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A lazy Susan is a rotating tray that sits in the middle of a dinner table and makes it easy
for everyone to help themselves to its contents. The flat circular tray turns on ball
bearings when you push it to the right or left.
a. Why is it harder to spin the tray when it's heavily loaded with dishes?
To spin the tray, acceleration is produced whereby a force acts on the tray directly. The
greater the weight of the tray (mass) the harder it is to spin the tray. This is according to
Newtons second law of motion.
b. What law of physics explains why the tray continues to rotate (for a while) even after
you stop pushing on it?

The law of inertia, which is Newton's First Law of Motion which states that an object will
remain at rest or move at a constant speed unless it is acted on by an opposing force.
c. What style of eating might have a lazy Susan, congee, and tea?
d. If you spin the tray too quickly, objects begin to fly off it. Why do they leave the tray
and in what direction do they travel once they leave?

This happens due to centrifugal force, which is defined as, a force, equal and opposite to the
centripetal force, pushing the dishes rotating on the tray away from the center of rotation,
which is facilitated the inertia of the dishes on the tray

2. Offset printing is a high speed way for newspapers to be printed in color

a. What does offsetting do in printing process?


In offsetting the images are on metal, which are plates are transferred (offset) to rubber
blankets or rollers and then to the print media (usually paper). The print media does not
come into direct contact with the metal plates. This prolongs the life of the plates.
b. What is a Pixel, beyond being a bad movie?

In digital imaging, a pixel or picture element is a physical point in an image, or the smallest
addressable element in an all points addressable by a display device.
c. Why would a reporter want to "stop the presses"?

It is a phrase indicating the arrival of extremely significant news or the discovery of an

extremely grave error. The phrase is common in an idiomatic co ntext, referring to the
discovery of significant information and is often used sarcastically.
d. Why does high speed offset printing need to use tensioned rollers?

When tension is applied to a rubber rollers, it stretches more compared to tension that is
applied to a steel band, it also stretches, but much less.

3. Music is created by using a number of physical principles.

a. What role does rosin play in aiding a violin player?

Violin rosin is applied to the bridges to the violin and other musical instruments, such as
the banjo, in order to prevent the bridge from moving during vigorous playing.

b. Why does a good violinist quickly move their index finger while holding a note? What
is this technique called?

This technique is called finger vibrato, it is usually used for changing the tone of the violin
c. What are opposite roles of a hammer and felt in creating notes on a piano.

The strings vibrate when they are hit by a hammer within the piano while the felt is used to
cover the damper that keeps keeps the strings from vibrating when they are not being played
d. What is the difference of being out of tune, and out of phase?

Out of phase is being out of synchrony or harmony while out of tune describes having
incorrect pitch or intonation.

4. An item falling eventually reaches terminal velocity.

a. What is this, and how fast is it?


Terminal velocity is the highest velocity achievable by an object as it falls through air. It
happens once the sum of the drag force (Fd) and buoyancy is equal to the downward force of
gravity (FG) acting on the object.
b. How does friction affect velocity?

Friction reduces the magnitude of the applied force. This reduces the acceleration.
F = MA where F is the magnitude of force and mass (M) is constant.
V = A* t Since A is smaller, therefore the velocity increases at a slower rate.
5. Can a parachute stop an individual who is falling at terminal velocity?

Parachutes are designed to reduce your terminal velocity by about 90 percent so you hit the
ground at a relatively low speed of maybe 56 meters per second (roughly 20 km/h or 12
mph), preferably, so you can land on your feet and walk away unharmed. However it should
be noted that the parachute cannot stop an object falling at terminal velocity to zero.
6. Why does a space capsule need to have heat tiles on the leading edge for safe re-entry?

These heat tiles constitute the biggest defence to the heat encountered during re-entry into
earths atmosphere. The space capsule must be able to withstand extreme temperatures
generated by friction and air deflections during the re-entry process.

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