Knowing yourself
18. The client said I am troubled that my Son is starting to use drugs. The nurse replied,
Its troubling and painful for you, I feel sorry about this. The nurses reply is an example of:
A. Empathy
C. Telepathy
B. Sympathy
D. Self awareness
19. The longest and the most productive phase of NPR is:
A. Termination phase
C. Pre-orientation phase
B. Working phase
D. Orientation phase
20. Anticholinergic side effects are:
A. Dry mouth and constipation
B. Blurred vision
C. Urinary retention and urinary
D. All of the above

21. All are treatment for anxiety disorders

a. Librium
c. Valium
b. Klonopin
d. Dantrium
22. A Tricyclic Antidepressant:
a. Nardil
b. Surmontil
23. Health Teaching for a client taking
a. Maintain potassium intake
b. Maintain carbohydrates intake
c. Maintain sodium intake
d. Maintain calcium intake
24. Constant state of movement due to
strong urge to move about.
a. Dystonia
b. Tardive Dyskinesia
c. Akinesia
d. Akathisia
25. What is cluster b in personality
a. Anxious, fearful disorders
b. Odd, eccentric disorders
c. Dramatic, emotional, erratic
d. Odd, emotional erratic disorders
26. Pervasive pattern of criminal,
impulsive, callous, or ruthless behavior.
a. Avoidant Personality Disorder
b. Antisocial Personality Disorder
c. Borderline Personality Disorder
d. Schizoid Personality Disorder
27. The act of being humiliate, beaten,
bound, or otherwise made to suffer
a. Fetishism
b. Sexual Masochismc.
d. Sexual Sadism
28. Covering up a real or perceived
weakness by emphasizing a trait one
considers more desirable.

a. Displacement
b. Dissociation
c. Sublimation
d. Compensation
29. An attempt to increase self-worth by
acquiring certain characteristics of an
individual one so admires.
a. Identification
b. Intellectualization
c. Suppression
d. Rationalization
30. Preventing unacceptable or
undesirable thoughts or behaviors from
being expressed by exaggerating opposite
thoughts or types of behavior.
a. Regression c. Substitution
b. Undoing
d. Reaction
___________________ 1. Loss of interest or
pleasure in ordinary activities, including
___________________ 2. Thought or act of
taking ones own life.
___________________ 3. Misinterpretation of
actual stimuli.
___________________ 4. False beliefs that no
amount of reality can change.
___________________ 5. Unreal sensory or
perceptual experiences (in the absent of
actual stimuli).

Progression in Mild Depression (1pt)


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