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Reading List

Aint I a Woman: Black Women

and Feminism - bell hooks

Resources for
Survivors and
Loved Ones of
Network for Victim Recovery
of DC- Offers free legal and
therapeutic services for
survivors of crime in the District
regardless of income.

Women, Race, and Class Angela Davis

202-742-1727 ; info@nvrdc.org

Feminism is for Everybody:

Passionate Politics bell hooks

Provides counseling and support

services for survivors of rape
and incest as well as community
education programs.

Bad Feminist Roxane Gay

Redefining Realness: My Path to
Womanhood, Identity, Love &
So Much More Janet Mock
Sister Outsider: Essays and
Speeches Audre Lorde
Mapping the Margins:
Intersectionality, Identity
Politics, and Violence Against
Women of Color Kimberl
Chicana Feminist Thought: The
Basic Historical Writings Alma
M. Garcia
Borderlands / La Frontera: The
New Mestiza Gloria Anzalda
The Hidden Face of Eve: Women
in the Arab World Nawal El

DC Rape Crisis Center-

Crisis Hotline - 202-333-RAPE
Planned Parenthood-


Provides STI screening and

treatment, emergency
contraception, birth control,
pregnancy testing, and abortion
Find your local center at

You are not


The advocacy of
political, social,
and economic
equality of all


How YOU Can Do Your Part to

Help Beat Rape Culture:
Support survivors! Believe any one who says they were

Why Were Here:

On February 6th at 8 PM local time, followers of
Daryush Valizadeh (aka Roosh V), self-proclaimed
anti-feminist and pick-up artist, planned to
meet in 165 locations in over 40 countries to
further their racist, sexist, and downright
dangerous agendas. Many meetings were
canceled after major backlash from feminists
and the media.
Roosh V, who advocates for the legalization of
rape on private property, runs a blog with
thousands of followers. Headlines from blog
posts include, Men Benefit from Acting
Potentially Violent and Explosive Around
Women, American Women are Only Good for
One Thing, and Women Have Reduced
Themselves to Sexual Commodities.
We are protesting these meetings tonight to
show that we will not sit back and let rapists and
rape apologists get away with disrespecting
women and treating them as objects. Were here

assaulted. It is not your job to prove someone innocent or guilty.

Many barriers keep people from coming forward about their
assaults, and the fear of not being believed or even facing
retaliation for supposedly lying is a major one.

Challenge gender roles! The idea that men are supposed to

be aggressive and women are supposed to be submissive
contributes to high rates of sexual assault. Being forced to fit into
a box hurts everyone!

Educate yourself and your friends! Read books, watch videos,

and utilize the internet. There are tons of resources out there to
help you better understand how rape culture permeates all
aspects of our society.

Speak up! Dont let inappropriate and dangerous comments fly

by. Rape jokes arent funny, and when no one speaks up, it
reinforces the idea that those beliefs are okay.


money or time to local non-profits that support

survivors! DCRCC and NVRDC rely on community support to
continue offering vital services.

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