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Here is a rapid "get_start" for windows: "Laz4Android + Lazaru Azandroid Module
Note 1: for Linux: go to " lazandroidmodulewizard folder "...\linux"
and read: "new_how_to_install_by_renabor.txt"
I. Infrastructure
.Java sdk_x86 [32 bits]
.Android sdk, NDK-r10c
.Laz4Android [All in one!] =
FPC: 3.1.1 trunk svn 31903
-->> win32/arm-android/i386-android/jvm-android
Note: Need Android NDK: r10e (arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 + x86-4.
Lazarus:1.5 trunk svn 49903
-->> http://sourceforge.net/projects/laz4android/files/?source=n
:To Install [*.7z], execute "build.bat"
.Android sdk
.Android NDK-r10e

this version is required by "Laz4Android" [Last update:


.Ant [to build Apk]
Simply extract the zip file to a convenient location...
.Eclipse is not mandatory! [but to facility, all projects [and demos] are Ecli
pse compatible!]
II. LAMW: Lazarus Android Module Wizard
ref. https://github.com/jmpessoa/lazandroidmodulewizard
.Install ordem.
1. Configure Paths:
Lazarus IDE menu "Tools" ---> "[Lamw] Android Module Wizard" --> "Path
Settings ..."
2. New Project [thanks to @Developing!]

After install "LAMW" packages:

2.1-From Lazarus IDE select "Project" -> "New Project"
ref. https://jmpessoa.opendrive.com/files?Ml85OTEwMDQ3OV9BRW45VA
2.2-From displayed dialog select "JNI Android Module [Lamw GUI]"
2.3-Press OK Button.
2.4. From form "Android Module wizard: Configure Project..." [Workspace
ref. https://jmpessoa.opendrive.com/files?Ml85OTEwMDU1Nl9YVE5qUg
2.4-Fill/complete the field:
"Path to workspace [project folder]"
example c:\LamwProjects
2.5-Fill/complete the field:
"New Project Name [or Selec
example: MyProject1
[This is your Android App/Apk name]
2.6-Select your Sdk [installed] Platform:
example: Jelly Bean 4.1
2.7-[MinSdk] Select the min. Sdk Api to compile your project:
example: 15
2.8-[TagetApi] Select the target [api] device
example: 19
2.9-Select Instruction:
example: ARMv6
2.10. If Arm then Select Fpu:
example: Soft
2.11-Save All [unit1.pas] in path that is showed ...
3. From "Android Bridge" component tab drag/drop a jTextView in jForm
set property: PosRelativeToParent = [rpTop,rpCenterHorizontal]
4. From "Android Bridge" component tab drag/drop a jButton
in jForm
set property: Anchor = jTextView1
set property: PosRelativeToAnchor : [raBelow]
set property:PosRelativeToParent = [rpCenter]
write code for event property "OnClick" = ShowMessage('Hello!')
5. Lazarus IDE menu "Run" ---> "Buld"
6. Connect your Device to Computer [usb] and configure it to "debug mode"
"App settings" ---> more/aditional -- developer options [*]:
stay awake [checked!]
usb debugging [checked!]
verify apps via usb [checked!]

PANIC! Go to Google search with "android usb debugging <device name>" to

get the operating mode adapted to your device...
ex. Galaxy S3/S4 --> app settings --> about -->> Build number -->> [tap,
ex. MI 2 --> app settings --> about -->> MIUI Version -->> [tap,tap,tap,
7.Lazarus IDE menu "Run" ---> "[Lamw] Build Apk and Run" [Congratulations!!!]
8.PANIC!!! Fail to buid "Apk"
.Try change project "AndroidManifest.xml" according your system install
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="15" android:targetSdkVersion="1
hint: other target:

"android:targetSdkVersion" !!

.Change your project "build.xml" according your system installation...

<property name="target" value="android-17"/>
9. How to configure a Demo to Use/Test:
.Lazarus IDE menu Open a [*.lpi] Demo Project


.Lazarus IDE menu "Tools" ---> "[Lamw] Android Module Wizard" --> "Change
Project [*.lpi] Ndk Path"
.set your "NDK" path!
.change/edit project "build.xml"

according your system..

<property name="sdk.dir" location="C:\adt32\sdk"/>

10. There are some others docs:
Thank you!
by jmpessoa at [josemarquespessoa_gmail_com]
[updated: 08 august 2015]
FAQ: [Thanks to @developing!]
#Question: How do we can design a custom layout that shown same in real device?
[Answer]: You should use:

1-Put a "jTextView" component on your AndroidModule form.
Set "PosRelativeToParent"
"rpCenterHorizontal" [True]
"rpTop" [True]
2-Put a "jButton" component on AndroidModule form.
Set "Anchor" to "jTextView" (Because you should set position relative wi
th "jTextView")
set "PosRelativeToAnchor"
"raBelow" [True]
3-Put a "jEditText" component on form.
Set "Anchor" to "jButton".
Set "PosRelativeToAnchor"
"raBelow" [True]

Anchor setting is most important section of this design,

because your component position depends on this property.
And for change width and/or height of each components you should
change/configure "LayoutParamWhidth" and/or "LayoutParamHeight".

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