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Assignment parliamentary democracy of the

Netherlands 2016
After doing the test the results showed that the VVD
is the party that I agree the most with. The VVD is a
right-wing, liberal party. They are non-confessional as
they do not base their programs on religious beliefs.
The VVD is progressive because they think forward,
in favour of change and focused on the future. For
example they want soft drugs to be legalised in EU
context. This is something that is focused on the
future because it has not been legalised. If it will be
legalised it will be a big change in Europe.
Statement 1: Voor ons staat vast dat vluchtelingen
recht hebben op veiligheid. Maar dat hoeft niet in
Europa te zijn.
As the refugees are a big problem in the Netherlands
and every other country in Europe at the moment, I
think we are in need of a good solution. The VVD thinks it is a good solution to build safe
harbours in the regions where the refugees come from. This will make sure not only the rich
refugees can flee, but also the poor refugees. Also they want to invest money in creating
safe zones in the regions, this would make sure that asylum applications in Europe are no
longer needed. In my opinion this still would not solve the whole problem, but it sure will
change the whole situation in Europe as there would be less refugees coming to Europe.
Statement 2: De VVD wil uitkeringen, paspoorten en verblijfsvergunningen van jihadis
afpakken. Wie naar de jihad afreist, verliest het recht om Nederlander te zijn.
The VVD does not want that anyone from the Netherlands travels to the Middle-East to fight.
If a fighter comes back from the Middle-East he will be put in jail immediately. This will make
sure that there are not (many) Dutch Jihadists, because they will lose their Dutch nationality
and would not be able to live here anymore. Personally I think this is a good solution as this
means that if someone travels to the Middle-East he can not come back and be well trained.
Another advantage is that if they can not go to the Middle-East they can not make the
opponent stronger. This is important, because our country has to stay safe and we should be
able to live without being scared for a potential attack.
Statement 3: Wij willen de pabos en lerarenopleidingen verbeteren, zodat leraren beter
voorbereid voor de klas komen te staan.
The VVD thinks that teachers are the engine of education. They want teachers to be
professionals, who continue to constantly work on their own knowledge and skills. Good
teachers, who make the most of their classes, deserve more appreciation, for example in the
form of a higher salary. I agree with this statement, because a lot of students will not reach
their full potential because they are not motivated enough. If the teacher training college is
improved than the level of the teachers will improve as well.

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